Universite d’Abomey-Calavi Institut de Mathematiques et Sciences Physiques Colloquium Science, Mathematics and Society 19-25 January, 2004 l’Ecole Normale Superieure Porto-Novo, Benin Organization Committee: President and moderator: Dr. Netiva Caftori Secretary Dr. Eugene Ezin Members Dr. Joel Hounsou Uguette Taffoti Bakary Manga Herve Kadji Enjieu Journee de lundi 19 janvier 2004 9:00 Ouverture (opening): Prof. Ezin JP, directeur de l’IMSP Netiva Caftori: Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago (Fulbright scholar at the IMSP) 9:30 Sandy Turner: Univ. of Education, Winneba, Ghana (Fulbright scholar from Ohio university) ICT applications in Education 10:20 Pause 10:40 Debby Mir: Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, USA Interactive methods & collaborations for environmental education. 11:30 Jean-Michel Tchuenche: University of Agriculture, Nigeria. ICT applications in Education 12:00 Issifu Yidana: Univ. of Education, Accra, Ghana. ICT tools as enriching agents in Higher Education. 13:00 Dejeuner (lunch at the Institute) 15:00 Demonstration by Sandy Turner at the computer lab at the IMSP 15:50 Demonstration by Debby Mir at the computer lab at the IMSP Dinner on your own Journee de mardi 20 janvier 2004 9:00 Eugene Ezin: IMSP Consolidation algorithm for fingerprint identification with neural network 9:50 J.T. Hounsou, IMSP Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole et la Societe Africaine. 10:40 Pause 11:00 Marcel Mountsiesse, Congo, Brazaville. Fermat Last Theorem. 11:50 Atinuke Olusola Adebanji (& Joseph Lyaniwura): University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Ogun State, Nigeria Performance Evaluation of the Linear Discriminant Function for Housefold Poverty Level Classification. 12:40 Dejeuner (lunch) Free afternoon Journee de mercredi 21 janvier 2004 9:00 Debby Mir: L’eau en Israel et la question de paix. 9:50 Chris Thron: Tchad & USA Open source overview and opportunities. 10:40 Pause 11:00 Carl Levan: University of California, San-Diego. Civil liberties & civil society. 11:50 Eric Osiakwan: Ghana WSIS, so far not so good, tomorrow is another day for the Second Superpower 12:40 Dejeuner (lunch) 15:00 Konado Olivier Tieta: : Comment evaluer la demande en eau? 15:50 Students from the 1ere promotion de DSS: L’epuration des eaux usees. 16:40 Adolphe Degnide: Etudiant a l’IMSP Y-a-t-il risque de pollution des puits a Porto-Novo? 20:00 Dinner at Netiva’s house for the presenters. Journee de jeudi 22 janvier 2004 9:00 Netiva caftori, NEIU and IMSP Gender differences in computing 9:50 Kwami Ahiabenu: Ghana Information and Communications Technologies: Putting words into action. 10:40 Pause 11:00 Chris Thron: Tchad and USA Current & future opportunities in wireless communications. 11:50 Discussions 12:40 Dejeuner (lunch) 15:00 Serge Degla: IMSP student Quelques Oeuvres de Marcel PAGNOL et la Science 15:30 Fidele Balibuno Luganda: IMSP student: Problematique de l’enseignement de mathematiques en Afrique. 16:00 Herve Hadji Enjieu: IMSP student A self-sustained electromechanical device" 16:40 Marcel Mountsiesse, Congo Completing his proof of Fermat’s last theorem. Journee de vendredi 23 janvier 2004 This is your day to tour around. Visiting Aguegues, a floating village not too far is what is suggested. Other tours of Porto-Novo are possible and available. February 22-23 (exact time to be set later) Peter Johan Lor, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, SouthAfrica; written also by Johannes Britz, Professor of Information Science, University of Pretoria & visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Knowledge production, information flows and intellectual property: an African perspective. Organizing committee: Netiva caftori 28-01-57 Joel Hounsou 06-14-62 Eugene Ezin IMSP 22-24-55 Uguette Taffoti 40-82-26 Bakary Manga 68-13-93 Herve Kadji Enjieu 92-35-88 Mon 19th 9:00 9:50 10:40 11:00 11:50 12:40 15:00 15:50 16:40 Tues. 20th Ouverture Joel Hounsou JP Ezin Sandy Carlos Turner: Ogouyandjou Wed 21st Thu. Fri 23rd 22nd Pierre Netiva Pierre Dandjinou caftori Chris Kwami Carl Levan Thron Ahiabenu Sat. 24th To all who desire Trip to Aguegues Debby Mir Atinuke Adebanji Issifu Yidana Eugene Ezin Carl Levan Eric Osiakwan Chris Sandy Shola Ademimi Jean-Michel Tchuench Cost about 6000 F CFA Village on water Computer Adiouma lab Ndiougue Herve Hadji Students’ communications Olivier Tietta Debby Mir Students DSS Serge Degla Fidele Luganda Sun 25th We’ll take a pirogue (motorized boat) departures