Monday, December 09, 2013 LUNCH: Bosco sticks with sauce, green beans, applesauce. With the changing weather, please make sure you give yourself enough time to make it to school by 8:00. Drive safely. FCCLA carolers! We depart after UT bus returns today, about 3:25 p.m. We will return by 6:30-6:45. We will stop for supper on the way back. Mrs. Poel. Just a reminder to all BHC Speech, English 102, and AP Calculus students to have your pink registration form turned in to Ms. Bakener by Friday, December 13. There are granola bars available in the office sponsored by FCCLA $.50 each. December is Drinking and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. This reminds us to make responsible choices when it comes to getting behind the wheel and who we choose to be in a vehicle with. Henry County Court Services will be here on Monday, December 9 th , over the lunch hour to assist you in making a pledge to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. There will be prizes given at each school and a final grand prize drawing will take place with all the schools. P lease stop by their booth to sign your “I Pledge” card and get your “I Pledge” bracelet. Auditions for the 2014 Spring Play "Anne of Green Gables" will be next Wednesday and Friday Dec. 11th and 13th. Wednesday's auditions will be from 3 - 5pm, Friday auditions will be 7:00am - 7:45am and 3 - 4pm. Please make sure to bring any and all conflicts you may have next semester. If you have any questions please see Mr. Holmes. JV Scholastic Bowl will have their first practice Monday from 3:10 - 4:00pm in the music room. See Mr. Holmes if you have any questions. Today during 8th period student council will be selling Whitey's ice cream for $1. If you are in study hall 8th you may purchase then eat the ice cream in the commons. Please report to your 8th period class first. Proceeds will go to Toys for Tots. All NaNoWriMo participants: our final celebratory meeting will be Friday, December 13th after school in Mr. Lister's room. Bring a writing sample from your story as well as food or drink to share! The OHS Spirit Squad and Orion Middle School are collecting Toys for the Toys For Tots Program put on by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. Drop off locations include Orion High School and Orion Middle School. Please bring in new, unwrapped toys by 10 am on Monday, December 16. Individuals who bring toys to the Friday, December 13 home basketball game will receive five cake raffle tickets for each toy donated. Students will also receive free admission into the game for donating a toy (one toy per student). The Marine Corps will then distribute toys to children who are less fortunate throughout our local communities in hopes of bringing joy to children at Christmas time. As many of you may be aware, Brandt Holst suffers from pauciarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis. He has had many surgeries and has undergone many treatments to help him deal with the effects of this auto-immune disease. Brandt and his family have actively been involved in the Jingle Bell Run in the past in Cedar Rapids. The one thing that keeps Brandt going each day is his passion for football. This year, there is going to be a run/walk in the Quad Cities on December 14 at Southpark Mall at 8 a.m. This is the first year for the race in the Quad Cities. Please make an effort to sign up and support this cause. This link also features Brandt, Wesley Tennant, and Jodi Roberts as honorees of the race. There are sign up forms in the office. 31st Annual Rod and Custom Shoe Jan 24, 25, and 26th, 2013. Teens from local high schools can enter their cars to be judged in a special class, “The High School Coolest Car Challenge”. This indoor event will feature new and old makes and models of all types of vehicles. Enter for the chance to be in the 97x Dwyer and Michaels car Calendar. The winning high school will receive a donation to their after prom program. You can get an entry form If any questions contact Norton Productions at 799-7625 Augustana Christmas Tickets: There are a limited number of Free “Messiah” tickets available for QC JR. High and High School students and their families. Due to a generous funding from the Meredith Foundation. Please contact the Augustana Ticket office at 794-7306 for details. The Messiah is a choir performance by the Augustana choir. Dates are Dec 14, Dec 15th. Mon. Dec 9th: GBB vs. Hall High School (H) SO at 6:00, V 7:30. Tues. Dec 10th: Wrestling vs. Rockridge/Amboy/Newman (H) 5:00. Wed. Dec 11th: WR at Putnam Co. High School 5:00, GBB at ROWVA SI at 6:00, V at 7:30. FFA Parliamentary Procedure 5:00. Thurs. Dec 12th: FFA Parliamentary Procedure SNOW DATE. Fri. Dec 13th: BBB (H) vs. Princeton SO at 6:00 V at 7:30. Sat. Dec 15th: WR at Mercer County Monster Mash. GBB at Wethersfield. SO at 6:00, V at 7;30. BBB SOPH at Erie Tournament. Sun. Dec 15th: Music Winterfest, Choir and Band 2:30 Mon. Dec 16th: GBB at Cambridge SO at 6:00, V at 7:30. BBB SOPH at Erie Tournament. SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION: Children of Veterans Tuition Waiver. Potential University of Illinois students may apply for this four-year in-state tuition waiver at the University of Illinois, which may be used at any of the University of Illinois campuses. Up to six tuition waivers are awarded per county. Please visit for more information and/or an application. Augustana Art Scholarships. Prospective art students are invited to submit original work to the Augustana Department of Art for a portfolio review, with a chance of earning a renewable art scholarship of up to $4,000. Students must schedule a portfolio review for either January 18 or February 15. Please visit portfolio for an application and/or more information. River Valley Cooperative is offering 10 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to high school seniors planning to pursue a degree in an agriculture related field. Deadline to apply is February 1. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Quad City Engineering and Science Council Scholarship. Seniors planning to pursue a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) degree at a four-year post-secondary institution may apply for this scholarship, ranging from $1000 to $3000. Deadline to apply is January 17. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Beta Sigma Psi Christian Leadership Award and Martin Luther Scholarship. Senior males, planning to attend college in the fall, and are confirmed members of a Lutheran congregation may apply for the Christian Leadership Award ($1,500) and/or Martin Luther Scholarship ($2,000). Deadline to apply is February 15. