As a follow-up of the situation concerning Bluetongue, please note

As a follow-up of the situation concerning Bluetongue, please note that the disease has been recorded
also in France.
The situation in France
Two outbreaks have indeed been notified in the northern part of the country: one last night (30 August)
and one a few hours ago, both within the restricted zone defined at the beginning of the week as a
consequence of the outbreaks in Belgium (see e-mail UECBV-651-2006-REV.2).
The first outbreak was recorded in the town of Brognon, within the department of Ardennes, in a 2year-old bovine animal, born in France. The animal showed very mild symptoms and was therefore
suspected of being infected, which was then confirmed by virological and serological tests.
According to the legislation in force and similarly to other MSs concerned, French authorities
established protection and surveillance zones, with the additional 20 km zone around the outbreak.
Due to the closeness to the Belgian territory part of the 20 km zone falls within Belgium, where the 20
km zone has then been modified accordingly.
Measures taken in such territories by the French authorities are reported below (and relate of course
only to ruminants, their semen, ova and embryos).
20 km zone:
all movements are blocked
Protection zone:
exit of animals is not allowed, while their entry remains possible
specific derogations to the ban will be established in the next future
Territories included: Département des Ardennes
Département de l’Aisne : arrondissements de Laon, de Saint-Quentin,
de Soissons, de Vervins
Département de la Marne : arrondissement de Reims,
Département du Nord : arrondissements de Avesnes-sur-Helpe, de
Cambrai, de Douai, de Valenciennes
Surveillance zone:
remains possible
exit of animals is not allowed, while their entry (from free zones)
specific derogations to the ban will be established in the next future
Territories included: Département de l’Aisne : arrondissement de Château-Thierry,
Département de la Marne : arrondissements de Châlons-enChampagne, d’Epernay, de Sainte-Menehould, de Vitry-le-François
Département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle : arrondissement de Briey
Département de la Meuse
Département de la Moselle : arrondissements de Boulay-Moselle, de
Metz-ville, de Metz-campagne, de Thionville-est, de Thionville-ouest
Département du Nord : arrondissements de Dunkerque, de Lille
Département de l’Oise : arrondissements de Clermont, de
Compiègne, de Senlis
Département du Pas-de-Calais : arrondissements de Arras, de
Béthune, de Lens
Département de Seine-et-Marne : arrondissement de Meaux
Département de la Somme : arrondissements de Amiens, de
Montdidier, de Péronne
Intra-Community trade:
exports from the restricted zones, even if intended for any of
the restricted zones in other Member States, are not allowed
similarly, all imports originating from restricted zones in other
countries are not allowed
The second outbreaks has also been recorded in the same part of the country. The restricted zones
will be adapted if necessary.
Attached documents
Maps where the new restricted zones in France and Belgium are indicated (the French might be
slightly amended according to the location of the second outbreak).
List of insecticides allowed for use in Belgium, Germany and Spain;
Preliminary note highlighting some aspects of the disease and of the outbreaks during the last
years in Europe. A more detailed note will follow.