LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER AUUG GU US STT 2006 NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS By: Robert Degeyter, P.E. It is my duty, honor, and privilege to serve as your 2006-2007 Baton Rouge Chapter President. I and the rest of the Baton Rouge Chapter Board are committed to continuing the positive efforts LES has been putting forth in the past. Our new board members include Robbie Lear, P.E., L.S.I. as President-Elect, Dan Rosenquist, P.E. as Vice President, Ken Robichaux, P.E. as Secretary-Treasurer and Geoff Wilson, E.I. and Gerald Doyle, P.E. as Directors. We have an excellent Board in place to handle a very busy and demanding year for our membership. Special congratulations goes out to Kevin Crosby, P.E. serving as our new State LES President this year. We are confident with his leadership that the State Board will work hard to promote our membership and profession throughout the state. I would like to also congratulate and give a special thanks to our outgoing Chapter President, Gavin Gautreau, P.E. for all of his service and dedication last year, especially on the fight to keep the Quality Based Selection process in the best interest of the engineering community and public welfare. The Baton Rouge Chapter will host our first General Meeting on Thursday, August 17th at Ralph & Kacoo’s Restaurant. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Peter Newkirk, EBR Public Works Director, and the topic of discussion will be the “Green Light Program”. Please see the announcement in the newsletter for further details. Also included in the UGUST UNCHEON newsletter is a tentative calendar for the upcoming J OINT MEETING WITH ASCE year. Please mark your calendars for upcoming events that are of interest to you or your colleagues. Our When: Thursday, August 17, 2006 calendar includes several service events and activities 11:30 a.m. such as our annual scholarship golf tournament, LSU/SU Student Function, Future Cities competition, Where: Ralph & Kacoo’s Restaurant Mathcounts competition, and our annual Engineering Bluebonnet Blvd. Week Banquet. Baton Rouge will have a challenging year in hosting the State Mathcounts competition as Speaker: Peter Newkirk, P.E. well as the 11th Joint Engineering Societies Director of Public Works Conference. Consider getting involved in chapter East Baton Rouge City / Parish activities as a fulfilling way to enhance your professional development. We are always open to any input that meets the needs of our membership, so if Topic: Baton Rouge Green Light Program you have a topic of discussion or any suggestions that would be of interest to our membership, please contact Cost: $20.00 me at (225) 766-6330 or rdegeyter@pyodom-mca.com RSVP: Billy Wall (NTB Assoc.) We are always in need of additional support for our mailsport@ntbainc.com annual Future Cities and Mathcounts competitions. 225-216-3433 (Leave Message) These are great events that our organization sponsors for the enhancement of students with aspirations to the PDH: Michael Songy – CSRS engineering profession. If you are interested in Management – Green Light Program supporting these efforts, please contact Geoff Wilson Immediately Following the Luncheon at (225) 757-0558. Make Checks Payable to Please join with me and thank the Board members for “ASCE Baton Rouge Branch their generous contribution, time, and effort to lead our membership into a promising year. Again, thanks for supporting your organization! A AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER L PAGE 1 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY FUTURE CITY COMPETITION KICKING OFF By: Geoff Wilson, E.I. – Baton Rouge Region Coordinator The start of school marks the start of the Future City Competition. Schools around the state will begin signing up to participate in this year’s competition. The State Competition will be held on January 26, 2007 in Alexandria, LA. Engineering mentors will be needed to make this LES-backed program a success. Please visit the Future City Competition website at http://www.futurecity.org/ and give me a call at 225-757-0558 or email at geoffatbhe@bellsouth.net for additional information about becoming involved in the Future City Competition. CALL FOR SPONSORS FOR THE 13TH ANNUAL LSU / SOUTHERN STUDENT FUNCTION The Baton Rouge Chapter is looking for sponsors for the LSU / Southern Student Function scheduled for November 9, 2006 at the CEBA Building on LSU’s Campus. Proceeds will be put towards the William A. Wintz Scholarship, which is awarded to LSU and Southern Engineering Students by the Baton Rouge Chapter each year. Donations can be sent to Robbie Lear at 10305 Airline Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Any level of sponsorship is greatly appreciated. LES GOLF TOURNAMENT – OCTOBER 20 The annual LES Golf Tournament is scheduled for October 20 at the LSU Golf Course. Registration for participation and hole sponsorships will be included in next month’s newsletter. Mark your calendars for an afternoon of golfing and camaraderie with your fellow LES members. NEWSLETTER / WEBSITE ADS FOR SALE The Baton Rouge Chapter is