1 Bayot Friedreich ataxia: Viability of the vicious circle hypothesis Aurélien Bayot°,+ (PhD), Renata Santos* (PhD), Jean-Michel Camadro* (PhD), and Pierre Rustin°,+ (PhD) ° Inserm, U676, Physiopathology and Therapy of Mitochondrial Disease Laboratory, 75019 Paris, France; +Université Paris-Diderot, Faculté de médecine Denis Diderot, IFR02, Paris, France; *Institut Jacques Monod (UMR 7592 CNRS – Université Paris-Diderot), Mitochondria, Metals and Oxidative Stress Laboratory, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France Correspondence to: Pierre Rustin, Inserm U676, Bâtiment Ecran, Hôpital Robert Debré, 48 boulevard Sérurier, 75019, Paris, France E-mail: pierre.rustin@inserm.fr Title : 58 characters Abstract: 142 words Text: 3081 words References: 68 1 Figure, 2 tables Tel +33 1 40 03 19 89 Fax +33 1 43 03 19 95 2 Bayot Abstract Since the involvement of frataxin in Friedreich ataxia (FA) was discovered in the late 1990s, the function of frataxin has been generating vigorous debate. Very early on, we suggested a unifying hypothesis according to which frataxin deficiency leads to a vicious circle of faulty iron handling, impaired iron-sulfur cluster synthesis, and increased oxygen radical production. However, data from cell and animal models now indicate that iron accumulation is an inconsistent and late event and that frataxin deficiency does not always result in impaired iron-sulfur cluster synthesis. In contrast, frataxin deficiency in these models is consistently associated with increased sensitivity to reactive oxygen species, as opposed to increased oxygen radical production. Even though the vicious circle concept may be erroneous, the hypothesized chain of deleterious events related to reactive oxygen species hypersensitivity supports the early use of antioxidants to slow FA disease progression. Keywords: Mitochondrial disorder, Ataxia, Frataxin, Iron-sulfur cluster, Reactive oxygen species sensitivity 3 Bayot Introduction Friedreich's ataxia (FA), the most prevalent form of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia in Caucasians, is characterised by progressive ataxia and dysarthria [1]. The symptoms usually become apparent around puberty, although onset may occur much later in life (>60 years). The neurological features include sensory neuropathy, deep sensory impairment, signs of pyramidal-tract involvement, and progressive cerebellar dysfunction. The non-neurological manifestations vary but, among them, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is common. Diabetes occurs in roughly one third of patients [1]. FA therefore appears a rather heterogeneous disorder. It is caused by a GAA trinucleotide repeat expansion in the first intron of the frataxin encoding gene (FXN), which results in decreased gene expression and partial loss of function of the frataxin protein in the mitochondrial matrix [2]. This impairs iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) proteins, decreasing aconitase and mitochondrial respiratory chain activity[3], results in hypersensitivity to oxidative stress [4, 5] and accumulation of iron in affected organs [6]. To develop rational treatments for FA, we must elucidate the underlying pathophysiology. Here, based on recent studies of various conditions in many different organisms (from micro-organisms to human) we argue for a prominent and early role of impaired responses to oxidative insults in FA. The vicious circle The cellular consequences of frataxin loss of function were initially described as faulty iron handling, impaired ISC synthesis, and increased reactive oxygen species production [3]. We and others hypothesized that a vicious circle linked these three abnormalities (Fig. 1A) and that targeting any of the three would consequently be as effective in slowing disease progression as targeting one or both of the other two abnormalities. 4 Bayot Frataxin deficiency is not consistently associated with impaired iron-sulfur cluster synthesis or stability We first reported in 1997 the deficiency of iron-sulfur protein activity as the signature of frataxin depletion in humans. Most tissues investigated, including skeletal muscle, lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts, were spared, and the deficiency was only observed in the heart and reported later in post-mortem brain tissue. Since this initial observation, a series of remarkable works by the group of R. Lill, carried out on frataxin-lacking yeast, have conclusively demonstrated that frataxin has the capacity to participate in iron-sulfur cluster synthesis through its interaction with biosynthesis machinery. However, in a number of conditions, frataxin-depletion was not found associated with decreased activity of ISP (iron-sulfur cluster-containing protein). In particular, as noted above, studies of frataxin-depleted cultured human skin fibroblasts, circulating lymphocytes, or lymphoblastoid cell lines from FA patients found no decrease in ISC-containing proteins [3], although the frataxin content was less than 20% of the control value. Nevertheless these cells have a phenotype, responding abnormally to a whole range of oxidative insults [5, 7, 8]. