Complexity of the M6.3 2009 L’Aquila (central Italy) earthquake: 1. Multiple finite-extent source inversion F. Gallovic and J. Zahradnik Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Geophysics, Czech Republic Abstract Strong ground motion recordings of the M6.3 2009 L’Aquila earthquake are analyzed by a newly proposed technique. The source model consists of Multiple Finite-Extent (MuFEx) subsources. Each subsource is characterized by an individual set of trial nucleation positions, rupture velocities and nucleation times. Besides the best-fitting model, grid-searching all combinations of the subsource parameters provides also the uncertainty analysis. For each trial, the (constant) slip on the subsources is determined by the least-squares approach. The MuFEx model requires a preliminary setup based on a technique free of strong constraints (constant rupture velocity over the whole fault, etc). Here we used two published approaches of such a type, the truncated singular value decomposition and the iterative multiple-point source deconvolution. Final adjustment of the MuFEX model can be performed by repeating the analysis while varying the dimensions and locations of the subsources. Both the bestfitting model and the uncertainty analysis of the L’Aquila earthquake suggest that the event consisted of two major episodes, one with the rupture propagating immediately after the nucleation in the up-dip direction, while the other being delayed by 3-4s and characterized by the dominant propagation towards SE along the deeper part of the fault. We point out that the data cannot distinguish between a temporal rupture arrest and a partial slow-down of the rupture, the latter suggested in other published ‘smooth’ models. The retrieved complexity of the rupture propagation warns against attempts to stabilize inversions by the use of a constant rupture velocity over the whole fault. Introduction On 2009 April 6th at 01:32 UTC the town of L'Aquila in the Central Apennines (Italy) was hit by a Mw6.3 earthquake (Figure 1). The earthquake occurred on a normal fault striking 140° along the Apennines dipping at 50°. The event caused nearly 300 casualties and heavy damages in L'Aquila town and several other villages Ameri et al. [2009]. The earthquake source process was a subject of many studies utilizing various data and approaches [D’Amico et al., 2010; Maercklin et al., 2011; Walters et al., 2009; Herrmann et al., 2011]. In particular, to invert for the earthquake slip model Cirella et al. [2009] used a two-stage nonlinear technique by Piatanesi et al. [2007], utilizing both strong motion records and geodetic data. They observed anisotropic rupture propagation (faster in the up dip direction and slower along strike) and two major slip patches. Similarly, D’Amico et al. [2010], using back-projection, identified two slip patches, the one in SE being delayed and of smaller amplitude than the one close to the hypocenter. In the inversion by Scognamiglio et al. [2010] a constant rupture velocity was assumed and two distinct best-fitting models were found - for faster velocity a few slip patches were found at shallow depths, while for slower velocity the main slip patch was located further SE along strike and at greater depths. These results suggest that the earthquake rupture propagation was characterized by complexities demanding general slip inversion techniques free of simplifying assumptions such as the constant rupture velocity over the whole fault. Unfortunately, slip inversions, as such, are highly non-unique inverse problems, depending strongly on imposed constraints (such as constant rupture velocity and/or smoothing) [Lay et al., 2010; Zahradník and Gallovič, 2010]. This way, different slip inversions of even the same event provide different models [Clévéde et al., 2004], some of them being characterized by rupture evolution complexities, and some not. Uncertainty analysis of the slip inversion result is a challenging task [Hartzell et al., 2007; Monelli and Mai, 2008; Emolo and Zollo, 2005], still not being always performed. Thus there is a need of inversion technique providing not only the bestfitting model but also some uncertainty estimate. To this end, we introduce a new inversion technique based on Multiple Finite-Extent (MuFEx) source model. The model is in some aspects similar to the patch model [Vallée and Bouchon, 2004]. Providing the fault geometry, the source consists of several (three in the present case) homogeneous rectangular subsources with constant rupture velocities. Preliminary dimensions and locations of the subsources have to be obtained independently. In particular, here we use the recently introduced approach based on the truncated singular value decomposition technique (TSVD) by Gallovič and Zahradník [2011] and the iterative deconvolution of multiple point-source model (ISOLA package) by Sokos and Zahradník [2008]. Fixing the dimensions and locations of the MuFEx subsources, each subsource is then characterized by an individual set of trial nucleation positions, rupture velocities and nucleation times. The best-fitting model as well as the uncertainty analysis is then performed by grid-searching all combinations of the subsource parameters. After explaining the MuFEx source model inversion, we first demonstrate its performance on