1 1 TITLE 2 IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF TWO SPECIES OF OYSTER 3 LARVAE USING REAL TIME PCR 4 AUTHORS 5 A. Sánchez*1, J. Quinteiro2, M. Rey-Méndez2, R. I. Perez-Martín1 and C. G. 6 Sotelo1 7 ADDRESS 8 1 Instituto 9 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) de Investigaciones Marinas 10 Eduardo Cabello 6 11 Vigo 36208 Pontevedra 12 Spain 13 2 Laboratorio 14 Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular 15 CIBUS, Campus Vida 16 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 17 Santiago de Compostela 15782 A Coruña 18 Spain 19 *Author for correspondence. Phone: +34-986-214471 Fax: +34-986-292-762, 20 asanchez@iim.csic.es de Sistemática Molecular (Unidad Asociada al CSIC) 2 21 ABSTRACT 22 A real-time PCR assay was developed for the identification and quantification of two 23 oyster species: Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas. Two sets of primers and 24 Taqman-MGB probes were designed, based on partial sequences of the 16S rRNA 25 gene. An amplification positive control system was also located in the 18S rRNA 26 gene sequences. Closely related species of oysters and other bivalves, known to co- 27 occur with the target species in European waters, were used to test the assay for 28 cross-reactivity. The assay designed was specific for the target species and no signal 29 or no significant signal was detected for all non-target species tested. The high 30 sensitivity of this method was demonstrated since it is possible to detect just one 31 larva (150-200 m size) of each species even when it is present with others. 32 Furthermore, this assay provided an acceptable quantification of the number of 33 spiked larvae (1, 10 and 100 larvae) in plankton samples employing a standard curve 34 for larvae. 35 KEY WORDS: Real-time PCR; oyster larvae identification; species identification; 16S 36 rRNA 3 37 1. INTRODUCTION 38 The northwest of Spain (Galicia) is one of the regions in the world where the 39 cultivation of bivalves has gained significant importance, due to its suitable 40 environmental and geographical conditions which provide high yields in this area 41 (Figueiras et al. 2002). The flat oyster, Ostrea edulis Linnaeus 1758, is an 42 autochthonous species in this area. Nowadays, natural production of this species is 43 almost symbolic due to its high susceptibility to Bonamia parasitosis (Iglesias et al. 44 2005). The high mortality rates of O. edulis led to the consequent introduction of the 45 Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793), mainly from France (Iglesias et 46 al. 2005; Mirella da Silva et al. 2005), which is now the main oyster cultivated in 47 Galicia.This signifies that in the same area it is possible that both species co-occur. 48 Identification of plankton larvae, particularly bivalves species, is a difficult task, 49 mainly due to their small size (<500 m) and the great morphological similarity 50 among the different species in the early stages of the biological cycle (Garland and 51 Zimmer 2002). The ability to differentiate between bivalve species in their early larval 52 phases allows for a more comprehensive knowledge of larval dispersal pathways, 53 population connectivity and gene flow. Such knowledge would provide the 54 information needed for proper fisheries and management of wild and cultured marine 55 resources in regions like Galicia, or countries where production of bivalve molluscs is 56 an important economic resource. 57 Classical methodology for identifying bivalve larvae relies on observation of 58 morphological characters by optical microscopy. Such methodology is typically time 59 consuming and often requires taxonomic expertise as larval phases of bivalves often 60 do not show clear morphological differences. Therefore, due to time constraints, the 61 number of samples which can be analyzed by this procedure are generally low and 62 this hampers monitoring works or studies which require high sampling. 4 63 Immunological techniques currently offer a method for identifying plankton larvae. 64 Some authors have successfully applied polyclonal antibodies for larval identification 65 in plankton samples (Paugam et al. 2000; Paugam et al. 2003) but cross-reactions 66 with non-target species. The use of monoclonal antibodies is an alternative method 67 which has been successfully applied in the identification of mussel species (Lorenzo- 68 Abalde et al. 2005, Pérez et al. 2009). 