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae also identified conditions under which even in the total absence of frataxin, a significant synthesis of ISCs took place [9]. Thus, ISCs in frataxinlacking S. cerevisiae were still synthesized when the cultures were protected from oxygen exposure (>55% for 4Fe-4S as compared to control yeast)[9]. This established that the function of frataxin in ISC synthesis/stability is dispensable under these conditions, as it is in a number of organisms including archaea and Gram-positive bacteria[10], and possibly related to protection from oxygen-derived components. Intra-mitochondrial iron accumulation is a late event 5 Bayot As early as 1997, the intra-mitochondrial accumulation of iron was reported in the frataxinlacking yeast which led to the suggestion that frataxin regulates the export of iron from the mitochondrial matrix [11]. This echoed the even earlier observation that iron accumulation could be observed in post-mortem brain of patients[6]. Because reduced iron readily triggers deleterious Fenton chemistry, we and others have then proposed that iron could be instrumental in the pathophysiological process resulting in Friedreich ataxia[12]. However, except for some circumstantial reports [4], attempts to detect significant mitochondrial-iron accumulation in frataxin-depleted human fibroblasts and lymphoblasts, or changes in mitochondrial labile (reactive) iron, failed [13]. Mitochondrial iron accumulates in frataxin-depleted cells only as a consequence of severely diminished ISC synthesis resulting in amorphous non-reactive intra-mitochondrial precipitates of nanoparticles of ferric phosphate [14]. Accordingly, in mouse tissues lacking frataxin, mitochondrial-iron deposition is a late event that follows the loss of ISC-containing proteins [15]. Altogether, these data suggest that mitochondrial iron accumulation is not an instrumental factor in the early steps of FA pathogenesis. Frataxin depletion does not cause overproduction of superoxides From the putative respiratory chain impairment and/or of the iron-associated Fenton chemistry presumably resulting from iron mishandling, it has been inferred that frataxindepletion should result in overproduction of oxidant species. An assumption that was confirmed by the report of increased oxidative insult to DNA in FRDA patients[16]. However, under a number of conditions no increase of oxidative species could be detected and the mitochondria from frataxin-depleted cells (i.e. fibroblasts) do not significantly produce more superoxides (as assessed by the MitoSox probe) than control cells and targeting 6 Bayot superoxides in frataxin-depleted human cell using manganese (III) tetrakis (4-benzoic acid) porphyrin (MnTBAP) failed to restore a normal phenotype in these cells (Rustin unpublished). Frataxin deficiency consistently results in hypersensitivity to oxygen radicals Numerous models have established that partial or complete frataxin deficiency results in varying degrees of respiratory-chain impairment. Superoxide production by the mitochondria is mostly proportional to the electron flow and to the reduction of critical components of the chain, while superoxide elimination essentially depends on superoxide dismutase activity. The very severe impairments in respiratory-chain and Krebs-cycle activity associated with the absence of frataxin presumably result in decreased superoxide production. Underestimation of the consequences of complete frataxin deficiency has led to the apparently paradoxical conclusion that oxidative stress may not play a major role in FA pathology [17]. In contrast, in affected human tissues and a number of FA models, respiratory-chain activity is only partially affected and the superoxide production machinery is therefore largely intact. In human fibroblasts with low frataxin contents, we found a slight but consistent (<30%) elevation in basal superoxide dismutase activity [8] indicating that the oxidative status might be slightly abnormal at least under conditions