a synthetic test (assuming the fault and station geometry of the real L’Aquila earthquake). Then we apply the procedures to the real L’Aquila data, showing that despite the earthquake was recorded with an excellent station distribution, the non-uniqueness of the inversion is expressed by relatively large uncertainties of the MuFEx source parameters. Nevertheless, some model features are shown to be robust, best demonstrated by comparison of the MuFEx results obtained for two alternative setups. In the companion paper [Ameri et al., this issue] we use the robust (major) characteristics of the retrieved model to constrain the modeling of strong ground motions in a broad frequency range (0.1-10Hz), showing that these source characteristics are one of the most important pieces of information needed for the strong ground motion modeling. The Appendix contains detailed information on how the MuFEx subsources can be preliminarily constrained. Method The Multiple Finite-Extent (MuFEx) source model results from the following reasoning. At very low frequencies, a finite-extent earthquake source can be approximated by a point source (centroid). Increasing the frequency range, finite-extent characteristics start to be apparent in the wavefield; thus, e.g., second order seismic moments might be retrieved (Backus, 1977; Adamová and Šílený, 2010). This means that the source can be approximated by a finite fault with constant slip and simple (radial) rupture propagation. Increasing the frequency range even more (as in our case), we suppose that the model can be further described by a few smaller slip patches (finite-extent subsources). To leave the model more general, we assume that these subsources can have their own independent nucleation points, rupture velocities and time delays with respect to the origin time of the whole event, to capture the possible complexities of the rupture propagation. This way, the number of estimated parameters can be held small enough so that the grid-search procedure (being the best for exploration of a model space) can be used. As the main intention of the MuFEx source model is the uncertainty estimate, obviously it has to be (approximately) set up by a preliminary analysis. In particular, the MuFEx inversion requires reasonable estimates of the number of subsources together with their preliminary locations and dimensions. This part has to be attained by general methods, possibly with no strong constraints (such as constant rupture velocity over the whole fault, etc). Here we use the Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) and ISOLA techniques; other being, e.g., based on imaging techniques [Gallovič et al., 2009, and references therein]. More on this issue can be found in the Appendix. The 'local' rupture propagation on each of the MuFEx subsources is assumed to be radial from several testing nucleation points (subjected to the grid search). We assume several nucleation points to capture even cases when the earthquake consisted of more than one event. Also in real application one should take into account that the nucleation point (hypocenter, obtained during kinematic location) is not free of errors. The slip velocity function at each fault point is assumed to have duration shorter than the reciprocal of the maximum frequency considered, 0.3 Hz, i.e. the rise time is arbitrarily smaller than 3.3s and thus the slip velocity time function is effectively a delta function. Releasing this assumption might be a point for further studies. Eventually, each subsource is described by four parameters. Three of them – nucleation position, time, and the rupture velocity – are related nonlinearly to the wavefield. They are first selected according to a preliminary analysis, as described in the Appendix, and/or to be in reasonable physical limits. The three parameters are grid searched. The fourth parameter – slip of each subsource – is related linearly to the wavefield. Thus, for each combination (~ millions) of the subsource parameters, the slips are obtained by the least squares approach; we have checked that the least-squares inversion is well-posed in the present applications. After the MuFEx model inversion is performed, the whole procedure can be repeated with modifications to the positions and/or locations of the subsources in order to obtain a possibly better fit with the data. Our experience is that modifications within +-2km do not change the results significantly. Synthetic test Figure 2A-B shows the input slip model used in the synthetic test in terms of the slip distribution and rupture times, respectively. The model consists of two asperities located in the top left and bottom right portions of the fault. The rupture propagation is rather simple, radial at constant rupture velocity of 3km/s from a prescribed nucleation point. For the test slip model we calculate the ‘observed’ time series and then use them in the slip inversion. The Green’s functions are calculated using the discrete wave-number technique [Bouchon, 1981] in a 1D layered model. This technique provides full wave-field Green’s functions. To simulate real-data application, the displacement seismograms are band-pass filtered between 0.06 and 0.3Hz. No station weights according to epicentral distances and/or amplitudes are applied. For each waveform we invert