View full CV here. - Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Peh Yean Cheah, Ph.D.
B.Sc. (Ed.) Hons First Class 1982
Science University of Malaysia
Conferring Institution
University Malaya
Conferring Institution
Ph.D. (Genetics)
University of Arizona
Conferring Institution
Research and Professional Experience
Graduate Teaching
Graduate Research
Post-doctoral fellow
Research Fellow
1996-present Senior Scientist/Head
Senior Scientist/Deputy
Senior Scientist/CoDirector
Dept. of Education, University Malaya,
Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology,
University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A.
Dept. of Microbiology &Immunology,
University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A.
Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Colorectal Cancer Res. Lab, Dept. of
Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General
Hospital, Singapore.
Colorectal Cancer Res. Lab, Dept. of
Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General
Hospital, Singapore.
Colorectal Cancer Res. Lab, Dept. of
Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General
Hospital, Singapore.
Research interests: Colorectal Cancer Genomics and Pathology
Research Outcome: Recent work leads to the discovery of new disease-causing genes
for APC mutation-negative familial colorectal cancer (CRC) syndromes via high-density
genotyping arrays, for instance, we identified the BMPR1A gene as the disease-causing
locus for the local hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) patients. We also
discovered biomarkers for early-onset non-syndromic CRC; as well as early stage CRC
patients via genome-wide expression profiling. Further, we showed that only half of
Caucasian-identified variants on CRC risk were replicated in Singapore Chinese
indicating that many more common variants contributing to CRC risk need to be
discovered in the local population. In collaboration with the East Asian Consortium, we
have identified new risk variants specific to East Asians. Structural variant interrogation
of the genome-wide database revealed rare number variant associated with sporadic
CRC risk in Singapore Chinese. Imputation against the 1000 Genomes has increased
the density of this database to 30 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This
would enable higher sensitivity in the search of new CRC risk variants specific to the
local population. We optimised an indivudualized human colonic crypt culture system as
an ex vivo model to study cancer initiation and antibody/drug uptake (manuscript in
preparation). Our research work has contributed towards better diagnostic,
management, surveillance and treatment decisions of patients and family members
(selected publications listed).
Professional Societies
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
Human Genome Organization (HUGO)
Principal Investigator of the National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Biomedical
Research Council (BMRC) Singapore, SingHealth Foundation and Singapore
General Hospital grants
Adjunct Assoc. Prof, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health/Duke-NUS Graduate
Medical School, National University of Singapore
Reviewer for BMRC/NMRC/SingHealth grants and international and local journals
Academic Editor, PLoS One
Biography in Marcus Who’s Who in the World 2015, New Providence, USA.
Professor E. Balasingham’s Gold Medal for best Biology student 1982, Tutorship for
Education 1983-5, Graduate Teaching Assistantship 1985, Graduate Research
Assistantship, University of Arizona, USA 1986-89.
Singapore General Hospital Long Service Award August 2007
SingHealth/Dukes-NUS Scientific Congress 2010 – Allied Health Scientist Award.
MOH-SingHealth Critical Talent Special Recognition Award (CTSRA) 2011
Refereed Journals - International
1. Cheah P.Y. and Bernstein H. Modification of DNA by bile acids; a possible factor in
the etiology of colon cancer. Cancer Letters, Ireland, 1990, 49, 207-210.
2. Cheah P. Y. and Bernstein H. Colon cancer and dietary fiber: cellulose inhibits the
DNA-damaging ability of bile acids. Nutrition and Cancer, USA, 1990, 13, 51-57.
3. Cheah P. Y. Hypotheses for the etiology of colorectal cancer - an overview. Nutrition
and Cancer, USA, 1990, 14, 5-13.
4. Cheah P. Y., Meng Y. B., Yang X., Kimbrell D., Ashburner M. and Chia W. The
l(2)35Ba/noc gene encodes a putative Zn-fingers protein involved in the development
of the embryonic brain and adult ocellar structure in Drosophila. Mol. Cell Bio., USA,
1994, 14, 1487-1499.
5. Rodrigues V., Cheah P. Y., Ray K., and Chia W. malvolio, the Drosophila homologue
of mouse NRAMP-1 (Bcg), is expressed in macrophages and in the nervous system
and is required for normal taste behaviour. EMBO J, England, 1995, 14, 3007-3020.