where the respiratory chain is fully active [18]. Similarly, mice with partial loss of frataxin show increased signs of lipoperoxidation [19] as opposed to mice lacking frataxin [17]. Studies of the antioxidant pools in frataxin-depleted cultured human cells showed significant decrease in reduced glutathione along with actin stress fiber disorganization [20], but little or no impact on the cells under basal conditions. However, these cells and their ironsulfur proteins showed exquisite sensitivity to an experimental oxidative insult [8], which often triggered rapid apoptosis [4, 5, 7]. This hypersensitivity was found in all frataxindeficient cell types and organisms, independently from abnormalities in mitochondrial ISC- 7 Bayot containing proteins or iron content (Table 1). It was also found across a wide range of insults including endogenous insults (respiratory chain blockade) and exogenous insults (various chemicals that generated oxidant species). These findings suggest impairment of a set of antioxidant defences, as opposed to one specific enzyme. Accordingly, impaired signalling of phase II antioxidant defences has been observed in frataxin-depleted human cells [8]. This impairment is related to abnormalities in the Nrf2 (nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2) transcription factor, which may result from disorganization of the actin stress filaments and abnormalities in the redox status of frataxin-deficient cells [8]. Concomitant impairments in related signalling pathways for mitochondrial components in response to the abnormal redox status of frataxin-depleted cells has also been reported [21]. Lessons from clinical practice Interestingly, myopathy without ataxia associated with impaired ISC synthesis was described recently [22]. This condition is due to mutation in the gene encoding the ISC scaffold protein (ISCU), where differential splicing among tissues largely explains the tissue specificity [23]. In contrast, frataxin is not known to have functionally important isoforms and expression of the protein appears widespread in the organism. In patients, despite variable tissue involvement, frataxin loss of function appears to be widespread in the organism with major consequences in the brain and the heart, and primary myopathy is not a consistent feature of this disease [24]. Because Frataxin has been reported to interact directly with the NFS1/ISCU protein complex during ISC biosynthesis [25], a certain level of overlap might be predicted at least in tissues where the NFS1 gene mutation causes a phenotype. The absence of such overlap is thus not easy to reconcile with the fact that the two proteins are involved in the same step of ISC biosynthesis in vivo (Table 2). A similar observation stands true regarding GRLX5 (an assembly factor for cellular ISC) [26], as a mutation in the exon 1 of the GRLX5 gene, 8 Bayot putatively leading to a deleterious splicing defect, results in sideroblastic anaemia without ataxia and no overlap with the FA phenotype [27]. Accumulation of mitochondrial iron and decreased cytosolic iron associated with the ABCB7 mutations, mostly missense mutations changing amino-acids in the C-terminal end of the transmembrane domain of the protein, results in cerebellar ataxia, albeit different from the FA, and includes sideroblastic anaemia[28, 29]. This ABC protein is involved in ISC export from the mitochondria to the cytosol [30]. Yeast studies showed preserved mitochondrial ISC-containing protein activity despite intra-mitochondrial iron accumulation [31]. However, as with frataxin depletion, hypersensitivity to oxidative stress has been reported in ABCB7 mutants [32], suggesting that a common mechanism resulting in impaired handling of reactive oxygen species may be involved at some point in both types of ataxia. Finally, the striking similarity of the symptoms in vitamin E deficiency and frataxin deficiency [33] both encompassing cerebellar ataxia with inconsistent cardiomyopathy [34] suggests similar cellular consequences of Frataxin and vitamin E depletion. Vitamin E acts chiefly as a membrane antioxidant, in concert with ubiquinone, and plays no role in ISC biosynthesis [35]. Thus, a comparison of the various clinical phenotypes (Table 2) is consistent with - obviously not proving per se - the view [36], emerging from studies of various situations and models (Table I), that frataxin depletion results primarily in increased sensitivity to oxidative stress (Fig. 1B). Conclusion Since the discovery of the gene mutation responsible for FA, major advances have been made in our understanding