History of Ancient Egyptian Art
Spring, 2005
Required Books:
Gay Robins, The Art of Ancient Egypt. Harvard University Press pb.
Richard H. Wilkinson, Reading Egyptian Art. Thames & Hudson pb. (REA)
Richard H. Wilkinson, Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art. Thames & Hudson pb.
Scope of the Course:
This course explores the development of ancient Egyptian architecture, painting,
drawing, sculpture (relief and in the round) and the minor arts. It follows a chronological
framework, from late predynastic times down through the Greco-Roman era, although the
emphasis will be on the Third and Second Millennia BCE. Among the topics to be
discussed are: the structure and decoration of temples, tombs, and residences;
iconography and the repertoire of representations; the hieroglyphic script; social and
gender issues; religion; the traditional vs. the innovative; artisans, etc.
While this will be a lecture course primarily, there will be ample opportunity for
discussion. Considerable use will be made of illustrative materials mainly, but not
exclusively, in the form of slides and overheads. Feel free to interrupt – in a civil
manner, of course – for questions, clarifications and observations. For any discussion to
work, it is essential that you keep up with the reading. I will be using some materials not
in your readings and offering interpretations that may be at variance with those of our
authors. You need not accept such interpretations, but you need to know them. Counterinterpretations are welcome, but they need to be backed up by reference to examples, not
merely asserted. It behooves you, therefore, to attend class regularly. If you are
disinclined to do so, you might consider dropping the course.
There will be a one-hour, in-class mid-term and a two-hour final. Both will be of
the essay type: you will have a choice of questions and you will receive a study guide in
advance of the exams. The final exam will not be cumulative.
Please try to stay focused on the class: no reading of newspapers, materials for
other classes, love letters, etc. Please turn off your cell phone. Try to attend to your
bodily functions before class. Bring water if you thirst easily. If you know you have to
leave early, please let me know before class begins and sit on the side you can leave with
the least amount of disruption or distraction for the group or for me. Otherwise, stay put,
except for emergencies or fire drills.
The following is a provisional guide to the amount of time we will devote to the
various periods of Egyptian art history and to the relevant readings. I say ‘provisional’
because some topics may turn out to merit fuller or more limited attention than
anticipated. Fortunately, the Robins book is organized chronologically. As for the
Wilkinson books: REA is intended to help you build up a repertoire of iconographic
items that function both in the writing system and in representational art. SMEA is a
thematic treatment of some key issues in Egyptian art. The readings are not onerous, so it
should not be difficult to stay ahead.
Jan. 24:
Introduction to the Course
Jan. 26:
Studying Egyptian Art
READ: Robins, 7-29; Wilkinson, SMEA, Introduction.
Jan. 28:
The Egyptian Language and Hieroglyphic Writing System
READ: Wilkinson, REA, 8-21; SMEA, chap. 7.
Jan. 31:
Predynastic Art
Feb. 2:
The Early Dynastic Period (Dynasties 0, 1, 2)
READ: Robins, 30-39.
Feb. 4:
Hieroglyphic Interlude I: the Body
READ: Wilkinson, REA,15-55; SMEA, chap. 9.
Feb. 7 – 18:
The Old Kingdom (Dynasties III – VI); Form & Size.
READ: Robins, 40-79; Wilkinson; SMEA, chaps. 1 & 2.
Feb. 21:
Hieroglyphic Interlude II: Mammals
READ: Wilkinson, REA, 57-81.
Feb. 23:
The First Intermediate Period
READ: Robins, 80-89.
Feb. 25:
Hieroglyphic Interlude III: Birds
READ: Wilkinson, REA, 83-103.
Feb. 28 – Mar. 9:
The Middle Kingdom and Its Aftermath (Dyns. XI-XVII);
READ: Robins, 90-121; Wilkinson, SMEA, chap. 3.
March 11:
******* Mid-term Examination *******
Mar. 14:
Hieroglyphic Interlude IV: Creepy, Crawly Things
READ: Wilkinson, REA, 105-115.
Mar. 16 – Apr. 6:
The New Kingdom, I: Dynasty XVIII; Materials
READ: Robins, 122-47; Wilkinson, SMEA, chap. 4.
Apr. 8 – 11:
The New Kingdom, II: The Amarna Episode
READ: Robins, 148-65.
Apr. 13 - 18:
The New Kingdom, III: The Ramesside Era; Color & Numbers
READ: Robins, 166-93; Wilkinson, SMEA, chaps. 5 & 6.
Apr. 20:
Hieroglyphic Interlude V: Botanica, Sky, Earth and Water
READ: Wilkinson, REA, 116-37.
Apr. 22-27:
Egypt, 1075 – 332; Actions
READ: Robins, 199-255; Wilkinson, SMEA, chap. 8.
May 2, 4:
Hieroglyphic Interlude VI: All Sorts of Things
READ: Robins, 199-255; Wilkinson, REA, 138-213..
May 6:
Instructor: Gerald E. Kadish
Office: LT 609
e-mail: kadishg@binghamton.edu
Office hours: M 3:30-4:30; W 1:10-2:10, Th 9-10 and by appointment.
HIST 285C/ART HIST 286H is a 4-credit course.