Hi/stories of (`other`) anthropologies: a bibliography - WAN

World Anthropologies: a bibliography
Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar M. 1982. The State of Anthropology in the Sudan. Ethnos. 47(1): 64-81.
Alvarez Roldan, Arturo. 1995. “Malinowski and the origins of the ethnographic method” In: Han F. Vermeulen and
Arturo Alvarez Roldan (eds.). Fieldwork and Foodnotes. Studies in the History of European Anthropology. pp:
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Amodio, Emanuele. 1998. Historias de la antropología en Venezuela. Maracaibo: Universidad de Zulia.
Asad, Talal. 1982. "A coment on the idea of non-western Anthropology" In: Hussein Fahim and Katherine Helmer (eds.).
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Barnard, Alan. 1995. “Orang Outang and the definition of Man: the legacy of Lord Mondoddo” In: Han F. Vermeulen
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Beillevaire, Patrick. 1999. “Assimilation from within, appropriation from without: the folklore-studies and ethnology in
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Ben-Ari, Eyal. 1999. "Colonialism, anthropology and the politics of professionalisation" In: Jan van Bremen and Akitoshi
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Bock, Nickola Susanne. 1995. “Historical anthropology and the history of anthropology in Germany” In: Han F.
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Bremen, Jan van and Akitoshi Shimizu. 1999. “Anthropology in colonial contexts: a tale of two countries and some” In:
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Burszta, Josef and Bronislawa Kopczynska-Jaworska. 1982. Polish Ethnography after World War II. Ethnos. 47(1): 5063.
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Cardoso de Oliveira, Roberto. 1999/2000. "Peripheral anthropologies 'versus' central anthropologies". Journal of Latin
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Chiu, Fred Y. L. 1999. “Nationalist anthropology in Taiwan 1945-1996 —a reflexive survey.” ” In: Jan van Bremen and
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Clarac de Briseño, Jacqueline. 1993. Estatutos y características cognitivas de la antropología en Venezuela. Alteridades.
Correa, Mariza. 1987. História da Antropologia no Brasil (1930-1960). Sao Pablo: Edições Vértice.
Correa, Mariza. 1991. An Interview With Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira. Current Anthropology. 32(3): 335-343.
Correa, Mariza. 1993. Breve esbozo de la antropología brasileña reciente (1960-1980). Alteridades. 3 (6): 13-16
Dobkin de Rios, Marlene and Jorge P. Osterling. 1984. On the History of Peruvian Social Anthropology. Current
Anthropology. 25(1): 132-133.
Fahim, Hussein and Katherine Helmer. 1980. Indigenous Anthropology in Non-Western Countries: A Further
Elaboration. Current Anthropology. 21(5): 644-663.
Fahim, Hussein and Katherine Helmer. 1980. Indigenous Anthropology in Non-Western Countries: A Further
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Fahim, Hussein and Katherine Helmer. 1982. Indigenous Anthropology in Non-Western Countries. Durham: Carolina
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García, Enrique. 1995. “Spanish social anthropologists in Mexico: anthropology in exile and anthropology of exiles” In:
Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldan (eds.). Fieldwork and Foodnotes. Studies in the History of
European Anthropology. pp: 219-233. New York: Routledge.
Geana, Gheorghita. 1995. “Discovering the whole of humankind: the genesis of anthropology through the Hegelian
looking-glass” In: Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldan (eds.). Fieldwork and Foodnotes. Studies in the
History of European Anthropology. pp: 60-74. New York: Routledge
Gellner, Ernest. 1975. The Soviet and the Savage. Current Anthropology, 16(4): 595-617.
Gerholm, Tomas and Ulf Hanners. 1982. Introduction: The Shaping of National Anthropologies. Ethnos. 47(1): 1-35.
Gerholm, Tomas. 1995. “Sweden: central ethnology, peripheral anthropology” In: Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez
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York: Routledge.
Gold, Gerald L. y Marc-Adelard Tremblay. 1982. After the Quiet Revolution: Quebec Anthropology and the Study of
Quebec. Ethnos. 47(1):103-132.
Goldberg, Harvey. 1976. Anthropology in Israel. Current Anthropology, 17(1): 119-121.
Grottanelli, Vinigi. 1977. Ethnology and/or Cultural Anthropology in Italy: Traditions and Developments. Current
Anthropology, 18(4): 593-614.
Hannerz, Ulf. Twenty Years of Swedish Social Anthropology: 1960-1980. Ethnos. 47(1): 150-171.
Harbsmeier, Michael. 1995. “Towards a prehistory of ethnography: early modern German travel writing as traditions of
knowledge” In: Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldan (eds.). Fieldwork and Foodnotes. Studies in the
History of European Anthropology. pp: 19-88. New York: Routledge
Harrison, Faye. 1999. "New Voices of Diversity, Academic Relations of Production, and the Free Market" In: Basch,
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American Ethnological Society Monograph Series, Number 8. pp.72-85.
