Security Discourse - Discourse in Society

Security Discourse
Teun A. van Dijk
October 2013
Aradau, C. (2010). Security that matters: Critical infrastructure and objects of protection. Security Dialogue, 41(5),
491-514. [Lg: English][[[[agency] [critical infrastructure protection] [discourse] [materiality]
[performativity] [securitization] ]]]
Bandhauer-Schöffmann, I. (2010). Female German terrorists in Austria: Constructions of gender and nation in the
Austrian discourses on the threats to national security concerning the abduction of Walter Palmers in 1977 .
Deutsche Terroristinnen in Osterreich: Konstruktionen von GeschlechZeitgeschichte, 37(2), 111-137. [Lg:
Beland, D. (2011). The Politics of Social Policy Language. Social Policy & Administration, 45(1), 1-18. [[[welfare
state; social security; ideas; discourse; france; usa; welfare-state; united-states; reform; ideas; discourse;
paradigms; security; contract; britain; france; public administration; social issues; social work]]]
Bellamy, A. J., & McDonald, M. (2004). Securing international society: Towards an English School discourse of
security. Australian Journal of Political Science, 39(2), 307-330. [[[policy]]]
Bergmann, C. (1996). On "Breaking" and "Demoralizing" of People. Semantic Shifts in Language Use in the
Ministry of State Security of the Former German Democratic Republic; Uber das "Herausbrechen" und
"Zersetzen" von Menschen. Semantische Verschiebungen im Sprachgebrauch des Ministeriums fur
Staatssicherheit der ehemaligen DDR. Muttersprache, 106(4), 289-301. [[[german] [verbs] [semantic
analysis] [meaning] [political discourse] []]]
Bettini, G. (2013). Climate Barbarians at the Gate? A critique of apocalyptic narratives on 'climate refugees'.
Geoforum, 45, 65-74. [[[climate change; migration; climate security; climate refugees; discourse theory;
post-politics; environmental-change; violent conflict; out-migration; discourse; ; geography]]]
Bilgin, P. (2005). Turkey's changing security discourses: The challenge of globalisation. European Journal of
Political Research, 44(1), 175-201.
Bilgin, P. (2007). "Only strong states can survive in Turkey's geography": The uses of "geopolitical truths" in
Turkey. Political Geography, 26(7), 740-756. [[[turkey; geopolitical discourse; civil-military relations; the
european union; security; geography; political science]]]
Boland, A. (2000). Feeding Fears: Competing Discourses of Interdependency, Sovereignty, and China Food
Security. Political Geography, 19(1), 55-76.
Brown, T. (2011). 'Vulnerability is universal': Considering the place of 'security' and 'vulnerability' within
contemporary global health discourse. Social Science & Medicine, 72(3), 319-326. [[[global health;
security; vulnerability; health geography; infectious-disease; governance; cholera; aids; public,
environmental & occupational health; biomedical social sciences]]]
Cavelty, M. D. (2013). From Cyber-Bombs to Political Fallout: Threat Representations with an Impact in the
Cyber-Security Discourse. International Studies Review, 15(1), 105-122. [[[metaphor; states; war;
international relations; government & law]]]
Chandler, D. (2009). War Without End(s): Grounding the Discourse of 'Global War'. Security Dialogue, 40(3),
243-262. [[[international relations]]]
Chandler, D. (2010). Race, culture and civil society: Peacebuilding discourse and the understanding of difference.
Security Dialogue, 41(4), 369-390. [Lg: English][[[[civil society] [Foucault] [intervention] [peacebuilding]
Chaturvedi, S., & Doyle, T. (2010). Geopolitics of Climate Change and Australia's 'Re-engagement' with Asia:
Discourses of Fear and Cartographic Anxieties. Australian Journal of Political Science, 45(1), 95-115.
[[[security; politics; political science]]]
Cheeseman, G. (1999). Asian-Pacific Security Discourse in the Wake of the Asian Economic-Crisis. Pacific
Review, 12(3), 333-356.
Chilton, P. (1996). Security metaphors. Cold war discourse from containment to common house. New York: P.