the complete wavefield of 100s duration. The same processing is applied to the synthetic data in the inversion. In Appendix we show how the three preliminary subsources are obtained from inverted slip velocity snapshots by TSVD where relatively large values occur, see also Figure A1. The subsource positions together with the positions of testing nucleation points are shown in Figure 2C. The nucleation points are different for the different subsources, except for the trial nucleation point 1, corresponding to the published hypocenter location, that is common to all the subsources. The tested rupture velocities and nucleation times cover the ranges between 1.5-3.5km/s and 0-5s, respectively. Figure 2D-E shows the best-fitting MuFEx source model in terms of slip and rupture times, respectively, to be compared directly with the corresponding values of the input model in Figure 2A-B. Let us first emphasize that in this synthetic test the fit with the ‘observed’ data for such a simplified source model is slightly better than that for the TSVD inverted model (see Figure 3). On the first sight, the agreement between the input and inverted models is not perfect. However, perfect agreement cannot be anticipated because different parameterizations are used for the two models (namely a constant slip on localized subsources in the MuFEx model, opposed to a ‘smoothly’ varying slip along the fault in the input model). Thus, despite this modelization error, the strength of the asperities is relatively well resolved. Only for the subsource 1 the best-fitting model prefers the true nucleation point (tested as a common nucleation point 1), while subsources 2 and 3 start from their own nucleation points. However, as the uncertainty analysis will show, the common nucleation point 1 is not disproved from the solution. We emphasize that the best-fitting model has almost no meaning from the statistical point of view for the following reasons: 1) the homogeneous subsources are not perfect approximations of the earthquake evolution (even in the relatively low frequency range considered), 2) in real applications we do not use precise Green’s functions. The fact that we grid-searched all the possible combinations of the input parameters (~2 millions) results in an extensive database of models with evaluated fit (in term of the variance reduction). This database can be used to explore the uncertainty of the inverted simplified model. Indeed, the uncertainty is relatively large, mainly due to the relatively low frequency range considered. We assume that all models with variance reduction within 5% below the best model are plausible. To further take into account only physically reasonable models, grid-search results were filtered according to the following additional criteria: (1) all subsources must have positive slips, and (2) subsource 1 originated at least 1 second before the other two subsources (if not nucleating from the common nucleation point 1). Properties of the plausible models (approximately 500) are analyzed in terms of histograms for the individual parameters in Figure 4. Regarding the rupture velocities, the plausible MuFEx source models include the true rupture velocity (3km/s) but also almost all others tested velocity values. This shows that the inversion is very weakly sensitive to the actual rupture velocity on the subsources. It means that when different rupture velocity is used, almost the same fit can be obtained when altering other parameters, illustrating large trade-off among the slip parameters. Note that it is difficult to investigate the trade-off by other inversion approaches working with larger amount of parameters. Similarly in terms of the nucleation points, the correct common nucleation point number 1 is included among the plausible models, however, more nucleation points are also allowed. For the subsources 1 and 2, the nucleation from the left part of the fault is not allowed by the data. Regarding the nucleation times, the plausible values range from 0 to 3s for all subsources, depending on the other parameters of the MuFEx source model. This suggests that, in agreement with the input model, no significant time delay is observed (in contrast to what we will find for the real data). Figure 4 further shows histograms for subsources’ slip and total seismic moment. Again the histograms cover the correct values (0.4-0.5m for the slip values and 2.4e18Nm for the scalar moment). Nevertheless, note that these values lie at the tails of the histograms. Indeed, the slip and moment histograms resemble normal distribution although no such constraint was applied. It is hard to say whether one should understand these histograms in some statistical sense. If so, than it would mean that, for the given synthetic seismograms, the input model belongs among unlikely models, although allowed. This issue is left for further studies. Note also that it is not possible to draw the ‘most probable’ value of a given parameter from each individual histogram, and compose the ‘most likely’ source model from such parameter values. It is because the histograms express the trade-offs among the parameters. L'Aquila earthquake Here we apply the MuFEx source inversion to the real data observed during the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. The general