Heine-Geldern, Robert. 1964.One Hundred Years of Ethnological Theory in the German-Speaking Countries: Some
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Hultkrantz, Ake. 1968.The Aims of Antropology: A Scandinavian Point of View. Current Anthropology, 9(4): 289-310.
Inglis, Gordon. 1982. In Bed with the Elephant: Anthropology in Anglophone Canada. Ethnos. 47(1): 82-102.
Janssens, Rudolf V. A. 1999. “Toilet training, shame, and the influence of alien cultures: cultural anthropologists and
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Anthropology and colonialism in Asia and Oceania. pp: 1-12. Hong Kong: Curzon Press.
Jasiewicz, Zbigniew and David Slattery. 1995. “Ethnography and anthropology: the case of Polish ethnology” In: Han F.
Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldan (eds.). Fieldwork and Foodnotes. Studies in the History of European
Anthropology. pp: 184-201. New York: Routledge.
Jones, Delmos. [1970]. 1988. "Toward a native anthropology" In: Johnnetta Cole (ed.), Anthropology for the nineties.
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Koepping, Klaus-Peter. 1995. “Enlightenment and Romanticism in the work of Adolf Bastian: the historical roots of
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Foodnotes. Studies in the History of European Anthropology. pp: 75-94. New York: Routledge
Krotz, Esteban. 1991. A Panoramic View of Recent Mexican Anthropology. Current Anthropology. 32(2): 183-188
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Magnarella, Paul J. and Orhan Turkdogan. 1976. The Development of Turkish Social Anthropology Current
Anthropology, 17(2): pp. 263-274
Medina, Andrés. 2004. Veinte años de Antropología Mexicana. La configuración de una Antropología del Sur. Mexican
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Mendez-Dominguez, Alfredo. 1975. Big and Little Traditions in Guatemalan Anthropology. Current Anthropology, 16(4):
Nakao, Katsumi. 1999. “Japanese colonial policy and anthropology in Manchuria” ” In: Jan van Bremen and Akitoshi
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Narayan, Kirin. 1993. How native is a 'native' anthropologist? American Anthropologist. 95(3): 671-682.
Oliveira, Roberto Cardoso de and Guillermo Raul Ruben. 1995. Estilos de antropologia. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp.
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Osterling, Jorge P. and Hector Martinez. 1983. Notes for a History of Peruvian Social Anthropology, 1940-80. Current
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Palacio, Joseph O.1976.Anthropology in Belize. Current Anthropology, 17(3): 485-490.
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Prager, Michael. 1999. “Crossing borders, healing wounds: Laiden anthropology and the colonial encounter 1917-1949” ”
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Rita Ramos, Alcida. 1990. Ethnology Brazilian Style. Cultural Anthropology 5(4): 452-471.
Robertson, Jennifer. 1999. “Staging ethnography: theatre and Japanese colonialism” ” In: Jan van Bremen and Akitoshi
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Saberwal, Satich. 1982. Uncertain Transplants: Anthropology and Sociology in India. Ethnos. 47(1): 36-49.
Schippers, Thomas K. 1995. “A history of paradoxes: anthropologies of Europe” In: Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo
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Shami, Seteney. 1989. Socio-cultural Anthropology in Arab Universities. Current Anthropology. 31(1): 649-654.
Shimizu, Akitoshi. 1999. “Colonialism and the development of modern anthropology in Japan.” ” In: Jan van Bremen and
Akitoshi Shimizu (eds). Anthropology and colonialism in Asia and Oceania. pp: 115-172. Hong Kong: Curzon
Skalnik, Peter. 1995. “Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski and Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz: science versus art in the
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Smitek, Zmago and Bozidar Jezernik. 1995. “The anthropological tradition in Slovenia” In: Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo
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Soon Kim, Choong. 1990. The Role of the Non-Western Anthropologist Reconsidered: Illusion versus Reality. Current
Anthropology. 31 (2): 196-201..
Stocking, George W. 1982. Afterword: A View from the Center. Ethnos. 47(1):173-186.
Tishkov, Valery A.. 1992. The Crisis in Soviet Ethnography. Current Anthropology. 33(5): 371-394.
Tishkov, Valery A.. 1998. U.S. and Russian Anthropology: Unequal Dialogue in a Time of Transition. Current
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Tsu, Timothy. 1999. “Japanese colonialism and the investigation of Taiwanese ‘old customs’” ” In: Jan van Bremen and
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Uribe, Carlos. 1997. "A Certain Feeling of Homelessness: Remarks on Esteban Krotz's Anthropologies of the South"
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Vázquez, Héctor. 1993. La crisis de los paradigmas teóricos en a antropología sociocultural y sus derivaciones en la
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Vermeulen, Han F. 1999. “Anthropology in colonial contexts. The second Kamchatka expedition (1733-1743) and the
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Vermeulen, Han F. and Arturo Alvarez Roldan. 1995. “Introduction: The history of anthropology and Europe” In: Han F.
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Wolf, Jan J. de. 1995. “Beyond evolutionism: the work of H.J. Nieboer on slavery, 1900-1910” In: Han F. Vermeulen and
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