Lang. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0820421782 (hc : acid-free)][International relations][Language and
languages][Discourse analysis][Cold War]]]
Choi, J. K., & Moon, C. I. (2010). Understanding Northeast Asian regional dynamics: inventory checking and new
discourses on power, interest, and identity. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 10(2), 343-372.
[[[east-asia; international-relations; political stability; china; future; war; alliance; security; peace; world;
international relations]]]
Cohen, H. (2012). Society-Military Relations in a State-in-the-Making: Palestinian Security Agencies and the
"Treason Discourse" in the Second Intifada. Armed Forces & Society, 38(3), 463-485. [[[government &
law; sociology]]]
Cooper, A. F. (1995). Between Fragmentation and Integration: The Evolving Security Discourse in Australia and
Canada. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 49(1), 49-67.
Coskun, B. B. (2010). History writing and securitization of the other: the construction and reconstruction of
Palestinian and Israeli security discourses. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 23(2), 281-298.
[[[politics; international relations; political science]]]
Crosby, A. D. (1996). The Print Medias Shaping of the Security Discourse: Cruise Missile Testing, SDI, and
Norad. International Journal, 52(1), 89-117.
Dalbt, S. (1990). American Security Discourse: The Persistence of Geopolitics. Political Geography Quarterly,
9(2), 171-188. [[[defense policy and spending] [military policy] [national security issues] [political
geography] [united states 1945 to present] [union of soviet socialist repulblics]]]
Dalby, S. (1990). American Security Discourse: The Persistence of Geopolitics. Political Geography Quarterly,
9(2), 171-188. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Dalby, S. (1992). Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse.
Alternatives, 17(1), 95-134. [[[cold war] [ecology] [modern political philosophy] [peace peace movement
peace groups] [security] [war ]]]
Dalby, S. (1994). Gender and Critical Geopolitics - Reading Security Discourse in the New-World Disorder.
Environment and Planning D-Society & Space, 12(5), 595-612.
Dalby, S. (1994). Gender and Critical Geopolitics: Reading Security Discourse in the New-World Disorder.
Environment and Planning D-Society & Space, 12(5), 595-612. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Dalby, S. (1996). Continent Adrift: Dissident Security Discourse and the Australian Geopolitical Imagination.
Australian Journal of International Affairs, 50(1), 59-75.
Detraz, N., & Betsill, M. M. (2009). Climate Change and Environmental Security: For Whom the Discourse Shifts.
International Studies Perspectives, 10(3), 303-320. [[[climate change; environmental security; violent
conflict; vulnerability; generations; systems; international relations]]]
Ereky-Stevens, K. (2008). Associations between Mothers' Sensitivity to Their Infants' Internal States and
Children's Later Understanding of Mind and Emotion. Infant and Child Development, 17(5), 527-543.
[[[false belief; emotion understanding; individual differences; internal states; mind-mindedness; sensitivity;
attachment security; preschool-children; social cognition; false-belief; language; mindedness; talk;
competence; abilities; discourse; psycholog
Fivush, R. (2006). Scripting attachment: Generalized event representations and internal working models.
Attachment & Human Development, 8(3), 283-289. [[[attachment; scripts; generalized event
representations; internal working models; mother-child discourse; atypical actions; security; memory;
Forss, M., Kalimo, E., & Purola, T. (2001). The Insurance Discourse and Social-Security. Geneva Papers on Risk
and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 26(4), 517-528.
Gaspar, A. C., Centro de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (Mozambique), & Göteborgs universitet. (2001).
Security, development, and national identity. Discourse and practice in Mozambique, 1977-1989. Maputo
Göteborg, Sweden: Centro des Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais, Instituto Superior de Relações
Internacionais Dept. of Peace and Development Research, Göteborg University. [[[b][Lg: eng][National
Germes, M., Schirmel, H., Brailich, A., Glasze, G., & Pütz, R. (2010). Large housing estates as urban threats?
Compared discourses - Germany, France, Poland . Les grands ensembles de banlieue comme menaces
urbaines? Discours comparés Allemagne, France, Pologne. Annales de Geographie, 119(675), 515-535.
