The Transport of African Dust to North America: The Link between African Climate and Air Quality Joseph M. Prospero Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL, 33149 tel: 305-361-4159 fax: 305-361-4457 Long-term measurements of aerosols made in the Caribbean, Miami, and Bermuda show that African mineral dust is a prominent, often dominant, aerosol component over the western Atlantic during much of the year. These aerosol data, coupled with satellite and meteorological data, suggest that African dust affects a huge area. Indeed, in the southeastern United States in summer, dust concentrations often exceed by far those of typical pollutant aerosols such as sulfate and nitrate. A large fraction (about half) of the dust mass is under 2.5 m diameter, a size class defined by the US EPA as “respirable” particles. For these reasons there is great interest in possible health impacts and the linkage to African dust source processes. In this presentation I review these long term measurements and I show how dust transport across the Atlantic undergoes large year-to-year changes and that these changes are linked to rainfall in the Soudano-Sahel region of North Africa. Thus climate change in Africa will have an impact on the air quality in the US. Dust is also believed to play an important role in climate forcing processes. Thus the variability of dust emissions as a result of changes in climate could provide a mechanism for climatefeedback forcing. Satellite images often show dense clouds of dust emerging from the west coast of North Africa almost all year long. Figure 1 shows a typical dust outbreak. African dust is subsequently carried across the Atlantic in the trade winds. Figure 2 shows a dust outbreak along the coast of Africa; dust from an outbreak that occurred several days earlier can be seen extending across the Atlantic almost to the coast of South America. It takes about a week for dust to transit from the coast of Africa to the Caribbean, a distance of over 5000 km. The Univ. Miami Aerosol Group has made aerosol measurements on Barbados, the easternmost of the Caribbean islands, since 1965. We see a strong seasonal cycle in dust concentrations with maximum dust in the summer months. Figure 3 shows the daily dust concentration over the years 1996-1997. Starting in the Spring, we see sharp pulses of dust that correspond to the passage of the dust clouds from Africa. Note that during the summer, dust concentrations are typically a few tens of micrograms per cubic meter of air but usually every year there are a few dust events that exceed 100 ug/m3. In an urban context, these would be regarded as extremely high. Over longer time scales, decades, we see large year-to-year changes in dust concentration. Figure 4 shows the monthly mean dust concentration over the period 1965-1998. (The Barbados record is the longest continuous aerosol record in existence.) In Fig. 4 the annual seasonal cycle stands out clearly. We also note, however, that there are longer-term trends in the record. In general dust concentrations after about 1970 are markedly higher than those in the 1960’s although the record in the 60’s is relatively short. After 1970 we see that there are periods when dust concentrations increase sharply, for example, in the early 70’s, the early 80’s, the late 90’s. These dusty periods correspond to period of intense drought in North Africa, a drought that began in the late 60’s and early 70’s. More will be said about this later. Large concentrations of African dust are measured at other sites in the Univ. of Miami Atlantic network. Measurements in Miami made since 1974 (Fig. 5) show a strong seasonal cycle similar to that in Barbados, although the dusty period is much shorter, usually only July and August. Also similar to Barbados, we see decadal changes in dust concentrations. The peak years in Miami in most cases match those in Barbados. Thus, to the extent that climate processes in Africa affect dust transport, the effects are seen over a large latitudinal band in the western Atlantic. In 1997 the EPA established a standard for suspended particles less than 2.5 µm diameter which are regarded as highly “respirable”. This standard specifies an annual mean not to exceed 15 µg m-3 and a 24hour mean of 65 µg m-3. About half of the dust mass in Barbados and in Miami is in the “respirable” size range. Thus it would appear that the dust concentrations over the Caribbean and Miami fall in a range that could be of concern on health issues, especially during the more intense dust transport years. To further explore the relationship of dust to climate, we looked at the dust concentrations in the trade winds at Barbados in comparison to rainfall in Africa [Prospero and Lamb, 2003]. We find that Barbados dust is correlated with rainfall in the Soudano-Sahel region of North Africa, an arid region to the south of the Sahara. The relationship was best with rainfall in the previous year to the dust collections in Barbados as seen in Fig. 5. The correlation (R2 = 0.56) is remarkably strong for climate-related processes. Unfortunately our dust record only extends back to 1965 on Barbados. Rainfall records go back further. To get an idea of what dust transport was like in the earlier decades of the 20th century, we used the regression equation shown in Fig. 6 and the longer-term rainfall data. Figure 7 shows the complete Lamb rainfall data record for the Soudano-Sahel. Also shown are the estimated Barbados dust concentrations based on the rainfall record. Rainfall was much more plentiful in the 1950’s, a relatively “wet” phase. During the 50’s dust transport was dramatically lower than in recent decades, only about 25% of that in the 80’s, a “dry” period. The variability of dust transport is much higher than the long-term trends in pollution emissions. Figure 8 shows the estimated dust concentration record for Barbados (the same as in Fig. 7) along with the emissions of SO2 from US sources over the same time period. US emissions show a gradual rise from 1940 to the mid-80’s, roughly doubling, then stabilizing and slowly decreasing. In contrast, dust transport shows a much larger shorter-term variability and a long term trend that quadrupled concentrations of dust over the time period that SO2 pollution emissions doubled. Thus, to the extent that air-quality and health effects can be traced to African dust, the year-to-year impact will vary according to climate conditions in Africa. The question arises as to how much of the African dust is “natural” and how much is “anthropogenic”. Various lines of evidence suggest that the large variability that we observe is not related to direct human impacts (e.g., agriculture carried out in marginal lands, overgrazing, etc.). A recent study [Prospero et al., 2002] of major dust sources shows that dust is emitted from specific types of environments: topographical low lands in arid regions that were flooded in early geological history. Figure 9 shows the regions in North Africa that are the major sources of dust. One characteristic of these sources is that most are located in extremely remote, harsh environments where there are very few inhabitants. On the other hand, if the unusually long (30 year) drought is due to human-induced climate change, then the increased dust observed in recent decades must be attributed to anthropogenic causes. Air quality models must be developed which can anticipate the consequences of intermediate term climate variability and consequent air quality impacts at great distances. Prospero, Joseph M., Lamb, Peter J., African droughts and dust transport to the Caribbean: Climate change implications. Science 302: 1024 - 1027, 2003. Prospero, J.M., et al. Environmental characterization of global sources of atmospheric soil dust identified with the NIMBUS 7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) absorbing aerosol product. Rev. Geophys. 10.1029/2000RG000095, 04 September 2002 Barbados Daily Dust 200 180 Dust 160 Dust (ug/m3) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Ja n9 M 6 ar -9 M 6 ay -9 Ju 6 l-9 S 6 ep -9 N 6 ov -9 Ja 6 n9 M 7 ar -9 M 7 ay -9 Ju 7 lS 97 ep -9 N 7 ov -9 7 0 Fig. 3 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 50 Mineral Dust (ug/m3) 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 Ju l-8 Ju l-8 Ju l-8 Ju l-8 Ju l-9 Ju l-9 Ju l-9 Ju l-9 Ju l-9 Ju l-0 5 J-65 J-66 J-67 J-68 J-69 J-70 J-71 J-72 J-73 J-74 J-75 J-76 J-77 J-78 J-79 J-80 J-81 J-82 J-83 J-84 J-85 J-86 J-87 J-88 J-89 J-90 J-91 J-92 J-93 J-94 J-95 J-96 J-97 J-98 Fig. 4 Jun-Aug: -10x+14 Rainfall Fig. 7 90 85 95 19 19 80 75 Fig. 8 19 19 19 70 0 19 2000 65 1990 19 1980 60 1970 19 1960 55 -1.5 1950 2 0 19 -5 1940 4 5 50 -1.0 0 6 10 45 5 8 15 19 -0.5 10 20 19 10 D ust con cen tration (ug /m 3 ) 0.0 12 25 40 15 14 0.8 Soudano-Sahel Precipitation Index 16 R eg re sse d dus t U S em ission s 30 19 0.5 Lamb's Sahel - Soudano Rainfall Index 20 previous year R egre ssed B arb ado s D u st a nd U S Em iss io n of S O2 35 1.0 10 Fig. 6 Fig. 5 1.5 25 15 U S Em ission s of S O2 (Tg S ) 30 20 0 -2.0 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4 Ju l-8 10 y = -9.77x + 12.80 R2 = 0.56 25 5 6 15 Ju l-7 20 Ju l-7 Dust (ug/m3) 25 30 4 30 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ju l-7 35 June-August Dust Conc (ug/m3) Mineral Dust (ug/m3) 40 0 35 Miami Mineral Dust: Monthly Mean Dust Miami Monthly Mean Barbados Monthly Mean Dust 45 Fig. 9