offering advertisement in both the monthly Newletter and Chapter Website for $100 per administrative year. Renewals will be sent to current advertisers this month. Anyone wishing to place an ad in the newsletter and website can contact Robbie Lear at rlear@sigmacg.com or (225) 298-0800. AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER BATON ROUGE CHAPTER August 24, 2006 General Meeting September 28, 2006 General Meeting October 20, 2006 LES Golf Tournament LSU Golf Course November 9, 2006 Student Function CEBA Building, LSU December 14, 2006 General Meeting January 25, 2007 General Meeting January 26, 2007 Future City State Competition February 2007 Mathcounts Regionals February 18-24, 2007 E-Week February 22, 2007 E-Week Banquet March 22, 2007 General Meeting April 26, 2007 General Meeting May 24, 2007 General Meeting Any announcements? Email me at rlear@sigmacg.com PAGE 2 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER LSU CE DEPT SEEKS INPUT FOR PROJECT COURSE By: Miles Williams, P.E. The Civil Engineering Department at Louisiana State University is initiating a new class this fall semester entitled “Professional Issues and Concept Design in Civil Engineering” (CE 4750). One of the main objectives for this course is to allow senior students to develop a realistic civil design project that will help prepare them for the work force when they graduate. Thus, participation and input from practicing professional civil engineers are vital for the success of this class. This course will consist of two parts: one part which deals with professional issues common to all subject areas in CE and another part which deals with the conceptual design of a project that will be the basis for a detailed design development in one of the 4 elective project courses that will be taken the following semester. These courses are CE 4760 – Civil Engineering Design, CE 4460 – Bridge Design, CE 4430 – Structural Design and CE 4260 – Hydrologic Design. The Civil Engineering Department through Dr. Chester Wilmot is soliciting volunteer Practicing Civil Engineers and Engineering Organizations for the following 2 tasks in support of this course sequence: Practicing Engineers who could be contacted by the students for possible interviews regarding the CE common subject areas portion of CE 4750. This will deal with professional practice issues such as project management, the design process, costing, bidding, standards, ethics, consultant/contractor interaction etc. The commitment would be for 1 or 2 occasions of a couple of hours, perhaps at the participant’s office or in the classroom Practicing Engineers who would be willing to present case study project designs, participate in the conceptual design process, and evaluate the students. This commitment will be periodic over 2 semesters leading from the conceptual design in one semester through the successful small group completion of a project design in the next semester. If you are interested in participating in either one of these two tasks please contact Miles Williams, P.E. at mwilliams@sigmacg.com or 225-298-0800. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS The following individuals are new members of LES. If you see these individuals, please welcome them to the Society. Rebecca Ferrell Joel Luke, Jr., P.E. Eric Marx, P.E. David Solberg, E.I. William Taylor, III, E.I. Matthew J. Colosino Matthew H. Colosino Travis Mautner, E.I. Wilbur Nesbit, Jr. AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER Student Member Frank Thompson & Associates, LLC Prosys, Inc. McLin and Associates, Inc. CRESCENT Power Systems CRESCENT Power Systems CDI Nesbit & Associates, LLC PAGE 3 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER SAGE ADVICE FROM KARL TERZAGHI Reprinted From: "Geo-Strata", GEO Institute Magazine, May/June 2006, page 14, part of the article "Advice to a Young Engineer", by Ralph B. Peck, Ph.D., P.E. Karl Terzaghi, the “Father of Soil Mechanics” had this in mind when he gave his students at Harvard a set of rules for what he called the game of engineering. The rules are full of wisdom: 1. Engineering is a noble sport which calls for good sportsmanship. Occasional blundering is part of the game. Let it be your ambition to be the first one to discover and announce your blunders. If somebody else gets ahead of you, take it with a smile and thank him for his interest. Once you begin to feel tempted to deny your blunders in the face of reasonable evidence, you have ceased to be a good sport. You are already a crank or a grouch. 2. The worst habit you can possibly acquire is to become uncritical towards your own concepts and at the same time skeptical towards those of others. Once you arrive at that state, you are in the grip of senility, regardless of your age. 3. When you commit one of your ideas to print, emphasize every controversial aspect of your thesis which you can perceive. Thus, you win the respect of your readers and are kept aware of the possibilities for further improvement. A departure from this rule is the safest way to wreck your reputation and to paralyze your mental activities. 