English version

Aarhus University
Graduate School, Arts
Application – illness
Extension of PhD fellowship/scholarship and PhD degree programme
The form must be completed electronically
Home address
(Street, No., postal code and city)
Complete address
Telephone no.
[ ] 4+4 part B
[ ] 5+3
[ ] Employed at Aarhus University
[ ] Not employed at Aarhus University
[ ] Faculty of Arts
[ ] Research council, including the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
[ ] Other financing
Period of absence
[ ] Full-time (37 hours per week)
First day of absence:
Last day of absence:
[ ] Part-time
Number of hours per week:
First day of absence:
Last day of absence:
If there are periods with different numbers of hours per week, an overview specifying periods,
hours and the week must be enclosed.
Any approved holiday that falls within the period of absence due to illness must be stated
A doctor's certificate (friattest) covering the full period of absence must be submitted at the
same time as submitting the application for an extension due to illness
[ ] Doctor's certificate enclosed
[ ] Doctor's certificate will be submitted separately
PhD student
[ ] I have been declared 100% fit for work as at:
Principal supervisor
Head of section
at the department
[ ] In accordance with the applicable rules, the department held an illness absence interview with
the PhD student on _________________
The completed form must be submitted to the department, which will forward the signed form to the graduate school. The
form may only be sent to graduate school when the 3 above persons have signed.
Aarhus University
Graduate School, Arts
Guidelines – illness
Extension of PhD fellowship/scholarship and PhD degree programme
Notification deadlines
Illness must be reported to the department at the commencement of the first day of illness. Periods of illness exceeding 14 days
must also be reported to the graduate school's administration, which will obtain reimbursement from the public authorities for
employees on sick leave.
Periods of illness exceeding 14 days must thus be reported on the 13th day of illness to both the department and the
graduate school. The PhD student must also report to the graduate school's administration when he or she is fit for work again. The
employment may be extended in connection with documented absence due to illness (doctor's certificate) according to the current
An application for extension of the PhD degree programme and PhD fellowship/scholarship may be made in connection with a
demonstrable extension of the PhD degree programme. The application must be submitted once it is clear whether the period of
illness has delayed the studies.
An extension due to illness can only be obtained as from the date on which the department received the notification of illness.
The deadline for applying for reimbursement from the public authorities is very short. It is essential that the deadline for reporting of
long-term absence due to illness to graduate school is met. If the graduate school loses the reimbursement there will be no funds to
extend the PhD fellowship/scholarship.
Employment as a PhD fellow/scholar can only be maintained until the PhD degree programme is completed (upon submission of the
PhD dissertation) or the programme is terminated.
It is a prerequisite for extending the PhD fellowship/scholarship beyond the ordinary three-year period that an agreement has been
concluded with the head of department and the principal supervisor on the PhD student being obliged to perform work corresponding
to the extended fellowship/scholarship period.
The signed application form for an extension, including a doctor's certificate covering the full period of absence, must not be
submitted until the PhD student reports fit for full-time work.
The period of illness must last longer than one month (30 days, full-time) before it is possible to apply for an extension of the PhD
degree programme and PhD fellowship/scholarship. In case of part-time sick leave (e.g., 18.5 hours a week) the absence must
correspond to at least one month of full-time sick leave. The part-time sick leave (e.g., 18.5 hours a week) must have a duration of at
least 2 months (= 1 month of full-time) to trigger an extension.
Expiry before the PhD student reports fit for full-time work
If the PhD fellowship/scholarship expires before the PhD student reports fit for full-time work, the disbursements of pay will cease at
the expiry of the employment period. In the intervening period from the expiry of the employment period and until the PhD student
reports fit for full-time work, no pay will be disbursed from Aarhus University. When the PhD fellow/scholar has reported fit for full-time
work and the PhD degree programme can be resumed, the PhD fellowship/scholarship will be extended by the period of absence
which preceded the expiry of the employment period (if the above reporting deadlines have been met).
The application form must be submitted to:
Bettina H. Acthon
Graduate School, Arts
Faculty of Arts
Aarhus University
Tåsingegade 3, building 1443
DK-8000 Aarhus C