Margaret Cleveland Född 1848 i USA, gift med Bretzner i Tyskland dog 1914 i Lilla Årås, Amnehärad. Tombstone In the cemetery at the church of Amnehärad assembly in the municipality there is a very beutiful tombstone over Margaret Cleveland, born in USA June 23th, 1848 i USA and died April 9th, 1914 in the manor of "Lilla Årås", situated a few kilometers from the church. She is said to be a younger sister of president Grover Cleveland (1837 - 1908). The cemetery administration have no information about this american lady. In 1992 I sent the added letter but received no answer. Have you any information about Margaret Cleveland Bilaga; Division of travel, tourism and information, C.N - 826, Trenton, N.J. 08625, USA In the churchyard around the Amnehärad church in Gullspång commune in the northeast corner of the province Västergötland in the middle of Sweden is a tombstone for Margaret Cleveland, a younger sister of the president Grover Cleveland. She was born June 23th, 1848 in USA and died April 9th, 1914 in the "Lilla Årås" manor, situated a few kilometers from the church. The tombstone is one of the most beautiful in the cemetery and has a quite different style than the others (see photo!). Presumably there was a great deal of attention when a sister of a president i USA was buried in this rural cemetery but nowadays none is alive that can remember the event. My father, that once was assistant vicar in this church, and my second cousin Harald Eriksson, who is director of the cemetery administration, can't remember that any member of the Cleveland family ever had visited the grave. Presumably the relatives do not know that Margaret Cleveland is buried here. President Grover Cleveland was born in Caldwell, N.J. March 18th, 1837 and died in Princetown, N.J. June 24th, 1908. He was buried at June 26th in the old Princetown cemetery. A mile away from the cemetery is his national monument, the Cleveland Memorial tower. Presumably some of his grandchildren still live in Princetown or there is an association for the memory of or research about Grover Cleveland as a statesman. The Cemetery administration here in Gullspång wish to establish contact with some member of the Cleveland family for discussion of the future perservation of the grave. Perhaps any of the administration of the old Princeton cemetery knows the address of a member of the Cleveland family? Can you help us to reach some family member and convey this letter? The answer can be sent to the director of the cemetery administration, Mr Harald Eriksson. Nowadays is it a riddle how this american lady came to Sweden, died and was buried here. Perhaps the answer on this letter will give us the key. Some photos of the church, the churchyard and the tombstone is enclosed in this envelope. Amnehärad, Gullspång, August 14, 1992. Karl-Axel Broholm Please, send the answer on this letter to: Harald Eriksson, Box 580, S-547 92 Gullspång, Sweden Källor: Begravd på Amnehärads kyrkogård nordost om kyrkan. Googles: Groover Clevland, president 1885-1889 och 1893-1897 Uppgifter om Socialstyrelsens arkiv. Letar efter Hospital o Sinnessjukhus i Kristinehamn Hemmet Lilla Årås är beläget omkring 3 kilm. från Gullspångs station å Ervalla ... 48 år förut vårdad å Kristinehamns hospital och å Lilla Årås. - 7k - Kompletterande resultat Om källmaterialet. Introduktion · Hälsovårdsnämndens protokoll · Inspektörsberättelser, hospitalen · Medicinalstyrelsens protokoll · Medikolegala rapporter ... - 12k - Amnehärads Församlingsbok, Husförhör 1910 Lilla Årås. Detta hem hade Friberg fd förvaltare på Gullspångs bruk