RFM - 1 Brownsville ISD Special Services Department 2467 E. Price Road Brownsville, Texas 78521 (956) 548-8400 1234567 The Brownsville Independent School District is implementing the Response to Intervention (RTI) model stated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) 2004. The following referral forms will assist our schools in ensuring that we are compliant with federal, state and local special education law. The following excerpts from the Code of Federal Regulations explain the rationale for requesting this information: When using a process based on the child's response to intervention, the documentation of the SLD determination of eligibility must contain a statement of whether the child: 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311 (a) o Does not achieve adequately for the child's age or to meet State-approved gradelevel standards; and - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.8(c)(10), 300.309(a)(1), 300.309(a)(2), 300.311(a)(5)(i), 300.311(a)(5)(ii)(A), 1401(3)(A) o Exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement, or both, relative to age, State-approved grade level standards or intellectual development - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.8(c)(10), 300.309(a)(2)(ii), 300.311(a)(5)(ii)(B) If the child has participated in a process that assesses the child's response to scientific, research- based intervention, the documentation of the SLD determination of eligibility must contain a statement of - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311(a)(7): o The instructional strategies used and the student-centered data collected; and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311(a)(7)(i) o The documentation that the child's parents were notified about - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311(a)(7)(ii): The State's policies regarding the amount and nature of student performance data that would be collected and the general education services that would be provided - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311(a)(7)(ii)(A) Strategies for increasing the child's rate of learning; and - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311(a)(7)(ii)(B) The parents' right to request an evaluation – 34 C.F.R. Part 300.311(a)(7)(ii)(C). To ensure that underachievement in a child suspected of having a SLD is not due to lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math, the group must consider - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b): Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 2 o Data that demonstrate that prior to, or as a part of, the referral process, the child was provided - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(1): Appropriate instruction in regular education settings - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(1); Delivered by qualified personnel; and - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(1) o Data-based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(2): At reasonable intervals - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(2); Reflecting formal assessment of student progress during instruction - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(2); Which was provided to the child's parents - 34 C.F.R. Part 300.309(b)(2). Please be aware that all the documentation requested in the following referral forms needs to be completed prior to requesting an INITIAL special education evaluation. Any special education referral forms submitted without the appropriate documentation will be returned to the campus personnel responsible indicating the reason for such a decision. In order for the referral to be processed, all sections of this form must be completed in its entirety. Please respond to all questions in the grey boxes provided located next to each question. A completed hard copy of this form and all necessary documentation should be submitted to your campus diagnostician. As a reminder, consent forms for evaluation will not be given to or signed by parents until each referral packet is completed appropriately and reviewed by campus diagnostician. All referrals being requested for students who are already in special education (e.g., three year reevaluations or evaluations for additional IDEIA categories) should complete the forms required which are found on the Special Services Website under Policies. Before a referral for a special education evaluation is initiated, Federal and State law requires that the child be considered for all support services available to all children. These services may include, but are not limited to: tutoring, remedial services, compensatory services, and other academic or behavior support services. Documentation of scientific research-based interventions that have been attempted must be documented on the RTI forms provided by BISD prior to initiating a referral to Special Education. Please attach the following forms to the referral packet. Copy of Home Language Survey Copy of Permanent Record Card Copy of current Report Card Notice of Release of Confidential Information (if applicable) Copy of Special Programs Folder ( LEP students) Copy of Birth Certificate Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 3 Brownsville ISD Special Services Department 2467 E. Price Road Brownsville, Texas 78521 (956) 548-8400 SPECIAL EDUCATION INITIAL REFERRAL FORMS ***Before a referral for a special education evaluation is initiated, Federal and State law requires that the child be considered for all support services available to all children. These services may include, but are not limited to: tutoring, remedial services, compensatory services, and other academic or behavior support services. Documentation of scientific research-based interventions that have been attempted must be documented on the RTI forms provided by BISD prior to initiating a referral to Special Education. I. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Student Name: Student ID: Parent/Guardian: Address: Home Telephone: Mobile Telephone (if available): Date of Birth: Age: Gender: Grade: Race: School Campus Student is Attending: School Campus Student is Zoned to: Date Student Entered School District: Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 4 II. TYPE OF EVALUATION REQUESTED For Children ages 0-3 receiving services by ECI Region One: Early Childhood Intervention For Students ages 3-21 with Academic concerns: Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) Reading Reading Comprehension Math Calculation Math Reasoning Written Expression For Students ages 3-21 suspected of having a Speech disability: Speech Only (FIE) Check only the area of concern in which RTI strategies have been implemented and found to be ineffective. RTI documentation must be attached. Speech Only referrals must also follow the RTI process. Please contact the campus Speech Therapist/Path to conduct a speech screening prior to completing this referral packet. For Students ages 3-21 suspected of having an Emotional Disability or Autism: Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) Psychological **Check only one** OR Documentation of RTI must Autism be attached including a Positive Behavior Support Plan (RTI 10). For Students ages 3-21 suspected of having a Physical or Health disability: Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) Students with medical or Physical or Health Disability health issues must be referred to the campus 504 committee first. The 504 committee will make the decision to refer the student to Special Education if necessary. Full Name and title of Individual Initiating this Referral: Full Name of Individual Completing this Referral Packet: Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 5 Date Referral Packet was Completed: Reason for Special Education Referral: Additional Comments: III. STUDENT HISTORY This section must be completed either by an administrator or campus designee in an interview format with parent/legal guardian. Please complete all relevant sections regarding the student that is being referred for special education services. This information is very important since it will help us to better understand the student and his/her needs. Esta sección debe de ser completada por un administrador o la persona designada por la escuela en un formato de entrevista con el padre/guardián legal. Por favor complete todas las secciones pertinentes al estudiante que está siendo referido para los servicios de educación especial. Esta información tiene mucha importancia ya que nos ayudará a mejor comprender al estudiante y las necesidades de el/ella. PARENTAL INFORMATION Full name of person providing information: Nombre completo de la persona que está proveyendo la información: Do you have legal custody of this child? ¿Tiene usted custodia legal del niño/a? Yes/Sí No Do you have any concerns with your child’s progress at school? ¿Tiene usted algunas preocupaciones con el progreso de su hijo/a en la escuela? DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES Please provide the information in the following table regarding the child’s developmental milestones. Por favor provea la información en la siguiente tabla concerniente a las etapas del desarrollo del niño/a. This information in this section is not available or could not be provided La información de esta sección no esta disponible o no se pudo obtener Reason why this information could not be obtained: Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 6 Razón por la cual esta información no fue obtenida: (If information was not obtained for this section then please proceed to the LANGUAGE USE Section) Developmental Milestones/ Etápa del Desarrollo Approximate age at which student achieved this developmental milestone/ Edad aproximada en la cual el estudiante supero la etapa del desarrollo Knew his/her own name/Supo su propio nombre Responded to “no”/respondió a “no” Understood the word “bye”/Comprendió la palabra “adios” Followed one step directions/Siguió instrucciones de un solo paso Recognized names of familiar objects/ Reconocio nombres de objetos familiares Anwered “yes” or “no” questions/Contestaba preguntas de “sí” o “no” Began babbling/Comenzó a balbucear Began to imitate sounds/Comenzó a imitar sonidos Used first words/Uso sus primeras palabras Sat by himself/herself Sentarse por si mismo Crawled Gateo Stood by himself/herself Pararse por si mismo Walked by himself/herself Camina por si solo/a Demonstrated interest or attraction to sound Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 7 Demostró interés o atracción