Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 12th March 2012 at the
Present: Michael Baggs (Chairman) and 107 members as recorded in the attendance
Apologies for absence had been received from Paddy Murray, Ann Murray, Dickie
and Jenny Wellfare, Graham and Sally Cotgrove, Trevor and Kris Newbery, Ashley
Reynolds, Ritchie Skelding, Tony and Hannah Padbury, David and Alison Randle,
David and Pamela Gordon, Margaret Tubbs, Gus and Sandra Gundy, Susan Knight,
Viv Sargent and Ann Rayner.
Notice convening the Meeting. On a proposal made by Guy Valentine, seconded by
Derek Smith, this was agreed to be taken as read. The Chairman explained that the
date of the Meeting had been delayed due to the Committee’s decision to hold it in the
new clubhouse, this date having been deferred by a further week to ensure occupation
being available although, strictly speaking, this meant that we were one week beyond
the constitutional time limit since the holding of the last Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of the AGM held on 6th December 2010. Mary Stiers proposed and Alan
Rayner seconded their approval, following which the Chairman applied his signature.
The only matter arising was the proposal made by Dickie Wellfare to investigate an
arrangement for the exchanging of members’ Christmas cards but this had,
apparently, not been pursued.
Chairman’s Report.
Michael Baggs referred to the sad passing of John Dilley and Ron Pennington. He
went on to thank those Committee Members who were retiring, namely Julie Jones,
Lynda Wolfe, Ann Murray and Ken Swain and to the contributions made to the
Club’s activities by Alan Williams and Adam Thomas and to the achievement of
Honorary Life Membership conferred on Dennis Rayner and Malcolm Sedgwick. He
continued by reporting on the establishing of three Root and Branch working parties
to address specific issues affecting junior membership, coaching and membership
promotion together with the successful activities of the Centenary and fund raising
sub-committees, chaired by Allison Small and Trevor Margerison respectively. He
expressed thanks to Mark Husselbee and Michael Stiers in respect of their efforts in
connection with the new building and to those members who had made donations and
loans towards the cost of that enterprise. Michael concluded his report by thanking all
Committee Members and particularly the Captains and Malcolm Sedgwick for their
contributions over the previous 15 months.
Ladies Captain’s Report.
Allison reported on another full year covering ladies social tennis, Friday night
tournaments, competitive tennis, internal tournaments, box leagues and social
activities notwithstanding the absence of a clubhouse building for the majority of that
time together with another successful hosting of the Essex Junior Tournament and
thanked all concerned with the running and organisation of these many events. She
expressed delight with the benefits provided by new building and outlined the
proposals for our Centenary Year. Allison ended her report by paying tribute to the
support and commitment provided by her own committee, Malcolm, the clubhouse
sub-committee and to Trevor whose four years as captain was a post-war record.
Club Captain’s Report.
Trevor welcomed members to the new clubhouse and thanked them for their support
and patience as well as gratitude for the way in which all aspects of life at our club
had continued during the construction period. He went on to report on our prowess in
the Essex, Southend & District and Leigh & Westcliff leagues and thanked the team
captains and all concerned. Our sound financial position needs to be maintained to
enable the clubhouse development funding loans to be discharged as quickly as
possible without the need to increase subscription levels beyond the rate of inflation.
Trevor continued by making reference to the Root and Branch working parties and
looked forward to hearing of their recommendations which, coupled with our
enhanced accommodation, would ensure our continuing development and success.
The Captain concluded by making his personal tribute to Allison and inviting
members to enjoy our Centenary Year.
Treasurer’s Report.
Peter Barton presented the accounts for the year ending 30th September 2011 which
showed income of £189k, an increase of 8% on the previous year notwithstanding a
reduction in membership numbers and a fall in bar turnover due to the reliance on
temporary accommodation, our expenses at £131k remaining virtually unaltered. Our
surplus, before capital expenditure, had increased by 10% to £57k. Peter went on to
review the balance sheet and advised that he had successfully survived three
inspections from the Vat authorities, with a beneficial outcome as far as our treatment
and liability for that levy is concerned. He concluded his report by thanking Ian
Turner for his auditing services. In reply to Doug Hoare’s question, Peter confirmed
that the necessary future capital expenditure on court re-surfacing has been factored
into our cash flow projection in connection with the clubhouse development costs.
