Global Geography Exam Outline 2011 S2

Global Geography 12 ● C.P. Allen High School
Global Geography Exam Outline
Globalization Unit (Human Connections)
 Six Geographic Concepts (understand what they mean and be able to give examples from the course)
 Types of globalization and connections through globalization Also, types of globalization like political, geographical,
technological, cultural, etc.)
 Global Village – what does it mean? Give examples.
 Country classifications (MDC/LDC/LLDC – how is this determined? Where are they located? Be able to give examples and
characteristics of such countries.)
 Measures of development (GDP/GNP, PQLI)
 Interdependence, Interconnectedness
 The North-South gap (what is it, reasons for widening
“The Majority World” – LDCs/LLDCs (people of the south)
 Canada and globalization – what are some of our statistics (eg. IMR, population, life expectancy) and challenges (eg. poverty)?
 World Map – Major continents and countries within (study!)
Physical Connections
 Ecosystems and signs of crisis
 Gaia Hypothesis – person responsible for, concept and how it relates to our lives
 David Suzuki video “David Suzuki Speaks” – what was his message?
 Greenhouse effect – what it is, problems associated
 11th Hour documentary and handout
Natural Hazards and Disasters
 Difference between hazards and disasters
 Classifying natural disasters (atmospheric, biological and geological)
 Comparing and analyzing – 6 main factors
 Hurricane Katrina video and questions
 Different affects on MDCs/LDCs
 Role of humans in disasters
Human Caused Hazards and Disasters
 Climate change, Global Warming – causes, consequences, explanation of process. *Kyoto Protocol – where, when, why, who,
 Deserts and Desertification – what are the implications? Where are the desert areas and what areas are at high risk?
 Biodiversity, deforestation, desertification
 Pollution – point and non-point source
 World Population – approx. 6.75 billion
 Most populous regions and countries of the world
 Population policies around the world- articles and response
 Gathering information – the census
 All definitions (demography, push/pull factors, dependency ratio, etc.)
 Understand problems/limitations of population statistics
 Tools for analyzing population: population pyramid and demographic transition model (5 stages) – understand how you would
create these based on statistics and how you would explain them
 Problems associated with overpopulation/under population – know what issues MDCs and LDCs face in terms of population and
possible solutions
 Human Trafficking
 What is a resource? – 3 classifications
 Distribution of resources
 The Story of Stuff- Graphic organizer and video
 Green Revolution- food as a resource FIB
 Food Inc. - Food as a resource – be sure to use your worksheet and the textbook
 Water as a resource- article and graphic organizer
 Commoner’s Laws of Ecology
 Resources as commodities, e.g. food, oil, water
 Human factors affecting food resources- pp. 245-259
Exam Format: (2 hours, TOTAL 100 points)
Part OneMultiple Choice
Part Two
Part Three
True and False
Part Four
Part Five Short Answer
15 points (30 questions, ½ pt each)
10 points (20 items, ½ pt each)
10 points (rewrite all F statements)
22 points (graphing, analysis, table)
18 points (8 options, complete 3)
Global Geography 12 ● C.P. Allen High School
Part Six
25 points (topic, rubric, organizer/planner in advance)
GGS12 Final Exam Essay Rubric Semester 1 2011
Matters of
relevant examples from
course materials to support
and explore thesis
uses multiple basic examples
from course materials to
support thesis
uses one or two general
materials to support thesis
support for thesis is vague,
inaccurate, unrelated or not
 arrangement enhances
 engaging thesis
 logical, flowing body
 impactful conclusion
 effective arrangement of
 thesis is clear
 logical order to body
 conclusion brings key
points together
 arrangement of ideas is
 thesis lacks clarity
 some effort to order
concepts in body
 conclusion is repetitive
 ideas are all over the
 thesis is vague, confusing
or not present
 body is disorderly,
disconnected from thesis
 conclusion is a
partial/uneven summary
or not present
Few minor and no major
writing and grammar errors
communication of ideas are
Some minor and few major
writing and grammar errors
communication of ideas are
Several minor and some
major writing and grammar
errors that interfere with
communication are present
The number of minor and
major writing and grammar
errors interfere significantly
with communication of ideas
Essay Question Topic
This is a synthesis question. This means that in order to write the essay (answer the question) you will be required to draw on things
you have learned throughout the course; the essay is where you “bring it all together.” Show that you can answer the question below
by applying key ideas and examples from the Global Geography course. You will have time in class to work on all three essay
questions. Only one of these questions will appear on the exam.
1. There are food issues around the world. In some countries the issue is over-consumption, and in others it is
under-consumption. Using the following quote, 'Human health will continue to suffer on the anvil of profit'.
Dr R. Anderson. Explain how corporations, politics, and money affect how people around the world consume
2. The population of the world is predicted to reach 7 billion by the end of 2011. Can our planet support this
growing population? Support your answer with references to the impact on resources and the environment.
Also consider the impact on less developed countries compared to countries like Canada.
3. Many have argued that Earth is a “planet at risk,” do you agree with this statement? What can be done to
meet the challenges it is facing?
In essay form, explore this statement supporting your views with specific references to materials covered in class.
Make sure to:
 use a proper introduction with a thesis statement
 organize and communicate your ideas in a main body (supporting ideas, with examples from course materials) and
 write your essay using proper grammar, sentence and paragraph structure
 follow a logical sequence