characteristics of the source model (position and dimensions of the fault plane and focal mechanism) are the same as in the synthetic test Recorded accelerograms are band-pass filtered between 0.06 and 0.3Hz and double integrated to obtain ground displacement time histories. The synthetic Green’s functions are calculated again using the discrete wave-number technique. The low-pass filtering at 0.3Hz is applied due to incompleteness of the crustal model leading to inability to correctly model Green’s functions at higher frequencies. Moreover, in the frequency range considered the Green’s functions are not much sensitive to the crustal model. For each waveform we invert 100s of the complete wavefield. No station weights are applied. Based on the TSVD inversion of the rupture evolution (see Appendix and Figure A2), we built the MuFEx source model consisting again of three subsources. We assume the tested rupture velocities are between 1.5-3.5km/s; the nucleation times vary between 0 and 7s. The trial positions of the nucleation points can be seen from Figure 5A. All combinations of the parameters (~3 millions) are again grid searched. The final adjustment of parameters of the subsources was performed by trial-and-error in order to obtain the best fit with the observed data. The best-fitting model out of all grid-searched models is shown in Figure 5A. Subsource 1 lies in the hypocentral area of the earthquake, subsource 2 represents a shallow asperity, while subsource 3 corresponds to a deep asperity, located further to SE (being also the strongest one). The fit of the TSVD and MuFEx synthetics with the observed records is shown in Figure 6. Note the fit is only slightly smaller when compared with the TSVD preliminary inversion. At some stations, the simple MuFEx source model provides even better fit than the TSVD result. To explore the uncertainty of the inverted simplified model, we study the population of all grid-searched models that has variance reduction within 5% below the best model. To take into account only physically reasonable models, the grid-search results were filtered according to the same additional criteria as in the synthetic test. Properties of the final population of models are analyzed in Figure 7A by means of histograms. One can see that, as in the synthetic case, the sensitivity to the rupture velocities is relatively poor (especially for the subsource 1). The data are slightly more sensitive to the tested nucleation points, although no clear preference is found. The same nucleation points for all the subsources at the earthquake hypocenter (number 1) is allowed. Contrarily, the data are most sensitive to the nucleation times of the subsources. While the shallow subsource 2 prefers to rupture about 1s after the subsource 1, the deeper subsource 3 requires a longer time delay (4-6s) despite the approximately same distance to the hypocenter on subsource 1. Figure 7A shows also histograms for slip on the individual subsources, as well as the total seismic moment. One can see that subsource 1 has the least amount of slip, for some of the models it can be even (close to) zero. Contrarily, subsources 2 and 3 require relatively large slip values ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 m. The total seismic moment ranging between 23.5e18Nm covers the variety of results from published moment tensor solutions and other slip inversions. As stated already in the synthetic test, it is not easy to understand the histograms in a probabilistic sense. One should acknowledge that some MuFEx parameters values are clearly refused (those that are absent in the histograms). These are the most robust features of the inversion, representing its most important outcome. To verify the robustness of the inversion, in Figures 5B and 7B we repeat the MuFEx analysis for an alternative setup. It consists of only two subsources indicated by the ISOLA method (Appendix, Figure A2). With this startup the fit with data is slightly lower. Nevertheless, comparing panels A and B in Figures 5 and 7 demonstrates that similar results are obtained with both initiations of MuFEx source model. For example, the delay of the deep asperity is required. Note also that the trial nucleation points located in the centers of the subsources (number 2) are rejected in the MuFEx model uncertainty analysis (Figure 7B). Contrarily, the common nucleation from the earthquake hypocenter (number 1) is not refused as in the previous MuFEx source setup. Discussion and Conclusions The present paper deals with the inversion of the very well recorded M6.3 2009 L'Aquila earthquake. This event included complexities of rupture propagation (change of rupture velocity and/or rupture delay) so that it has to be analyzed by general slip inversion techniques, free of strong constraints (such as constant rupture velocity over the fault). To this end, we characterize the source by three homogeneous subsources in the so-called Multiple Finite-Extent (MuFEx) source model. The preliminary inversions by the Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) method and ISOLA were used to initially constrain the positions and dimensions of the subsources. An exhaustive automatic grid search of the free parameters of the MuFEx source model (namely individual nucleation points, rupture velocities and time