69 There are other recent methods of species identification based on fluorescent in situ 70 hybridization with DNA probes, FISH-CS (Le Goff-Vitry et al. 2007, Henzler et al. 71 2010) and image analysis (Thompson et al. 2012, Goodwin et al. 2014). In situ 72 hybridization has been effective in zooplankton larvae identification but some 73 aspects, such as autofluorescence, need improvement since they could compromise 74 the effectiveness of labeling techniques by yielding false positives. Although image 75 analysis methods like ShellBi attain high accuracy in the identification of larvae 76 reared in the hatchery, the effect of different growth conditions (temperature and 77 salinity) on shell formation between larvae reared in the hatchery and in the field 78 cause a significant decrease in accuracy (30% if larvae are not grown in similar 79 conditions to those used in the larvae classification). Therefore, improvements in 80 image analysis are needed for application to field samples. 81 Real-time PCR technique (RT-PCR) has emerged as a powerful and rapid tool for 82 species identification. A number of other nucleic acid amplification methods have 83 also been developed, including: species-specific oligonucleotide probes for shellfish 84 larvae identification (Bell and Grassle 1998); RFLPs analysis (Hosoi et al. 2004; Toro 85 1998; Wang et al. 2006); RAPDs (André et al. 1999); multiplexed species-specific 86 PCR (Bendezu et al. 2005; Hare et al. 2000) and nested PCR (Patil et al. 2005). 87 However, none of these has so far been implemented to the same extent as RT-PCR 88 due to its highly sensitive and rapid quantitative detection ability. 5 89 In real time PCR technique fluorescence dyes or probes are introduced into the 90 reaction allowing the PCR product formed during the amplification process to be 91 visualized by monitoring the fluorescence signal emitted. There are two types of RT- 92 PCR analysis depending on the fluorescence source. The simplest type involves the 93 use of intercalating dyes such as SYBR Green. These molecules bind to double- 94 strand DNA, producing an increase in fluorescence which correlates with the amount 95 of dsDNA present. The major drawback is that any double stranded product, 96 including unspecific products or primer-dimers, will be detected and false positives 97 can thus occur. The second type is a more specific method for detecting the 98 accumulation of an amplicon because this involves the use of fluorescent probes that 99 are designed to be complementary to a target sequence within the amplicon. There 100 are several types of probes, such as molecular beacons, scorpions and TaqMan 101 probes (hydrolysis probes). The most commonly used, TaqMan probes, are labelled 102 with reporter and quencher fluorophores in the 5´ and 3´ ends, respectively. Reporter 103 fluorescence is reduced by the quencher as long as the probe is intact, regardless of 104 whether it is attached to its target. When Taq polymerase with a 5´ nuclease activity 105 begins to add nucleotides and hydrolyzes the probe attached to the template DNA, 106 the quencher is separated from the reporter, thereby enabling the emission of 107 fluorescence which is then registered and analyzed by the real time PCR software. 108 The most common method used to analyse the experimental data is the Threshold 109 Cycle Method whereby a fluorescence threshold value, within the exponential phase 110 of the amplification curve, is selected. The PCR cycle at which the sample curve 111 exceeds this fluorescence threshold is the Ct value. This data is used to compare all 112 samples. 113 Real-time PCR has been successfully used for identifying and quantifying 114 phytoplankton species (Hosoi-Tanabe and Sako, 2005), shellfish (Dias et al. 2008) 6 115 and other marine invertebrate larvae (Pan et al. 2008; Smith et al. 2012; Vadopalas 116 et al. 2006; Wight et al. 2009). Furthermore, in a previous study (Quinteiro et al. 117 2011), a real-time PCR assay was used for the identification and quantification of 118 Manila clam larvae (Ruditapes philippinarum) and successful results were obtained in 119 terms of specificity and sensitivity. Taking into account this background work, the 120 development of a reliable real-time PCR assay for efficient and specific identification 121 and quantification of O. edulis and C. gigas larvae in plankton samples is proposed. 122 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 123 2.1. Samples collection 124 Adult samples of C. gigas, C. angulata and O. edulis were collected from several 125 locations as show in table 1. Further specimens belonging to other adult bivalve 126 species, 99 specimens from 41 species, were obtained from local markets, collected 127 from several locations on the Galicia coast and donated by other research institutions 128 and universities (table 1). 