Joint Committee on Urban Drainage of IWA/IAHR

Joint Committee on Urban Drainage of IWA/IAHR
International Working Group on Water Sensitive Urban Design
Chair: Prof Rebekah Brown, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Monash University, Australia, 3800;
Vice-Chair & Secretary: Professor Richard Ashley, Pennine Water Group,
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield Mappin
St. Sheffield, United Kingdom, S1 3JD,
Agenda and minutes for a meeting to be held between 12-14th September
in Hotel Plaza São Rafael Convention Center – Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
State Brazil during 12th ICUD (time will be arranged on 12th September at the
JCID meeting)
1. Apologies
2. Minutes and matters arising from meeting of 1st September 2008 in
Edinburgh (see website)
3. Review of activities since last meeting
4. Future of the WG and website continuation
5. Proposed activities:
a. WSUD conference in Melbourne 21–23 February 2012 - Melbourne
Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia
b. WSUD manuals and publications – book and papers
c. Future meetings
6. Budgets and usage of £5k
7. Any other business
Minutes (In RB’s absence the meeting was chaired by Richard Ashley)
1. Tony: WSUD is the process - water sensitive cities is the outcome; this is
more attractive to non-water professionals
2. WSUD is now a matter of national policy in Australia and the language is
used for a growing population – LIUDD group growing in New Zealand.
Future of corporatized companies has been reviewed in Oz. National
Water Commission report downloadable about companies’ contribution
to urban liveability. Not yet policy but driving partnering with local
3. WSUD conference abstract deadline is remaining open until Monday night
next week.
4. CIRIA project planned in UK on WSUD which may include contributions
from WSPs.
5. Dry hot climate benefits from GI (Ana).
6. WSUD project in RSA just starting. Development issues challenges. How
does WSUD differ from IUWM – urban design lacking – although several
attending the meeting.
7. Now seen as urban design in Australia by emphasising water sensitive
cities. Diverse themes likely in WSUD conference with engineering being
less important or significant in future.
8. WSUD publications: guest edition of urban water journal on water
sensitive cities – need urban microclimate specialists and architectural
design contributions. Also highly illuminated book – linked to cities of the
future programme. Using ongoing case examples to highlight the vision.
Ideally start process now and further develop at WSUD conference. Tony
will input a chapter but would like others to take leadership role in book
(TW, RA to action).
9. IWA conference in Bhusan in Sept 2012 could be a launch pad and bring
more dimension to the cities of the future programme – workshop
proposal. P-S Mikkelsen on organising committee and with info. CWSCs
have already contributed via Rob Skinner. WSUD working group can
input link to technical level.
10. TW to produce an outline for the workshop. Bill Hunt interested in
helping with workshop: Reaching Out. (Action TW, BH)
11. Book should be about outreach not a technical manual and project
focused. Audience landscape architects and allied professionals – takes
WSUD to other professions. (ACTION RA, TW)
12. Budget: £5k available to support people with less resources to attend
WSUD meetings – and potentially participating in the book development.
This will be a subsidy not full cost.
13. WSUD conference funding to be decided by the conference organisers.
Maybe identify stormwater managers/experts who may be ideal. (Action
14. Committee was set up to move WSUD WG on: Sarah Ward; Scott Arthur;
Neil Armitage; Tony; Govert Geldof; Lian Lundy.
15. Next meeting will be during WSUD conference in Melbourne in February
2012. Thereafter at the UDM conference in Belgrade.
Signed up attendees at meeting in PA (there were more people, but attendance
list was not signed):
NB since the meeting in PA Dr Louise Walker (PWG) has agreed to support RA as
assistant secretary