Quiz Answer Key sco.quiz.questions[1] = new SelectTable(); sco.quiz.questions[1].points_possible = 6; sco.quiz.questions[1].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].correct = "6,2,1,4,3,5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].question = "Put the following events in their order of occurrence with respect to mountain-valley breeze circulation. Start the sequence in the morning after sunrise."; sco.quiz.questions[1].instruction = "Use the selection box to choose the correct number."; sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][0] = "As the boundary layer becomes isolated from the flow, fog may form in the valley, especially when the valley contains a local moisture source."; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][1] = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][2] = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][3] = "3"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][4] = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][5] = "5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1][6] = "6"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][0] = "Initial rising motions combined with high relative humidity sometimes result in low clouds and fog that \"climb\" the mountain slopes as the circulation becomes established."; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][1] = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][2] = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][3] = "3"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][4] = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][5] = "5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2][6] = "6"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][0] = "Local mountain winds begin as the sun heats south- and east-facing slopes."; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][1] = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][2] = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][3] = "3"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][4] = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][5] = "5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3][6] = "6"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][0] = "At night, the circulation reverses itself as it becomes a drainage current."; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][1] = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][2] = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][3] = "3"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][4] = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][5] = "5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4][6] = "6"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][0] = "The valley breeze reaches its maximum intensity and can contribute to thunderstorm development."; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][1] = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][2] = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][3] = "3"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][4] = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][5] = "5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[5][6] = "6"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][0] = "Valley areas continue to cool and stabilize due to both drainage and radiative heat losses. "; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][1] = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][2] = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][3] = "3"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][4] = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][5] = "5"; sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[6][6] = "6"; sco.quiz.questions[2] = new Radio(); sco.quiz.questions[2].points_possible = 1; sco.quiz.questions[2].correct = "1"; sco.quiz.questions[2].question = "Which statement best describes the fundamental differences between blocked flow and upslope flow and their effects on fog and stratus development?"; sco.quiz.questions[2].instruction = "Choose the <b>best</b> answer."; sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[1] = "Upslope flow occurs when there is sufficient flow for the air to make it over the terrain barrier. It is typically stronger than blocked flow and may not be as stratified. Reduced ceilings and visibilities are generally found near the crest of the terrain barrier in upslope cases. In blocked flow, ceiling and visibility impacts mostly occur lower on the terrain and upstream of the barrier. "; sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[2] = "Blocked flow occurs when the flow cannot make it over the terrain barrier. The air is less stratified than in upslope flow cases, and the flow is weaker. Reduced ceilings and visibilities are generally found near the crest of the terrain in blocked flow cases, as opposed to upslope cases where the impacts are near the base and upstream of the terrain barrier."; sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[3] = "Upslope flow occurs when there is sufficient flow for the air to make it over the terrain barrier. The air is typically more stratified than in blocked flow cases, and the upslope flow is weaker. Reduced ceilings and visibility are generally found near the crest of the terrain barrier in upslope cases and close to the bottom of the terrain barrier in blocked cases."; sco.quiz.questions[3] = new Checkbox(); sco.quiz.questions[3].points_possible = 7; sco.quiz.questions[3].correct = "2,3,4,6"; sco.quiz.questions[3].question = "When forecasting the breakup of a cold air damming event, which of the following would you look for? "; sco.quiz.questions[3].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply."; sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[1] = "Cold air depth increasing"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[2] = "Surface pressures falling in the cold air"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[3] = "Evidence of warming (or warm advection) at the surface, including southerly winds"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[4] = "A pressure gradient (or pressure changes) conducive to westerly flow that would decrease the depth of the cold air mass"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[5] = "Increased strength of the overrunning flow"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[6] = "Snow cover decreasing and/or rainfall decreasing and/or ground surface warming"; sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[7] = "Precipitation increasing or ceilings lowering"; sco.quiz.questions[4] = new Checkbox(); sco.quiz.questions[4].points_possible = 6; sco.quiz.questions[4].correct = "1,3,4,5"; sco.quiz.questions[4].question = "Advection of marine fog and stratus over adjacent land areas is primarily dependent on which of the following characteristics of the coastal environment? "; sco.quiz.questions[4].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply."; sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[1] = "Coastal shape"; sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[2] = "Coastal soil type"; sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[3] = "Coastal orientation relative to the prevailing flow"; sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[4] = "Topography of the coastal region"; sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[5] = "Coastal sea surface temperatures"; sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[6] = "Coastal vegetation"; sco.quiz.questions[5] = new Checkbox(); sco.quiz.questions[5].points_possible = 6; sco.quiz.questions[5].correct = "1,3,6"; sco.quiz.questions[5].question = "Which statements best describe the effects of coastal shape on potential fog or stratus development? "; sco.quiz.questions[5].