6. Cheah P.Y., Cao X., Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F. NM23-H1 immunostaining is inversely
associated with tumour staging but not overall survival or disease recurrence in
colorectal carcinomas. British J of Cancer, 1998, 77, 1164-1168.
7. Yao J., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F, Cheah P. Y. Microsatellite instability and
aneuploidy rate in young colorectal cancer patients do not differ significantly from
that of older patients. Int J of Cancer, 1999, 80, 667-670.
8. D’Souza J., Cheah P. Y., Gros P., Chia W., Rodrigues V. Functional
complementation of the malvolio mutatnt in the taste pathway of Drosophila
melanogaster by the human natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1
(Nramp-1). J of Exp Biol., 1999, 202, 1909-1915.
9. Cao X, Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F, Cheah P.Y. Germline mutations are frequent in the
APC gene but absent in -catenin gene in familial adenomatous polyposis patients.
Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 1999, 25, 396-398.
10. Cao X, Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F, Zhao Y, Cheah P.Y. APC mutation and
phenotypic spectrum of Singapore familial adenomatous polyposis patients. Eur J
Hum Genet., 2000, 8, 42-8.
11. Yao J., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y. Down-regulation of p27 is a
significant predictor of poor overall survival and may facilitate metastasis in colorectal
carcinomas. Int J Cancer, 2000, 89, 213-216.
12. Cheah P.Y., Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F. Update of genetics in colorectal carcinomas:
genomic instability and somatic evolution. Annals Acad Med, Singapore, 2000, 29,
13. Cheah P.Y., Chia W., Yang X. Jumeaux, a novel Drosophila winged-helix family
protein, is required for generating asymmetric sibling neuronal cell fates.
Development, 2000, 127, 3325-3335.
14. Cao X, Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F, Zhao Y, Cheah P.Y. Topoisomerase I- and Alumediated genomic deletions of the APC gene in familial adenomatous polyposis.
Hum Genet, 2001, 108, 436-442. DOI 10.1007/s004390100492
15. Liu Y, Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F, Cheah P.Y. Differential cytostatic effect of sodium
salicylate in human colorectal cancers using an individualized histoculture system.
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 2002, 49, 473-478. DOI 10.1007/s00280002-0441-7
16. Cheah P.Y, Choo P.H, Yao J, Eu K.W, Seow-Choen F. A survival stratification model
of human colorectal carcinomas with -catenin and p27kip1. Cancer, 2002, 95, 24792486.
17. Hong Y, Eu K.W, Seow-Choen F, Fook-Chong S, Cheah P.Y. The GG genotype of
cyclin D1 G870A polymorphism is associated with increased risk and advanced
colorectal cancer in Singapore patients. Eur J Cancer, 2005, 41, 1037-1044.
18. Cao X, Eu K.W, Kumarasinghe MP, Li HH, Loi C, Cheah P.Y. Mapping of hereditary
mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) to chromosome 10q23 by genomewide high3
density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scan and identification of BMPR1A
loss of function. J Med Genet, 2006, 43, e13.
19. Lai P. S., Cheah P.Y., Kadam P, Chua C. L., Lie D. K. H., Li HH, Eu K.W. SeowChoen F, Lee A. S. Overexpression of RB1 transcript is significantly correlated with
13q14 allelic imbalance in colorectal carcinomas. Int J Cancer, 2006, 119,10611066.
20. Bi X, Lin Q, Foo TW, Joshi S, You T, Shen H, Ong CN, Cheah P.Y, Eu KW, Hew C.
Proteomics analysis of colorectal cancer reveals alterations in metabolic pathways mechanism of tumorigenesis. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2006, 5, 11191130.
21. Cao X, Hong Y, Eu K.W, Loi C, Cheah P.Y. Singapore familial adenomatous
polyposis (FAP) patients with classical adenomatous polyposis but undetectable
APC mutations have accelerated cancer progression. Am J Gastroenterology, 2006,
101, 2810-2817.
22. Koh PK, Loi C, Cao X, Cheah P.Y., Ho KS, Ooi BS, Tang CL, Eu KW. Mesenteric
desmoid tumors in Singapore familial adenomatous polyposis patients: clinical
course and genetic profile in a predominantly Chinese population. Dis Colon Rectum,
2007, 50, 75-82.
