Berean Bible Berean BibleStudy Study A Tour Tour Through A throughthe theOld OldTestament Testament Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Christ – The Key to the Inspiration and Canonization of the Bible Christ – The Key to the Inspiration and Canonization of the Bible I. “Now these were more nobleminded, for they received the Word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11 Introduction A. _______________ 1. Understanding the ______________ of God’s Word 2. Understanding the ______________ of God 3. Understanding the ______________ of God B. _______________ 1. All point in one direction 2. Not to a place, object, or doctrine 3. But to a ___________ C. _______________ Confirms the collection of books as 1. Authoritative – _______________ 2. Complete – _______________ II. Christ and the Inspiration of the Bible – The Key to the _____________ of the Old Testament A. Contention: The New Testament is an historically accurate document depicting Christ B. Responses 1. Christ – confirmed by secular and religious historians Response 1: we must establish that Christ existed and was who He said He was Tacitus – Roman Lucian – a satirist of the 2nd century Josephus – 1st century Jew Suetonius – 2nd century nd Pliny the Younger – 2 century Thallus – 1st century Samaritan Jewish Talmud 2. Confirmed by New Testament _________________ How historically reliable are the books of the New Testament? a. The ______________ of New Testament manuscripts Response 2: we must establish the dependability of the earliest NT documents i. Uniquely _________________________ a. Histories – Tacitus – 2 manuscript copies (100 years after authored) b. Gallic Wars – Caesar – 10 manuscripts c. Peloponnesian Wars – Thucydides – 8 manuscripts d. History of Rome – Livy – 20 manuscripts (all partial) e. New Testament – 5,000 manuscript copies (within 50 years after authored) 1 ii. Uniquely _______________________ a. Mahabharata – Hindu – 90% accurate b. Iliad – Homer – 95% accurate c. New Testament - >99.99% accurate (remaining does not affect doctrine) Result: The New Testament is the _____________________ and ______________________ copied book of the ancient world (with the possible exception of the Old Testament!) Finally: Every book of the New Testament was written by 75 AD Most of the eyewitnesses to the claims of the NT are still alive It’s one thing to write an historical account long after all the eyewitnesses are dead Quite another to make these claims while the eyewitnesses are alive! b. _____________ claims of the Old Testament by Jesus Response 3: we must understand what the New Testament says about the Old Testament iii. John 10:35 – Scripture cannot be broken iv. Luke 24:44 – Scripture must be fulfilled v. Matthew 22:29 – Ignorance of the Old Testament is a source of error vi. Matthew 5:18 - “Not one jot or tittle will pass away until all is accomplished” vii. 2 Timothy 3:16 (from Paul) – Inspired by God c. ______________ claims of the Old Testament by Jesus Response 4: we must see whether Jesus Himself believed that the Old Testament books were inspired i. Matthew 19:4 – ___________________ created by God ii. Matthew 23:35 – __________ killed by Cain iii. Luke 17:27 – A __________ destroyed the world in Noah’s time iv. Luke 20:37 – God spoke to ___________ through a burning bush v. Luke 4:25 – ___________ performed miracles vi. Matthew 12:40 – ___________ was in the great fish 3 days vii. Matthew 24:15 – ____________ made many predictions d. What was _____________________ about the inspiration of the New Testament – through the Holy Spirit Response 5: we must understand what the New Testament says about itself i. Promised by ___________ 2 a. Matthew 10:20 – When the 12 would speak – it was “the spirit of your faith speaking through you” b. Luke 10:16 – sending of the 70 – “He who hears you hears Me” c. Mark 13:11 – Mount Olivet discourse – “It is not you who speak but the Holy Spirit” d. Matthew 28:18, 20 – The Great Commission e. John 16:13 – the Holy Spirit will direct His disciples into “all truth” f. John 14:26 – “the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance all I have said to you” ii. Claimed by the _________________ a. Acts 1:1 – they claimed to be continuing what “Jesus began to do and teach” b. Acts 2:42 – early church continued in “the Apostles’ teaching” c. Ephesians 2:20 – church built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets d. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – Apostles writings considered equally authoritative e. 2 Peter 3:15-16 – Peter equated Paul’s writings with the Old Testament f. 1 Timothy 5:18 – Paul quotes Luke’s gospel as authoritative g. 1 Timothy 4:11,13 – Paul: my writings are equally authoritative as other Scripture 3. Was Jesus an “___________________”? Response 6: we must make sure Jesus wasn’t perpetrating a fraud i. Contention: Jesus “accommodated” Himself to the accepted Jewish teachings of the day – __________________ prophecy ii. Rebuttal a. Six times in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus ______________ “You have heard it was said, but I say…” b. Jesus __________________ the Jews for following tradition “Why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” c. Jesus told the Jewish leaders they were _____________ “You are wrong, you know neither the Scriptures or the power of God” C. Conclusion These force us to ______________ If you take Jesus, you must accept the Old Testament If you reject the Bible, you reject Jesus Or impugn His integrity “On plain language, either the Old Testament is the Word of God or Christ is not the Son of God” “If Jesus taught the truth, then the Old Testament is the historical, accurate, and divinely authoritative Word of God” 3 III. Christ and the Canonization of the Old Testament – The Key to the ______________ of the Old Testament “Canon” = “rule”, “norm” A. Which books belong in the Old Testament – why these 39 books? 