Mountain Meadow Ranch Bible Camp HC2 Box 148E Payson, AZ 85541 928-478-4546 Dear Parent, Thank you for registering your child for camp! To assist in maintaining health and safety, all medications will be turned in to the nurse upon arrival at camp. He or she will be responsible for dispensing these medications as instructed by the doctor. Please make sure that all medication is in its own bottle (do not mix medications in the same bottle), labeled with the camper’s name and proper instructions for dispensing. Permission is to be given for dispensing of overthe-counter medication. Aspirin, Tylenol and Ibuprophen are available at camp. There is a snack bar available at camp. The prices range from $.75 - $1.50 for drinks and $.75-$1.50 for snacks. We recommend bringing between $15.00 and $20.00 for the week. If you would like to send your camper a letter, the camp address is: (you will want to mail it by Mon. in order for your child to receive it) Camper’s name C/O Mountain Meadow Ranch HC2 Box 148 E Payson, AZ 85541 We do not have cell phone reception at camp. The camp telephone number is 928-478-4546. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your camper, you can contact them through the office. The camp session begins at 4:00pm on Saturday, May 30, registration will start at 2:00pm. Camp is over at 2:30pm on June 4th. If your child will be returning home with someone other than his/her parents or guardians, please fill out the parental permission slip included with the reservation packet. What To Bring: Please do not bring any electronics (Ipod, CD players, etc.) we want you to enjoy the great outdoors (and interact with people around you J) prescription medication soap deodorant towels pillow flashlight water bottle toothbrush/paste chap stick washcloth bible camera sunscreen brush/comb shampoo/conditioner sleeping bag notebook/pen watch clothes: shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes, etc. (remember to pack some pants and sweatshirt, it can get cool at night. Also keep in mind you’ll be outdoors having fun, try to bring clothes that won’t be ruined) bathing suit for creek (girls please bring a one piece/modest suit or a T-shirt to wear over your suit) We are excited about camp this summer! If you have any questions, please call or email. Thanks Bill Osier and Nicole Hunter Directors MMR Junior High Registration Form Dates of Camp: May 30 – June 4, 2009 Name _______________________________ Date of Birth _____________ Telephone ______________________ Cell phone ____________________ Email ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City _____________________ State _________ Zip __________ Age ________ Grade completed in 2009 ____________ Shirt Size (Please circle) Youth - M L XL Adult - S M L XL One cabin mate preference:_________________________ (Requests subject to discretion of Camp Director) Parent’s name (PLEASE PRINT)__________________________ Parent’s signature ______________________________________ FEES: $210.00 if paid in full by May 17th $260.00 if paid after May 17th * $60.00 minimum deposit due upon registration □ My child has special dietary needs: If checked, you must fill out Dietary Restriction Form in the Registration packet Please return completed reservation packet to: Open Door Fellowship 8301 N 19th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85021 Phone: 602.242.4414 CAMPER ACQUAINTANCE SHEET Please complete the following information to help us get to know your Jr. Higher: Camper Name:______________________________________________ Who lives at home with the camper? Parents/guardians:____________________________________________ Brothers: ______________□ Older □ Younger______________□ Older □ Younger ______________□ Older □ Younger______________□ Older □ Younger Sisters: ______________□ Older □ Younger______________□ Older □ Younger ______________□ Older □ Younger______________□ Older □ Younger Other (grandparent, etc.) _______________________________________ Anything you want us to know? (special needs/concerns etc.) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Medical Information To be filled out by parent/guardian of minors. Name ______________________________ Birthday __________ Sex ______Age ____ Parent or Guardian __________________________________ Phone (_____)_________ Home address ___________________________________________________________ Business address ____________________________________ Phone (_____)_________ Second parent or guardian or emergency contact ________________________________ Home address_______________________________________ Phone (____)__________ Business address_____________________________________ Phone (____)__________ If not available in an emergency, notify Name _____________________________________________ Phone (____)__________ Address______________________________________________________ Health history (check – give approximate dates) Diseases: Allergies: Frequent ear infections ________ Hay fever____ Heart defect/disease_______ Mononucleosis_______ Asthma_________ Convulsions________ Chicken Pox________ Insect stings______ Diabetes ________ Measles ________ Penicillin _______ Bleeding/clotting disorders_______ German Measles ________ Other drugs_______ Hypertension________ Mumps ________ Poison Ivy_________ Peanut _______ Operations or serious injuries: (w/dates) _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________ Disability or chronic recurring illness _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Dietary modifications ______________________________________________________ Current medications (send with instructions)____________________________________ Other diseases or details of above ____________________________________________ Name of dentist/orthodontist _________________________ Phone(____)____________ Name of family physician ___________________________ Phone (____)____________ Date of last physical examination ___________________________________________ Do you have family/medical/hospital insurance _______________ If so indicate: Carrier ________________________ Policy or Group # __________________________ Suggestions or health related information for camp person ________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________ (For female) has this person menstruated? _____if not, has she been told about it? _____ If so, is her menstrual history normal? _________________ Special consideration ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________ IMMUNIZATION HISTORY * Required immunizations must be determined locally. Please record the date (month and year) of basic immunizations and most recent boosters. Vaccines Year of basic Year of last booster immunization Diphtheria 1. 1. Pertussis (Whooping 2. 2. cough DPT) Tetanus 3. or Tetanus Diphtheria TD or Tetanus Oral Polio (Sabin) TOPV Injectable Polio (Salk) Measles (hard measles, red measles, Rubella) Mumps Rubella (German measles, 3-day measles) Other Tuberculin test given ________________ (most recent) *Important – this box must be completed for attendance This health history is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed camp activities except as noted. Emergency Authorization: I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by the camp director to order X-rays, tests and treatment for my child or myself. In the event I cannot be reached to authorize treatment in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the camp director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for my child as named above or myself. This form may be photocopied for use out of camp. Signature of parent or guardian ______________________________________________ *If for religious reasons you cannot sign this, then the camp should be contacted for a legal waiver that must be signed for attendance DIETARY RESTRICTION FORM (This form is only intended for specific food allergies, not general food preferences) Please be as specific as possible Camper Name _________________________________________ Parent Name ________________________Phone # ____________ Email address ____________________Cell phone # ___________ Please list any medical dietary restrictions your child has: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _________ While we can make slight adjustments to our current menu, we cannot substitute food items already on our menu. If your child requires special food, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide that food and contact Bill Osier @ 928-478-4546 prior to May 15, 2009 to discuss their special circumstances. ----------------------------------------------------ACTIVITY RELEASE FORM My child has permission to attend camp, participate in all activities on or off campsite under the supervision of the camp staff, and receive emergency medical care if necessary. Photographs may be taken for camp publicity. While there is trained staff supervision at all times, there are many inherent risks in activities and games that campers are involved in. Most activities are conducted outdoors where there is a possibility of risk of physical injury or harm. I voluntarily choose to allow my child to participate in the camp experience and assume the risk of injury or harm that could result from participation. On my own behalf and that of my personal representative and heirs, I hereby release Mountain Meadow Ranch Bible Camp, Inc. of all liability resulting from any injury or harm while my child participates in any activity with Mountain Meadow Ranch Junior High Camp. I have read, understand and agree to the above: My child can participate in any activity except: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________ PERMISSION TO RIDE My child ________________________ has my permission to be released to, and ride home with _________________. Parent’s printed name: ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________ Date:__________