[Lg: French][[[[Discourse theory] [Large housing estates] [Lexicometry] [Security] [Suburbia] [Urban
geography] ]]]
Gold-Biss, M. (1994). The discourse on terrorism. Political violence and the Subcommittee on Security and
Terrorism, 1981-1986. New York: Lang. [[[b] [Terrorism] [United States/Congress/Senate/Committee on
the Judiciary/Subcommittee on ] [Security and Terrorism] [political discourse] [CDA]]]
Græger, N. (2009). The Norwegian defence discourse post-1990. Internationalization and national defence in a
new interplay . Norsk forsvarsdiskurs post1990. Internasjonalisering og nasjonalt forsvar i nytt samspill.
Internasjonal Politikk, 67(3), 351-379. [Lg: Norwegian][[[[Defence] [Defence discourse] [High north]
[NATO] [Peace operations] [Security policy] ]]]
Gregory, D. U. (1989). The Dictators Furnace - Metaphor and Alchemy in National-Security Discourse. Current
Research on Peace and Violence, 12(2), 47-52. [[[international relations]]]
Gregory, D. U. (1989). The Dictators Furnace: Metaphor and Alchemy in National- Security Discourse. Current
Research on Peace and Violence, 12(2), 47-52. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Hagström, L., & Jerdén, B. (2010). Understanding fluctuations in sino-japanese relations: To politicize or to depoliticize the China issue in the Japanese diet. Pacific Affairs, 83(4), 719-739. [Lg: English][[[[Discourse
analysis] [Fluctuations] [Insecurity] [Japan's china policy] [Japanese diet debate] [Sino-japanese relations]
Hanisch, T. (1992). The Rio Climate Convention: Real Solutions or Political Rhetoric. Security Dialogue, 23(4),
63-73. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Hansen, L. (2006). Security as practice. Discourse analysis and the Bosnian war. New York, NY: Routledge.
[[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0415335752 (pbk. : alk. paper)][Language and international relations][Discourse
Hartmann, B. (2006). Liberal ends, illiberal means: National security, 'environmental conflict' and the making of
the Cairo consensus. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 13(2), 195-227. [[[developing-countries; violent
conflict; social-science; demography; degradation; discourse; history; africa; policy; kenya]]]
Hartmann, B. (2010). Rethinking Climate Refugees and Climate Conflict: Rhetoric, Reality and the Politics of
Policy Discourse. Journal of International Development, 22(2), 233-246. [[[climate conflict; climate
refugees; displacement; environmental conflict; security; africa; planning & development]]]
Hedlund, M. (2000). Disability as a phenomenon: A discourse of social and biological understanding. Disability
and Society, 15 (5), 765-780. [[[biological and social conceptualization and definition of disability as a
societal phenomenon and its relation to social security systems]]]
Helms, R., Costanza, S. E., & Johnson, N. (2012). Crouching tiger or phantom dragon? Examining the discourse
on global cyber-terror. Security Journal, 25(1), 57-75. [[[terrorism; terror; cyber-crime; security; legislation;
state; security; challenges; sociology; criminology & penology]]]
Hollander, G. M. (2005). Securing Sugar: National Security Discourse and the Establishment of Florida's SugarProducing Region. Economic geography, 4, 339-358.
Hollander, G. M. (2005). Securing sugar: National security discourse and the establishment of Florida's sugarproducing region. Economic Geography, 81(4), 339-358. [[[agrofood system; sugar; discourse; national
security; regional development; place; narratives; geography; food; culture; world; economics; geography]]]
Hoskins, A., & O'Loughlin, B. (2007). Television and terror. Conflicting times and the crisis of news discourse.
Houndmills, Basingstoke New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0230002315 (alk.
paper)][Terrorism][Television broadcasting of news][Journalism][National security]]]
Howorth, J. (2004). Discourse, ideas, and epistemic communities in European security and defence policy. West
European Politics, 27(2), 211-+.