23. Hong Y, Ho K.S., Eu K.W., Cheah P.Y. A susceptibility gene-set for early onset
colorectal cancer that integrates diverse signaling pathways – implication for
tumorigenesis. Clin Cancer Res, 2007, 13, 1107-1114.
24. Das K, Cheah PY, Lim PL, Yasmin MZ, Fook-Chong S, Zhao Y, Cheng C, Lau W.
Shorter CAG repeats in androgen receptor and non-GG genotypes in prostatespecific antigen loci are associated with decreased risk of benign prostatic
hyperplasia and prostate cancer. Cancer Letters, 2008; 268: 340-347.
25. Cheah PY. Recent advances in colorectal cancer genetics and diagnostics.
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2009, 69, 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.critrevonc.2008.08.001
26. Chan ECY, Koh PK, Mal M, Cheah PY, Eu KW, Backshall A, Cavill R, Nicholson JK,
Keun H. Metabolic Profiling of Human Colorectal Cancer using High-Resolution
Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-MAS NMR) Spectroscopy
and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). J Proteomics Res, 2009, 8,
27. Mal M, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Chan ECY. Development and validation of a gas
chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method for the metabolic profiling of
human colon mucosae. Rapid commun mass spectrom 2009, 23, 487-494.
28. Cheah PY. The emerging role of RBL2/p130 in multi-step retinoblastoma
tumorigenesis. Cancer Biol Ther 2009, 8, 718-719. Epub 2009 Apr 18.
29. Cheah PY, Wong YH, Chau YP, Loi C, Lim KH, Lim JF, Koh PK, Eu KW. Germline
bone morphogenesis protein receptor 1A (BMPR1A) mutation causes colorectal
tumorigenesis in Hereditary Mixed Polypsis Syndrome (HMPS). Am J
Gastroenterology, 2009, 104, 3027-33. e-pub Sept22, 2009.
30. Thean LF, Loi C, Ho KS, Koh PK, Eu KW, Cheah PY. Genome-wide scan
identifies a copy number variable region at chromosome 3q26 that regulates
PPM1L in APC mutation-negative familial colorectal cancer patients. Genes
Chrom & Cancer, 2010, 49, 99-106. e-pub Oct 21, 2009.
31. Hong Y, Downey T, Eu KW, Koh PK, Cheah PY. A 'metastasis-prone' signature
for early-stage mismatch-repair proficient sporadic colorectal cancer patients and
its implications for possible therapeutics. Clin Exp Metastasis 2010, 27, 83-90. epub Feb.9, 2010.
32. Ong ES, Zou L, Li S, Cheah PY, Eu KW, Ong CN. Metabolic profiling in colorectal
cancer reveals signature metabolic shifts during tumorigenesis. Mol Cell
Proteomics. E-pub 2010 Feb 10, 2010.
33. Teoh ML, Puvan R, Cheah PY, Yuen Y. Colorectal cancer screening: yield of
faecal occult blood testing. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2010,11, 153-156.
34. Mal M, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Chan ECY. UPLC/MS/MS targeted profiling of
arachidonic acid and eicosanoids in human colorectal cancer. Rapid commun
mass spectrom 2011, 25, 755.
35. Mal M, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Chan ECY, Metabotyping of human colorectal cancer
using two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytical and
Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, Apr;403(2):483-93. 10.1007/s00216-012-5870-5
36. Thean LF, Li HH, Teo YY, Koh WP, Yuan JM, Teoh ML, Koh PK, Tang CL, Cheah
PY. Association of Caucasian-identified variants with colorectal cancer risk in
Singapore Chinese. PLoS ONE 2012, 7, e42407,
37. Phua LC, Mal M, Koh PK; Cheah PY, Chan E, Ho HK. Investigating the role of
nucleoside transporters in the resistance of colorectal cancer to 5-fluorouracil
therapy. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 2013, 71(3):817-23.
38. Cheah PY, Lim KH, Koh PK, Tang CL. The classification of intestinal polyposis.
Nat Genet, 2013, 45, 2.