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply."; sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1] = "Over a concave coastline, onshore flow becomes divergent, working against the uplift along the sea breeze front and decreasing cloud and fog potential."; sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2] = "Over a convex coastline, onshore flow becomes divergent, working against the uplift along the sea breeze front and decreasing cloud and fog potential. "; sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3] = "Over a convex coastline, onshore flow becomes convergent, enhancing convergence and uplift along the sea breeze front and increasing cloud and fog potential. "; sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[4] = "Over a concave coastline, onshore flow becomes convergent, enhancing uplift and cloud and fog formation."; sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[5] = "Bays and coves are commonly associated with an increase in fog and cloud formation."; sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[6] = "Capes and points are commonly associated with an increase in fog and cloud formation."; sco.quiz.questions[6] = new Radio(); sco.quiz.questions[6].points_possible = 1; sco.quiz.questions[6].correct = "2"; sco.quiz.questions[6].question = "Approximately how far inland does onshore flow <b>typically</b> push the sea breeze front and any marine fog or stratus?"; sco.quiz.questions[6].instruction = "Choose the <b>best</b> answer."; sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[1] = "Two hundred miles"; sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[2] = "Twenty-five miles "; sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[3] = "Five miles"; sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[4] = "Two miles"; sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[5] = "Ten miles"; sco.quiz.questions[7] = new SelectTable(); sco.quiz.questions[7].points_possible = 4; sco.quiz.questions[7].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[7].correct = "2,2,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[7].question = "Determine whether the following statements are True or False:"; sco.quiz.questions[7].instruction = ""; sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[1] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[1][0] = "Land breezes are generally too weak to dissipate fog. "; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[1][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[1][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[2] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[2][0] = "Sea, river, and lake breezes are most common in the fall and winter. "; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[2][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[2][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[3] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[3][0] = "Sea breezes are favored under weak synoptic flow. "; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[3][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[3][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[4] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[4][0] = "Upwelling can enhance fog formation through cooling."; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[4][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[4][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[8] = new Checkbox(); sco.quiz.questions[8].points_possible = 4; sco.quiz.questions[8].correct = "1,2,3,4"; sco.quiz.questions[8].question = "Which of the following surface characteristics affect fog development?"; sco.quiz.questions[8].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply."; sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[1] = "Soil moisture"; sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[2] = "Soil composition"; sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[3] = "Vegetation type and coverage"; sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[4] = "Surface state (frozen or snowcovered)"; sco.quiz.questions[9] = new SelectParagraph(); sco.quiz.questions[9].points_possible = 4; sco.quiz.questions[9].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[9].correct = "2,1,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[9].question = ""; sco.quiz.questions[9].instruction = "Use the selection boxes to choose the answers that <b>best</b> complete the paragraph."; sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1][0] = "Snow cover can inhibit fog when the boundary-layer moisture is "; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1][1] = "deep"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1][2] = "shallow"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1][3] = "mixed"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1][4] = ""; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2][0] = " and radiative processes are "; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2][1] = "dominant"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2][2] = "negligible"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2][3] = "absent"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2][4] = ""; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3][0] = " . This is true because the saturation vapor pressure is "; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3][1] = "lower"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3][2] = "higher"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3][3] = ""; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4][0] = " for ice crystals than for water droplets and rapid "; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4][1] = "cooling"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4][2] = "warming"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4][3] = "deposition"; sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4][4] = " can cause frost to grow at the expense of fog droplets, depleting the boundary layer of the excess moisture it needs to form fog."; sco.quiz.questions[10] = new SelectParagraph(); sco.quiz.questions[10].points_possible = 4; sco.quiz.questions[10].