129 Plankton samples were collected by CETMAR (Technological Centre of the Sea, 130 Vigo, Spain) from different locations along the northwest coast of Spain in 2009 and 131 2010. Sampling was done using double oblique tows equipped with a 40-m mesh at 132 a depth of 10 metres. The samples (400-500 L) were filtered again through 40-m 133 mesh upon return to the laboratory and any retained material was suspended in 20 134 ml of sterile seawater. Bivalve larvae were isolated using sugar gradient 135 centrifugation (Pérez et al. 2009), suspended in seawater and stored at 20ºC. 136 C. gigas and O. edulis larvae (150-200 m size) were obtained from single-species 137 experimental cultures at the CIMA-Corón (Center for Marine Research). These larvae 138 were counted under binocular lenses (NIKON SMZ-2T) and transferred by pipette to 139 1.5-ml microfuge tubes with 20 l of ethanol (33%). Standard samples containing 7 140 larvae from 1 to 128 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128) of each species were used to 141 generate standard quantification curves. Three samples consisting of 1, 10 and 100 142 cultured larvae of C. gigas and O. edulis were further isolated and used to spike the 143 CETMAR plankton samples that contained around 250 larvae of other bivalve 144 species, mostly Mytilus galloprovincialis. 145 2.2. DNA extraction 146 DNA from most adult bivalve samples (with the exception of C. gigas) was extracted 147 from 0.2 g of adductor muscle, mantle or foot tissues after overnight digestion in a 148 thermo shaker at 56ºC with 860 l of lysis buffer (1% SDS, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM 149 EDTA, 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8), 100 l of 5 M guanidium thiocyanate and 40 l of 150 proteinase K (> 20 Unit mg-1). After 3 hours of digestion, extra proteinase K (40 l) 151 was added to the solution and it was left overnight. DNA was then isolated using the 152 Wizard DNA Clean-Up System kit (Promega) following manufacturer’s instructions. 153 Crassostrea gigas adult samples were processed with the EZNA Mollusk kit (OMEGA 154 bio-tek). A piece of 0,2 g of adductor muscle was digested in 350 l of ML1 buffer 155 supplied with the Kit and 40 l of proteinase K (>20 Unit mg-1). After 3 hours of 156 digestion, another 40 l of proteinase K was added and it was left overnight. DNA 157 was then isolated following manufacturer´s instructions. 158 DNA extracts from adult samples were quantified by UV-spectrometry at 260 nm and 159 by Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit (Invitrogen) for dsDNA quantification with a 160 VersaFluor Fluorometer (Bio-Rad). DNA concentration was adjusted to 25 ng l-1 for 161 use in subsequent real-time PCR reactions. 162 Samples of cultured C. gigas and O. edulis larvae were washed in sterile Milli-Q 163 water for 20 min at room temperature to eliminate the ethanol, then the larvae were 164 isolated by removing the supernatant liquid after centrifugation at 10,000 g 1min. 8 165 DNA extraction from larvae was carried out using EZNA Mollusc kit (OMEGA bio-tek) 166 following manufacturer’s instructions. Finally, DNA was eluted in 50 l of elution 167 buffer. 168 The quality of DNA extracts, from adult and cultured samples, was evaluated by the 169 UV ratio 260nm/280nm, obtaining values between 1.8 and 2 for adult samples and 170 between 1.4 and 1.9 for cultivated larvae. 171 2.3. DNA amplification and sequencing 172 The 173 5´ACGTGATCTGAGTTCAGACCGG3´ (Palumbi et al. 1991) were used to amplify a 174 fragment of approximately 490 bp of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene for the C. 175 gigas, C. angulata and O. edulis species and another 18 bivalve species (table 2). 176 PCR was performed on a final volume of 25 L using PuReTaqTM Ready-To-GoTM 177 PCR beads (GE Healthcare), 2.4 M of each primer, water and DNA. Amplification 178 conditions consisted of an incubation step of 94ºC for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of 179 94ºC for 40s, 50ºC for 40s, 72ºC for 40s and a final extension step of 72ºC for 7 min. 180 PCR products were treated with 3 l ExoSAP-IT (Ammersham Biosciences) for 181 deactivating dNTPs and hydrolysing single strand DNA in a two step incubation, first 182 at 37ºC for 30 min and then at 80ºC for another 15 min. Sequencing reactions were 183 prepared with the ExoSAP-IT treated PCR products and Big Dye (Applied 184 Biosystems) following manufacturer's instructions. Sequencing reactions consisted of 185 an incubation step of 3 min at 94ºC, followed by 25 cycles of 10 s at 96ºC, 5 s at 186 50ºC and 4 min at 72ºC. Products were purified using a standard ethanol 187 precipitation, and the pellet obtained stored at -20ºC. Sequencing was carried out in 188 an ABI PRISM 310 DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems). The resulting sequences 189 were analysed using BIOEDIT (Hall, 1999) software and then aligned with other universal primers 16Sa: 5´CGCCTGTTTAACAAAAACAT3´ and 16Sb: 9 190 sequences available from Genbank (see Table 2) using CLUSTAL (Thompson et al. 191 1997) software. 