39. Koo SL, Wen JH, Hilmer A, Cheah PY, Tan P, Tan IB. Current and emerging
surveillance strategies to expand the window of opportunity for curative treatment
after surgery in colorectal cancer. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy, 2013, 13,
40. Phua LC, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Ho HK, Chan EC. Global gas chromatography/timeof-flight mass spectrometry (GC/TOFMS)-based metabonomic profiling of
lyophilized human feces. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2013
Oct 15;937:103-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2013.08.025. Epub 2013 Aug 26.
41. Cheah PY, Wong YH, Koh PK, Loi C, Chew MH, Tang CL. A novel indel in exon 9
of APC up-regulates a ‘skip exon 9’ isoform and causes very severe familial
adenomatous polyposis. Eur J Hum Genet, 2014, 22, 833–836. Epub 2013 Oct 30.
42. Phua LC, Chue XP, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Ho HK, Chan EC. Non-invasive fecal
metabonomic detection of colorectal cancer. Cancer Biol Ther. 2014 Jan 14; 15(4),
43. Zhang B, Jia W, Matsuo K,…Cheah PY…Zheng W. Genome-wide association
study identifies a new SMAD7 risk variant associated with colorectal cancer risk in
East Asians. Int. J Cancer, 2014, 135, 948-55. Jan 21 doi: 10.1002/ijc.28733.
44. Phua LC, Chue XP, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Chan EC, Ho HK. Global fecal microRNA
profiling in the identification of biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening among
Asians. Oncology Reports 2014, 32(1):97-104.
45. Chua CS, Loi CTT, Koh PK, Cheah PY, Lee HY, et al. (2015) PTEN Hamartoma
Tumour Syndrome: Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Two Cases Diagnosed in
Singapore. Hereditary Genet 2015, 4: 148. doi:10.4172/2161-1041.1000148
46. Leo VI, Tan SH, Bergmann H, Cheah PY, Chew MH, Lim KH, Ruland J, Reilly PT.
Card9 promotes sex-biased colon tumors in the APCmin mouse model. Cancer
Immunol Res. 2015, 3(7), 721-6.
47. Chew MH, Tan WS, Liu Y, Cheah PY, Loi C, Tang CL. Genomics of hereditary
colorectal cancer: lessons learnt from 25 years of the Singapore Polyposis Registry.
Ann Acad Med Singapore 2015, 44, 290.
48. Lin Q, Lim HS, Lin HL, Tan HT, Lim TK, Cheong WK, Cheah PY, Tang CL, Chow
PK, Chung MC. Analysis of colorectal cancer glyco-secretome identifies laminin β-1
(LAMB1) as a potential serological biomarker for colorectal cancer. Proteomics. 2015
Sep 11. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201500236.
49. Phang BH, Othman R, Bougeard G, Chia RH, Frebourg T, Tang CL, Cheah PY,
Sabapathy K. Amino-terminal p53 mutations lead to expression of apoptosis
proficient p47 and prognosticate better survival, but predispose to tumorigenesis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015, 112, E6349-58. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1510043112.
Epub 2015 Nov 2. (I.F. 9.674)
Citation Indices
h-index = 24; i10-index = 34 (Oct 2015)
Book Chapter
1. Cao X., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y. Molecular and clinical profiles of
Singapore Familial Adenomatous Polyposis patients. A chapter in the monograph:
Frontiers in Human Genetics: Diseases and Technologies, 2001, World Scientific
Publishing Co., Singapore, p 245-259.
2. Cheah P.Y. Molecular genetics of colorectal cancer. Chapter 27 in Topics in
Colorectal Surgery. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. 2003, p199-216.
3. Cheah P.Y. ‘Where Science meets Medicine – The Molecular Lab’. A chapter in “25
YEARS OF EXCELLENCE”, the commemorative book for Department of Colorectal
Surgery, SGH 25th Anniversary, 2014.
Conference Papers
Cheah P.Y., Meng Y. B., Yang X., Seow K.T., Chia W. and Ashburner M. Molecular
characterization of l(2)34Ba/noc gene in Drosophila, presented in the 33rd Annual
Drosophila Research Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 11-15, 1992.
2. Cheah P. Y., Meng Y.B., Yang X., Seow K. T., Chia W. and Ashburner M. Molecular
charaterization of l(2)35Ba/noc gene in Drosophila, presented in SCBA Fourth
International Conference, Singapore, June 14-19, 1992.
