CBT VLSI Design Project Lab 2 DA Logic Schematics

Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
Computer-Based Project on VLSI Design
Co 3/6
Laboratory Guide 4 – Digital schematics with Design Architect
This laboratory guide provides further experience in the use of the Mentor Graphics
Design Architect package, emphasising its value for digital schematic capture and
symbol creation. In this session you will create a schematic specification and a
symbol corresponding to the ring oscillator element, ring_oscillator. You will then
be able to use a similar approach to develop the remaining parts of the design (relating
to the programmable frequency synthesiser). Finally, you will create a component,
named top_level, in which all the elements of the target design are embodied. When
you complete the session, you should have a complete schematic representation for the
programmable divider unit, which includes the ring oscillator design and all its
supporting elements.
Before you commence work with Design Architect, it is necessary to give some
thought at this point to the form of the schematic sheet for the ring_oscillator
module. This may usefully be done off-line, away from the workstation. Review the
results of Lab Session 2, and, if necessary, consult the Ring Oscillator Specification
pamphlet, which describes the system requirements for the ring oscillator. Then draw
a rough sketch of your proposed schematic. Although the appearance of the
schematic has no bearing on the functionality of the entity it represents, a neat and
regular diagram clearly contributes to the process of understanding its operation.
Show your plan to a demonstrator before you enter it into Design Architect.
Once this paper design is complete, you should log in at a workstation and start up
Design Manager, as described in the Getting Started pamphlet.
Start Design Architect. Select the design_arch icon in the Tools window, and
either double click it, or give the command: (menu bar) Object > Open.
Iconise Design Manager. When the Design Architect window appears, drag and
resize it to a convenient format. Note the availability of (menu bar) commands,
soft keys (listed at the foot of the screen), and command palette (column at right).
Open the supplied sheet for the top_level design, by clicking on the OPEN
SHEET button in the palette window. The Open Sheet dialogue box appears.
Fill in the Component Name box with: $CBT_WD/top_level.
Leave the sheet name as sheet1 and OK the dialogue box. A new Edit window
appears, containing the sheet, which is an incomplete version of the target design.
Spend a few moments examining the contents. You should see:
Input pads (column at left hand side)
Output pads (column at right hand side)
Power and ground pads (top)
Input and output pads provide a means of making a physical connection (i.e. with
wires or printed circuits) to the on-chip circuitry. Power and ground pads have
pre-defined functions in terms of providing supply current, and certain input pads
and output pads have already been assigned to functions; in each case, the yellow
NET property indicates the name anticipated for the signal. Designers are at
liberty to change these, by editing the corresponding property – see below – but
this will need to be taken into account in later sections. A few pads have not been
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
allocated (their NET property name is still the default: Net); it will be up to each
design group to determine a suitable allocation of those pads to the remaining
input and output signals.
Note: The physical sites of the pad cells have been pre-determined (through the
Place property) – for example, L1 – to avoid problems at the layout stage. You
should avoid editing the properties of these components indiscriminately. Ask a
demonstrator if you cannot identify these items, or if you have a question.
Refer to the block diagram Figure 1 (page 29), which depicts the logic modules
required by the design, and lists the signal inputs and outputs that are needed.
You will see that certain key items are omitted from the schematic sheet for the
top_level design, including the counter, the shift register, the ring oscillator
module, and certain other gates. Nor is there any indication of how the modules
are to be connected. These deficiencies will be remedied during the course of this
Find the Mietec library components.
At this stage, the 2 input NOR gate to be used is a primitive component contained
in a large library of components supplied by Mietec Alcatel. Each item in the
library has a characteristic graphic symbol, and an assortment of properties,
which specify its various electrical and other characteristics. The library is held
in a collection of design files and directories in a fixed place in the Mentor
filespace, and is accessible to any designer for reading, but cannot be changed.
Later in this project, we shall substitute in place of this library item a NOR gate of
our own design and with properties which we shall determine through a detailed
modelling procedure.
Give the command (menu bar) Libraries > Mietec Library. The palette should
now show CMOS24, the product name given by Mietec to this library (which is
built using CMOS technology with transistors of gate length 2.4 m).
Click on: CMOS24 > Digital Cells > Core Cells > Simple Gates.
If necessary, enable scroll bars on the resulting palette menu by using the menu
item Show Scroll Bars available on the right mouse button.
Before proceeding, note that you can ascend through the sequence of library
menus by using the (pull down) Back menu item, accessed with the right mouse
button (Menu). Using this facility, investigate the library menus and explore the
variety of gates provided in the Mietec library. Ask a demonstrator for details of
any gates whose purpose is not clear. When ready, return to Simple Gates.
Place a 2 input NOR gate.
