ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY BOX 356100 University of Washington Medical Center Harborview Medical Center Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Seattle, Washington | | | | | | | Page 1 of 4 SECTION: Pathology Computer Systems PROCEDURE: Addendum vs. Amendment DATE: June 11, 2008 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Adopted Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed Under Revision | 4/5/02 | 3/6/07 | 6/11/08 | | 10/15/01 | | | | | 3/15/05 | | | | | PURPOSE: To ensure addenda and amendments are issued appropriately on finalized cases in PowerPath. POLICY: An addendum is used when the clinical history or any diagnostic information needs to be revised. An amendment is used to change information in the header and/or footer of the report, with one exception (see 2b and 2c). PROCEDURE: (refer to Policy) 1. Addendum: an addendum does not alter the original report; it adds the revision or additional information as a new section at the end of the report and creates a new signature line after the addendum text. It is used to change, add or correct the following: Clinical Data Gross Description Microscopic Description Laboratory tests Final Diagnosis Frozen Section Diagnosis Comment 2. Amendment: an amendment alters the original report and adds a new signature line (if a different pathologist is verifying) immediately after the original verifying pathologist’s electronic signature. a) To correct data in the header or footer of the report, contact the Lead Transcriptionist at UWMC, Manager of Operations at HMC, or the Administrative Coordinator at SCCA to issue an amendment using Demographic Correction. Examples include: Correcting the spelling of Patient Name Adding the patient’s Middle Initial Wrong Patient Name Correcting the Sex or Date of Birth Correcting a Physician Name Adding or deleting a Physician Name Changing the Collected or Received Date Please refer to the “Correcting/Deleting erroneously accessioned cases” policies and procedures for more details. b) If a non-CG case was accessioned to the wrong MRN and was finalized, contact the Lead Transcriptionist at UWMC, Manager of Operations at HMC, or the Administrative Coordinator at SCCA to issue an amendment using Demographic Correction. Change the “FINAL DIAGNOSIS:” heading to “AMENDED FINAL DIAGNOSIS:” (by adding the word “AMENDED”) and enter the following statements above the original diagnosis text on the report: AMENDED FINAL DIAGNOSIS: ****************************************** THE ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS BELOW DOES NOT BELONG TO THIS PATIENT. PLEASE DISREGARD. THE SPECIMEN BELONGS TO A DIFFERENT PATIENT; CORRECTED REPORTS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED. ****************************************** Sign out the amendment. Issue another amendment to enter the correct patient’s information. Delete the above statements under the “AMENDED FINAL DIAGNOSIS:” heading, leaving only the original diagnosis text. Then enter the following statements under the “COMMENT:” heading (may need to type this out) below the amended final diagnosis: COMMENT: ******************************************* This report was delayed because the case was initially accessioned to a different person. Patient records have been corrected. ******************************************* Sign out the amendment. c) If a CG case was accessioned to the wrong MRN and was finalized, contact the Manager of Operations at HMC to issue an amendment using Demographic Correction. In the dictionary tab of the resulting screen, select the category “CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS”. Double click the finding “Amended Cytologic Diagnosis” to add it to the report. The text will read: *******AMENDED CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS******* THE ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS ABOVE DOES NOT BELONG TO THIS PATIENT. PLEASE DISREGARD. THE SPECIMEN BELONGS TO A DIFFERENT PATIENT; CORRECTED REPORTS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED. ********************************************** Sign out the amendment. Issue another amendment to enter the correct patient’s information. In the dictionary tab of the resulting screen, select the category “CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS” and delete the above finding, leaving only the original diagnosis text. Then select the category “COMMENTS”, open the “Amendment/Addendum Comments” folder and choose the following finding: ************AMENDED COMMENTS************ This report was delayed because the case was initially accessioned to a different person. Patient records have been corrected. ********************************************* Sign out the amendment. 3. Contact Aleksandra Lazarevic, Coding and Billing supervisor, at 598-5024 if the case had been billed before the amendment was issued. 4. Questions? Contact Pathology Computer Support by sending a tech request at _____________________________ Rosy Changchien Clinical Systems Manager June 11, 2008 *Contact Information as of 6/11/08: UWMC Program Support Supervisor – Amanda Thomson, 598- 6418 HMC Manager of Pathology Operations -- De Lora Archer, 744-5556 SCCA Administrative Coordinator – Susan Milewski, 288- 6388