Page 1 KARONGI DISTRICT STRATEGIC ISSUES PAPER FOR THE YEAR 2015/2016 A. INTRODUCTION This Strategic Issues Paper (SIP) serves to guide the District to prepare the Annual plan and the financial year starting in July 2015 to June 2016 as well as the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF July 2015/2016 – 2017/2018). It defines the Vision, Mission, objectives, priorities and key interventions which the district will undertake during the next fiscal year 2015/2016. The inter linkages between the Annual Action Plan and EDPRS 2 is to emphasis on the four pillars, Economic transformation, rural development, productivity and youth employment with the good governance aimed on the rapid socio economics growth of real GDP growth of 11.5. Finally, some priorities were defined based on the potentialities available in the district especially in the sector of Agriculture, Health, Education, Transport, Energy, Housing, Water and Sanitation, Private Sector development,… Karongi District is one of the Seven Districts which constitute the Western Province (Rusizi, Ngororero, Nyabihu, Nyamasheke, Rubavu, Rusizi and Rutsiro). Karongi District is composed by thirteen (13) Administrative Sectors (with 2 administrative Sectors located in town and 11 Sectors in rural), 88 Cells and 538 Administrative Villages. Karongi District extends over a total area of 993 km2 with beyond 331 808 inhabitants. So, this Strategic Issues Paper takes into consideration different problems in 13 Sectors and proposes alternatives solutions to solve them. B. STATEMENT OF POLICY OBJECTIVES Karongi District Development objectives come down to 4 pillars of Government of Rwanda Programme (Good Governance, Justice, Economic and Social in which MDGs, 2020 Vision, EDPRS, Economic Revolution, DDP, JADF "Joint Action Development Forum") and according to organic framework of Local Government and are in line with national objectives. These overall objectives include: Page 2 1. Promoting Accountable governance characterized by enhanced basis structures and delivering quick and quality services and by mobilizing and increasing the standing of all the forces of country in an inclusive and sustainable manner in the involvement of the national programmes. 2. Developing sustainable infrastructures which includes roads and access to water and energy and business infrastructure; 3. Promoting productive and diversified economy, centred on the private sector and increasing productivity of agriculture ; 4. Reducing unemployment by organizing vocational training sessions adapted to labour market; 5. Promoting the wellbeing and personal development of the community through easy access to health care, education for all and socio-cultural and sports activities. C. THE MISSION OF THE DISTRICT « A socio-economic prosperous model, based on good governance, specialised and modern agriculture, urbanisation, tourism, culture and security » Like other administrative organs, the District has a sound framework to promote democracy as a base for development. It is responsible for promoting the unity of the population so that they can develop themselves and subsequently develop the District. The District has been able to accomplish the mission which was conferred to it by the law and regulations, especially what concerns policy, administration, economy, social well-being and culture of the population. The District must support the initiatives in which the population have participated. It must take into account the aspirations of the population during the planning of development activities and ensure the coordination of all District development activities. The District must maintain its infrastructures. The associations of the District must participate in activities which promote the community development of the District. The Government, private sector and development partners must assist the District in the technical and financial domains. Page 3 D. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF KARONGI DISTRICT The services delivery responsibilities and intends to achieve now and in the medium term Pillars, sub-pillars and/or main strategies 1. Governance, Justice and Reconciliation 01. To effectively involve villages committees in addressing population queries 02. Promotion of positive values of Rwandan citizens 03. Coordination of intervention activities 04. Development of partnerships 05. Promotion of human rights 06. Improvement of working environment 07. Improvement of Service Delivery 2. Economic development driving force 2.1. Infrastructure 01. Transport, roads and communications 02. Energy, water and sanitation 03. Soil protection and water resources management Strategies objectives To promote good governance characterized by reinforced basic structures and offering quick and quality services 01. To promote the positive values of the Rwandan culture 02. To ensure better management of District property 03. To improve the coordination of stakeholders’ activities 04. To develop District partnerships with all development actors 05. To promote respect for human rights 06. To improve working material and social environment 07. To improve Service Delivery in all entities of the District To increase urban development and infrastructures To develop sustainable infrastructures 01. To improve urban and rural development, town planning, tax park and housing 02. To promote access to clean water, sanitation services and access to and the use of electricity (specifically in rural sectors). 