192 2.4. Probe and Primers design 193 Two sets of primers and Taqman-MGB probes were designed for C. gigas and O. 194 edulis based on the alignment of 16S rRNA gene sequences from 33 bivalve species 195 (table2) using Primer Express (version 2.0) software (Applied Biosystems) and 196 following the standard parameters. The specificity of primers and probes were 197 evaluated via BLAST (Johnson et al. 2008). A positive control system for bivalve taxa 198 was also designed in the 18S rRNA gene sequences from the Genbank (Table 2) to 199 discard possible false negatives for non-target species with the oyster specific 200 systems. The 5´ end of the CGIG/ANG16S_P, OEDU16S_P and BIV18S_P probes 201 were labelled with the fluorescent reporter dyes VIC, FAM and NED respectively. 202 2.5. Real-time PCR conditions 203 All real-time PCR reactions were performed in a total volume of 20 l consisting of 10 204 l of Taqman Fast Universal PCR Master Mix no UNG Amperase (2X), 1l of each 205 primer and probe with a final concentration as described in table 3, water and 2 l of 206 DNA (25 ng/l) for inclusivity (target species) and exclusivity (non-target species) 207 assays; for larvae quantification assays 2 l of DNA from each extract sample were 208 added. Reactions were conducted in triplicate on an ABI 7500 Fast (Applied 209 Biosystems) real-time PCR machine at 95ºC for 10 min followed by 40 cycles of 95ºC 210 for 15 s and 60ºC for 1 min. In all real-time PCR assays three NTC (Non Target 211 Control) wells were included to discard false positives due to contamination. The 212 average Ct value, calculated for each target species, C. gigas, C. angulata and O. 213 edulis, (inclusivity assay) was compared with that of all non-target species 10 214 (exclusivity assay), using a normal distribution T-test with different variances (Yuan et 215 al. 2006). The confidence interval (α= 0.05) was calculated for the average Ct value 216 of target and non target species. 217 3. RESULTS 218 3.1. DNA sequencing and Real time PCR system design 219 The mitochondrial 16S rRNA region, flanked by the 16Sa and 16Sb primers, was 220 successfully amplified and sequenced for several bivalve species (Table 2). All data 221 obtained in the present work, together with sequences available on GenBank, were 222 used for the design of a specific real time PCR system for C. gigas and O. edulis 223 species. 224 The alignment of 16S rRNA sequences of the bivalve species listed in table 2 point to 225 the existence of many inter-specific nucleotide differences between the group 226 composed of the O. edulis, C. gigas and C. angulata sequences and the rest of 227 bivalves sequences used in the alignment (see table 4a and b). No inter-specific 228 nucleotide differences were found between the C. gigas and C. angulata sequences 229 in this region. The absence of inter-specific variability in these two latter species 230 confirms observations from previous studies about the close phylogenetic 231 relationship that exists between these two taxa (Boudry et al. 2003, Reece et al. 232 2008). Consequently, one system was designed for Ostrea edulis and another for the 233 closely related C. gigas and C. angulata. The high inter-specific variability between 234 O. edulis and C. gigas/C. angulata sequences with all other bivalve sequences 235 permits the location of potential target sites for designing a real-time PCR system for 236 both groups. Only a few of such potential sites were selected, specifically those that 237 permitted location of specific real-time PCR systems with an adequate score for 238 design parameters (primers and probes melting temperature, GC content, amplicon 11 239 length, nucleotide composition and secondary structure) included in the Primer 240 Express software. Table 5 shows the alignment of the 18S rRNA sequences used for 241 the design of the positive control system for bivalve taxa. No intra-specific variability 242 affecting specificity was detected in any of the systems; this allows identifications 243 without the incidence of false negative results. Table 3 shows the sequences of the 244 primers and probes of each of the systems developed. 245 3.2. Real time PCR setup 246 The optimal concentration of primers and probes was determined experimentally for 247 each system by taking into account combinations of primers and probe that produced 248 the lowest Ct value and the highest final fluorescence value. Such concentrations 249 were used to carry out all assays (see table 3). 250 Real-time PCR efficiency was assessed through seven (CGIG/ANG16S and 251 BIV_18S) and six (OEDU16S) 10-fold DNA dilutions starting at 50 ng. Efficiency 252 curves showed a slope of 3.34, 3.41 and 3.35 for CGIG/ANG16S, OEDU16S and 253 BIV_18S, respectively. Efficiency of the systems, calculated as E= [10(-1/slope) 1] 254 x100, was found to be 99.4%, 96.4%, 98.9% for CGIG/ANG16S, OEDU16S and 255 BIV_18S, respectively. Values very close to 100% efficiency for which the DNA 256 amount in each PCR cycle (n) is twice the amount of the previous cycle (n-1), 257 supporting the correct guidelines for real time PCR assays (Chemistry Guide, Applied 258 Biosystems, 2005). 