Cheah P. Y., Rodrigues V., Ray K., Yang X and Chia W. Malvolio, a gene encoding
a putative transporter associated with taste defects in Drosophila melanogaster,
presented in the 35th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Chicago, USA, April
20-24, 1994.
4. Cheah P. Y., Rodrigues V., Ray K., Yang S and Chia W. Mutations in Malvolio, a
Drosophila gene encoding a putative neural transporter, causes defects in
chemosensory perceptions, presented in the First Asian Pacific Society of
Bioseientists International Symposium and Workshop, Singapore, August 15-18,
5. Cheah P. Y., Yang X., Bahri S. and Chia W. jumeaux, a putative fork-head domain
transcription factor is required in the proper delineation of the RP2 motoneuron,
presented in the Neurobiology of Drosophila meeting. Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory, New York, USA, Oct. 5-9, 1995.
6. Cheah P. Y., Cao X., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F. NM23-H1 is inversely associated
with tumour staging but not survival or recurrence in colorectal carcinomas,
presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference on
Molecular Genetics of Cancer, Oxford, England, September 9-13, 1997.
7. Cao X., Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y. A non-invasive test for the
assessment of familial adenomatous polyposis carriers. Presented at the 15th
meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Stockholm, Sweden, August
15-19, 1998.
8. Yao J, Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F, Cheah P. Y. Microsatellite instability and ploidy
status of colorectal tumors from “young” and “old” patients. Presented at the 15th
meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Stockholm, Sweden, August
15-19, 1998.
9. Cheah P.Y., Liu Y, Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F. Establishing a rapid, three-dimensional
culture method for chemosensitivity studies in colorectal cancer. Presented at the 8th
annual research conference of the American Institute of Cancer Research,
Washington, USA, September 3-4th, 1998.
10. Liu Y., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P. Y. Assessing the chemotherapeutic
effect of sodium salicylate using an individualized histoculture system on colorectal
tumors. Presented at the 6th International Conference on anticancer research,
Kallithea, Greece, November 21-25th, 1998.
11. Cheah P. Y., Cao X., Eu, K. W., Seow-Choen F. Germline -catenin mutation is
absent in familial adenomatous polyposis patients without APC mutation. Presented
at the International Symposium on Human Genetics and Gene therapy. Singapore,
Feb 5-6th, 1999.
12. Cheah P. Y., Cao X., Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F. Two novel splicing mutations in the
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli gene. Presented at the 2nd joint meeting of Leeds
Castle Polyposis Group and International Collaborative Group for Hereditary NonPolyposis Colorectal Cancer. Melbourne & Lorne, Australia, March 1-6, 1999.
13. Cao X., Yao J., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y. The Adenomatous Polyposis
Coli (APC) germline mutations in Singapore Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
families. Presented at the 2nd joint meeting of Leeds Castle Polyposis Group and
International Collaborative Group for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer.
Melbourne & Lorne, Australia, March 1-6, 1999.
14. Liu Y, Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P. Y. Study of antiproliferation effect of
sodium salicylate on colorectal tumors in histoculture system. Presented at the
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Special Conference on Genetic
and Functional consequences of cell cycle alteration in Cancer. San Diego, U.S.A.,
Oct. 20-24, 1999.
15. Cao X., Yao J., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y. A novel mRNA isoform of the
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) gene. Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of
the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, U.S.A., April 1-5,
16. Cheah P. Y., Cao X., Eu K.W., Seow-Choen F. p27 expression and survival in
colorectal carcinomas. Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the American
Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, U.S.A., April 1-5, 2000.
17. Cao X., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y. Topoisomerase I- and Alu-mediated
genomic deletions of the APC gene in familial adenomatous polyposis. Presented at
the 3rd joint meeting Leeds Castle Polyposis Group and International Collaborative
Group of Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer, Venice, Italy, April 26-28,
18. Cheah P.Y., Cao X., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F. Molecular and clinical profiles of
Singapore Familial Adenomatous Polyposis patients. Presented at the 10th
International Congress of Human Genetics, Vienna, Austria, May 15-19, 2001.
19. Cheah P.Y., Choo PH., Yao J, Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F. The expression of c-Myc
but not cyclin D1 improves the prognostic value of p27 in colorectal carcinomas.
