suggested websites

Dr. Lee Bruce Kress
Summer 2009
Many of following bibliographical sources are available both electronically via the Campbell Library on
the Internet and in bound form in the reference areas of the library.
Academic Search Premier
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
This is a multi-disciplinary, full-text database designed specifically for academic
institutions. With a valuable and large collection of peer-reviewed full-text journals,
Academic Search Premier offers critical information from many sources and contains
scholarly collections with full-text coverage for nearly all academic areas of study. There
is also coverage of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and The Christian
Science Monitor, but these newspapers are not full-text. The date range for this database
is generally 1975-present so it is not suitable for older materials.
America: History and Life
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
Excellent source for abstracts of historical writings on the U.S. and Canada from books
and journals in many languages. The databases extends from 1954-present. Bound
volumes of the same bibliography are in Room 218
Historical Abstracts
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
Excellent source for abstracts of historical scholarship in books and journals in many
languages on subjects from 1450 to the present in all areas of the world except the U.S.
and Canada. The databases extends back from 1954-present. Bound volumes of the same
material are in Room 219.
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
This is an electronic archive of scholarly journals and full text articles in history,
archaeology, economics, Asian studies, Latin American studies, Middle Eastern studies.
political science, sociology, and other disciplines. Coverage goes back to the first
published issue of each journal, but often does not include the most recent 3-5 years of
publication. In some cases, Academic Search Premier may cover these more recent
Project Muse
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
This is an electronic archive, primarily of full text articles from humanities journals, but
including some history materials. Coverage goes back to the first issue of each journal up
to the present.
Declassified Documents Reference System
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
This is an electronic archive of over 500,000 pages of recently declassified US
government primary source materials, many of them on American foreign relations, some
dating back 50 years or more.
National Security Archive
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
This Security Archive contains the most comprehensive collection of primary documents
available since 1947. The database includes more than 63,000 of the most important
declassified documents regarding critical U.S. policy decisions. There are 24 complete
collections, each offering specialized insights
Biography and Genealogy Master Index
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
This database is a first stop index tool for learning where to look for
material on people from all time periods, geographical
locations and fields of endeavor.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index
indexes any print product that includes
information on multiple persons. It also acts as an index to other indexes.
Humanities Index
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
Source for scholarship from selected journals on the Humanities. Abstracts and some full
text materials are available electronically from 1974-present. Bound bibliographical
volumes of the same material are in the compact shelving on the first floor.
Social Science Index
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
Sources for scholarship from selected journals on the Social Sciences. Abstracts and
some full text materials are available electronically, 1974-present.
Bound bibliographical volumes of the same material are in Room 219.
International Index, A Guide to Periodical Literature in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Abstracts of materials published 1907-1965. The bound volumes are located in the
compact shelving on the first floor.
Social Sciences and Humanities Index Retro
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
It contains abstracts of materials from 1965-1974. Bound volumes are located in the
compact shelving on the first floor.
Digital Dissertations
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
Contains more than 1.3 million citations and abstracts of U.S., Canadian, and European
doctoral dissertations and Master’s theses. Titles published since 1997 are available in
PDF digital full text format by requesting a free download, and 24 page previews are also
Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin (PAIS)
1945-present, located on the second floor balcony. Contains abstracts of political science
and news materials. Since 1991, it has been called PAIS International. Rowan only has
volumes since 1964.
Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature
A source best for general and popular literature, 1890-present. Full text of articles
is available electronically for 1993-present. Bibliographical references for the
years 1890-1983 are in the bound volumes in the section marked Indexes on the
compact shelving on the first floor. Volumes for 1984-present are located in
Room 219.
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
Excellent bibliographical source for U.S government documents issued since
For earlier government materials, see the Monthly Catalog in the Government Documents
Room on the second floor or consult the documents librarian.
Writings of American History, 1902-1975.
An author and subject index to books and periodical articles. (Volumes for 1904-05 and
1941-47 were never published.) This is not available at Rowan, but Rutgers-Camden has
most annual issues. (Ref. Z1236.L331)
Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature
1802-1906. Issued occasionally. A general index to all types of articles, not just on
history. It is arranged by subject only and does not contain dates.
Library Level 1 (1890-1983)
Library Room 219 (1984+)
International Index to Periodicals
1907-1965. Of more interest to historians, this includes more American and English
scholarly journals than does Reader’s Guide.
Social Science and Humanities Index
1965-1974. This picks up where the International Index left off.
Library Level 1
Ref. DS557.7 E53 1988
Tucker, Spencer C., ed.
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History. 3 vols,
Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 1998.
Ref. DS557.7 D53 1988
Olson, James S., ed.
Dictionary of the Vietnam War.: NY: Greenwood 1998.
Ref. DS557.7 S94 1985
Summers, Harry G.
Vietnam War Almanac. NY: Facts on File, 1985
Ref. PE3727.S7 C57 1990
Clark, Gregory R.
Words of the Vietnam War : The Slang, Jargon, Abbreviations, Acronyms,
Nicknames, Pseudonyms, Slogans, Specs, Euphemisms, Double-talk, Chants, and Names
and Places of the Era of United States Involvement in Vietnam .Jefferson, NC:
McFarland, 1990.
Ref. E181.G845,1975
History Department Conference Room
Higham, Robin, ed.
A Guide to the Sources of United States Military History. Hamden: Archeon, 1975.