delays of the subsources) allows inferring robust gross features of complexity of the rupture propagation. Besides the robust features, the MuFEx source inversion shows large uncertainties of the parameters, although we pointed out above that the earthquake can be considered as a well recorded one. This merely reflects the non-uniqueness of the inverse problem. Note that the retrieved uncertainties of the parameters can be analyzed also in terms of trade-offs among the analyzed parameters of the MuFEx source model. This is left for further studies. An interesting outcome of the MuFEx source inversion of the L’Aquila event is that the event can be considered as a doublet. This is a robust feature, found for the two MuFEx source models obtained by the two preliminary analyses by TSVD and ISOLA approaches. The first event, a shallow asperity located up-dip from the hypocenter, is reached relatively quickly after the earthquake origin. This might suggest rupture jump ahead, meaning that the shallow asperity was triggered by P-waves from the nucleation area. More likely, the rupture propagated up-dip from the hypocenter at relatively fast rupture velocity due to the observed high S-wave velocity body in the source area as observed by receiver functions [Bianchi et al., 2010]. In the companion paper it is shown that the shallow asperity is responsible for the low-frequency motion at near-fault stations due to the up-dip directivity effect. The second event of the earthquake doublet is the SE slip asperity at larger depths characterized by larger seismic moment and, most importantly, considerable rupture delay by ~3-4s. Cirella et al. [2009] explains the observed data by a model with different rupture propagation velocities along-strike and in the up-dip directions, i.e., say by a smooth model. This is not in contradiction to our interpretation. Indeed, in the MuFEx model the detected delay might be only a manifestation of the slow-down of the rupture on part of the fault. The uncertainty of the MuFEx parameters demonstrates that the data resolution in the given frequency range is not capable of distinguishing whether the observed rupture propagation complexities were due to the highly varying rupture velocity or due to a temporal stopping of the rupture propagation. Note that the inferred complex rupture behavior is a distinct feature, suggesting that prescribing constant rupture velocity over the whole fault in the slip inversions is not a proper stabilizing constraint (as often used in practice). Indeed, in the inversion by Scognamiglio et al. [2010] a constant rupture velocity was assumed and two distinct best-fitting models were found - for faster velocity few slip patches were found at shallow depths, while for slower velocity the main slip patch was located further along strike and at greater depths. Nevertheless, it was found in the present paper that constant velocities may be a good approximation for the individual subsources (the decrease of the variance reduction due to the simplification of the rupture model was only up to a few percent when compared to the more general TSVD technique). This suggests that the constant rupture velocities of the subsources are possible only due to limited resolution of the data used. To increase the inversion resolution, one would need more precise (3D) Green's function. It would allow use of higher frequencies and thus involving more subsources in the MuFEx source model and/or to characterize the source properties even in a more detail. Note that considering several so-called rupture segments is also common to many inversion codes almost routinely used recently [Kavarina et al., 2002; Sekiguchi et al., 2000]. As a rule, a few alternative models with varying segments (and their parameters) are tested in such techniques. Contrarily, MuFEx model is simpler in having the constant slip values over the individual subsources, but one can fully automatically explore all combinations of the rupture velocities, nucleation times and positions, thus assessing the inversion uncertainty. To conclude, the L’Aquila earthquake was characterized by source complexities known mainly from the inversions of large (mostly strike-slip) earthquakes. Indeed, strike-slip faults with significant surface ruptures are known to be composed of geometrically distinct segments with complex style of rupture propagation (partial rupture arrest on fault bends, varying rupture velocity from sub-shear to super-shear, etc.), [Beroza and Spudich, 1988; Kaverina et al., 2002; Oglesby et al., 2004]. In other examples, such as the 1980 M6.9 Irpinia earthquake, Italy, three distinct segments ruptured being separated by 20 and 40 seconds from the first shock [Bernard and Zollo, 1989]. Zahradník et al. [2005] and also Benetatos et al. [2007] reported a doublet character of the 2003 Mw6.2 Lefkada, Greece, earthquake, where two segments were separated 40km in space and 14s in time. Here we inferred such robust behavior on a smaller and shorter scale (3 seconds time delay). The spatio-temporal complexities are important to be identified as they might serve as constraints for dynamic models of earthquake ruptures. Accounting correctly for the rupture propagation complexities is also critical in the strong ground motion simulations (see companion paper). Appendix