Presented at the AACR International conference on Molecular mechanisms of
gastrointestinal cancer development and its clinical implications, Seoul, Korea,
September 10-14, 2001.
20. Cheah P.Y., Cao X., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F. Genotypic and Phenotypic
Heterogeneity of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Variants. Presented at the AACR
Special Conference on Colon Cancer: Genetics to Prevention, Philadelphia, U.S.A.,
March 7-10, 2002.
21. Cheah P.Y., Hong Y, Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F. Cyclin D1 G870A polymorphism and
colorectal cancer risk. Presented at the AACR 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
USA, July 11-14, 2003.
22. Hong Y, Cao X., Eu K. W., Seow-Choen F., Cheah P.Y., In search of new candidate
gene(s) in familial adenomatous polyposis variant patients. Presented at the 4th Joint
Meeting of Leeds Castle Polyposis Group and International Collaborative Group of
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer, Cleveland, U.S.A., Sept 2-6. 2003.
23. Cao X, Eu KW, Li H, Loi C, Cheah P.Y., The Ashkenazi HMPS/CRAC1 haplotype is
not associated with hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome in Singapore Chinese
families. Presented at the Colon Cancer in Murine Models and Humans, Bar Harbor,
USA, Sept 30 – Oct 3, 2004.
24. Cheah PY, Hong Y, Eu KW. Genome wide expression profiling for differentially
expressed genes/pathways in young colorectal cancer patients without dominant
family histories. Presented at the 5th Human Genetics Organization Pacific Meeting &
6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Singapore, Nov 17-20, 2004.
25. Hong Y, Ho KS, Eu KW, Cheah PY. Whole genome expression profiling for
differentially expressed genes in young colorectal cancer patients without dominant
family history. Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research 96th
Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.
26. Cao X, Eu K.W, Kumarasinghe MP, Li HH, Loi C, Cheah P.Y. Mapping of hereditary
mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) by genomewide high-density single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) scan. Presented at the first conference of International Society
for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, June 14-17,
27. Hong Y, Ho K.S., Eu K.W., Cheah P.Y. Whole genome expression profiling for
differentially expressed genes in young colorectal cancer patients without dominant
family history. Presented at the Combined Scientific Meeting of SingHealth, National
Healthcare and NUS, Singapore, Nov. 4-6, 2005.
28. Hong Y, Ho K.S., Eu K.W., Cheah P.Y. Genome-wide expression profiling identifies
a seven-gene predictor for early onset colorectal cancer. Presented at the AACR
special conference in cancer research: Cancer Susceptibility and cancer
susceptibility syndromes, Maui, Hawaii, USA, March 1-5, 2006.
29. Cheah PY, Cao X, Eu KW, Kumarasinghe MP, Li HH, Loi C, Wong YH. Mapping of
hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) to chromosome 10q23 by
genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scan and identification of HMPS
mutation. Presented at the 11th Human Genome Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, May 31st
– June 3, 2006.
30. Thean LF, Loi C, Eu KW, Cheah PY. In search of new tumor suppressor in APCmutation negative FAP variant patients. The Second Biennial Scientific Meeting of
International Society for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours, Yokohama, Japan,
March 27 –30, 2007.
31. Cheah PY, Wong YH. Cao X, Loi C, Eu KW. Mutation in bone morphogenesis
protein receptor 1A (BMPR1A) initiates tumorigenesis via ‘mixed polyposiscarcinoma’ sequence in colorectal cancers. Presented at the American Association
for Cancer Research 100th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA, April 1418, 2007.
32. Hong Y, Ho KS, Eu KW, Cheah PY. A susceptibility gene-set for early onset
colorectal cancer that integrates diverse signaling pathways – implication for
tumorigenesis. SGH 16th Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore, April 27 –28, 2007.
33. Cheah PY, Cao X, Hong Y, Wong YH, Thean LF, Loi C, Kumarasinghe MP, Li HH,
Chau YP, Eu KW. Recent advances in familial colorectal canger genetics. Presented
at AACR Centennial Conference Translational cancer Medicine: Technologies to
Treatment, Singapore, Nov 4-8, 2007 (Invited Speaker).
