Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего
профессионального образования «Ставропольский государственный
медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской
ГБОУ ВПО СтГМУ Минздрава России
Кафедра биологии
И.О.проректора по учебной
деятельности, профессор
«__»______________ 2015год
for the medical students of the English-speaking Medium
Solve the following problems:
1) A person coming from Middle Asia, has got a chronic ulcer on the fаce. What
disease can be suspected? How can the diagnosis be confirmed?
specimen (material) to be examined under microscope:
microscopy of specimeni
Solve the following problems:
2) A patient complains of the abdominal pains, bloody diarrhea
specimen (material) to be examined under microscope;
microscopy of specimen:
Solve the following problems:
3) A person coming from West Siberia where he ate raw frozen fish, complains of
enlargement and tenderness in the region of the liver? What diseases can be
suspected. How can the diagnosis be confirmed?
specimen (material) to be examined under microscope:
microscopy of specimen;
Solve the following problems:
4) The patient living in the Far East and sometimes eating undercooked river
crayfishes has symptoms of tuberculosis (cough, expectoration of bloody sputum).
What disease can be suspected? How can the diagnosis be confirmed? a) specimen
(material) to be examined under microscope:
a) specimen (material) to be examined under microscope:
b) microscopy of specimen;
c) diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
5) Shepherd pasturing sheep with the help of sheepdogs has pain in the chest,
bloody cough and shortbreath. X-ray examination of his lungs revealed a round
formation with distinct boundary. What helminthosis may be suspected? How can
the diagnosis be made?
what diagnostic method can be used:
final diagnosis.
Solve the following problems:
6) Inhabitant of fishing village complains of abdominal pains, loss of appetite,
significant weight loss for the last few months. Laboratory investigation found
anemia. What helminthosis may be suspected? How can the diagnosis be made? a)
specimen (material) to be studied under the microscope: b) what are morphological
features? c) final diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
7) Person living in one of the gouth regions complains of a pain in the large
intejstine and anemia. What kindof helminthosis is it likely to be? How can the
diagnosis be confirmed?
specimen to be examined uoder microscope:
microscopy of specimen:
Solve the following problems:
8) What helminthosis can be transmitted from one family member to another in
case of non maitenence of hygiene? Diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
9) A person coming from Middle Asia, has got a chronic ulcer on the fece.
What disease can be suspected? How cart the diagnosis be confirmed?
specimen (material) to be examined under microscope:
microscopy of specimen:
Solve the following problems:
10) The patient living in the Far East and sometimes eating undercooked river
crayfishes has symptoms of tuberculosis (cough, expectoration of bloody sputum).
What disease can be suspected? How can the diagnosis be confirmed? a) specimen
(material) to be examined under microscope:
microscopy of specimen:
Solve the following problems:
11) Shepherd pasturing sheep with the help of sheepdogs has pain in the chest,
bloody cough and shortbreath. .X-ray examination of his lungs revealed a round
formation with distinct boundary. What helminthosis may be suspected? How can
the diagnosis be made?
what diagnostic method can be used-;
final diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
12) Inhabitant of fishing village complains of abdominal pains, loss of appetite,
significant weight loss for the last few months. Laboratory investigation found
anemia. What helminthosis may be suspected? How can the diagnosis be made? a)
specimen (material) to be studied under the microscope: b) what are morphological
features? c) final diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
13. What helminthosis can be transmitted from one family member to another in case
of non maitenence of hygiene? Diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
14) Inhabitant of fishing village complains of abdominal pains, loss of appetite,
significant weight loss for the last few months. Laboratory investigation found
anemia. What helminthosis may be suspected? How can the diagnosis be made? a)
specimen (material) to be studied under the microscope: b) what are morphological
features? c) final diagnosis:
Solve the following problems:
15) What helminthosis can be transmitted from one family member to another in
case of non maitenence of hygiene? Diagnosis:
Утверждены на заседании кафедрального совещания.
Протокол № 15 от 05.05.2015г.
Ходжаян А.Б.
Декан факультета
иностранных студентов
Знаменская С.В.
Председатель ЦМК
Знаменская С.В.