al sonido Toilet Trained Entrenado(a) para ir al baño Weaned off bottle Se le retiro la tetera Spoke first sentences Dijo sus primeros enunciados(palabras) Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: LANGUAGE USE This information in this section is not available or could not be provided La información de esta sección no esta disponible o no se pudo obtener Reason why this information could not be obtained: Razón por la cual esta información no fue obtenida: (If information was not obtained for this section then please proceed to the STUDENT HEALTH Section) How does your child show that he/she understands what you say? ¿Como demuestra su hijo/a que comprendió lo que se le dijo? Describe how your child lets you know what he/she wants or needs: Describa como su hijo/a le demuestra lo que quiere o necesita: Approximately what percent of what your child says do you understand? Aproximadamente, ¿qué por ciento de lo que su hijo/a dice comprende usted? Approximately what percent of what your child says do unfamiliar listeners understand? Aproximadamente qué por ciento de lo que su niño/a dice comprenden oyentes poco familiares? Does your child omit sounds? ¿Excluye sonidos su hijo/a? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 8 Yes/Sí No Explain/Explique: Does your child substitute one sound for another? ¿Substituye su hijo/a un sonido por otro? Yes/Sí No Explain/Explique: Does your child have a different or unpleasant voice? ¿Tiene su hijo/a una voz diferente o desagradable? Yes/Sí No Explain/Explique: No Explain/Explique: Does your child stutter? ¿Tartamudea su hijo/a? Yes/Sí Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: STUDENT HEALTH This information in this section is not available or could not be provided La información de esta sección no esta disponible o no se pudo obtener Reason why this information could not be obtained: Razón por la cual esta información no fue obtenida (If information was not obtained for this section then please proceed to the SCHOOL HISTORY/FILE REVIEW Section) Which physician/specialist regularly sees your child? ¿Qué medico/especialista ve a su hijo/a regularmente? What medications is your child currently taking (if any)? ¿Qué medicamentos está tomando su hijo/a actualmente (si hay alguno)? Does your child have any neurological problems? ¿Tiene su hijo/a problemas neurológicos? Yes/Sí No If so, what neurological problems does he/she have? Si es así, ¿qué problemas neurológicos tiene? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 9 Has your child had any major illnesses and/or been hospitalized? ¿Ha tenido su hijo/a enfermedades severas y/o hospitalizaciones? Has your child been previously diagnosed with a physical and/or mental disability? ¿Ha sido diagnosticado previamente su hijo/a con alguna discapacidad física o mental? Yes/Sí No If so, what diagnosis has your child received and who gave him/her the diagnosis? Si es así, ¿qué diagnostico ha recibido su hijo/a y quién se lo dio? If you have any other concerns regarding your child’s health, please explain: Si tiene alguna otra preocupación concerniente a la salud de su hijo/a, por favor explíquelo: Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: IV. HEALTH SCREENING INFORMATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY SCHOOL STAFF AND/OR PARENTS) This information in this section is not available or could not be provided La información de esta sección no esta disponible o no se pudo obtener Reason why this information could not be obtained Razón por la cual esta información no fue obtenida What were the results of the student’s last vision screening (if any)? ¿Cuáles fueron los resultados de la última evaluación de la vista que tuvo el estudiante (si tuvo alguna)? What were the results of the student’s last hearing screening (if any)? ¿Cuáles fueron los resultados de la última evaluación de audición que tuvo el estudiante (si tuvo alguna)? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 10 For student ages 0-3 receiving services from ECI, stop here. The sections below only pertain to students who are currently enrolled in Brownsville ISD. ______________________________________________________________________________ The sections below must be completed for all students enrolled in Brownsville ISD. V. SCHOOL HISTORY/FILE REVIEW Brownsville ISD Response To Intervention (RTI) Process ***Documentation of scientific research-based interventions that have been attempted must be documented on the RTI forms provided by BISD prior to initiating a referral to Special Education. Has this student received interventions through the RTI process? Yes No For how many weeks was the RTI (TIER 2) process in place? For how many weeks was the RTI (TIER 3) process in place? Please attach the following completed forms from the RTI manual: For all students you must attach: RTI-1(Initial Student Referral to RtI) RTI-2 (Student Health Information) RTI-5 (Individual Intervention Plan) RTI-6 (Signature of Receipt: Individual Intervention Plan and/or Positive Behavior Support Plan) RTI-7 (Progress Monitoring Record) RTI-16 (Referral for Consideration of a Special Education FIE) For LEP students you must add: RTI-3A (Response to Intervention: Screening for Language Dominance) RTI-3B (BICS/CALP Checklist for