34. Hong Y, Downey T, Eu KW, Cheah PY. A metastasis-prone signature for early stage
sporadic colorectal cancer and its implications for possible therapeutics. Presented
at AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: ‘Advances in Colon Cancer
Research’, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Nov. 14-17, 2007.
35. Cheah PY, Hong Y, Wong YH, Chau YP, Eu KW. Dissecting the role of Wnt and
BMP signaling pathways in ‘colorectal cancer stem’ cells. Presented at Keystone
Symposium on ‘Tumor Suppressors and Stem Cell Biology’, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, Feb. 24-29, 2008.
36. Thean LF, Loi C, Eu KW, Cheah PY. Genome wide search for novel tumor
suppressor in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) patients without detectable
APC mutation. Presented at AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research:
Candidate Pathways, Whole Genome Scans: Reconciling Results, Looking into the
future. Carefree, AZ, May 20-23, 2008.
37. Hong Y, Wong YH, Chau YP, Ho YH, Eu KW, Chean PY. Dissecting the role of
‘cancer stem cells’ in sporadic colorectal tumorigenesis. Presented at Joint
Metastasis Research Society - AACR Conference on Metastasis. Vancouver,
Canada, Aug.3-7, 2008.
38. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Loi C, Eu KW. Genome Wide search for novel cancer gene in
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) variant patients without detectable APC
mutation. Human Genome (HUGO) 13th Annual Meeting – workshop speaker (Sept
27-30th, 2008).
39. Thean LF, Loi C, Eu KW, Cheah PY. Genome Wide search for new candidate gene
in APC mutation-negative familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients. Presented
at COFM60th Anniversary Scientific Symposium. NUS, Singapore, Oct 16, 2008.
40. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Loi C, Ho KS, Koh PK, Eu KW. Genome-wide scan identifies a
copy number variable (CNV) region that regulates the expression of a candidate
serine-threonine phosphatase in APC mutation-negative familial adenomatous
polyposis (FAP) patients. Presented at 100th AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, USA,
April 18-22, 2009
41. Thean LF, Loi C, Ho KS, Koh PK, Eu KW, Cheah PY. A 111 kb copy number
variable region regulates the expression of a novel phosphatise in familial
adenomatous polyposis variant patients. Presented at Human Genome Meeting,
Montpellier, France, May 18-21, 2010.
42. Cheah PY, Hong Y, Liew SC, Koh PK, Eu KW. Colorectal tumor growth need not be
driven by rare dysregulated stem cells. Presented at ‘Mechanisms & Models of
Cancer’ meeting at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA, Aug 17-21, 2010.
43. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Koh WP, Teo YY, Yuan JM, Teoh ML, Li HH, Wong YH, Koh
PK. Genome-wide association study identifies potential susceptibility loci associated
with differential response to environmental insults in sporadic Chinese CRC patients.
Presented at 102nd AACR Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, April 2-6, 2011.
44. Cheah PY, Wong YH, Loi C, Koh PK, Tang CL. Why does this APC exon 9 mutation
causes severe and not attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)? Presented
at 103rd AACR Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, March 31-April 4, 2012.
45. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Wong YH, Koh PK, Chew MH and Tang CL. In search of novel
cancer gene in microsatellite-stable APC-mutation negative familial colorectal cancer
patients. Presented at Keystone Symposium on ‘Human Genomics and Personalized
Medicine’, Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-21, 2013.
46. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Teo YY, Koh WP, Yuan JM, Koh PK, Chew MH, Tang CL.
Genome-wide association study identified chromosome 14q11 to be a rare copy
number variant region associated with sporadic colorectal cancer risk in Singapore
Chinese. Presented at Cold Spring Harbor Asia Frontiers in bioinformatics &
computational biology, Suzhou, China, Sept 23-27, 2013.
47. Thean LF, Li HH, Chen P, Teo YY, Koh WP, Yuan JM, Teoh ML, Chew MH, Tang
CL, Cheah PY. Genome-wide association study for susceptibility loci associated with
sporadic colorectal cancer risk in Singapore Chinese. Presented at EMBL Cancer
Genomics, Heidelberg, Germany, Nov. 3-5, 2013.
48. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Teo YY, Koh WP, Yuan JM, Koh PK, Chew MH, Tang CL. A
rare copy number variant at chromosome 14q11 was associated with sporadic
colorectal cancer risk in Singapore Chinese. Presented at 105th AACR Annual
Meeting, San Diego, USA, April 5-9, 2014.
49. Thean LF, Wong YH, Carol Loi, Chew MH, Tang CL, Cheah PY. A 32 kb genomic
deletion alters the expressions of a hypoxia-inducible gene and its related long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) in microsatellite-stable APC mutation-negative familial
colorectal cancer patients. Presented at ISCO 2014 - Cancer Genome: From
Structure to Function, Spain, May 11-14, 2014.
50. Cheah PY, Thean LF, Teo YY, Koh WP, Yuan JM, Chew MH, Tang CL. Genomewide copy number analysis identified a copy number polymorphism at chromosome
8p11 associated with sporadic colorectal cancer risk in Singapore Chinese.
Presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer
Research; 2015 Apr 18-22; Philadelphia, PA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2015.
Abstract nr 4587.
51. Low YS, McPherson JR, Kruse K, Tan IB, Lim KH, Chew MH, Tang CL, Rozen SG,
Cheah PY. Metastasis-prone signature for early-stage mismatch-repair proficient
sporadic colorectal cancer patients. Presented at the 5th Asia-Pacific summit on
Cancer Therapy, Brisbane, Australia, July 20-22nd, 2015.
Invited Review Writer
Critical Review in Oncology /Hematology (Feb. 2008)
Invited Commentary Writer
Cancer Biology and Therapeutics (Jan. 2009)
Invited Speaker:
1. Masters of Science (Life Sciences) course MLS 836, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
2. Research Network Forum, SingHealth (March, 2005)
3. Dept of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, National University
Singapore (July, 2005).
4. Dept. of Pathology, Singapore General Hospital (August, 2005)
5. Republic Polytechnic Science Forum (Sept., 2005)
6. 10th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 8th International Symposium on
Molecular Medicine, Crete, Greece (Oct. 13-15, 2005)
7. HealthWorlds Asia International Medical Congress, Singapore (Nov. 11-13, 2005)
8. Dept of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, National University
Singapore (Jan, 2007).
9. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Centennial Conference on
“Translational Cancer Medicine: Technologies to Therapy”, Singapore (Nov 4-8,
10. Third Asian Society of Colorectal Surgery (ASCS) Scientific Congress, Singapore
(Nov. 19-23, 2007).
11. Public Talk on Cancer Detection and Prevention (invited by Singapore Cancer
Society – 2007 to present).
12. Dept of Gastroenterology, Singapore General Hospital (Sept, 2008)
13. Human Genome (HUGO) 13th Annual Meeting – workshop speaker (Sept 27-30th
Sept. 2008).
14. COFM 60th Anniversary Symposium Speaker – (Oct. 16th 2008).
15. 20th International Colorectal Scientific Congress, Singapore (Nov 17-20, 2009).
16. Department of Surgery, NUHS (Feb., 2013)
17. Department of Clinical Research, SGH (Feb., 2014, March, 2015)
18. SGH 21st Annual Scientific Meeting (April, 2015)
Contributions and support for international and/or the local communities.
 Serve as Department EHS (Employee Health & Safety) Coordinator
 Serve as Department Representative for SingHealth Tissue Repository
 Serve as Supervisor/Mentor for : a) NUS Ph.D. students
b) SingHealth Foundation grantee
c) NMRC New Investigator grantee
d) Post-doctoral fellow/scientist
 Serve as NUS Ph.D. thesis examiner
 Serve as a member of the SingHealth and SGH Grant Review Committee (review
research grant proposals)
 Serve as a member of the Clinical Research Committee, SGH
 Serve as Acting Director, Department of Clinical Research, SGH
 Serve as reviewer for NMRC/MOE AcRF Tier 1 research grant proposals
 Serve as Academic Editor and reviewer for international high impact journals
 Serve as Judge for Singapore Science & Engineering Fair (SSEF), organized by A*Star, Ministry of Education and Science Centre 2011-2015.
 Research Orientation for JC students
 Contribution to SHARE programme
 Serve as Co-Chairman, Genetics Symposium, 20th International Colorectal Scientific
Congress, Singapore (Nov 17-20, 2009).