Notes of a Meeting of Veterans` Organisations of Leicestershire held

Notes of a Meeting of Veterans’ Organisations of Leicestershire held
at County Hall, Glenfield, on Monday 28th April 2014
The Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Lady Gretton JP
Brigadier William Hurrell (in the Chair)
Group Captain Nick Sharpe, EMRFCA
David Atterbury, County Chairman, Royal British Legion
Lt Colonel David Dawber, 49 Brigade SO1, MCI
Major John Mayo, 49 Brigade, SO2 Employer Engagement
Philip Warren, Collections Manager, Leics County Council
Amanda Hanton, Volunteer Development Manager, Leics County Council
John Sharpe, Principal Historic Building Officer, Leics County Council
Karen Wilde, Green Plaque Scheme Officer, Leics County Council
Tim Webster, Civic Affairs, Leicestershire County Council (Secretary)
and the following representatives from associations (based on those who
signed attendance register):
Bailey, John
Bell, LW
Berry, John
Bordoli, D
Bordoli, Mrs Jill
Boulter, P
Bridges, Jim
Bridges, Mary
Brown, William
Cowley, John
Crossley, John
Cufflin, C
Deeth, John
Fletcher, Ron
Gill, Rod
Gough, John
Hamore, J
Lawrence, Owen
Meadows, Bruce
Mitchell, Fred
Moran, Pearl
Rendall, Lt Col Patrick
Roberts, Kenneth
Rowlinson, Jim
Rudham, Roy
Smith, Ken
Spence, Frank
Sykes, Paul
Tompkin, Ralph
Townsend, Neil
Watts, Brian
West, Kenneth
Normandy Veterans Association
Cyprus Veterans Association
EM Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee
Vice-Chair, REA Leicestershire
Leics Combined Ex-Services Group
Coldstream Guards Assoc
Secretary, Leics BKVA
RNAS Hinckley
Royal Marines Association
Grenadier Guards Association
Aden veterans
Italy Star Association
Submariners Association
Grenadier Guards Assoc
Royal Leics Regiment, Cyprus Vets
RAFA Great Glen Branch
Coldstream Guards Assoc
National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Assoc
Seaforth Highlanders Pipes & Drums
RAMC East Midlands
War Widows Association
EM Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee
Secretary, RAMC East Midlands
National Malaya & Borneo Vets Assoc
RAFA Leicester Branch
RAFA Braunstone Branch
Burma Star Association
Royal Army Medical Corps
President, BKVA Leicestershire Branch
Suez Veterans Association
Normandy Veterans Assoc, 46 Branch
Apologies for absence were received from:
Nick Bunting, Secretary General, RAFA
Keith Walker, Royal Horseguards
Brian Ward, RAFA Hinckley Branch
Michael Wooton, Merchant Navy Assoc
Ivan Batt, Royal Naval Assoc
Jackie Towl, RAF Widows’ Assoc
Welcome and Introductions
The Lord-Lieutenant welcomed all those present and thanked Lt Colonel
David Dawber, John Sharpe, Phillip Warren, Amanda Hanton, and Karen
Wilde for kindly attending the meeting to give their respective presentations.
Lady Gretton also thanked Group Captain Nick Sharpe, David Atterbury, and
Brigadier William Hurrell for their continuing support.
Notes of the Previous Meeting
The notes of the meeting held on 22nd October 2013 were confirmed as
Matters Arising from the notes
The event at Beaumanor Hall to mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day will not
go ahead.
It had not proved possible to trace a local representative of the British Nuclear
Testing Veterans’ Association.
There was still no decision from the courts on whether KRIII is to re-interred in
Leicester Cathedral, and so the detailed work on representation from the
Armed Forces had not been taken forward.
Operational Briefing
Lt Colonel David Dawber provided a briefing on the current operational
landscape, which covered details of recent activity, future command structure,
recruitment to the Reservists, and Community Covenants.
Copies of Colonel Dawber’s slides are appended to these notes.
Centenary of the First World War: A Century of Stories
Philip Warren gave a presentation bringing the group up-to-date with the
County Council’s Lottery Heritage funded project: A Century of Stories, which
aims to help the people of Leicestershire to find their connection to the First
World War. The project will launch in August 2014 and work is underway to
identify twenty stories to be featured as part of the opening launch exhibition.