Click on NOR2.
The ADD INstance prompt bar appears at the foot of the screen with the At
Location box highlighted in red. Move the cursor onto the sheet; a ghostly image
of a NOR2 will follow the cursor. Click to drop the component in a suitable
location, somewhere near the bottom of the sheet.
Note the Active Symbol window now shows a NOR2 symbol. To place a further
NOR2 you can click in the Active Symbol window, then position the ghostly
image as above. You can reposition the symbol once placed by clicking it to
select it, then depressing the Alt key followed by the middle mouse button.
You will need to use these procedures again when creating the ring_oscillator
schematic discussed later.
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
Wire up the NOR gate
The inputs and outputs of the NOR gate are to be connected (via input or output
pads) direct to external pins. The input and output pads (library components)
have already been placed on the sheet. Each is connected to a pin element
described as a portin or a portout, as appropriate, signifying an external
connection to the system. Each has a property NET, which needs to be assigned
an unambiguous symbolic name for the benefit of downstream simulation tools.
Examine the schematic and determine convenient pins for the NOR gate.
Unselect all by pressing function key F2.
Give the command: (menu bar) Libraries > Display Schematic Palette. With
the ADD/ROUTE palette displayed, click the Add Wire icon. If you prefer, you
can instead use (Pulldown) ADD > Wire, or press function key F3 to begin
wiring. The ADD WIre prompt bar and a wiring cursor (cross) will appear. To
connect two points, click on the first point, click on any intermediate points, and
double click on the last point to finish the wire.
The ADD WIre prompt bar remains until cancelled; the next wire can then be
placed immediately without the need to issue the Add Wire command again.
If you are not satisfied with the appearance of you hand-drawn wires, you can
delete them and try again. Alternatively, with the wires selected (left click), you
can use the ROUte SELected command in the ADD/ROUTE palette to snap
them to the internal grid.
Change the NET property
You must now change the NET property for the newly wired pins, as described,
to represent appropriate external names. The suggested names are A, B and
NOR. You can if you wish use names of your own choosing, but if you do so you
must be prepared to substitute the appropriate names in all later parts of the
session. To do this, first unselect all. Give the command:
(Menu bar) Edit > Edit Commands > Properties > Change Text Values.
A Change Text Values dialogue box appears, showing a single text box. Enter
A in this box, and a further box will appear. Use the mouse to get to it and enter
B. Enter NOR in a similar way. OK the dialogue box.
A sequence of messages (in the message area) and prompt bars will then appear
asking you to position the items of text. Click on the appropriate instance of
NET to change the property. Repeat this for the two remaining pins.
You can use the same procedure if you wish to change the NET properties
assigned to any of the other pins.
Save the work done so far
It is wise before proceeding to save the work done so far. Design Architect
encourages the designer to perform a number of elementary checks on the
schematic before it is saved. Although at this stage the design, being incomplete,
will generate a number of warning messages, we shall execute the check
nonetheless. Give the command: (Menu bar) Check > Sheet > With Defaults.
A window will appear, reporting the results. There should be no errors. You can
safely ignore the warning about unconnected pins, as these will be resolved later.
Ask a demonstrator if you encounter errors or unexpected warnings.
Close the report window. Give the command: (Menu bar) File > Save Sheet >
Default Registration to save the part-completed sheet. Repeat this procedure at
any time to save your work.
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
Place a counter component on the sheet.
The counter is provided in your design directory under the name 4bit_counter.
This is not itself a library component, but is a hierarchical element, itself
consisting of a set of primitive library parts. In contrast with the NOR2 part, it
can be explored and edited in just the same way as the top_level schematic you
are currently editing. You will later have an opportunity to make a minor
modification to the 4bit_counter schematic using Design Architect.
Since the counter is not actually a part of the Mietec library, a different procedure
has to be adopted to incorporate it.
Give the command: (menu bar) Libraries > Display Schematic Palette.
Click the Choose Symbol icon in the palette. Note: depending on the size of the
Design Architect window, you may need to enable scroll bars to see this icon.
A Navigator dialogue box opens. Select the 4bit_counter component, and OK
the dialogue box.
Position the ghostly image that appears in an appropriate site and drop it by
clicking. OK the ADD INstance prompt bar.
10. Wire up the counter
Use the wiring technique described above to link all four outputs of the counter
and its RB input to suitable pins. Edit the NET property of each associated pin to
an appropriate name (see the block diagram in figure 1).
Check the sheet and save.
11. Try to add the ring_oscillator block.
At this stage it is necessary to add the ring_oscillator block, representing the ring
oscillator module. Note that ring_oscillator is not in the Mietec library, nor is it
provided in your working directory. Verify this by using the Add instance
procedure just described, and cancel the dialogue box when ready.