LEP Students) For students suspected of having a Speech Disability you must add: Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 11 RTI-4A (Speech/Language: Teacher Interview Form, Screening Checklist) RTI-4B (Speech/Language: Teacher Observation of Student Oral Language Observation Matrix) RTI-4C (Speech/Language Parent Interview Form) For students referred to Section 504 you must add: RTI-8 (Referral for Section 504) For students suspected of having Dyslexia you must add: RTI-9A (Dyslexia Screening Checklist English) RTI-9B (Dyslexia Screening Checklist Spanish) For students suspected of having an Emotional Disability or Autism or other behavior concerns you must add: RTI-10 (Positive Behavior Support Plan Referral Checklist) RTI-11 (Classroom Behavior Observation Data) RTI-12 (Functional Behavior Assessment) RTI-13 (Positive Behavior Support Plan) If there are any other forms from the RTI manual that are relevant to the student’s educational difficulties please attach them along with the abovementioned forms. If the student has not been provided support through the RTI process, please explain the reason why: Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: SECTION 504 Has this student received support through the Section 504 program? Yes No If the student has not received support through the Section 504 program, please explain the reason why: If No, proceed to next section. Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 12 For how many weeks has the Section 504 program been in place? Please attach the following completed forms from the Section 504 Manual: F-1 (Notification to Parents of Section 504 Evaluation) F-3 (Parental Consent for the Initial Section 504 Evaluation and Placement) F-4 (Section 504 Receipt for Rights Notice) F-5 (Section 504 Record of Parental Input and Information) F-6 (Section 504 Committee Record of Minutes) F-9 (Section 504 Individual Accommodation Plan) F-11 (Section 504 Implementation of Individual Accommodation Plan and/or Positive Behavior Support Plan) F-12 (Section 504 Functional Behavioral Assessment) * F-13 (Section 504 Positive Behavior Support Plan) * F-14 (Progress Report) F-20 (Referral for Consideration of a Special Education FIE) * Forms F-12 and F-13 should only be submitted for student experiencing behavior issues. Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: MIGRANT STATUS Is this student a migrant student? Yes No Is this student a recent immigrant (less than two years)? Yes No If the student is a recent immigrant, which country did the student live in previously? Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 13 (Please review the student’s LPAC folder) Is this student limited English proficient? Yes No (If the answer is NO, the please skip to the Additional School Information section) If the student is limited English proficient, what is the student’s native language? Was this student identified as limited English proficient and the parent signed a waiver refusing bilingual services? Yes No If the parent did not sign a waiver, does this student receive any academic support from bilingual services? Yes No For how many years has the student received academic support from bilingual services? What type of bilingual programming is the student currently receiving (e.g. ESL)? How many minutes of bilingual instruction or bilingual supports does the student receive per day? What is this student’s bilingual/ESL category? If this student has taken the Stanford English Language Proficiency Test (SELP), please complete the following: Comprehension Level: Scale Score: Writing Level: Scale Score: Total Composite Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 14 Level: Scale Score: If this student has taken the Stanford Spanish Language Proficiency Test (SSLP), please complete the following: Comprehension Level: Scale Score: Writing Level: Scale Score: Total Composite Level: Scale Score: If the student has taken the TELPAS, please indicate the student’s current level: Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: ADDITIONAL SCHOOL INFORMATION Number of Days the Student Has Been Absent in the Current School Year: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Number of Days the Student Has Been Tardy in the Current School Year: Period 1 Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 15 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Number of Student Discipline Referrals in the Current School Year (Please include documentation for each referral): Has this student ever been retained? Yes No If so, how many years was this student retained? In which grades was this student retained? Has this student’s parent requested verbally or in writing that the student be tested for special education services? Yes No If so, on which date was this request made? Have you received a copy of an external evaluation notifying you of this student’s disability? Yes No If you have received an external evaluation, what were the conclusions of that evaluation? (please include a copy of all external evaluations received) If you have received an external evaluation, on which date did you first receive it? What is the student’s current reading achievement level (skills, comprehension, strengths, and weaknesses)? