Genealogy Project

Genealogy Project
Page 1: Family Tree with names, birth and death dates
Page 2: Names and Faces
-describe family name meaning, naming characteristics i.e. Bryant is in several of my
grandfather’s names, shared physical characteristics
Page 3 and Page 4: Place and Time
-include map of movement
-pictures of relatives’ homes
-important historical events related by relatives
Page 5 and Page 6: Special Times
-include copies of birth certificates, pictures from holidays, recipes
-include birthdays, weddings, graduations, holidays pictures or invitations
Page 7 and Page 8: Lasting Impressions
- include obituaries, grave marker pictures
- include relatives’ sayings or quotes
-include relatives’ response to what remembered for
*** each item needs a caption and description
Time Capsule:
1. Choose from the items listed below:
- photos
- clipart or picture
- map
- recipes cards
- cards or invitations
- newspaper clippings
- items that represent any of the research gathered; items do not have to be the actual
items unless you have parental permission i.e.
2. Items should represent the following categories: See the above list
-Names and Faces
-Place and Time
-Special Times
-Lasting Impressions
3. Identifying Items:
-each item should be attached to a card
-the card should indicate:
1. category of the item
2. description of significance