Hulsse, R., & Spencer, A. (2008). The Metaphor of Terror: Terrorism Studies and the Constructivist Turn. Security
Dialogue, 39(6), 571-592. [[[metaphor; al-qaeda; terrorism; constructivism; discourse; discourse;
international relations]]]
Hynek, N. (2010). Missile Defence Discourses and Practices in Relevant Modalities of 21st-Century Deterrence.
Security Dialogue, 41(4), 435-459. [[[missile defence; deterrence; compellence; usa; russia; china;
escalation; international relations]]]
Ibrahim, M. (2005). The securitization of migration: A racial discourse. International Migration, 43(5), 163-187.
[Lg: English][[[[immigration] [mobility] [race] [security threat] [Canada] [North America] ]]]
Jensen, L. C. (2013). Seduced and surrounded by security: A post-structuralist take on Norwegian High North
securitizing discourses. Cooperation and Conflict, 48(1), 80-99. [[[discourse analysis; high north; poststructuralism; securitization; securitizing; security; copenhagen school; politics; desecuritization; norway;
international relations; government & law]]]
Kassianova, A. (2001). Does Russia Still Have a Western Orientation: The Development of State Identity in
Discourses on Foreign and Security Policy. Osteuropa, 51(10), 1200-1218.
Kassianova, A. (2001). Russia: Still Open to the West: Evolution of the State Identity in the Foreign-Policy and
Security Discourse. Europe-Asia Studies, 53(6), 821-839.
Kenkel, K. M. (2006). Language matters: Security discourse and civil-military relations in Brazil. Journal of
Political & Military Sociology, 34(2), 211-236. [[[political science; sociology]]]
Khattak, S. G. (1996). Security Discourses and the State in Pakistan. Alternatives Social Transformation And
Humane Governance, 21(3), 341-362. [[[human rights declarations of human rights and human rights
commissions official organizations] [india] [pakistan] [reform reformers] [security ]]]
Krebs, R. R., & Lobasz, J. K. (2007). Fixing the meaning of 9/11 - Hegemony, coercion, and the road to war in
Iraq. Security Studies, 16(3), 409-451. [[[us foreign-policy; national identity; bush doctrine; september 11;
press; bush,george,w.; independence; discourse; strategy; history; international relations]]]
Kuus, M. (2002). Sovereignty for Security: The Discourse of Sovereignty in Estonia. Political Geography, 21(3),
Kuus, M. (2007). Something old, something new: Eastness in European union enlargement. Journal of
International Relations and Development, 10(2), 150-167. [[[central europe; europe; european union
enlargement; identity; security; discourse; integration; boundaries; balkanism; expansion; security; ;
international relations; political science]]]
Kuus, M. (2007). Ubiquitous identities and elusive subjects: puzzles from Central Europe. Transactions of the
Institute of British Geographers, 32(1), 90-101. [[[identity; subjectivity; performativity; central europe; east
european studies; estonia; national identity; estonia; security; state; performativity; integration; discourse;
culture; russia; policy; geography]]]
Laible, D. (2004). Mother-Child Discourse in Two Contexts: Links With Child Temperament, Attachment
Security, and Socioemotional Competence. Developmental Psychology, 40 (6), 979-992. [[[attachment
security] [child temperament] [socioemotional competence] [mother-child discourse] [emotional content]
[preschool children] [mothers]]]
Laible, D. (2006). Maternal emotional expressiveness and attachment security: Links to representations of
relationships and social behavior. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly-Journal of Developmental Psychology, 52(4),
