Community Paediatrics Referral Guide

Surrey Community Health
Developmental Paediatrics – A referral guide for GPs
1. Who are we?
Developmental paediatricians (previously known as Community Paediatricians) work closely
with children, young people and their families and carers to identify and manage health
problems that may be affecting a child’s developmental progress. We work with other
professionals, such as therapists, nurses, teachers and social workers.
Surrey Community Health has three locality teams
1. North West Surrey at Goldsworth Park Health Centre, 01483 728201, for children
registered with a GP in the boroughs of Woking, Runnymede, Spelthorne, West and
East Elmbridge and part of Surrey Heath
2. South West Surrey at Jarvis Centre, Guildford, 01483 783114 or 783135, for children
registered with a GP in the boroughs of Guildford, Waverley and part of Surrey Heath
3. East Surrey at Maple House Children’s Centre, East Surrey Hospital, 01737 768511
or 6873/4, for children registered with a GP in the boroughs of Tandridge, Reigate
and Banstead south of the M25, and part of Mole Valley
The boroughs of Mole Valley, Epsom and Ewell, and Reigate and Banstead north of the M25
are covered by the paediatricians employed by Epsom General Hospital.
Paediatricians employed by Frimley Park Hospital provide a service at Frimley Children’s
Centre to families in part of Surrey Heath.
We may see children attending school locally but registered with other GPs, or transfer
children to services local to their home or school outside our area if this is more appropriate.
2. Which children / young people do we see?
The Developmental Paediatric Service accepts referrals for children and young people aged
between 0 and 16 years (or 19 if in special education) who are registered with a Surrey GP
and have / may have:
a) Developmental delay or disorder
b) Neurological disability
c) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
d) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In NW Surrey referrals to ASPH please.
e) Cerebral palsy
Severe learning difficulties (SLD) and /or complex needs. (May be seen in school)
g) Statutory medicals for looked after children and adoption
h) Statutory medicals for Special Educational Needs (SEN) assessment
Medical examination where there is suspected child abuse. NB Referrals should
be made to Social Services as per the Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Board
Appendix 1. Alternative services for those not meeting our referral criteria
General medical conditions (e.g.
asthma, eczema)
Faltering growth
Growth problems
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Immunisations – specialist advice
Developmental / behavioural
Behavioural and emotional problems.
Child under 5.
Behavioural and emotional problems.
Child over 5.
Severe emotional / mental health
Gait, posture or gross motor
coordination problems without other
developmental disorder / neurology
Motor co-ordination (general or fine
motor) / sensory processing
difficulties without other
developmental disorder / neurology
Speech / language problems without
other developmental disorder /
Learning – school aged child
Specific learning difficulties
(e.g. dyslexia)
General learning difficulties / school
underachievement (except to identify
underlying medical / genetic
Severe learning disability with
functional / emotional / behavioural
Parental request for statement of
Special Educational Needs
Parental request for a named school
Consider referral to:
General / acute paediatricians.
Local hospital paediatrician with special interest
Health Visitor and/or hospital paediatricians - unless known to
Community / Developmental paediatrician or as part of Child
Protection Investigation
Dr Chandrasena, Jarvis Centre, Guildford, for clinics in Frimley /
Farnham. Other areas – to hospital paediatricians.
0-19 service (Health visitors and school nurses)
“HENRY” programme for parents of infants.
Local treatment programmes e.g. MEND
Hospital paediatricians for investigation of metabolic co-morbidity /
pathological causes
0-19 service (Health visitors and school nurses)
Children’s community nursing service and / or acute paediatricians
Children’s community nursing service and / or acute paediatricians
CAMHS if associated with severe emotional problems.
Hospital paediatricians
Hospital paediatricians. There is a specialist nurse service at
Frimley Children’s Centre for West Surrey.
Hospital paediatricians for advice and delivery of high risk
Surrey Community Health Paediatric Audiology service
HV / family support workers ( e.g. from children’s centres &
nurseries) Tier 2 CAMHS (via nursery or direct to CAMHS)
School nurse / school or family support workers. If over 12 years Youth counselling service.
Tier 2 CAMHS (via school or direct to CAMHS)
Paediatric Physiotherapy service
Paediatric Occupational Therapist service
Paediatric Speech &Language Therapy service.
Consider referral to paediatric audiology to test hearing.
Consider vision and hearing referrals.
Educational assessment (Educational Psychology / literacy
support service) at discretion of school. Special Educational
Needs Coordinators. Independent services (funded by family).
Educational assessment (Educational Psychology / learning
support service) at discretion of school SENCo.