1. ________________ of the Jews Established by the Jews through time - Ecclesiasticus – 130 BC - Josephus – 90 AD 2. ________________ by Christians i. Christ’s witness to the Old Testament Canon a. Luke 24:44 – “all things written in the law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms concerning Me” b. Luke 11:51 – “from the blood of Abel [the first OT martyr] to the blood of Zechariah [the last OT martyr]” Abel – Genesis 4 Zechariah – 2 Chronicles 24 ii. Council of Jamnia – circa 70 AD a. Contention: “The leaders got together in a council and decided which books best helped them and then forced the followers to accept them” b. Response: Discussed Esther (no mention of God) Ecclesiastes (questionable doctrine) Ultimately accepted what was handed down by ______________________ and ______________________ B. Apocrypha Written between 200 – 0 BC Reveal religious history of Jews of this time Dispute in the Roman Catholic church 1546 – __________________________ 1. Contention: Council of Trent accepted the books as inspired – part of the Bible 2. Response: Jews of the time, Jesus, early church did not i. Not accepted by Jews, custodians of the Old Testament (Romans 3:2) ii. Jesus and the New Testament writers never quote the Apocrypha 1. 39 books of the Old Testament quoted in the New Testament iii. No church included them until the 5th century iv. St. Jerome probably the early church’s most biblical scholar, rejected them v. Accepted by the Roman Catholics in 1546 mostly to support purgatory & works salvation vi. Historical contradictions vii. Apocrypha itself never claims inspiration viii. No predictive prophecy in the Apocrypha ix. Adds nothing to our knowledge of the Messiah 4 Lesson 1 Table Talk 1. What is the difference between inspiration and canonization? 2. Why is the “Accommodation Theory” full of holes? 3. Explain this statement: “Either the Old Testament is the Word of God or Christ is not the Son of God?” 4. Why is it important that the Word of God: Is complete – no books missing or wrongly included? Is inerrant? 5 Berean Bible Berean BibleStudy Study Tour Through AATour through the the Old OldTestament Testament Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Christ – The Key to the Inspiration and Canonization of the Bible Christ – The Key to the Inspiration and Canonization of the Bible I. “Now these were more nobleminded, for they received the Word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11 Introduction A. Goal 1. Understanding the meaning of God’s Word 2. Understanding the mind of God 3. Understanding the plan of God B. Answers 1. All point in one direction 2. Not to a place, object, or doctrine 3. But to a person C. Christ Confirms the collection of books as 1. Authoritative – inspiration 2. Complete – canonization II. Christ and the Inspiration of the Bible – The Key to the Nature of the Old Testament A. Contention: The New Testament is an historically accurate document depicting Christ B. Responses 1. Christ – confirmed by secular and religious historians Response 1: we must establish that Christ existed and was who He said He was Tacitus – Roman Lucian – a satirist of the 2nd century st Josephus – 1 century Jew Suetonius – 2nd century Pliny the Younger – 2nd century Thallus – 1st century Samaritan Jewish Talmud 2. Confirmed by New Testament documents How historically reliable are the books of the New Testament? a. The abundance of New Testament manuscripts Response 2: we must establish the dependability of the earliest NT documents i. Uniquely well documented a. Histories – Tacitus – 2 manuscript copies (100 years after authored) b. Gallic Wars – Caesar – 10 manuscripts c. Peloponnesian Wars – Thucydides – 8 manuscripts d. History of Rome – Livy – 20 manuscripts (all partial) e. New Testament – 5,000 manuscript copies (within 50 years after authored) 6 ii. Uniquely accurate f. Mahabharata – Hindu – 90% accurate g. Iliad – Homer – 95% accurate h. New Testament - >99.99% accurate (remaining does not affect doctrine) Result: The New Testament is the best documented and most accurate copied book of the ancient world (with the possible exception of the Old Testament!) Finally: Every book of the New Testament was written by 75 AD Most of the eyewitnesses to the claims of the NT are still alive It’s one thing to write an historical account long after all the eyewitnesses are dead Quite another to make these claims while the eyewitnesses are alive! b. General claims of the Old Testament by Jesus Response 3: we must understand what the New Testament says about the Old Testament i. John 10:35 – Scripture cannot be broken ii. Luke 24:44 – Scripture must be fulfilled iii. Matthew 22:29 – Ignorance of the Old Testament is a source of error iv. Matthew 5:18 - “Not one jot or tittle will pass away until all is accomplished” v. 2 Timothy 3:16 (from Paul) – Inspired by God c. Specific claims of the Old Testament by Jesus Response 4: we must see whether Jesus Himself believed that the Old Testament books were inspired i. Matthew 19:4 – Adam and Eve created by God ii. Matthew 23:35 – Abel killed by Cain iii. Luke 17:27 – A flood destroyed the world in Noah’s time iv. Luke 20:37 – God spoke to Moses through a burning bush v. Luke 4:25 – Elijah performed miracles vi. Matthew 12:40 – Jonah was in