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Fred S. Bailey Scholarship. Seniors who are planning to attend University of Illinois and demonstrate commitment to service, community involvement, leadership, and awareness may apply for this $3000 scholarship. Deadline to apply is February 7. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Illinois PTA Scholarship. Seniors planning to pursue a degree in the field of education or an education-related field may apply for this $3000 scholarship. Deadline to apply is February 14. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarship. Seniors planning to continue their education at a post-secondary institution may apply for this scholarship. Deadline to apply is January 21. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences EDGE (Early Degree Guaranteed Entry) Program. Please see Ms. Bakener for more information. Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences Shadow Visit. Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to shadow a Nursing, Radiography or Respiratory Care classroom and/or laboratory experience at Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences. Please see Ms. Bakener for more information. The Illinois Odd Fellow -Rebekah Scholarship. Seniors planning to continue their education in any post secondary school as well as are affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows may apply for this scholarship. Deadline to apply is March 1. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Stokes Educational Scholarship Program. Seniors planning to major in computer science or computer/electrical engineering may apply. With the Stokes Program, students will attend college full-time, then work during the summer at NSA's (The National Security Agency) main headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, for a minimum of 12 weeks in an area related to their field of study. Students will acquire real-world experience and receive a salary year-round. After graduating college, students will be offered a position in their area of study in the world of NSA. This program offers paid tuition up to $30,000 per year, a year-round salary, rewarding work experience, and guaranteed employment. 2014 Organ/Tissue Donor Awareness Student Poster Contest! The Secretary of State, Jesse White, is looking for students (K-12) to submit art work that will help increase awareness of organ and tissue donation. Each winning student will receive prizes and gift cards and a chance to not only attend a ceremony this spring in his Springfield Office at the Capitol Building, but also have their poster displayed in the Secretary of State Driver Services Facilities, libraries, and hospitals statewide. Entries must be postmarked by January 31, 2014. Please visit for more information. St. Ambrose University Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program is accepting applications, until February 15, 2014, from qualified high school students interested in this health care profession. Please see Ms. Bakener for more information and an application. HyVee Foundation Scholarship Program. Seniors who are working for Hy-Vee or have a parent/guardian who is a full-, regular-, or part-time HyVee employee may apply for this $1,000 scholarship. Deadline to apply is February 10. Visit for an application and/or more information. The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Scholarships Program. Any graduating senior may apply for this scholarship. Deadline to apply is January 21. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Iowa/Illinois Regional Auto Show Scholarship. Seniors planning to attend College or a Technical Trade School with ties to the automotive industry may apply for this scholarship. Deadline to apply is January 3. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Henry County Right to Life Scholarship. Seniors planning to attend any post-secondary education may apply for this $500 scholarship. Deadline to apply is January 6. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Mediacom World Class Scholarship. Seniors planning to attend an accredited post-secondary institution may apply for this $1,000 scholarship (awarding 60 individuals). Deadline to apply is February 15. Please visit for an application and/or more information. Community Foundation - Great River Bend ( is a great resource for parents and students to search local and surrounding area scholarships as well as provides grant and loan information. The following scholarships are applicable to Orion students, and will be open for students to begin applying November 1... * Brand Boeshaar Scholarship - Art Studies Scholarship. * Diana (Diane) De Pover-Nesseler Memorial Scholarship - Female planning to attend a community college in the Quad City area. * Don E. & Charlotte Williams Scholarship * Edwin R. Adland & Ruth H. Adland Scholarship - Students planning to attend Augustana College, Iowa State University, or University of Northern Iowa. * Great River Bend Cyclone Award Scholarship - Students planning to attend Iowa State University. * Iowa-Illinois Regional Auto Show Scholarship - Students who have a family member employed at a new car dealership, but who also plan to attend an Automotive Technical/Trade School. * Kelly Marie McQuate Memorial Scholarship - Senior who has lost a mother or father. * Louis F. Bulecheck Memorial Scholarship PARENT CORNER: Do you have a senior student in a winter sport? Are you interested in ordering Senior Parent/Grandparent apparel to wear – especially for senior night? You can also add a name and number to the back of the apparel. Check out the following website and order your shirt through Quality Group. All orders will only be accepted online and payment is expected at the time of the order. The website will be open from now until December 15th in order to get the order of shirts by Monday, January 6th. Please contact Deanna Hutcherson,, (309) 738-3138, with any questions. Attention Junior & Senior Parents: Please mark your calendars for our 1st scheduled After Prom Meeting. It is important to attend the monthly scheduled meetings for all planning purposes. You are required to be in attendance for at least 2 meeting in order to be able to work the After Prom Event. Here is the meeting information: AFTER PROM MEETING - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12TH - 6PM - OHS LIBRARY - Any questions please contact Sheri Schulenberg or Jennifer Johnson