645-670. [[[early conscience development; mother-child discourse; prosocial ; psychology,
Laible, D., Panfile, T., & Makariev, D. (2008). The quality and frequency of mother-toddler conflict: Links with
attachment and temperament. Child Development, 79(2), 426-443. [[[child discourse; 2nd year; family
conflict; behavior; competence; preschool; security; questionnaire; construction; adaptation; psychology,
educational; psychology, developmental]]]
Laible, D. J., & Thompson, R. A. (2000). Mother-child discourse, attachment security, shared positive affect, and
early conscience development. Child Development, 71 (5), 1424-1440. [[[mother-child discourse and
attachment security and shared positive affect] [child early conscience development and behavior and
internalization and behavior problems] [4-yr-olds and mothers (mean age 30.2 yrs)]]]
Lambach, D. (2006). Security, development and the Australian security discourse about failed states. Australian
Journal of Political Science, 41(3), 407-418. [[[political science]]]
Leal, J. M. P. (2010). The feeling of insecurity in the discourse on crime . O sentimento de inseguranca na
discursividade sobre o crime. Sociologias, 23, 394-427. [Lg: Portuguese][[[[Crime] [Delinquency] [Feeling
of insecurity] [Rural] [Urban] ]]]
Lee, D., & Smith, N. J. (2010). Small State Discourses in the International Political Economy. Third World
Quarterly, 31(7), 1091-1105. [[[trade negotiations; countries; security; planning & development]]]
Lee, R. P. (2013). The politics of international agri-food policy: discourses of trade-oriented food security and food
sovereignty. Environmental Politics, 22(2), 216-234. [[[food security; food sovereignty; discourse;
international trade; agricultural biotechnology; governance; multifunctionality; environmental sciences &
ecology; government & law]]]
Logvinov, M. (2009). Energy as a weapon? European energy security discourse as a "threat industry" and conflicts
of interest in the Russian-Polish-German triangle . Energie als waffe? Europäischer
versorgungssicherheitsdiskurs als "threat industry" und interessenkonflikte im Osterreichische Zeitschrift
fur Politikwissenschaft, 38(4), 407-421. [Lg: German][[[[EU] [Gazprom] [Russia] [Security of supply] ]]]
MacEachen, E., Polzer, J., & Clarke, J. (2008). "You are free to set your own hours": Governing worker
productivity and health through flexibility and resilience. Social Science & Medicine, 66(5), 1019-1033.
[[[workplace health; flexible work; managers; discourse analysis; canada; occupational stress; jobsatisfaction; insecurity; economy; organizations; rethinking; employees; workplace; discourse; question;
public, environmental & occupational health; social
Machava, B. L. (2011). State Discourse on Internal Security and the Politics of Punishment in Post-Independence
Mozambique (1975-1983). Journal of Southern African Studies, 37(3), 593-609. [[[area studies]]]
Mack, A., & Kerr, P. (1995). The Evolving Security Discourse in the Asia-Pacific. Washington Quarterly, 18(1),
123-140. [[[association of southeast asian nations] [asia] [japan] [pacific ocean pacific rim] [security]
[strategy ]]]
Malksoo, M. (2006). From existential politics towards normal politics? The Baltic states in the enlarged Europe.
Security Dialogue, 37(3), 275-297. [[[baltic states; existential politics; european foreign policy; politics of
becoming; discourse analysis; eastern]]]
McCarthy, C., Rodriguez, A. P., Buendia, E., Meacham, S., David, S., Godina, H., Supriya, K. E., &
Wilsonbrown, C. (1997). Danger in the Safety Zone: Notes on Race, Resentment, and the Discourse of
Crime, Violence and Suburban Security. Cultural Studies, 11(2), 274-295.