the great fish 3 days vii. Matthew 24:15 – Daniel made many predictions d. What was promised about the inspiration of the New Testament – through the Holy Spirit Response 5: we must understand what the New Testament says about itself i. Promised by Jesus 7 1. Matthew 10:20 – When the 12 would speak – it was “the spirit of your faith speaking through you” 2. Luke 10:16 – sending of the 70 – “He who hears you hears Me” 3. Mark 13:11 – Mount Olivet discourse – “It is not you who speak but the Holy Spirit” 4. Matthew 28:18, 20 – The Great Commission 5. John 16:13 – the Holy Spirit will direct His disciples into “all truth” 6. John 14:26 – “the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance all I have said to you” ii. Claimed by the disciples 1. Acts 1:1 – they claimed to be continuing what “Jesus began to do and teach” 2. Acts 2:42 – early church continued in “the Apostles’ teaching” 3. Ephesians 2:20 – church built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets 4. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – Apostles writings considered equally authoritative 5. 2 Peter 3:15-16 – Peter equated Paul’s writings with the Old Testament 6. 1 Timothy 5:18 – Paul quotes Luke’s gospel as authoritative 7. 1 Timothy 4:11,13 – Paul: my writings are equally authoritative as other Scripture 3. Was Jesus an “accommodator”? Response 2: we must make sure Jesus wasn’t perpetrating a fraud i. Contention: Jesus “accommodated” Himself to the accepted Jewish teachings of the day – self-fulfilled prophecy ii. Rebuttal 1. Six times in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus corrected “You have heard it was said, but I say…” 2. Jesus rebuked the Jews for following tradition “Why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” 3. Jesus told the Jewish leaders they were wrong “You are wrong, you know neither the Scriptures or the power of God” C. Conclusion These force us to choose If you take Jesus, you must accept the Old Testament If you reject the Bible, you reject Jesus Or impugn His integrity “On plain language, either the Old Testament is the Word of God or Christ is not the Son of God” “If Jesus taught the truth, then the Old Testament is the historical, accurate, and divinely authoritative Word of God” 8 III. Christ and the Canonization of the Old Testament – The Key to the Extent of the Old Testament “Canon” = “rule”, “norm” A. Which books belong in the Old Testament – why these 39 books? 1. Tradition of the Jews Established by the Jews through time - Ecclesiasticus – 130 BC - Josephus – 90 AD 2. Confirmation by Christians i. Christ’s witness to the Old Testament Canon a. Luke 24:44 – “all things written in the law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms concerning Me” b. Luke 11:51 – “from the blood of Abel [the first OT martyr] to the blood of Zechariah [the last OT martyr]” Abel – Genesis 4 Zechariah – 2 Chronicles 24 ii. Council of Jamnia – circa 70 AD a. Contention: “The leaders got together in a council and decided which books best helped them and then forced the followers to accept them” b. Response: Discussed Esther (no mention of God) Ecclesiastes (questionable doctrine) Ultimately accepted what was handed down by Jewish tradition and rabbinical writings B. Apocrypha Written between 200 – 0 BC Reveal religious history of Jews of this time Dispute in the Roman Catholic church 1546 – Council of Trent 1. Contention: Council of Trent accepted the books as inspired – part of the Bible 2. Response: Jews of the time, Jesus, early church did not i. Not accepted by Jews, custodians of the Old Testament (Romans 3:2) ii. Jesus and the New Testament writers never quote the Apocrypha 2. 39 books of the Old Testament quoted in the New Testament iii. No church included them until the 5th century iv. St. Jerome probably the early church’s most biblical scholar, rejected them v. Accepted by the Roman Catholics in 1546 mostly to support purgatory & works salvation vi. Historical contradictions vii. Apocrypha itself never claims inspiration viii. No predictive prophecy in the Apocrypha ix. Adds nothing to our knowledge of the Messiah 9 Lesson 1 Table Talk 1. What is the difference between inspiration and canonization? Inspiration – establishes the authority of the writings – “from God” Canonization – establishes which writings are inspired 2. Why is the “Accommodation Theory” full of holes? Of all the so-called prophets we the world has ever seen, Jesus was the LEASE accommodating! 3. Explain this statement: “Either the Old Testament is the Word of God or Christ is not the Son of God?” Anyone who claims to be the Son of God must be 100% truthful and honest. Jesus claimed the Old Testament was the Word of God. If the Old Testament is NOT the Word of God, then Jesus was a liar, and is disqualified as the Son of God. 4. Why is it important that: We have a written word from God? Natural revelation – what we see around us, its complexity, proves there is a creator. But we need written revelation to complete the story of Jesus Christ, man’s sin and his need for redemption. The Bible is considered complete – no books missing or wrongly included? We MUST know what is inspired and what is not. Many books and writings can be accepted as good reference (such as the Apocrypha), but are not trustworthy as entirely accurate – you would not stake your spiritual lives on them. The Bible is considered inerrant (without error)? What is in the Bible must be accepted as truth, all truth, 100% truth. Otherwise, it is left to men and women to determine which parts are truthful and which are not. (Example: The Jesus Seminar). 10