[Supplements were issued in 1981, 1986, 1993, and 1997.] The Rowan Library only has
the 1981 supplement, but all volumes can be found in the History Department Conference
Rutgers University Robeson Library, Camden.
Knappman, Edward W., ed.
South Vietnam: U. S.-Communist Confrontation in Southeast Asia. 8 vols, NY: Facts on
File, 1965-75.
Ref. E183.7 G84 1983
Burns, Richard Dean, ed.
Guide to American Foreign Relations since 1700. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 1983.
Ref. E183.7 E53 1997
Jentleson, Bruce W. and Thomas G. Paterson, eds.
Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations. 4 vols, NY: Oxford UP, 1997.
Ref. E181 F84 1999
Fredriksen, John C.
American Military Leaders: From Colonial Times to the Present. 2 vols, Santa Barbara:
ABC-Clio, 1999.
New York Times Index (Library Room 219)
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
The entire run of the newspaper from 1851+ is available online under Historical New
York Times. Rowan has all of the newspaper itself on microfilm as well as printed
indices from its inception. Paper indexes can be found in Library Room 219
Wall Street Journal
Look under “Databases and Indexes” on the Library web page
The entire run of this newspaper from 1887 to the present is available online under
Historical Wall Street Journal.. The last few decades are available on microfilm as well.
Palmer’s Index to the (London) Times Newspaper (Library Level 1 on moveable shelving)
1785+. Rowan has the newspaper itself on microfilm from 1785-1980. There is no
electronic index available at Rowan.
Christian Science Monitor Index (Library Level 1)
The Rowan Library has the newspaper itself on microfilm from 1959+. The indices do
not go back that far, however.
Rowan has the following newspapers online: Washington Post, Los Angles Times,
Christian Science Monitor, and the Boston Post, as well as some New Jersey newspapers but the
databases generally only cover the last few decades. Rowan has the microfilm of some of these
papers, too, but again only for the last few decades. More extensive microfilm files can be found
at Rider, Villanova, and St. Joseph’s Universities.
There are many different website relating to the Vietnam War and new ones come out all the time.
Listed here are some of the more prominent in that they contain primary sources, good
bibliographies, or links to other sources. Be sure to use these sites with academic caution because
the quality and the reliability of the materials varies.
Vietnam War Internet Project
A collection of oral histories, memoirs, images, articles, documents, and reading lists relating to
the war. this is probably the most comprehensive site that exists on the war, although the links
contain items of varying quality. Still, this is a good place to start.
A megasite with a lot of different kinds of information including links to movies, poetry.
memorials, jokes and history.
Origins of the Vietnam War: America’s Involvement
An excellent site with links to statistical material and primary sources on various aspects of the
war. There are 8 parts in this series on various topics.
The Wars for Vietnam, 1945-1975
This site was prepared for a seminar at Vassar College. It contain links to many Vietnamese
documents in translation that cannot be easily found elsewhere. It also has links to other sites on
many issues such as war memorials, veterans groups, and oral histories.
Vietnam: Yesterday and Today
Put out by a professor at the Oakdale, IL Community College, this site contains links to lists of
books and materials on Vietnam and women, films, personal accounts, literature, post-traumatic
stress, etc. The bibliographies include materials from both American and Vietnamese
Studying the Vietnam War Online
A listing of books and articles and other materials regarding the war in which the full texts are
Investigating the Vietnam War
Interviews and other links prepared by the History Channel.
Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy: Cold War
Links to primary sources on the Cold War compiled by Vincent Ferraro of Mt. Holyoke College.
Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy: Vietnam
Links to primary sources on Vietnam compiled by Vincent Ferraro of Mt. Holyoke College.
U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index
Links to web sites that are associated with specific courses on the Cold War and US Diplomatic
History being taught at both the undergraduate and graduate level in colleges and university
throughout the country.
NARA Archival Research Catalog (ARC)
Online holdings of the National Archives. Over 600,000 descriptions and 300,000digital copies of
materials from the National Archives on various topics. Be sure to use the search feature.
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library
The link to Reference Materials contains speeches, recordings, and executive orders.
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library
Online holdings include oral histories, telephone conversations, and some National Security
Council memos
A Guide to the Microfilm Collections at Middle Tennessee University
This lists the kinds of microfilm materials that are available from various presidential libraries and
government depositories. The Rowan Library does not have these microfilms, but they may be
obtained by Interlibrary Loan. Consult a Reference librarian for details.
Foreign Relations Series Volumes Online
Online primary sources of diplomatic materials put out by the US Department of State. Two
volumes from the Kennedy years deal with Vietnam and four volumes form the Johnson
administration. Materials from the Nixon administration have not yet been released. Not all
materials are on line, however, and Truman and Eisenhower documentation are available in hard
cover in the Government Documents section of the Rowan University Library.
Sources for United States Foreign Relations 1945-1999
Prepared by the University of Texas at Arlington, it contains listings of materials by and about the
different Secretaries of State and National Security Advisors.
Cold War International History Project
English translations of archival materials from various communist countries, including The Soviet
Union, China, and North Vietnam relating to the Cold War. Some deal with the Vietnam War.
The Woodrow Wilson Center of the Smithsonian Institution prepares this site.
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School: Indochina - Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
Various primary sources, especially international agreements communiqués, and addresses, from
the period 1950-1954.
Grover Furr’s Vietnam War Page