of this disease, despite the difficulties encountered in humans to access affected tissue, especially the brain. In particular, FA can now be regarded as a true mitochondrial disease, similarly to a number of mitochondrial ataxias due to different genetic 9 Bayot mechanisms [37]. The respective roles of deficient respiratory chain function (decreased ATP synthesis) and impaired oxygen handling in the clinical course remain to be determined in most of these diseases. However, in the case of FA, impaired oxygen handling appears crucial in the cascade of events determining the onset of the symptoms, and fits with the progressive degenerative course of the disease. Obviously, emphasizing the role of hypersensitivity to oxygen in triggering the FA disease does not shed any light on the undisputed contributing role of frataxin in ISC synthesis/stability [38, 39]. Yet, examination of the available data indicates that both processes can be dissociated under a number of conditions in different models, including human. Unfortunately, the molecular mechanism linking frataxin function to this hypersensitivity to oxygen is not yet established, similar to the exact role of the protein in ISC synthesis which is still a matter of intense debate. Frataxin has been claimed to activate import of iron in the cell [40], to chaperone iron [41, 42], or ISC [43, 44]; to act as a partner for [45] or inhibitor of [46] ISC synthesis. How frataxin deficiency shortage in mitochondria results in impaired signalling of antioxidant defenses in the cell cytosol is yet to be elucidated. So far it is only known that frataxin deficiency in human cells interferes with the redox status of the cell [20], thus presumably impairing the function of the Nrf2 [8], and possibly PGC1 [47] transcription factors. Hypersensitivity to oxidant insult is a consistent feature of human cells [4, 5, 7, 8]or animal models [48, 49] with low frataxin content (Tab. 1). This observation should not be confused with an increased production of oxidative species and peroxidized products - yet frequently observed and reported in about hundred papers -, which may not either be observed, especially if respiratory chain activity is too severely depressed, or accumulated if produced at low level. Finally in FRDA patients, oxidative markers and/or antioxidant enzymes are also modified in response to frataxin depletion [16, 50-53], which was an incentive to trial antioxidant molecules in this disease [54-56]. 10 Bayot Several ongoing clinical trials are evaluating interventions that target various steps in the pathogenic process: impaired frataxin synthesis, oxidative insults, and iron accumulation[57]. Idebenone, a short-chain coenzyme Q10 homologue, has been initially reported as effective (in a dosage of 5-20 mg/kg/d) in preventing cardiac hypertrophy in most patients [58], while having (in this dosage) little or no effect on the neurological abnormalities [18]. Interestingly, studying endomyocardial biopsies from a young patient with FA before and after idebenone treatment, we found that the drug largely restored the activity of ISC-containing proteins [59]. Since idebenone is a potent antioxidant, this finding suggests that loss of ISC-containing protein activity in vivo is due chiefly to increased oxidative degradation, and not to impaired synthesis, of these proteins. In this context, we may wonder why antioxidant therapies (e.g. idebenone, coenzyme Q10, etc) have such a limited impact on the neurological disease expression/course in Friedreich ataxia [60], although we still need even longer duration studies taking into account inter individuals variable response [61]. There is no definite answer to this question, however a number of indications suggest that intervention might be much too late. Indeed, it is a frequent observation in neurological diseases caused by mutations in genes (nuclear or mitochondrial) encoding mitochondrial proteins that symptoms are subsequent to extended auto-amplifying cell death resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction rather than from mitochondrial dysfunction itself (ATP decrease, metabolic blockade, etc). This can be observed in a number of animal models where early, partial or tissue-specific inactivation of such genes (Tfam, Aif) results in a delayed neurological phenotype, despite early mitochondrial dysfunction [62, 63]. Thus, Tfamdepleted neurons, despite severe respiratory chain deficiency, are viable for one month in the mouse without showing signs of the neurodegeneration which precedes neurological symptoms [62]. Similarly, despite