There are a number of exhibitions to be held in principal libraries and
museums planned already for the period August to November 2014, including:
o Record Office, Wigston – The Leicestershire Dozen will feature 12
interchangeable stories.
o Symington Building, Market Harborough – Drawn to Danger exhibition
of works by war artists.
o Carnegie Museum, Melton – an exhibition in association with the
Defence Animal Centre, The Animals War.
o Charnwood Museum – a series of exhibitions.
o Snibston – fashion as influenced by the war years and an exhibition of
cap badges in the community gallery.
Philip Warren appealed to members of the group to contribute stories, to
spread the message, and to suggest events and venues for exhibitions.
Amanda Hanton explained her role in supporting the volunteering
community’s participation in the Century of Stories project. Amanda stated
that she was very happy to attend meetings of veterans’ associations and
stressed the need to identify and present twenty stories as a priority. To help
with this process Amanda said that she would circulate a pro-forma to capture
basic information, which she could then follow up with the contributors.
In response to questions asked, the following was noted:
o The Team is happy to visit local groups to talk about Century of Stories
(just get in touch – Philip 0116 305 3423; Amanda 0116 305 3422).
o Promotion of Century of Stories has been highlighted as a key priority
for the County Council’s Communications Team.
o The contribution from the health and prison sector is important,
particularly the former Carlton Hayes and Towers Hospitals.
o The CoS Team will be happy to accept personal memorabilia for digital
archiving and temporary loan for exhibiting. But it was made clear that
items would be returned to the owner.
o It was noted that the Festival of Remembrance, to be held on 25th
October at De Montfort Hall, would make an ideal venue for a Century
of Stories exhibition.
Copies of Philip Warren’s slides are appended to these notes.
A copy of Amanda Hanton’s pro-forma is appended to these notes.
Centenary of the First World War: Reference Group
Tim Webster advised the group that a WW1 Reference Group for
Leicestershire has been established to better co-ordinate WW1 centenary
activities, and outlined a number of early initiatives that are being considered
by the WW1 Reference Group, as follows:
o The Reference Group is being chaired by the Vice Lord-Lieutenant,
Colonel Murray Colville, with secretariat support provided by the
County Council.
o A single website is being created by Leicester Shire Promotions with
contributions by both the City and County Councils. This site will
contain a comprehensive list of events and activities and events can be
added by organisations directly.
o A fundraising dinner with a speaker of national standing is planned –
date/speaker tbc.
o The Lord-Lieutenant is hosting a show at Curve: “Pack up your
Troubles” in association with Applause and Radio Leicester (Flyer
appended to these notes). Proceeds to the RBL.
o A lecture featuring the contribution of the Commonwealth during the
war years – details tbc.
o A competition for schools to run over four years, with the first phase
likely to be a poetry competition, to be launched in the Autumn term.
o An appeal for images taken at remembrance parades in order to create
a centenary archive and on-line exhibition.
o A service of commemoration will be held at Leicester Cathedral on
Sunday 3rd August at 3.00 p.m.
Brigadier Hurrell appealed to members of this group to:
o Support the Curve Show;
o Spread the word to encourage the submission of Remembrance
o Support the service on 3rd August; and
o Submit old photos and memorabilia for electronic archiving.
Lady Gretton asked that those associations planning centenary events, and
who would like a Deputy Lieutenant to attend, should contact the Lieutenancy
Office (contact Tim Webster –
Copies of Tim Webster’s slides are appended to these notes.
East Midlands Oral Archive
Tim Webster outlined briefly that there was a large collection of oral history
stored at the University of Leicester and the Record Office, but that a fuller
note would be included in the notes of the meeting. Please see below….
The East Midlands Oral History Archive have many recordings taken between
1983 and 1987 featuring interviews with people associated with WW1. This
sizeable archive needs to be properly catalogued and some need to be edited
and transferred to a format suitable for the web. Both the City and County
Councils are able to support volunteers who express an interest in helping
with this enormous task.
The resource includes:
42 recordings of people in Coalville who lived through WW1
19 recordings of people in the Hinckley area
204 recordings of people in Leicester and environs
8 recordings of people in Market Harborough
For details of the EMOHA’s online catalogue members can visit A few of the relevant
recordings are available online at My Leicestershire History
These recordings feature memories of fighting on the Western Front, and
elsewhere, but are mainly about the home front - zeppelin raids on
Loughborough, work, food, coping etc. and the aftermath of the war, including
influenza and unemployment.