I Preliminary setup of the MuFEx model The Multiple Finite-Extent (MuFEx) source model requires preliminary setup of the subsources, i.e. their number, position and dimensions. Here we show two (out of many) possible ways based on the Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) approach and the multiple-point source deconvolution approach (ISOLA). Note that the two methods (when applied to the real L’Aquila records) result in somewhat different subsource setups. However, when using the two setups, the results remain basically unchanged, thus exhibiting robustness of the MuFEx inversion (see further). ISOLA (from ‘ISOLated Asperities’) is a program package based on a multiple point-source iterative deconvolution of complete regional waveforms. The moment tensor is solved by the least-squares method, while the position and time of the point sources is grid searched [Sokos and Zahradník, 2008]. Besides routine application in the seismic service of the University of Patras, Greece, the method proved useful in a number of earthquake studies (e.g., Zahradník et al., 2008, and references therein). Finite-extent applications of ISOLA work with no constraint on the rupture velocity and the nucleation point [Zahradník and Gallovič, 2010]. The TSVD method needs a more detailed explanation here as it has been introduced very recently. Gallovič and Zahradník [2011] used this approach to study the performance of slip inversions, mostly to explain the non-uniqueness of the slip inversion and the nature of possible artifacts (see also Zahradník and Gallovič, 2010). The approach was demonstrated for a line fault; however, its formal generalization to rectangular faults is straightforward. The TSVD inversion is based on a linear formulation utilizing discretized version of the representation theorem [Aki and Richards, 2002]. We assume the slip velocity time history without any constraints, only that it has a finite duration (namely 10s in the present applications). Thus, only the fault geometry and source duration are prescribed; the rupture propagation and shape of the slip velocity functions are not constrained. The slip can occur anywhere on the fault and anytime during the given source duration. Samples of the slip velocity time history (in time and space over the discretized fault) compose the model parameters vector m. This vector is linearly related with the vector of seismogram samples d via a matrix G containing the appropriate Green's functions [Gallovič and Zahradník, 2011]. This way, there are no limitations on where and when the slip can occur in the inversion. Note that this formulation is equivalent to that of the commonly used multi-time window method (Sekiguchi et al., 2000) if the latter is used under relatively nonstandard conditions: number of time windows equal to one, duration of the time window equal to the entire duration of the event, and the time window at any point on the fault opens at the origin time of the earthquake. Similar approach, formulated in frequency domain, was used for slip inversion synthetic tests by Olson and Anderson [1988]. The positivity constraint is applied using the NNLS approach [Lawson and Hanson, 1974]. To regularize the solution, only the leading singular vectors are used, which leads to the socalled truncated SVD solution. To be able to truncate while using NNLS, the augmented matrix approach is used [Olson and Apsel, 1982]. This way, a new set of equations is added to the problem, zeroing the contribution from the truncated singular vectors in the solution. Similarly to Gallovič and Zahradník [2011] in application to the 2008 Mw6.3 Movri Mountain, Greece, earthquake, we found that the leading singular vectors (composing the final solution) are smooth functions of time and space, thus no additional smoothing is required. These vectors thus not only give stable solution, but they are also not much sensitive to the uncertainties in the Green's functions. Generally speaking, the success of the inversions depends on how well the true (unknown) slip model can be decomposed into the leading singular vectors. Thus it is suitable if the singular vectors have a ‘rich’ space-time pattern, for example, in case of a good station azimuthal coverage. Gallovič and Zahradník [2011] also showed that if relatively strong truncation is applied (as it will be done in our case), the inversion result is close to the so-called dark spot introduced in the paper by Zahradník and Gallovič [2010]. The dark spot shows areas in time and space (over the fault) whose ‘partial’ point-source synthetics have a high correlation with the observed data (calculated simply as GTd). Thus, the dark spot on one hand contains all asperities of the true model, while on the other hand the intensity of the dark spot might not well correspond to the significance of the asperity. This also results in the artifacts analyzed in those studies. Synthetic test Here we analyze the inversion of synthetic data test by TSVD and ISOLA to constrain the subsources of the MuFEx model. Figure A1A-B shows the input slip model used in the synthetic test of the main text in terms of slip velocity snapshots and the final slip map, respectively. The input model consists of two asperities located in the top left and bottom right portions of the fault. The rupture