259 3.3. Specificity 260 The CGIG/ANG16S and OEDU16S systems were tested for specificity and cross- 261 reactivity with the bivalve species listed in table 6. The CGIG/ANG16S system, which 262 amplifies a 62 bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, presents an average 12 263 Ct value of 17.37±0.27 for all C. angulata and C. gigas specimens used in the study, 264 while no amplification or no significant signal was obtained from other bivalve species 265 in the cross-reactivity analysis, including O. edulis, as can be seen in table 6 and 266 figure 1 (Ct average of 39.49±0.36 from 42 non-C. gigas/C. angulata specimens). 267 Similar results were obtained for the OEDU16S system, for which the O. edulis 268 samples gave an average Ct value of 17.79±0.21 with no amplification or no 269 significant signal obtained for most bivalve species in the cross-reactivity analysis, 270 with the exception of O. angasi which presents a Ct value similar to that of O. edulis. 271 Some research articles, including Jozefowicz and Ó Foighil (1998), Kenchington et 272 al. (2002) and Hurwood et al. (2005) consider these two taxa as the same species. 273 Following the suggestions in these papers, and based on the identical sequence 274 shown by the two species in the 16S rRNA alignment (see table 4b), Ct of O. angasi 275 will be not included in the calculation of non target species Ct average (37.90±2.59 276 for 43 non O. edulis). 277 The species used in the cross-reactivity test for the oyster specific systems were 278 also tested with the Biv_18S positive control system. They showed a positive 279 amplification in all cases (table 6) with a Ct average of 16.16±0.97. 280 There is a statistically significant difference between the Ct value obtained for target 281 species and that for the rest of the analyzed non target species (P<0.001) for both 282 systems. 283 3.4. Identification and quantification of oyster larvae 284 Standard quantification curves were established using DNA isolated from cultured 285 larvae in order to investigate the potential of the CGIG/ANG16S and OEDU16S 286 systems for quantification. Figure 2 shows the standard quantification curves 287 obtained for samples of 1 to 128 C. gigas and O. edulis larvae. Detection as low as 13 288 one single larva was possible with both systems. The potential for C. gigas and O. 289 edulis larvae quantification from plankton samples was also tested. In order to do 290 this, plankton samples were spiked with 1, 10 and 100 larvae of C. gigas and O. 291 edulis. These were then homogenized and DNA extracted as described in the 292 Material and Methods section. The number of spiked target larvae was determined 293 by extrapolation from each standard curve. Figure 3, shows very high correlation 294 between real and estimated numbers of larvae. 295 4. DISCUSSION 296 As mentioned above, mollusc larvae are difficult to identify due to their small size and 297 morphological similarity. Therefore, alternative techniques for their identification 298 through morphological characteristics are required. To this end, in recent years 299 alternative methods based on immunological and DNA techniques, FISH-SC, and 300 image analysis have been applied. Although all of them, real time PCR included, 301 have greatly improved larvae identification and quantification, none has been found 302 to be entirely suitable. 303 Immunological techniques have been used to identify plankton larvae (Perez et al. 304 2009). There are, however, a number of disadvantages associated with such 305 techniques, including the need to produce monoclonal antibodies, maintain 306 hybridomas and the need for incubation steps, all of which results in longer analysis 307 times. Furthermore, to obtain quality stained larvae, these have to be preserved in 308 more restrictive conditions than those needed for DNA analysis. For example, 309 ethanol cannot be used in immuno-detection as it affects the antigen and 310 consequently the staining of the larvae (Perez et al. 2009). 311 Fluorescent in situ hybridization with DNA probes and image analysis (Le Goff-Vitry 312 et al. 2007, Goodwin et al. 2014) have the drawbacks of autofluorescence and the 14 313 effect of different growth conditions (temperature and salinity) on shell formation, 314 respectively. 315 In this study, we have proposed a specific TaqMan real time system for identifying 316 and quantifying oyster larvae from C. gigas and O. edulis species. The systems were 317 designed for the 16S rDNA region where intra-specific variability was either absent or 318 very low. The developed probe and primers have been shown to be highly specific 319 and able to differentiate the species of interest from a large number of other bivalve 320 species. Moreover, both systems showed high sensitive: the detection of only one 321 larva in a plankton sample was possible. 