Learning Standard # 5

Physics Energy and Motion Honors (832)
Science: Grade 11-12
National Standards
Learning Standard # 1
Students will apply fundamental
mathematics used in Physical Concepts
Learning Standard # 2
Students will explain vector and scalar
Demonstrate proper use of scientific
notation and significant digits.
Demonstrate knowledge of standard and
fundamental of measurements.
Explain the use of trigonometry and
graphing in Physics
Distinguish the difference between vector
and scalars.
Add vectors graphically.
Add vectors using mathematics.
WHRHS Student
Textbook Chapter 2 with
questions/problems within. Worksheets –
Ch. 2. Laboratory # 1.
1-2 days
Standard Deviants Video – “Scalars”. Ch. 2
Section 2.11 – 2.12. Mechanical Universe
Video “Vectors”. Videodisks
“Fundamental Concepts in Physics –
Vectors, scalars.” Worksheet – Graphical
addition of Vectors.
3-4 days
Learning Standard # 3
Students will investigate the motion of
physical bodies
Learning Standard # 4
Students will investigate objects
experiencing “Freefall”
Learning Standard # 5
Describe physical dynamics in the natural
Learning Standard # 6
Explain the effects of the law of universal
gravitation and calculate its effect on
Learning Standard # 7
Forces are all Vector quantities that cause
changes in motion.
Learning Standard # 8
Demonstrate that Forces acting at a distance
from a point of rotation cause rotational
motion. (torques)
Learning Standard # 9
Explore and explain that in a closed isolated
system energy is conserved.
Explain the difference between speed and
velocity. Distinguish the difference
between Velocity and acceleration.
Graphically represent and interpret distance
- time, velocity – time, and acceleration and
Understand that gravity causes objects to
accelerate towards earth’s center.
Solve acceleration problems using value g.
Explain terminal velocity and factors
affecting it.
Analyze projectile motion.
Explain physical dynamics in terms of
Newton's Laws of Motion.
Distinguish between weight and mass.
Calculate the forces between any objects at
given distances.
Analyze situations involving two or more
Determining frictional factors.
Measuring and changing friction.
Calculate the torque caused by forces on a
pivoting platform.
Find the “equilibrant torque” needed by a
system for equilibrium in a multi-force
Find the kinetic energy of an object.
Find the Potential energy of an object.
Calculate the total energy of a gravitational
Find Kinetic and Potential energies of
objects in the system at various at selected
Demonstrate that the total energy of the
Textbook chapter 3 section 3.1 – 3.6 with
questions/problems within. Pasco Labs –
Position – time, and Velocity – time.
Match the Graph Lab. Worksheets – Ch 3 –
Sections 3.1 – 3.6. Bowling Ball lab.
Interactive Lecture Demos – “Human
Motion”, “Velocity”, “Acceleration”.
Textbook Ch 3 Section 3.7. Mechanical
Universe Video “Freefall”. Videodisks –
freefall demos. Cambridge Physics Outlet
lab “Gravity Drop”. Pasco Lab – Ballistic
Cart. Projectile lab.
8-10 days
12-14 days
Newton’s Laws Demos – coin/cup,
hammer/hand, hoop/bottle/chalk.
Mechanical Universe – Newton’s Laws.
Ch 3 Sect 3.8 –3.10 with
questions/problems contained within.
Bowling ball vs. tennis ball demo.
Pasco labs – force, acceleration. Lab #4.
12-14 days
Chapter 3 Sect 3.11 – 3.14
“Most Attractive Faculty Member”
discussion. Mass of earth.
Questions/Problems contained in chapter.
Worksheets Ch 3 sect 3.11- 3.14.
Mechanical Universe video – “Apple and
the Moon”
Chapter 4 Sections 4.1 –4.9 with questions
and problems contained within.
Worksheets Ch 4 sections 4.1- 4.9. Pasco
lab – “changing friction”, Lab # 7
“Friction”, Pasco – “Force and Acceleration
Chapter 4 Section 4.10 – 4.13 with
questions and problems contained within.
Torque worksheet. Mobile project. Meter
stick “torque feeler” demo. Mechanical
Universe video “Torques”. Simple
Chapter 6 Sections 6.7-6.11 with questions
and problems contained within.
Worksheets Ch 6 Section 6.7 – 6.11. Video
– Mechanical Universe “Energy”.
2-3 days
3-4 days
2-3 days
3-4 days
system remains constant.
Learning Standard # 10
Explore and explain that momentum is
Learning Standard # 11
Students will investigate that work is equal
to the change in energy of a system.
Learning Standard # 12
Students will explain the movement of heat,
and thermal expansion of solids and liquids.
Learning Standard # 13
Students will investigate Einstein’s Theory
of Special Relativity
Learning Standard # 14
Students will Solve the equations for
Length Contraction, Relativistic
Calculate the momentum of an object.
Differentiate between elastic and inelastic
Demonstrate that total momentum is
conserved in both cases.
Find momentum in a multi-object system.
Calculate the impulse needed to alter
Define work = force x distance, or the
change in energy of a system.
Define power (work/time).
Relate heat and temperature.
Define thermal expansion.
Calculate the amount of thermal expansion
for various materials.
Explain heat capacity, specific heat values.
Define the first and second postulates of
Special relativity
Solve example problems
Chapter 6 Sections 6.12 – 6.16 with
questions and problems contained within.
Mechanical Universe video –
“Momentum”. Pasco demo – Conservation
of Momentum.
Egg in sheet demo.
3-4 days
Chapter 6 Sections 6.1 – 6.6 with questions
and problems contained within.
Worksheets Section 6.1 – 6.6. Horsepower
Demo – ball and ring, bimetallic strips
(thermostats). Chapter 8 sections 8.18.8,8.11-8.13 with questions and problems
contained within. Worksheets Same
sections. Lab – heat capacity of water. Lab
– Specific Heats.
Mechanical Universe Video – “Beyond the
Mechanical Universe”. Conceptual Physics
Book, worksheets and other ancillary
materials. Lab “Relativity”. Solve the
“twins paradox”
2-3 days
6-8 days
3-4 days
Conceptual Physics Chapter 16, problems at
end of chapter. Worksheet “Dilation
Problems”, Video “Time Dilation”
3-4 days