I. Identification. 1. provides bibliographic citations (author, title, publication data) for information sources (often, but not always, periodical articles), brief summaries of the contents of the sources they cite intended to provide further guidance as to the contents of the sources, and their relevance to the information seeker. 2. a compilation of current and historical facts -- narrative, statistical and graphic (maps, country flags, etc.) -- on a wide array of topics usually published annually. 3. bound volumes of maps, often with accompanying textual and/or statistical information covering the entire globe, or specific geographic regions 4. a compilation or list of related works (books, periodical articles, electronic sources, etc.), providing bibliographic information (author, title, publication data) about each of the works listed usually grouped together works by a particular author or on a particular topic; can appear at the end of books or articles to document sources used in the preparation of the book or article, or can be published as stand-alone informational sources. 5. sources that provide personal data about and/or brief biographical sketches about prominent individuals usually covering specific geographic areas (e.g., Who’s Who in America) or professions (e.g., American Men and Women of Science). 6. in general, are books that provide word definitions, word origins, and word pronunciations, provide example of proper word usage. 7. dictionaries that attempt to include definitions for every word in the language 8. dictionaries that do not attempt to be as exhaustive or all-inclusive as unabridged dictionaries, but instead generally include only more commonly used words 9. dictionaries that focus specifically on tracing the origins and evolution in words and word meanings. 10. also called thesauri, these dictionaries list or group together words that convey the same meanings. 11. dictionaries that list and define words used in a specific discipline, profession, or area of specialized knowledge. 12. dictionaries that list and define words, often newly coined ones, that may not (yet) be considered part of the mainstream of the formal language 13. dictionaries that list and define words in languages other than English 14. dictionaries that match words in one language with their equivalents in another. Usually, one of the languages is English. 15. dictionaries list equivalent words in three or more languages 16. a list of persons, or of businesses or other types of organizations that contain standard information such as address or other contact information (possibly including e-mail or home page address) 17. a book or set of books containing informational articles on a variety of subjects, usually arranged in alphabetical order. 18. encyclopedias that include articles providing information from virtually every field of human knowledge 19. encyclopedias that focus on a specific discipline or field of study 20. essentially a dictionary of geographic or place names that usually provide the locations (i.e., longitude & latitude) for the places listed, and sometimes give the origins of the place names 21. a compendium or compilation of facts about a subject or group of related subjects 22. document the literature in specific disciplines or subject areas, provide bibliographic citations to information sources (often, but not always, periodical articles) 23. a book of rules or instruction on how to accomplish a task or perform a series of related tasks or activities 24. feature selected quotations or famous sayings on a wide array of themes and topics, or they can focus on specific authors (i.e., Shakespearean quotes), disciplines (i.e., business-related quotes), themes (i.e., political quotations), or nationalities or cultural groups (i.e., quotes from African Americans). 25. statistical data found in a variety of reference sources (almanacs, encyclopedias, atlases, handbooks, etc.), but numerous sources also exist that are devoted solely to statistical information, often either published by a federal, state, local, or international governmental agency, or are based upon statistics issued by various governments. 26. as the name implies, is an annual publication usually containing a compilation of facts (usually presented textually, graphically, and via statistics) pertaining to the events of the previous year. II. Matching Type A. Match the type of information needed with the appropriate source(s) TYPE OF INFORMATION NEEDED TYPES OF REFERENCE SOURCES TO USE 1. Basic or Essential Facts a. Dictionaries 2. Information about People b. Atlases, Gazetteers, individual Maps 3. Word Meanings, Word Origins, Word Pronunciation, etc. c. Almanacs, Handbooks & Yearbooks, Manuals, and Statistical Sources 4. General Reviews or Overviews of Topics d. Encyclopedias 5. Geographical Information e. Biographical Sources 6. Addresses, Phone Numbers & Other f. Dictionaries of Quotations Types of Locational/Finding Information 7. Lists of Information Sources on a Subject g. Bibliographies, Indexes & Abstracts 8. Quotations, Famous Sayings h. Directories III. Matching Type B. Examples of Various Types of Reference Sources. Match the title of the Reference Source to its Type. Type Title of Reference Source 1. Abstract Mexican-American Biographies: a Historical Dictionary 2. Almanac, General Dictionary of Anthropology 3. Almanac, Subject Macmillan Visual Dictionary: Multilingual Edition 4. Atlas, General Statistical Abstract of the United States 5. Atlas, Subject Historical Atlas of California 6. Bibliography Bibliography of African Art 7. Biographical Source--General Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America 8. Biographical Source--Specialized Encyclopedia of Associations 9. Dictionary, Unabridged American Men and Women of Science 10. Dictionary, Abridged Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations 11. Dictionary, Etymological Dictionary of Business Quotations 12. Dictionary, Synonyms / Thesaurus World Almanac 13. Dictionary, Subject Adoption: a Reference Handbook 14. Dictionary, Slang Encyclopedia Britannica 15. Dictionary, Foreign Language American Jewish Year Book 16. Dictionary, Bilingual Cassell's Spanish-English, English-Spanish Dictionary 17. Dictionary, Polyglot Hammond World Atlas 18. Directory, Company Information Please Business Almanac 19. Directory, Organizations Who’s Who in America 20. Directory, Individuals Oxford English Dictionary 21. Encyclopedia, General Dictionary of Afro-American Slang 22. Encyclopedia, Subject Roget’s Thesaurus 23. Gazetteer Columbia-Lippincott Gazetteer of the World 24. Handbook Psychological Abstracts 25. Index Readers Guide to Periodical Literature 26. Manual Chicago Manual of Style 27. Quotation Sources, General American Heritage Dictionary (college ed.) 28. Quotation Sources, Specialized Dictionary of Word Origins 29. Statistical Source Dun & Bradstreet Million Dollar Directory 30. Yearbook Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue francaise