The Secretary The Friends of St Paul’s Cathedral The Chapter House St Paul’s Churchyard London EC4M 8AD Telephone: 020 7246-8308 Charity No 261905 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND GIVE FULL NAME OF EACH PERSON JOINING Surname First Name & Initial(s) Surname First Name & Initial(s) Surname First Name & Initial(s) Mr//Mrs//Miss/Other (please indicate) Full Postal Address Child's(rens') Name(s) and Date(s) of Birth PostCode Daytime Telephone No Email address SUBSCRIPTION RATES (please fully complete this section) ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION LIFE MEMBERSHIP Single Adult UK £20 Single Adult Overseas £25 (We accept US/Euro cheques) Married Couple UK £35 Married Couple Overseas £40 (We accept US/Euro cheques) Children 5-16 UK £5 Children 5-16 Overseas £10 (We accept US/Euro cheques) Single Adult UK £275 Single Adult Overseas £300 (we accept US/Euro cheques) Married Couple UK £400 Married Couple Overseas £425 (We accept US/Euro cheques) Group Membership (please telephone the Secretary) Donation Please make cheques payable to FRIENDS OF ST PAUL’S Total amount of cheque/CAFcash enclosed: £ Date: PLEASE DO NOT ENCLOSE COINS PLEASE CONSIDER GIFT AIDING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. IF YOU ARE A UK TAX PAYER, AND AT NO COST TO YOU, THE FRIENDS CAN CLAIM A MINIMUM OF 28p FOR EVERY POUND SUBSCRIBED GIFT AID To The Friends of St Paul’s Cathedral I (please print clearly) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… of (full postal address) ……………………………………………………………….………………………………………………….. request that all subscriptions and donations that I make to the Friends of St Paul’s Cathedral on or after the date of this declaration, be treated as Gift Aid Donations. Membership No ……………………………… …….. …………………………………………………….. Signature (leave blank for office use) Date ………………………………………… NOTE: Before signing this form you must be sure that you are paying UK income tax at an amount at least equal to the tax that the Friends will be reclaiming. FRIENDS OF ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL BANKER’S ORDER Charity No 261905 Name and Address (including postcode) of your bank (TH HIS INFORMATION IS ESSENTIAL) Account Number: Bank Sort Code: _______________________ Please pay NatWest Bank plc Juxon House 98 St Paul’s Churchyard London EC4M 8BU (sort code 60-05-11) for the credit of the Friends of St Paul’s (A/c No 28375912), quoting name of the payer and reference # (leave blank for office use) the sum of £ NOW, and thereafter ANNUALLY on the first day of 20 until further notice. THIS CANCELS ANY EXISTING ORDER. Name of Account Holder: (Please PRINT CLEARLY) Your Address: PostCode Signature: This form should be completed and returned to the Secretary The Friends of St Paul’s Cathedral The Chapter House St Paul’s Churchyard London EC4M 8AD Please DO NOT send this form to your bank 08