McDonald, M. (2013). Discourses of climate security. Political Geography, 33, 42-51. [[[climate security;
discourse analysis; environmental security; securitization; national-security; conflict; environment;
resources; issue; geography; government & law]]]
Meyer, D. S. (1995). Framing National-Security - Elite Public Discourse on Nuclear-Weapons During the ColdWar. Political Communication, 12(2), 173-192. [[[frames; nuclear weapons; peace movements; public
discourse; social movements; media discourse; movements; protest; policy; communication; political
Mills, M., & Keddie, A. (2010). Gender justice and education: constructions of boys within discourses of
resentment, neo-liberalism and security. Educational Review, 62(4), 407-420. [[[gender justice; boys'
education; neo-liberalism; national security; male teachers; politics; masculinity; rethinking; school; policy;
education & educational research]]]
Millsa, M., & Keddie, A. (2010). Gender justice and education: Constructions of boys within discourses of
resentment, neo-liberalism and security. Educational Review, 62(4), 407-420. [Lg: English][[[[Boys'
education] [Gender justice] [National security] [Neo-liberalism] ]]]
Montefrio, M. J. F., & Sonnenfeld, D. A. (2011). Forests, fuel, or food? competing coalitions and biofuels policy
making in the philippines. Journal of Environment and Development, 20(1), 27-49. [Lg:
English][[[[Biodiesel] [Bioethanol] [Biofuels policy] [Discourse coalitions] [Environmental policy] [Food
security] [Forest conservation] [Southeast Asia] ]]]
Morrissey, J. (2011). Architects of Empire: The Military-Strategic Studies Complex and the Scripting of US
National Security. Antipode, 43(2), 435-470. [Lg: English][[[[Discourse] [Empire] [Geopolitics] [Militarystrategic studies complex] [National security] [USA] ]]]
Moshirzadeh, H. (2007). Discursive foundations of Iran's nuclear policy. Security Dialogue, 38(4), 521-543.
[[[iran; nuclear policy; foreign policy discourse; independence; justice; social construction; states;
international relations]]]
Muller, M., & Reuber, P. (2008). Empirical verve, conceptual doubts: Looking from the outside in at critical
geopolitics. Geopolitics, 13(3), 458-472. [[[discourse; geography; security; politics; region; geography;
political science]]]
Narramore, T. (1998). Coming to Terms with Asia in Discourses of Asia-Pacific Regional Security. Australian
Journal of Political Science, 33(2), 253-266.
Nesbitt-Larking, P., & Kinnvall, C. (2012). The Discursive Frames of Political Psychology. Political Psychology,
33(1), 45-59. [[[political psychology; epistemology; ideology; methodology; space; security; identity;
borders; europe; the united states; social representations; discourse; identity; history; canada; place; world;
self; end; government & law; psychology]]]
Nettleton, S., Neale, J., & Pickering, L. (2013). 'I just want to be normal': An analysis of discourses of normality
among recovering heroin users. Health, 17(2), 174-190. [[[discourse analysis; drug misuse; foucault;
governmentality; normality; drug-use; risk; management; identities; security; subject; health; public,
environmental & occupational health; biomedical social sciences]]]
Nitoiu, C. (2012). Restructuring the Foreign Policy of the EU: Competing Narratives and Discourses. Romanian
Journal of Political Science, 12(1), 67-101. [[[european union; foreign policy; critical theory; narrative;
realist; interpretive; normative power europe; capability-expectations gap; security policy; defense policy;
public-opinion; common foreign; union; politics; russia; realism; government & law]
Nourzhanov, K. (2012). Omnibalancing in Tajikistan's Foreign Policy: Security-Driven Discourses of Alignment
with Iran. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 14(3), 363-381. [[[threats; area studies]]]
Nygard, M. (2007). Welfare or workfare? Partisan re/constructions of Finnish unemployment security in the era of
retrenchment. Journal of Language and Politics, 6(1), 29-50. [[[unemployment; unemployment security;
social rights; discourse; rhetoric; argumentation; state; politics; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]
Ontai, L. L., & Thompson, R. A. (2002). Patterns of attachment and maternal discourse effects on children's
emotion understanding from 3 to 5 years of age. Social Development, 11 (4), 433-450. [[[attachment
security] [maternal discourse style] [children] [emotion understanding]]]
Ontai, L. L., & Thompson, R. A. (2008). Attachment, parent-child discourse and theory-of-mind development.