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 16 What is the student’s current math achievement level (concepts and computation)? What are the student’s current written communication skills? What are the student’s oral communication skills? What is the student’s typical behavior like (use specific descriptors, depicting frequency and intensity)? Why do you believe the educational need this student is experiencing is not primarily a result of acquiring a second language (i.e. learning English)? Why do you believe the educational need this student is experiencing is not primarily the result of a lack of appropriate instruction in reading? Why do you believe the educational need this student is experiencing is not primarily the result of a lack of appropriate instruction in math? Why do you believe the educational need this student is experiencing is not primarily the result of cultural factors? Why do you believe the educational need this student is experiencing is not primarily the result of having an environmental or economic disadvantage? What are the student’s educational needs (list special instructional, environmental, and/or management needs)? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 17 Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: STUDENT GRADES Report Card for Previous School Year (Please consult the student’s PRC if necessary) Class Yearly Average Most Recent Report Card (if six weeks information is not available, please provide the grades from the most recent progress report) Class First Six Weeks Second Six Weeks Third Six Weeks First Semester Average Fourth Six Weeks Fifth Six Weeks Sixth Six Weeks Second Semester Average Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 18 Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: - - - - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - - - TEACHER INFORMATION The following information needs to be provided by at least two teachers that the student receives instruction from if the student is in elementary and at least by four teachers if the student is in middle school or high school. The staff member responsible for the special education referrals at the campus level must schedule each teacher to complete the following information with as much detail as possible. The information provided by each teacher may be used as part of one or all of the evaluations requested, so it is important that the reported information is both clear and accurate. TEACHER A Full Name of Teacher: Subject Taught: Specific Time Taught (ex. 8:15 – 9: 45): 1. Please describe this student’s behavior in your class, including his/her general demeanor or attitude. 2. What is the student’s approach or response to academic/classroom tasks? 3. Please describe his/her interactions with peers. 4. Please describe his/her interactions with you. 5. What strategies or accommodations have you found to be particularly effective with this student? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 19 6. Please describe the student’s strengths. 7. What behavioral skill(s) is this student lacking that is necessary in order to benefit from his/her education? 8. What is your primary concern about this student? 9. How much does this student’s problem(s) interfere with his/her learning in your class? 10. Why do you feel special education should be considered for this student? 11. What additional interventions and/or recommendations do you suggest for this student? 12. Please give any other information you feel would be helpful for us to know about this student. I attest that the information stated above is true and reflects my true opinion about this student Please Initial TEACHER B Full Name of Teacher: Subject Taught: Specific Time Taught (ex. 8:15 – 9: 45): 1. Please describe this student’s behavior in your class, including his/her general demeanor or attitude. Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 20 2. What is the student’s approach or response to academic/classroom tasks? 3. Please describe his/her interactions with peers. 4. Please describe his/her interactions with you. 5. What strategies or accommodations have you found to be particularly effective with this student? 6. Please describe the student’s strengths. 7. What behavioral skill(s) is this student lacking that is necessary in order to benefit from his/her education? 8. What is your primary concern about this student? 9. How much does this student’s problem(s) interfere with his/her learning in your class? 10. Why do you feel special education should be considered for this student? 11. What additional interventions and/or recommendations do you suggest for this student? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 21 12. Please give any other information you feel would be helpful for us to know about this student. I attest that the information stated above is true and reflects my true opinion about this student Please Initial TEACHER C Full Name of Teacher: Subject Taught: Specific Time Taught (ex. 8:15 – 9: 45): 1. Please describe this student’s behavior in your class, including his/her general demeanor or attitude. 2. What is the student’s approach or response to academic/classroom tasks? 3. Please describe his/her interactions with peers. 