322 The quantification method shown here is based on the use of standards and same 323 sized spiked larvae. One may hypothesize that larval size may affect the number of 324 mtDNA molecules per larva, and therefore different larval sizes may produce different 325 responses to real time PCR. However, previous works i.e. Vadopalas et al. (2006) 326 have shown that pinto abalone larval quantification was not affected by differences in 327 larval size. Further studies must nevertheless be conducted in order to verify whether 328 there is any effect on quantification results across the entire range of oyster larval 329 sizes. If so, a new protocol that separates larvae by size should be employed to 330 circumvent this problem. 331 In this work we have demonstrated that real-time PCR facilitates identification and 332 quantification of two of the most important commercial oyster species. This is the first 333 time that this technique has been used for this purpose. The high correlation 334 observed between larvae number calculated by real time PCR assay and the real 335 larvae number in spiked plankton samples is truly outstanding. Although real time 336 PCR has been shown to be a valid technique for the aims proposed in this work, the 337 size range of the quantified larvae cannot be provided. This disadvantage could be 15 338 overcome by combining the real time PCR technique with other techniques such as 339 image analysis. 340 5. CONCLUSIONS 341 Molecular technologies like real time PCR not only facilitate species identification but 342 also reduce bivalve larvae analysis time. The present study proposes a DNA method 343 which is rapid, one-step, time-saving and simpler than any other DNA technique 344 previously described, for identifying and quantifying Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea 345 edulis larvae. This method can be a useful tool for monitoring spawning in certain 346 areas, even in areas where C. gigas and O. edulis are mixed with closely related 347 species, because of the high specificity and very low cross-reaction of the proven 348 Taqman systems. In addition, the tool could be used in ecological studies such as 349 those concerning the influence of different parameters on larvae population 350 dynamics. 351 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 352 We thank Sylvie Lapègue and Serge Heurtebise (IFREMER), Ziniu Yu (Institute of 353 Oceanology, China), Masashi Sekino (Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, 354 Japan), John Wares (University of Georgia), Jorge Toro (Southern University of 355 Chile), David A. Stick (Oregon State University) and J. A. Fernández Barreiro and 356 Xusto Otero González from Conselleria do Mar (Xunta de Galicia, Delegacion 357 Comarcal, Vilagarcía) for kindly supplying us with mollusc samples. Special thanks 358 are also due to Raquel Díez and Mª Luisa Fernández (CETMAR) for supplying field 359 plankton samples. The authors are grateful to the following fishing organizations that 360 collaborated with sampling: a) shellfish producers association of Vilaboa and Arcade, 361 and b) Cambados and Cangas fish auction sites. Our deepest thank to Bruno Almón 16 362 and Patricia Ramos for sampling and their collaboration in the morphological 363 identification of some samples. The technical assistance received from Susana Otero 364 and Carlos Carballeira is much appreciated. 365 This study was funded by the Xunta de Galicia through project 07MMA024402PR. 366 REFERENCES 367 André C., Lindegarth M., Jonsson P.R., Sundberg P., 1999, Species identification of 368 bivalve larvae using random amplified polymorphic (RAPD): differentiation between 369 Cerastoderma edule and C. lamarcki. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 79, 563-565. 370 Applied Biosystems, 2005, Real-Time PCR Systems. Chemistry Guide. 371 Bell J.L., Grassle J.P., 1998, A DNA probe for identification of larvae of the 372 commercial surfclam (Spisula solidissima). Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol. 7, 127-137. 373 Bendezu I.F., Slater J.W., Carney B.F., 2005, Identification of Mytilus spp. and 374 Pecten maximus in Irish waters by standar PCR of the 18S rDNA gene and multiplex 375 PCR of the 16S rDNA gene. Mar. 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Graphic representation of the cross-reaction assay to CGIG/ANG_16S 476 system. A) Amplification pattern for target species. B) Amplification pattern for non- 477 target species. 478 Figure 2. Standard curve of CGIG/ANG16S (a) and OEDU16S (b) systems showing 479 Ct (Threshold cycle) values plotted against logarithm of larvae number (1 to 128) 480 analyzed in triplicate. 481 Figure 3. Correlation between the expected and quantified skyped larvae in plankton 482 samples.