Russell Pickup proposed and Simon Small seconded the adoption of the accounts
which was carried unanimously.
Entrance fees and subscriptions for 2012.
Peter Barton submitted the Committee’s recommendation that subscriptions should
increase by 5% with the exception of the social category which was to remain
unaltered, with no increase in entrance fees. This resolution was proposed by Vic
Thomas and seconded by Malcolm Sedgwick and carried on the ensuing vote with no
The Chairman made reference to the ongoing work of the membership promotion
working party which may well result in further changes including the reduction or
suspension of the entry fee requirement during the Centenary Year with a view to
encouraging new members and sought the Meeting’s support in principle which was
proposed by Elaine Murray and seconded by Simon Mellish and carried on the
ensuing vote.
Rule Changes.
This matter was introduced by the Chairman who explained that the previously
circulated proposals (attached to these minutes) had come about firstly by changes in
the constitution of the LTA whereby it now had limited, as opposed to the previous
unlimited, liability status which required affiliated clubs to alter their rules to reflect
the need to make specific reference to the LTA’s disciplinary code and, secondly, as a
result of our Community Amateur Sports Club status, the need to satisfy HMRC that
our management committee members were “fit for purpose”. At the same time, we
were seeking to amend our existing rules to henceforth delete the requirement for the
Chairman to submit a report at the AGM in the interest of avoiding unnecessary
duplication coupled with increasing the qualifying age limit for students in full time
education from 23 to 25 and introducing a new parental-playing-with-child
membership category. With the agreement of the Meeting, these various changes were
taken as one item, being proposed by Brenda Owles, seconded by Stuart Johnson and
carried without dissent.
Clubhouse Rebuilding Project.
Michael Stiers reported on behalf of the sub-committee and gave an overview of
events since the last AGM with particular regard to the reasons for the delay and
overspend that has taken place. Whereas it is considered that our original budget cost
plan (which formed the basis for our decision to proceed) was fundamentally correct,
the additional cost was, in the main, attributable to the various unforeseen items and
upgrading decisions taken whilst the project was underway. He expressed thanks for
the sub-committee’s support and hard work and reiterated admiration for members’
forbearance given the lack of clubhouse facilities for so many months. Various
questions were raised including clarification as to the blame for the delay (Ken
Burges), the under budgeting for the cost of asbestos removal (Phillip Hyde), why we
had opted to extend and refurbish as opposed to a rebuild (Simon Mellish), for the
extension the escalation of patio costs (Sarah Holdsworth) and timetable and control
of the remaining works (Doug Hoare). Responses were dealt with by Michael with the
assistance of the Chairman, Captain and Alan Rayner. The sub-committee
acknowledge that whilst, with the benefit of hindsight, mistakes had been made on all
sides the view remained, given the circumstances at the time, that these issues were
unforeseen and could not have been pre-determined. Vic Thomas stated that members
were entitled to these explanations and hoped that matters could now move on. Simon
Dowell thanked those involved with the project and for the delivery of such an
impressive result.
Election of Officers and Honorary Auditor.
The Chairman reported the committee’s co-option of Sandra Collins, Stuart Johnson
and Phil Davey with effect from 1st January. There being no other nominations, the
Committee’s nominations (as listed in the annexed schedule) were duly confirmed.
Any other business.
Malcolm Sedgwick outlined the new swipe card entry system which would come into
effect on April 1st. The software permitting bar pre-payment will be available shortly.
The Secretary reported that Bev Gray has kindly agreed to deal with the draw for
Wimbledon tickets again and members should register their interest by e-mail.
Allison Small encouraged members to participate in the forthcoming Centenary
Stuart Johnson issued a reminder of the Easter Camps.
Their being no further business, the Chairman thanked those members present for
their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.