New Employee IT Checklist Dear SLCC Supervisor: In order to expedite the provisioning of network services to your new employee, please place a check mark next to each of the services, listed below, that will be required for their job function. Then go over the Employee Network Agreement with them and have them sign it. Once they have signed the network agreement, please schedule an appointment with me. My calendar is published in Outlook. Instruct the employee to bring this package with them for the orientation. Orientations last between 15-45 minutes depending on the services their questions. IT Services Start Date: _______________ ____ PeopleSoft (Please also contact Art Gillis in the registrar’s office to complete the PeopleSoft access Form) ____ General Network Access (To log onto Windows) ____ Exchange Email Account Room#: _________ Phone Extension: _________ Supervisor: ________________ (If Adjunct Check Here_______) _____ New Phone Setup Jack number: _________ Will this be shared? ________ _____ Reusing a Phone Former Owner____________________ Recycle Voicemail? ________ * Recycling a voicemail box erases all messages and passwords and recreates for a new user. Is this extension shared with other users? __________ Please list any other services, software, or hardware required by this user below. EMPLOYEE NETWORK AGREEMENT Policy: South Louisiana Community College will provide employees with access to computers, computer systems, and computer networks. Each user must agree to the guidelines and rules prior to receiving this access. Procedures: 1. Employees utilizing the computer system and network must accept the responsibilities and obligations for ethical use that is mandated by South Louisiana Community College, state government policies, laws, and other applicable governing policies. 2. Use of South Louisiana Community College’s computer system and network will be subject to monitoring for security and management purposes. Users must be aware of this monitoring and management and agree to this practice. 3. Users must accept responsibility for their logins, passwords, and user IDs—these must be kept confidential. Each user is responsible for all transactions occurring during the use of his or her login and password. Guidelines for Password Selection: DON’T use your login name in any form. DON’T use your first, middle, or last name in any form (backwards, scrambled, etc.). DON’T use your spouse’s or child’s name. DON’T use other information that can be easily obtained about you (license #, social security #, telephone #, make of your automobile, the name of the street you live on, you pet’s name, etc.) DON’T use a password that contains all digits or all letters--mix numbers and letters. DON’T use a word contained in English or foreign language dictionaries, spelling lists, or other lists of words. DON’T use a password shorter than six characters. DO use a password with mixed-case alphabetic, digits and/or punctuation. DO use a password that is easy to remember so you won’t have to write it down. Change your password periodically. This makes sure that an intruder who has guessed a password will eventually lose access, as well as invalidating any list of passwords they may have obtained. 4. If any user suspects that his or her login and password have been used by another person, immediately notify the South Louisiana Community College Information Technology Department; they will investigate the problem and decide what course to follow. 5. The computer network system can be used for official college business only, not for personal gain, commercial purposes, or illegal activity. 6. Users will not attempt to modify the computer systems in any unauthorized manner. 7. Copying of copyrighted software or other materials may be a violation of the copyright laws and is not permitted. Users who violate copyright laws are acting outside the scope of South Louisiana Community College and will be held personally responsible and liable for these violations. South Louisiana Community College accepts no responsibility for such activities. 8. Files that are owned by someone else should not be accessed without the owner’s permission; viewing or using files that do not belong to you is an invasion of that person’s privacy. Breaking into accounts or bypassing security is not permitted. 9. If it is determined that a user is in violation of the guidelines, they may be subject to restrictions, banned from use of the network, and/or disciplinary action. 10. Information describing the use of e-mail and Internet software will be provided by South Louisiana Community College. 11. It is the responsibility of all e-mail account holders to abide by the South Louisiana Community College Computer Security Policy. 12. Users need to be aware that e-mail is public domain and is not a good way to have a private conversation. 13. Adherence to these rules and regulations is critical for computer utilization services and information security. New or Change in Network Services Requested I have read and agree to abide by the procedures that have been established by South Louisiana Community College. Employee Approved By (Supervisor) Printed Name Printed Name Signature Signature Date Date