03. To improve and implement the new infrastructures facilitations, communication and exchanges between the sectors and maintenance of roads 04. Land management 04. To put in place infrastructures ensuring rational use of natural resources 05. Agriculture 05. To improve land management and land registration Page 4 Pillars, sub-pillars and/or main strategies 2.2. Production channels 01. Agribusiness 02. Off-farm opportunities Mines, quarries, industries, crafts Services : Trade , Tourism and SACCO Banking system 03. Support to the private sector (BDS, SME, Cooperatives…) especially in investment in the District 04. Growth centres (industrial areas, commercial areas, Imidugudu Settlement sites) 2.3. Human resources development and labour promotion 01. Technical education and vocational training 02. ICT 03. Respect the client charter 04. Implementation capacity building (District to conciliators level) 05. Entrepreneurship 06. Labour promotion 2.4. Cross-cutting areas 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. IDP Gender Youth HIV/AIDS and other pandemics Environment protection Strategies objectives To promote productive and diversified economy centred on the private Sector 01. To promote agriculture and stockbreeding compatible with market needs 02. To develop and promote off-farm activities 03. To create a conducive environment to the private sector development 04. To develop business centres in the District To reduce unemployment by organizing vocational training sessions adapted to labour market 01. To Produce technical labour that is skilled in all areas 02. To promote the use of ICT in 13/13 sectors and 50% of cells 03. To train District Unities on electronic filing 04. To implementation capacities for the staff of District, Sectors and Cells 05. To promote entrepreneurship and self employment 06. To reduce unemployment by better knowledge of job offer and demand To mobilize and increase the standing of all the forces of country in an inclusive and sustainable manner 01. To increase IDP component 02. To integrate gender promotion in all District programmes and projects 03. To improve youth’s supervision and socio-economic potentialities 04. To integrate persons infected with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS in the socio-economic life of the society 05. To integrate environmental aspects in all District programmes and projects Page 5 E. LINKAGE BETWEEN THE PLAN AND THE BUDGET FOR FY 2015-2016 Outcome/Output Improved access to school readiness programs while expanding access to threeyears of early learning for four to six year olds Increased equitable access to health facilities and improved quality of health service delivery Program EDUCATION HEALTH Livestock and agriculture production increased AGRICULTURE District forest cover increased ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Private sector promoted PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Sub-Program SECONDARY EDUCATION Activities _ 29 new classrooms and 56 new latrines Constructed; HEALTH INFRASTRUCTU RE EQUIPMENT AND GOODS Kibuye Health Center reconstructed: 31,960 people covered 208,328,412 SUSTAINABLE LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION SUSTAINABLE CROP PRODUCTION FORESTRY RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SUPPORT Distribution of cows 76,247,400 Construction of 80 ha of radical terraces New 1450 ha of forestry trees and 500 ha of agroforestry trees planted in all sectors _ Construction of Agakiriro phase IV _ Construction of Bwishyura Tax Park phase I _ Construction of Crossboarder market Phase I Budget (Rwf) 132,471,767 130,408,084 51,200,000 119,412,603 2,000,000,000 630,000,000 Page 6 Access to clean water increased WATER AND SANITATION Access to energy increased ENERGY Transport infrastructures developed TRANSPORT SANITATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Clean water connected to 26 km serving 9200 people:, Construction of Biguhu_ Nyabikeri water channel : 13 km (Ruganda), Construction of Kagabiro-Gatoki-Nyarusange-Gasura water channel: 13 Km (Bwishyura) PROMOTION OF Development of Twumba, Bwishyura, Rubengera, Murundi IDP HOUSING AND Models ( Roads and Parcles available) SETTLEMENT Gihombo, Gishyita, Mahembe, ENERGY Mubuga, Rwankuba , Twumba and ACCESS Gitesi, Mutuntu, Ruganda, Rwankuba and Twumba access to electricity and connect electricity to 7,751 Households DEVELOPMENT Maintenance of 112 Km of roads: Mubuga- Nyagatovu road:8Km & MAINTENANCE (Mubuga), Muhororo-MubugaOF TRANSPORT Cyamatare-Nyarunyinya: 20Km INFRASTRUCTU (Murambi), Gisayura-GatoroveMukongoro-Rasaniro- road: 25 RES km(Mutuntu), Byiniro- KaminaBigugu road: 12 Km ( Rwankuba), Kayenzi- Gasenyi road: 16 Km (Gitesi), Construction of MusebeyaGitonde, Dukoni- Rwaramba roads:21 Km (Gishyita),BiramboRugobagoba:10 Km(Gashari) F. ANY OTHER INFORMATION TO SUPPORT THE SUBMISSION 466,575,769 163,176,000 319,583,343 456,428,294 Page 7 Some cases of the ceilings allocated by the Ministry of Finance are insufficient and some development projects are not supported: SUB PROGRAM Negative balance to implement the District Structure Construction of Karongi Regional Stadium Done at Karongi, 18th March 2015 MUKASE Valentine Director of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Amount Allocated 961, 814,251 3,000,000,000