Chapter 20 Test Bank

CHAPTER 20 – Test Bank
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Romantic artists
a. were interested in the wild and ghostly.
b. yearned for the past or a golden future.
c. loved wild landscapes.
d. All these answers are correct.
Answer: d
2. 1830 is the date of
a. the Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.
b. the July Revolution in France.
c. the attack on Fort Sumter.
d. the Spanish-American War.
Answer: b
3. Which is NOT a tenet of Romanticism?
a. nostalgia
b. exoticism
c. chivalric tales
d. the sublime
e. social realism
Answer: e
4. The Houses of Parliament are an example of
a. Classical revival architecture.
b. Palladian architecture.
c. Gothic revival architecture.
d. Islamic revival architecture.
Answer: c
5. “La Marseillaise” is
a. a French city.
b. a French building.
c. the French anthem.
d. a French epic.
Answer: c
6. François Rude’s sculpture La Marseillaise represents
a. a parade in Paris.
b. Liberty leading France to protect the motherland.
c. the French Revolution led by Louis XVI.
d. the battle of the Centaurs.
Answer: b
7. The Brighton Pavilion is an example of
a. Gothic revival.
b. Islamic Gothic.
c. Classical revival.
d. Indian Gothic.
Answer: d
8. Gouache is a kind of
a. etching.
b. paint.
c. woodcut.
d. pigment.
Answer: b
9. Which best describes the work of William Blake?
a. Classical
b. Gothic
c. down-to-earth
d. military
e. visionary
Answer: e
10. Géricault’s paintings reflect his interest in
a. combating social injustice.
b. horsemanship.
c. psychology.
d. both psychology and combating social injustice.
e. All these answers are correct.
Answer: e
11. In the Raft of the “Medusa,” “Medusa” refers to
a. a jellyfish.
b. a life raft.
c. a ship.
d. a hospital.
e. a painting by Caravaggio.
Answer: c
12. Géricault’s Raft of the “Medusa” was based on
a. a Romantic concoction under the influence of opium.
b. an event taken from the newspapers of the day.
c. a scene from the French Revolution.
d. a mythological scene.
Answer: b
13. The Salon refers to
a. an official art exhibition.
b. a room in a château.
c. a room in a private Paris apartment.
d. an art gallery.
Answer: a
14. ________ marked the high point in Romantic influence on politics.
a. The publishing of Lyrics of Ballads
b. The “return to nature” movement
c. Charles X ascending to the French throne
d. The July Revolution
e. The Sturm und Drang movement
Answer: d
15. The war depicted in Massacre at Chios was between
a. America and England.
b. France and Italy.
c. Greece and Turkey.
d. Greece and Italy.
Answer: c
16. Massacre at Chios is sympathetic to
a. Greece.
b. Turkey.
c. Italy.
d. France.
e. England.
Answer: a
17. In Liberty Leading the People, the figure of Liberty is an example of
a. irony.
b. allegory.
c. satire.
d. metonymy.
e. realism.
Answer: b
18. Aquatint combines
a. watercolor and drawing.
b. engraving and oil.
c. watercolor and silverpoint.
d. watercolor and engraving.
Answer: d
19. Which is NOT a theme in Goya’s painting?
a. social injustice
b. child psychology
c. irrational thinking
d. frivolity
Answer: d
20. Chronos was
a. a bad Spanish father.
b. the father of the Olympians.
c. the father of Goya.
d. the father of Hermes.
Answer: b
21. Which is NOT a correct match?
a. Burke – the sublime
b. Goethe – Sturm und Drang
c. Freud – “The Uncanny”
d. Rousseau – Les Misérables
Answer: d
22. Constable’s painting of Salisbury Cathedral is an example of
a. Gothic revival.
b. Realism.
c. Romanticism.
d. watercolor.
Answer: c
23. Towards the end of his career, Turner painted
a. carefully delineated scenes of upper class virtue.
b. realistic landscapes.
c. broadly imagined, expressionistically colored landscapes.
d. photographic-quality portraits.
Answer: c
24. Which is NOT an American Romantic writer?
a. Coleridge
b. Thoreau
c. Emerson
d. Cooper
e. Poe
Answer: a
25. ________ was a literary movement that exalted individualism and nature as a reaction
against French Classical taste.
a. Walden Pond
b. Gouache
c. Storm and Stress
d. Gothic Revival
e. Alhambra
Answer: c
26. Which of the following is a correct match?
a. Coleridge – “The Solitary Reaper”
b. Shelley – “Kubla Khan”
c. Byron – “Don Juan”
d. Keats – “Ozymandias”
Answer: c