4. Please describe his/her interactions with you. 5. What strategies or accommodations have you found to be particularly effective with this student? 6. Please describe the student’s strengths. 7. What behavioral skill(s) is this student lacking that is necessary in order to benefit from his/her education? Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 22 8. What is your primary concern about this student? 9. How much does this student’s problem(s) interfere with his/her learning in your class? 10. Why do you feel special education should be considered for this student? 11. What additional interventions and/or recommendations do you suggest for this student? 12. Please give any other information you feel would be helpful for us to know about this student. I attest that the information stated above is true and reflects my true opinion about this student Please Initial TEACHER D Full Name of Teacher: Subject Taught: Specific Time Taught (ex. 8:15 – 9: 45): 1. Please describe this student’s behavior in your class, including his/her general demeanor or attitude. 2. What is the student’s approach or response to academic/classroom tasks? 3. Please describe his/her interactions with peers. Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 23 4. Please describe his/her interactions with you. 5. What strategies or accommodations have you found to be particularly effective with this student? 6. Please describe the student’s strengths. 7. What behavioral skill(s) is this student lacking that is necessary in order to benefit from his/her education? 8. What is your primary concern about this student? 9. How much does this student’s problem(s) interfere with his/her learning in your class? 10. Why do you feel special education should be considered for this student? 11. What additional interventions and/or recommendations do you suggest for this student? 12. Please give any other information you feel would be helpful for us to know about this student. I attest that the information stated above is true and reflects my true opinion about this student Please Initial STATE/DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 24 Did this student take the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) during the past academic year? Yes No (If the answer is NO, then please skip this section and go to the Benchmark Testing section.) Has the student received accommodations on the TAKS through Section 504? If yes, specify: Did the student meet the standard in all areas? Yes No If the student did not meet the standard in all areas, in which areas was the standard not met? (Please complete the information requested below each subject area where the standard was not met.) Reading Number of Correct Items: Number of Items Administered: Writing Number of Correct Items: Number of Items Administered: English Language Arts Number of Correct Items: Number of Items Administered: Mathematics Number of Correct Items: Number of Items Administered: Science Number of Correct Items: Number of Items Administered: Social Studies Number of Correct Items: Number of Items Administered: Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: For all students in grades K – 3, please submit a copy of the latest TPRI or Tejas Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 25 LEE Scores For all students in grades 1 – 3, please submit a copy of the latest Elementary Standardized Achievement Record from PRC. How many subject areas were benchmarked for this student? Which subject areas were benchmarked for this student? - - - - PLEASE COMPLETE EACH TIME STUDENT WAS BENCHMARKED - - - On which date was the student’s 1st benchmark? Please provide all available information regarding benchmark data for this student: Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies English Instrument Used Date Student Score Classroom Average Grade Level Average On which date was the student’s 2nd benchmark? Please provide all available information regarding benchmark data for this student: Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies English Instrument Used Date Student Score Classroom Average Grade Level Average Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 26 On which date was the student’s 3rd benchmark? Please provide all available information regarding benchmark data for this student: Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies English Instrument Used Date Student Score Classroom Average Grade Level Average On which date was the student’s 4th benchmark? Please provide all available information regarding benchmark data for this student: Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies English Instrument Used Date Student Score Classroom Average Grade Level Average On which date was the student’s 5th benchmark? Please provide all available information regarding benchmark data for this student: Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies English Instrument Used Date Version 2.0 Aug. 2010 RFM - 27 Student Score Classroom Average Grade Level Average On which date was the student’s 6th benchmark? Please provide all available information regarding benchmark data for this student: Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies English Instrument Used Date Student Score Classroom Average Grade Level Average Additional Comments: Comentarios Adicionales: Version 2.0 Aug. 2010