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[10].correct = "2,2,2,1"; sco.quiz.questions[10].question = ""; sco.quiz.questions[10].instruction = "Use the selection boxes to choose the answers that <b>best</b> complete the paragraph."; sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1][0] = "Snow cover may enhance fog development during "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1][1] = "advective "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1][2] = "radiative "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1][3] = ""; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2][0] = " events when moisture extends through a significant portion of the boundary layer. The deeper moisture allows "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2][1] = "depletion "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2][2] = "replenishment "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2][3] = "recirculation "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2][4] = ""; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3][0] = " of low-level moisture that may have been "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3][1] = "increased "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3][2] = "depleted "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3][3] = "evaporated "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3][4] = ""; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4][0] = " by frost formation. During advective events, snow can enhance fog as a "; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4][1] = "warm, moist"; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4][2] = "cold, moist"; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4][3] = "warm, dry"; sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4][4] = " air mass passes over the snowcovered or frozen ground. "; sco.quiz.questions[11] = new Radio(); sco.quiz.questions[11].points_possible = 1; sco.quiz.questions[11].correct = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[11].question = "Parcel mixing is most important in what stage of a fog or stratus event?"; sco.quiz.questions[11].instruction = "Choose the <b>best</b> answer."; sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[1] = "Final dissipation"; sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[2] = "Formation"; sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[3] = "Maintenance"; sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[4] = "Formation and early maintenance"; sco.quiz.questions[12] = new Checkbox(); sco.quiz.questions[12].points_possible = 6; sco.quiz.questions[12].correct = "2,3"; sco.quiz.questions[12].question = "At night, wet soils contribute to fog development by which of the following means? "; sco.quiz.questions[12].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply."; sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[1] = "Absorbing heat "; sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[2] = "Enhancing surface inversion development"; sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[3] = "Evaporation"; sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[4] = "Condensation"; sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[5] = "Sealing the subsurface layer"; sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[6] = "Inhibiting surface inversion development"; sco.quiz.questions[13] = new SelectTable(); sco.quiz.questions[13].points_possible = 7; sco.quiz.questions[13].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1,1,1,1"; sco.quiz.questions[13].correct = "2,1,1,1,1,1,2"; sco.quiz.questions[13].question = "Determine whether each of the following statements is true or false with respect to turbulence and heat transfer."; sco.quiz.questions[13].instruction = "Use the selection box to choose True or False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[13].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[13].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[1] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[1][0] = "Turbulent heat transfer occurs below the level of radiation and conduction."; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[1][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[1][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[2] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[2][0] = "The role of turbulence in fog development can be quite complex, and there are differences in how it influences development in radiation and advection fog cases."; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[2][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[2][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[3] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[3][0] = "The size and shape of turbulent eddies, as determined by boundary layer features and stability, influence fog formation, location, intensity, and duration."; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[3][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[3][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[4] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[4][0] = "In radiation fog events, it is the cessation of turbulence and the balance between radiational heat loss and heat flux from the ground that help to initiate fog formation."; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[4][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[4][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[5] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[5][0] = "In advection fog events, turbulent mixing is responsible for fog formation and may be assisted by radiative heat losses."; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[5][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[5][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[6] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[6][0] = "Conductive heat transfer occurs only within a few millimeters of the surface, while radiation occurs up to a few meters."; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[6][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[6][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[7] = new Array(); sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[7][0] = "Turbulent heat transfer is driven by radiative processes strong enough to mix the stable air near the surface. "; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[7][1] = "True"; sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[7][2] = "False"; sco.quiz.questions[14] = new Radio(); sco.quiz.questions[14].points_possible = 1; sco.quiz.questions[14].correct = "4"; sco.quiz.questions[14].question = "Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) in predominantly maritime environments tend to result in fog that contains ______."; sco.quiz.questions[14].instruction = "Choose the <b>best</b> answer."; sco.quiz.questions[14].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[14].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[14].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1] = "large droplets and causes severe reduction in visibility"; sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2] = "small droplets and causes severe reduction in visibility"; sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3] = "small droplets and has higher visibilities"; sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4] = "large droplets and has higher visibilities"; sco.quiz.questions[15] = new Checkbox(); sco.quiz.questions[15].points_possible = 5; sco.quiz.questions[15].correct = "2,4,5"; sco.quiz.questions[15].question = "Droplet growth is a key element in all fog types, and the rate of growth is dependent upon the ______. "; sco.quiz.questions[15].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply."; sco.quiz.questions[15].graphic = ""; sco.quiz.questions[15].graphic_width = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[15].graphic_height = "0"; sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[1] = "amount of latent heat release occurring"; sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[2] = " temperature and degree of supersaturation of the air parcel"; sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[3] = "number of ice crystals present"; sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[4] = "nature of the droplets"; sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[5] = "droplet curvature";