Social Development, 17(1), 47-60. [[[attachment; discourse; theory of mind; past emotions; gender
differences; talk; security; conversations; ; psychology, developmental]]]
Paltemaa, L., & Vuori, J. (2006). How cheap is identity talk? A framework of identity frames and security
discourse for the analysis of repression and legitimization of social movements in mainland China. Issues &
Studies, 42(3), 47-86. [[[collective identity; international relations; political science]]]
Pantazis, C., & Pemberton, S. (2012). RECONFIGURING SECURITY AND LIBERTY Political Discourses and
Public Opinion in the New Century. British Journal of Criminology, 52(3), 651-667. [[[security; liberty;
authoritarianism; public opinion; centre-right consensus; muslim community; counter-terrorism; policies;
criminology & penology]]]
Prout, S. (2009). Security and belonging: Reconceptualising aboriginal spatial mobilities in Yamatji country,
Western Australia. Mobilities, 4(2), 177-202. [Lg: English][[[[Aboriginal] [Authenticity] [Circulation]
[Discourse] [Historical policy] [Kinship] [Narratives] [Short-term mobility] [Transiency] ]]]
Purtova, N. (2009). Property rights in personal data: Learning from the American discourse. Computer Law and
Security Report, 25(6), 507-521. [Lg: English][[[[Data protection] [Property in personal data] [Scope of
property rights] [US information privacy law] ]]]
Raikes, H. A., & Thompson, R. (2008). Conversations about emotion in high-risk dyads. Attachment & Human
Development, 10(4), 359-377. [[[attachment security; emotion understanding; maternal discourse; highrisk; individual-differences; autobiographical memory; attachment security; ; psychology, developmental]]]
Ravi, N. (2007). Freedom of the press and the human rights discourse: Managing the tensions. In: C. R. Kumar, &
K. Chockalingam (Eds.), Human rights, justice, & constitutional empowerment. (pp. 74-95). New York,
NY: Oxford University Press [[[Lg: English ] [freedom of press ][human rights ][human rights violations
][democratic system ][terrorism ][national security ][India ][Democracy][Freedom][Human Rights][Mass
Media ]]]
Rogers-Hayden, T., Hatton, F., & Lorenzoni I. (2011). 'Energy security' and 'climate change': Constructing UK
energy discursive realities. Global Environmental Change, 21(1), 134-142. [Lg: English][[[[Climate
change] [Critical Discourse Analysis] [Energy security] [Hegemonic discourse] [Mitigation] [New build
nuclear power] ]]]
Romaniuk, S. N., & Wasylciw, J. K. (2010). Gender' includes men too! Recognizing masculinity in security
studies and international relations. Perspectives, 18(1), 23-40. [Lg: English][[[[Constructed] [Discourse]
[Feminist scholarship] [Gendered hierarchies] [International relations] [Security] ]]]
Rosenberg, E. S. (1993). The Cold-War and the Discourse of National-Security: Commentary. Diplomatic History,
17(2), 277-284. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Ruffman, T., Slade, L., Devitt, K., & Crowe, E. (2006). What mothers say and what they do: The relation between
parenting, theory of mind, language and conflict/cooperation. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 24(1), 105-124. [[[false-belief; attachment security; preschool-children; social cognition;
young-children; mental state; discourse; behavior; emotion; acquisition]]]
Schirmel, H. (2010). Sedimented insecurity discourse - "Dangerous" youngsters in large housing estates in Berlin .
Sedimentierte Unsicherheitsdiskurse - "Gefährliche" Jugendliche in Berliner Gross wohnsiedlungen.
Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde, 84(3), 255-271. [Lg: German]
Schlosser, K. L. (2006). US national security discourse and the political construction of the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. Society & Natural Resources, 19(1), 3-18. [[[anwr; national security; social construction;
redefining security; social construction; conflict; ecology; environmental studies; planning & development;
Scott, C. W., & Trethewey, A. (2008). Organizational discourse and the appraisal of occupational hazards:
Interpretive repertoires, heedful interrelating, and identity at work. Journal of Applied Communication
Research, 36(3), 298-317. [[[heedful interrelating; high reliability organizations; occupational safety;
organizational discourse; ontological security; safety; sensemaking; communication; firefighters; climate;
selves; legacy; model; communication]]]
Scrase, J. I., & Ockwell, D. G. (2010). The role of discourse and linguistic framing effects in sustaining high
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sciences; environmental studies]]]
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security; mental states; mind; language; emotion; contexts; morality; friends; memory; psychology,
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penology; social sciences - other topics]]]
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europe; security; history; eu; geography; government & law]]]
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