You will therefore have to create a symbol by which to represent the ring
oscillator, and define its content in terms of library elements (2 input NOR gates
NOR2). Both these operations can be accomplished using Design Architect.
As stated before, we shall later substitute a 2 input NOR gate of our own design.
12. Compose the ring_oscillator schematic
For convenience, we shall first create the ring_oscillator schematic, to define its
content in terms of logic gates. We shall then create a symbol, also named
ring_oscillator, to represent the ring_oscillator entity within the top-level
schematic top_level.
Mentor keeps these separate but related design entities in a container (actually a
sub-directory) so that they may be accessed conveniently.
Give the command: (Menu bar) Libraries > Display Schematic Palette. Click
the Session icon in the palette; the title bar of the top_level daughter window will
grey as that window is temporarily de-activated.
Click on Open Sheet in the palette. When the dialogue box appears, fill in the
name ring_oscillator, leave the sheet name as sheet1, and OK the dialogue. A
new sheet appears (overlaying the inactive top_level sheet).
13. Enter the ring_oscillator schematic
You should by now have given consideration to the form of the schematic for the
ring_oscillator module. If not, review the material at the start of this sheet, and
carry out this part of the design, away from the workstation.
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
14. Place and wire the necessary primitive gates
You will need to place a number of primitive gates from the Mietec library and
wire these together. The detailed instructions for doing this will not be repeated
here. Carry out these operations using the placing and wiring techniques
practised earlier.
Be sure to check and save your work from time to time.
15. Place portin and portout elements
On this occasion, you will also need to place portin and portout elements which
allow the input and output signals from the module to be made available in the
ring schematic sheet. These are provided in the CMOS24 library, under:
CMOS24 > Digital Cells > Schematic.
Note that input and output pads are not required in this part of the design, since
these are provided in the higher-level schematic sheet top_level. This is an
important consequence of the hierarchical approach we have chosen for the
design process.
Place and wire the portin and portout elements just as you did the NOR2 cell,
and edit the NET property on each to an appropriate name (see Figure 1).
Check the sheet. Once it is complete, there should be no errors and no warnings.
When you are satisfied, save the ring_oscillator sheet, but do not close the
schematic window just yet.
16. Generate a symbol for ring_oscillator
In order to represent ring_oscillator within the top_level schematic, we require a
suitable symbol. In the hierarchical design process, the symbol serves to conceal
the complexity of the underlying logic and provides a clean and well-understood
interface to other symbols. We shall use Design Architect's inbuilt facility for
generating a symbol from an existing schematic.
Give the command: (menu bar) Miscellaneous > Generate Symbol.
Observe the Generate Symbol dialogue box which appears, but do not change
anything. OK the dialogue box. A new symbol editing window should appear
showing an automatically generated symbol for the ring_oscillator component,
with pins matching the input and output ports on the schematic sheet.
Give the command: (menu bar) Check > With Defaults. There should be no
errors, but you may observe some benign warnings appertaining to the symbol's
interface. Close the results window, and save the symbol using the command:
(menu bar) File > Save Symbol > Default Registration. This operation also
registers the interface exposed by the symbol so it can be reconciled with any
schematic in which it appears. Note that if you now repeat the check operation
carried out prior to saving, it generates no warnings, indicating that the saved
copy is correctly prepared. Close the symbol editing window, and resume editing
the top_level schematic.
17. Place and wire an instance of ring_oscillator
Now that a symbol and schematic have been prepared for ring_oscillator, it is
possible to wire up that component. Using the procedure you adopted for the
4bit_counter component, place an instance of the ring_oscillator component in
a convenient position. Wire up its pins appropriately, and edit any NET
properties that remain to be changed. Check and save the schematic.
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
18. Simulate the basic design using QuickSimII
At this point we recommend you switch to Lab Guide 5, and familiarise yourself
with the general techniques needed for simulating the target design using the
cmos24 digital cell library. This resembles the approach used in Lab 2, in which
a basic design comprising the ring oscillator and a 4-bit counter was modelled in
order to gain familiarity with the ModelSim VHDL environment.
It may be convenient to make use of time outside the scheduled sessions to plan
the more elaborate programmable counter design, which will comprise more than
one counter element, a comparator, and control logic. You will need to make a
number of design choices and research the availability of suitable cmos24 library
cells, details of which can be seen via the CamTools VLSI web board.
Once you have successfully accomplished this, you should return to Design
Architect to complete entry of the schematic form of the synthesiser design.
Several more components are required in order to complete the design as
specified, representing the programmable counter stages, comparator and control
logic. However, you are recommended to retain the basic experimental design
just used for QuickSimII modelling. Use the Save Sheet As… command to save
it under a different name – for example top_level_4bit – and resume your
development using the top_level schematic cell.