Leicestershire’s Green Plaque Scheme
Karen Wilde advised the group on the current position with the Leicestershire
Green Plaque Scheme.
From 56 nominations made by members of the public, twelve names were
shortlisted. The shortlist had gone out to public vote and more than 4,000
votes had been cast.
The winning six included:
 Brigadier-General James Lochhead Jack, awarded the
Distinguished Service Order (Kibworth);
 Flight-Lieutenant Geoffrey Rice DFC RAF VR, Dambusters pilot
It was further noted that there would be another opportunity for public
nominations in December 2014, and this group will be advised when the time
Leicestershire & Rutland War Memorials Project
John Sharpe provided an update on the work of the war memorials project
including the development of a new website, to be launched in July, which will
feature much improved presentation and functionality. An example of the
improved database highlighted is the ability of the public to upload images of
people listed on the database.
John highlighted through examples how the County Council’s Restoration and
Grant Scheme was continuing to help local communities to refurbish
memorials in their locality.
Copies of John Sharpe’s slides are appended to these notes.
Armed Forces Day
Tim Webster confirmed that invitations had been issued to veterans and RBL
branches, and wished to encourage early responses.
It was further noted that:
o Proceeds from the collection will go to SSAFA this year;
o The Cathedral doors will open a little earlier and everyone is
encouraged to arrive as early as possible;
o The parade will fall-out in Gallowtree Gate (due to street works in
Humberstone Gate); and
o An RSM had been identified to marshal the Veterans’ element of the
News from Branches
Royal British Legion
o The Poppy Appeal in Leicestershire was set to exceed £0.5 million.
o The Festival of Remembrance will take place on 25th October, avoiding
the bonfire weekend, and so should result in bigger attendance,
particularly from young people. Tickets available from De Montfort Hall
ticket office.
Combined ex-Service, Hinckley
o Commemorating the D-Day Landings on 8th June.
o Celebrating Armed Forces Day on 28th June with Hinckley Borough
Council, with assistance from an MOD grant.
o Marking Centenary of WW1 on 3rd August at Ashby Road Cemetery
Suez Veterans Association
o 19/10/14 will mark 60 years of the signing of the Anglo-Egypt Agreement.
The Association is arranging an event at the National Memorial
Arboretum. Details are highlighted in the paper appended to these notes
together with a list of regiments who are listed on the memorial. There is
an open invitation to those associations attending the event.
o Brian Watts asked whether the County Council would be willing to mark
the occasion with a service at Stand Easy on Saturday 11th October. Tim
Webster agreed to consider.
Royal Leicestershire Cyprus Veterans
o Holding a short service at the National memorial arboretum on
Wednesday 7th May at 1.00 p.m.
RAFA, Great Glen Branch
o Battle of Britain Sunday will be marked with a service at St James the
Greater and a parade on Sunday 21st September.
Malaya & Borneo Veterans
o Reported the sad passing of the secretary and founding member, Alan
Normandy Veterans Association
o Forty Normandy veterans will be making a pilgrimage to Normandy
between 3-8 June 2014.
Korean Veterans Association
o The national association is to close following the unveiling of the
memorial in London (possibly December or early in 2015), but the
Leicestershire Branch will be continuing.
o The Korean Government is still welcoming the grandchildren of former
service personnel, covering the costs of travel.
o There is also a scholarship fund for the offspring of veterans and a
Relief Fund to support veterans whether or not they belong to the
association (administered by the RBL).
RAFA Leicester Branch
o Last month marked the 70th anniversary of the Great Escape and the
event arranged by the branch had received plenty of national media
Message from the Chairman
Brigadier Hurrell made concluding remarks, in which he:
o asked members to take back information shared at this meeting to their
branches so that it is disseminated to branch members;
o noted how these meetings were fulfilling a need evidenced by the
strong attendance, and asked members to advise Tim Webster if there
are others who should be invited in future; and
o thanked the County Council for its continuing support shown to the
armed forces and veterans’ community.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place at County Hall on Thursday 23rd October
2014, at 10.30 a.m.
Colonel Dawber’s presentation slides
Philip Warren’s presentation slides
Amanda Hanton’s Century of Stories pro-forma
Curve show – Pack up your Troubles – extract from Curve publication
Copies of Tim Webster’s presentation slides
Copies of John Sharpe’s presentation slides
Email addresses for members of this group (such as we have)