IPC Revision WG – Definition Project

IPC Revision WG – Definition Project
US Rapporteur Report
Project: D167
Subclass: G06K
Date : November 3, 2008
Annex 17, 11 September 2008: JP Comments
Annex 18, 01 October 2008: EP Comments
Annex 19, 10 October 2008: JP Comments
Rapporteur wants to thank EP and JP for their Comments.
1/ Referring to G06K 9/00 – Definition statement
JP [Annex 17, point 1] suggested to amend the definition statement of this group to:
 General recognition functions such as extracting features, clustering,
classifying or matching patterns or separating image sources for recognizing
printed or written characters.
 Specific acquisition for reading and recognising printed or written characters.
 Specific pre-processing for recognising printed or written characters.
EP [Annex 18] counter-commented on JP’s amendment to the definition statement,
stating that JP’s proposal for the G06K 9/00 definition would focus on recognising of
characters only and miss the other fundamental aspect covered by this group:
recognition of patterns.
EP presented the following arguments to support that the definition of this group should
explicitly mention recognition of patterns:
a) the title proposes it as an alternative to recognising printed or written characters;
b) the title even quotes an example of such patterns: fingerprints, which obviously
are not characters;
c) some subgroups of G06K 9/00 explicitly deal with the recognition of any kind of
patterns (e.g. 9/62), while others clearly deal with the recognition of images (e.g.
9/34, 9/36). In any case with no restriction to characters.
EP instead suggested to amend the definition statement of this group to:
 The (computerised) recognition of specific patterns, e.g. printed or written
characters, documents, scenery, audiovisual content, medical or industrial
images, biometric patterns (e.g. gait).
 General (computerised) recognition functions such as extracting features,
clustering, classifying or matching patterns, segmenting images, or separating
(signal or image) sources.
 Image acquisition for specific patterns, e.g. fingerprint or iris sensors; specific
illumination; computer vision, e.g. computations for (e.g. three-dimensional)
image acquisition, systems modelling visual attention.
Image pre-processing, e.g. image thinning, noise filtering.
Means (e.g. specially adapted user interface) for correcting errors produced by
computerised pattern recognition or for designing computerised pattern
recognition systems; means for assisting humans in presenting patterns (e.g.
positioning a finger) for computerised recognition.
JP [Annex 19], in response to EP’S comments, expressed that EP’s proposed definition
can not be accepted since it contains a wide variety of technologies beyond those for
methods or arrangements for reading or recognising printed or written characters. JP
also indicated a lack of resources for revising and adjusting the internal classification
system or examination channels to catch up with such a new definition.
While Rapporteur understands JP’s lack of resources for revising and adjusting its
internal classification system or examination channels, Rapporteur however feels that
an important aspect of “recognition of patterns” will be missed if JP’s definition
statement proposal is implemented, as the G06K 9/00 title “Methods or arrangements
for reading or recognising printed or written characters or for recognising patterns, e.g.
fingerprints” clearly includes such subject matter aspect. Rapporteur therefore agrees
with EP’s arguments, as expressed above, that the definition of this group should
mention recognition of patterns. Rapporteur further agrees to adopt EP’s suggestions
for the definition statement as presented above (see Rapporteur Proposal, Annex 21).
2/ Referring to G06K 9/00 – Informative reference to G09F 3/00
JP [Annex 17, point 2] proposed to remove the informative reference listing as shown
below on the grounds that it does not have technically close relationship with “Methods
or arrangements for reading or recognizing … characters or … patterns” in G06K 9/00
and that G09F 3/00 is not considered of any particular interest for the search on G06K
Labels, tag tickets or similar identification or indication G09F 3/00
EP [Annex 18] disagreed with JP’s proposal, indicating that the informative reference
listing should be maintained since labels and tickets often carry information (characters,
logos) of which the recognition is sometimes sought, and the recognition of characters
is covered by G06K 9/00.
Rapporteur agrees with EP that the informative reference listing should be maintained.
3/ Referring to G06K 9/00 – Glossary of terms
EP proposed changes to the following terms:
detecting, identifying, labelling, authenticating,
inspecting, tracking or the like by functions such as
segmentation, feature extraction or selection, source
separation, clustering, matching, classification or by
other signal, image or statistical processing
data having a characteristic structure
extracting structure from a set of patterns, i.e. grouping
patterns according to their similarity or closeness
Rapporteur agrees with EP’s proposal and has adopted it in Rapporteur Proposal,
Annex 21.
4/ Referring to G06K 13/00 – Informative reference to B42F
JP [Annex 17, point 3] proposed to replace the informative reference listing of “Card
magazines in general (B42F)” with the listing shown below.
Card-filing arrangements, e.g. card indexes or catalogues or B42F 17/00
filing cabinets
Similar to EP [Annex 18], Rapporteur agrees with JP’s proposal and has adopted it in
Rapporteur Proposal, Annex 21.
5/ Referring to G06K 19/00 – Informative reference to B42D 15/10
JP [Annex 17, point 4] proposed to replace the title of the informative reference listing of
“Printed matter in the format of identity, credit, cheque or like information bearing cards
(B42D 15/10)” with the listing shown below.
Identity, credit, cheque or like information-bearing cards as B42D 15/10
printed matter of special format or style not otherwise
provided for
Similar to EP [Annex 18], Rapporteur agrees with JP’s proposal and has adopted it in
Rapporteur Proposal, Annex 21.
6/ Rapporteur has updated the spreadsheet of Annex 16 to reflect changes pertaining
to the informative references in view of Rapporteur’s new proposal (see Annex 22).
Rapporteur hopes these changes are sufficient and is now in condition for approval.