early detectable complex I deficiency in the brain, the Harlequin mouse with depleted Aif protein only manifests significant symptoms after several 11 Bayot weeks or months of life in most individuals [63]. Likewise, loss of frataxin gene function in FA, although occurring early in the embryogenesis, has a several years-delayed neurological impact. Thus the onset of neurological symptoms associated with impaired mitochondrial function is possibly consecutive to the loss of neurons rather than to the mitochondrial dysfunction per se. Accordingly, any therapy aiming at counteracting mitochondrial dysfunction whatever the used strategy (modulating gene expression, gene therapy, pharmacological therapy) would be best tested if preceding disease installation. The present compilation of recent data on the pathological cascade in FA argues in favour of continuing the experimentation of antioxidants in FA despite deceptive results with last idebenone clinical trials, but care should be taken to focus on selected cohorts of patients within the presumed therapeutic window. Additional therapeutic strategies aiming at counteracting hypersensitivity to reactive oxygen species should also be developed. In keeping with this, pioglitazone, a PPAR-ligand improving natural antioxidant defences (including frataxin), is presently trialled in our hospital in France (two years, phase III trial started in 2009). Other approaches aiming at increasing frataxin levels – histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) [64], nonerythropoietic derivatives of erythropoietin [65] - may also result in decreasing cellular hypersensitivity to reactive oxygen species, as it has been shown a direct correlation between this hypersensitivity and the actual level of frataxin, from depletion to over expression [66]. It can be hoped that some of these promising compounds will prove effective in halting the progression of FA. Acknowledgments We are grateful to the organizations of Friedreich ataxia patients (BabelFamily, Ataxia UK, ACHAF, AISA, APAHE, FASI, FARA, RevaMoto, and AFAF) and to the Leduq foundation, for financial support. 12 Bayot Competing Interests. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors’ Contributions 13 Bayot Table 1 Consequences of frataxin depletion in various organisms Organism Increased Increased Hyper- Loss of Mitochondrial ROS1 peroxidation sensitivity ISP2 iron production/low products to oxidative activity overload glutathione Saccharomyces Ref insults +/++ +++ +++ +++ +++ [18] + n.d. +++ +++ ++ [67] n.d.3 n.d. +++ +++ n.d. [49] -/+ n.d. +++ +++ n.d. [68] n.d. +++ n.d. +++ - [19] n.d. n.d. n.d. +++ ++ [3] n.d. - +++ - - [13] + - +++ - - [8] cerevisiae yeast Arabidopsis thaliana plant Caenorhabditis elegans worm Drosophila melanogaster fly Mus musculus mouse (humanised) Homo sapiens heart Homo sapiens lymphoblasts Homo sapiens skin fibroblasts 1 ROS, reactive oxygen species. 2ISP, iron-sufur containing protein. 3n.d., not determined. 14 Bayot Table 2 Cardinal clinical symptoms associated with deficiencies in frataxin, vitamin E, ABCB7 (mitochondrial iron overload), GLRX5 (impaired ISC synthesis), and ISCU (impaired ISC synthesis) Clinical Symptom Frataxin Vitamin E ABCB7 GLRX5 ISCU deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency +++ +++ +++ - - Cardiomyopathy + + - - - Diabetes + (+) - + - (+) (+) - - +++ Sideroblastic anaemia - - +++ +++ - Hepatosplenomegaly - - - ++ - (+) (+) - - +++ Ataxia Myopathy Lactic acidosis +++: hallmark of the disease; ++: present in most cases; +: present only in a subset of patients or late in the course of the disease; (+): reported occasionally; -: usually absent. Disease symptoms shared with Friedreich ataxia are represented using a similar grey colour. 15 Bayot Legend Fig. 1 Refuting the vicious circle hypothesis for Friedreich ataxia A. According to the vicious circle hypothesis, frataxin depletion results in impaired ironsulfur cluster synthesis/stability with intra-mitochondrial accumulation of reactive iron. Reactive iron promotes Fenton chemistry, producing superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, which in turn will destroy more iron-sulfur clusters. B. In frataxin-depleted cells, deficient signalling of antioxidant defences sensitises the frataxin-free iron-sulfur clusters to reactive oxygen species. This antioxidant-sensitisation process results in intra-mitochondrial iron accumulation, mostly as amorphous non-reactive precipitates. 16 Bayot References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 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