propagates radially at constant rupture velocity of 3km/s from a prescribed nucleation point. Figure A1C shows the result of the TSVD and ISOLA inversions by means of snapshots of the rupture evolution. The fit of the TSVD synthetics with the ‘observed’ data is shown in Figure 3 of the main text. The truncation in TSVD is done at singular value equal to 1/5 of the largest singular value. This value was found first when inverting the real data. It provided subjectively the most complex rupture evolution without any major unphysical features such as “random” rupture occurrence on the fault. The truncation is required due to imprecise Green’s functions in real application. Note that in case of synthetic data if we truncate at the machine double precision accuracy, the inversion result is almost perfect. A minor problem of the truncation is an analogy of the Gibbs effect, i.e. spurious oscillations ('ghosts') appear due to the use of a limited sum of singular vectors. As the slip can occur anywhere anytime on the fault within the prescribed 10s time windows, only gross features of the truncated SVD result has to be considered, such as, for example, the large slip velocity values and their position in space and time. The final slip model obtained by the TSVD method is displayed in Figure A1D. As can been seen comparing Figure A1B and A1D, the resulting slip model is highly biased. The reason is not in the Green’s functions imperfection, because we solve a synthetic test. The bias is solely caused by the effect of the truncation (regularization). Due to the proximity of the AQV and AQK stations, the NW top asperity is enhanced while the SE bottom asperity is weakened. This bias represents an example of a more general problem. Indeed, Gallovič and Zahradník [2011] showed that the regularization can give rise to hardly detectable artifacts (or biases) common to many inversion approaches. The problem is that the inversion result is not unique in principle, because a limited amount of singular vectors is only used. Note that similar conclusion was found by Olson and Anderson [1988]. Therefore, any single inversion result is insignificant from the statistical point of view. To find out the range of possible models in the TSVD method, one would have to explore all possible combinations of the unused singular vectors, which is obviously practically impossible. This led us to introduce a more practical approach based on MuFeX source model to alternatively obtain the uncertainty estimate. To build a preliminary MuFEx source model, major features of the TSVD snapshots can be used. We set the (three) MuFEx subsources to areas where large slip velocity values in the snapshots of Figure A1C occur. The dimensions of the subsources are given approximately by the spatial extents of the large slip velocity patches in Figure A1C. It is noteworthy that the independent analysis by ISOLA (see the green circles in Figure A1CD) also splits the compact top-left asperity of the input model in two patches. It confirms the above mentioned statement that the artifacts may be common to different methods, even those not explicitly using the regularization. On the other hand, contrarily to the result of TSVD, the bottom right asperity is better retrieved by ISOLA. Most importantly, this holds also for application of the MuFEx source inversion (see the main text), regardless of whether the model is set up according to TSVD or ISOLA (Figure 5). Real L’Aquila earthquake inversion Figure A2A displays the resulting rupture snapshots when TSVD is applied to the L’Aquila real data. The same truncation level as in the synthetic test is assumed. The fit with the observed data is shown in Figure 6. Note again that only the fault geometry and the focal mechanism are prescribed to leave the inversion as free as possible. The final slip model (Figure A2B) exhibits similar shape to that of the synthetic model. Similarly, the final slip model is very likely biased, thus, e.g. the bottom SE asperity might have been weakened due to the regularization in the TSVD inversion. Regarding the rupture evolution (Figure A2A), in analogy to the synthetic case only gross features have to be considered, as the truncation (and here also the imprecise Green’s functions) give rise to ‘ghost’ features in the slip model. Such a gross feature is that the rupture nucleated in the NW part of the fault, propagated first mostly to the surface, and, after that (with perhaps some delay), along strike to SE. This feature is found also by the independent multiple point-source ISOLA inversion. This result is in rough agreement with Cirella et al. [2009], who also found distinct behavior of the top and bottom asperities. As in the synthetic test example, the TSVD rupture snapshots are used to estimate the location and approximate dimensions of the MuFEx subsources according to large slip velocity values in the snapshots (compare Figures A2A and 5). Namely, one slip velocity patch is close to the epicentral area, second at shallow depths and third in the deeper part further along strike, see Figure 5A. The final values are found by trial-and-error in the MuFEx source analysis. Figure 5A shows MuFEx source analysis when only two subsources are considered based on the ISOLA approach. 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