4. Very few people are either so dumb or so dishonest that you could not learn anything from them. Engineering is indeed a noble sport, and the legacy of good engineers is a better physical world for those who follow them. You are well started in a career that can leave such a legacy, and as you pursue that career, I give you my very best wishes. VOLUNTEERS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS SEEKS MATH TUTORS Volunteers in Public Schools, sponsored by ExxonMobil, is looking for math tutors for their EveryOne Counts program in East Baton Rouge Parish. Volunteers called Math Friends provide one-on-one math tutorial assistance for a student in the second or third grade. They will tutor the student who is working with below grade level math skills in an effort to improve their math and critical thinking skills. Tutoring sessions are held at Progress Elementary School located in north Baton Rouge on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00pm. They are looking for volunteers that can tutor for at least one of the days, but welcome anyone that would like to donate more time. If you are interested in donating your time, please contact Tracy Portle at (225) 226-4701 or tportle@ebrpss.k12.la.us . AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER UPCOMING CPD OPPORTUNITIES The Louisiana Professional Engineering and Surveying Board have posted on their website a list of CPD opportunities within the next few months. Click your browsers to http://www.lapels.com to see what’s coming up. Remember, your membership in LES counts as 1 PDH per biennial renewal period!!! 8 Hour Homeland Security Seminar Sponsored by LES September 15, 2006,Baton Rouge Marriott, 5500 Hilton Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 $125 Registration Fee (Includes Lunch) Visit https://www.secure-quotes.com/les/homeland_security_regform.asp for registration information ASCE Seminar - HEC-RAS Computer Workshop for Unsteady Flow Applications September 20-22, 2006, Chateau Sonesta Hotel, 800 Iberville Street, New Orleans, LA 2.4 CEU’s available $1185 for ASCE members / $1385 non-members Visit www.asce.org/conted/seminars for registration information AIChE Cogeneration Seminar Friday, September 29, 2006, Holiday Inn South, 9940 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 7 PDH’s available $70/person for Professional Society Members prior to 9/15/2006 $85/person for non-members and all after 9/15/2006 Visit www.aiche-br.org for registration information LAPELS LAWS AND RULES OF THE BOARD By: Robert Lear, P.E., LSI The practice of engineering in the State of Louisiana is regulated by the Louisiana Revised Statues (Laws) and Title 46 Part LXI of the Louisiana Administrative Code (Rules), both of which are administered by the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. Each licensed professional is required to understand and adhere to those laws and rules. How long has it been since you have reviewed the Louisiana Laws and Rules? Louisiana’s engineering climate has been very dynamic in the past year as we react to the rebuilding needs in the wake of Katrina and Rita. Let’s not forget the basic premises that govern our profession both legally and ethically. Visit the LAPELS website at www.lapels.com for a full copy of the Laws and Rules for Louisiana. LAC §46:101 Evidence of Qualification; Licensure A. In order to safeguard life, health and property, and to promote the public welfare, any individual in either public or private capacity, or foreign or domestic firm, practicing or offering to practice professional engineering or professional land surveying, shall be required to submit evidence that he/she is qualified to so practice and shall be licensed with the board. Unless specifically exempt by law, it shall be unlawful for any person to practice or to offer to practice in this state, engineering or land surveying, as defined in the licensure law and the rules of the board, or to use in connection with his/her name or otherwise assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he/she is a professional engineer or a professional land surveyor, unless such person has been duly licensed under the provisions of the licensure law and the rules of the board. AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER LES BATON ROUGE CHAPTER 2006-2007 OFFICERS (Left to Right): Ken Robichaux, P.E., Dan Rosenquist, P.E., Geoff Wilson, E.I., Robert Degeyter, P.E., Gerald Doyle, P.E, Robert Lear, P.E., LSI LES BATON ROUGE CHAPTER 2006-2007 OFFICERS President: Robert Degeyter, P.E. rdegeyter@pyodom-mca.com 225-766-6330 Secretary / Treasurer Ken Robichaux, P.E. krobicha@dps.state.la.us 225-925-4920 President Elect Robbie Lear, P.E., L.S.I. rlear@sigmacg.com 225-298-0800 1st Director Geoff Wilson, E.I. geoffatbhe@bellsouth.net 225-757-0558 Vice President Dan Rosenquist, P.E. drosenquist@hntb.com 225-368-2800 2nd Director Gerald Doyle, P.E. Doylefam3@cox.net 225-381-5895 Visit us on the web http://www.les-state.org/brchapter/ AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 6 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY AUGUST 2006 NEWSLETTER BATON ROUGE CHAPTER PAGE 7