19. Place and wire other instances as needed
Several more components are required in order to complete the design as
specified. Although there are many possible ways of completing the design, we
strongly encourage you to use a hierarchical approach, creating schematics and
symbols as you proceed, and use a consistent naming structure. We recommend
you use the following names, or derivatives of them: divider and comparator,
and control, although it is perfectly possible to change these. The notes below
and in subsequent Lab Guides assume that a naming structure of this form has
been used. If you wish to use different names, you must be prepared to substitute
in place of those given the names you have actually used in your design.
For the programmable divider, counters of 6 to 10 bits will be required. This is
not supplied in a ready-to-use form, and you will need to find a way to implement
it. One approach might be to use 4bit_counter as a model, and craft a schematic
to provide n-bit counters, as selected for the target design. Another, possibly
quicker, though less elegant approach, will be to craft larger counters using
instances of the 4bit_counter cell, which is freely available in your cbt directory.
A comparator element is also required. This would commonly be implemented
using exclusive-OR or exclusive-NOR gates. Gates exor and exnor are the
corresponding Mietec digital library cells. Certain other combinational and
sequential gates may also be required to fulfil the final specification. Consult the
CamTools VLSI web board for a summary of the library contents.
Using the procedure described in paragraphs 12 - 16, place the necessary
instances, save the various schematic sub-cells, create symbols, and load any
necessary instances into top_level. Wire up the pins of the new instances, and
edit any NET properties that remain to be changed. Check and save the
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
20. Gather material for the Second Interim Report.
Your report should include schematic diagrams and other design information, as
well as answers to exercises contained in the Lab Sheets and elsewhere. You
should also list the primitive cells used by your design, and indicate the function
of each. To assure yourself of this information, you may need to open the
4bit_counter and other schematics in Design Architect to get a view of the
primitive cells each one contains. If you do this, be sure not to make any
inadvertent changes to the schematic - i.e. do not save it at this stage. You can
alternatively use Design Manager to list the cells by selecting either component
and giving the command: (menu bar) Report > Hierarchy.
You may wish to generate printouts of the schematics and symbols created so far
for inclusion in your Second Interim Report. The procedure is described below.
21. Predict the expected performance of the design
Study the block diagram and specification of the top_level design (Figure 1).
Consider the specifications and schematics for the main modules of the design,
viz. divider, comparator and control. Referring as necessary to the results of
your VHDL simulations in Lab 2, sketch the waveforms you expect to see at each
of the outputs of the design. Include these results in your Second Interim
Report, but keep a copy. You will find this information useful in later phases of
the design to compare against the results of numerical modelling, and hence for
verifying correct operation of your design.
Printing out schematics or symbols
First review the material in the Getting Started document on Generating Hardcopy,
which introduces some general concepts.
In order to set up Design Architect for printing, give the command: (menu bar) MGC
> Setup > Printer. When the Setup Printer dialogue appears, enter the Printer name
in the corresponding text box. Normally this will be mgcps_a4. Leave the number of
copies set at 1 - the utility mgcplot will provide a means for printing a copy for each
team member. Check that the Object Type is set to Design, and that Scale is set to Fill
Page. Orientation should be set to Best Fit; you may ignore the Panel Name box and
the Priority and Notification settings. OK the dialogue.
In order to print the sheet, give the command (menu bar) File > Print Sheet: (or
Print Symbol:, as appropriate). When the Print Object prompt bar appears, verify
that it contains the correct printer name, and correct if necessary. OK the prompt bar.
A status message should confirm that operation has been successful.
The final stage of printing requires the use of mgcplot. Open a new X terminal
window, and when the Unix prompt appears, give the command: mgcplot. For the
moment, press Enter when asked if you wish to process colour or A3 plots. Examine
the list of output files you have so far generated, and select one by number. Mgcplot
will now prompt you with a numbered list of output possibilities, including a Preview
to Screen. You are recommended to use this to verify the results before committing
them to paper. When you are ready, exit the ghostview Preview utility, and choose a
printer if appropriate.
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002
Lab Guide 4 – Digital Schematics
Computer-based project in VLSI Design
If you wish to include output in your interim or final report, consider the option: Save
a copy in your home directory, which will place a copy of the Postscript file in your
(personal) workspace. Note that it may be desirable for each team member to do this.
Further processing of the Postscript files can be carried out with a range of Unix or
Windows-based utlities, but this is beyond the scope of the lab guide!
Note: Unless you hear to the contrary, only the A4/monochrome printing options
are available.
D M Holburn Apr 2007 EN2002