Consider vision and hearing referrals also
Specialist LD service (CAMHS) – Nurse / Psychology / Psychiatry
Consider vision, hearing and dental referrals.
If discussion with school fails or further advice needed, parents to
contact Partnership with Parents
GP referral to relevant services if particular medical problems.
NB Health professionals should not make specific
recommendations about a school placement. The decision about
school placements is the responsibility of the Education
Appendix 2. Other services and resources:
1. 0-19 service, (Health visitors and School nurses) Surrey Community Health:
NW Surrey 01932 569170, SW Surrey 01483 783128, E Surrey 01737214845
East Elmbridge: 0208 979 6464
2. Children’s Community Nursing team (CCN) Surrey Community Health:
NW Surrey 01932 722084, SW Surrey 01483 783162, E Surrey 01737214784.
For East Elmbridge children all referrals are currently to West CCN team based at Jarvis
3. Paediatric Audiology Service, Surrey Community Health: Jarvis Centre, 01483 783135
East Elmbridge: 0208 934 2540
4. Information about all Surrey County Council and related services
for children and families
5. A comprehensive information service for parents and
professionals in Surrey on the services available for children in need and their families.
6. Surrey Children and young peoples services
7. Surrey CAMHS
8. West Surrey Youth Counselling service: Free counselling for people aged 12-24. Self
referrals. Tel 0845 600 2516
9. Heads Together: Free counselling for young people in East Surrey. Tel 01737 378481
10. Open House Counselling @ Guildford YMCA. Free counselling for young people. Tel
07932 047778. email: or
11. SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) All schools have one - the main school
contact other than class teacher, for parents concerned about their child’s learning and
12. Partnership with Parents (PWP) An independent organisation to help advise parents
about Special Educational Needs.
13. Contact a Family. A national support organisation with information for parents of children
with long term illness / disability
14. Early Support for Parents (ESP) A national programme of support (written information
and resources) for parents of young children with special needs including some specific
diagnoses eg Down’s Syndrome, Hearing impairment, Visual impairment, Cerebral
Palsy, Speech and Language difficulties.
15. Parenting programmes for all parents and for special groups eg ADHD.
16. Portage positive play programme – for pre-school children with challenging behaviour.
NO : Proforma
to referrer with
Does child meet referral criteria?
< 5 years
>5 years
Begin Assessment Process
GP request parents complete CAF
form with professional support.
Refer to MDT (Multidisciplinary
Team) service using a CAF form.
*Please see below for details.
Refer to GWP
Dr Jo Cockeram, Lead Clinician NW,. Interests: Neurodisability, Neurodevelopment, and Botulinum Toxin Therapy
Dr Kate Irwin, Interests: Epilepsy, Neurodisability and Botulinum Toxin Therapy
Dr Clare Hill, Interests ; Epilepsy, Neurodisability;
Dr Marie LePage, Interests: Neurodisability/Neurodevelopment
Dr Ayomi Kariyawasam, Designated Doctor for Safeguarding. Interests: Neurodisability and neurodevelopment
Dr Francesca Tennant, Interests: Autism, Educational Medicine and Audiology
Dr Claire Brockway, Interests: Developmental Paediatrics, Designated Doctor for Education NW
Dr Lisa Wall, Interests: Neurodisability/Neurodevelopment, Designated Doctor for Education NE
Neurodisability (JC/AK/EH/LW)
Epilepsy ** All first seizures refer to ASPH** (EH/KI) – For East Elmbridge children : refer to Dr Jurges, Kingston
ADHD (WN), referrals to Dr Nackasha at ASPH
Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Treatment of Spasticity (EH/JC)
Looked After Childrens’ Medicals
Appendix C (SEN) Medicals
Safeguarding medicals (NAI) - Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Child sexual abuse (CSA) Medicals
Autism in over 5’s (FT)
Children are also seen in the following multidisciplinary team clinics :
Child Assessment Service (CAS) (WN/FT/JC/CB)
White Lodge Team Around the Child (TAC) Meetings for children with Cerebral Palsy (EH/JC/AK)
East Elmbridge MDA service (LW)
*For MDTs Woking, Runnymede, Spelthorne, West Elmbridge:
Referrals via Common Assessment Framework Form to MAP c/o Anne Brown, CAS Co-ordinator,
Child Assessment Service, White Lodge Centre, Holloway Hill, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 0AE
For MDTs East Elmbridge:
Referral by Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Form to Dr Lisa Wall, Molesey Health Centre,
The Forum, Walton Road, W. Molesey, Surrey KT8 2HZ
Copies of CAF form from :