Nutrition Questions

Nutrition Questions
A. Organism that can make their own food from inorganic
Q. What is an autotroph
A. Organisms that require other organisms in order to
obtain organic molecules.
Q. What are Heterotrophs
A. A nutritional mode that uses light as its energy source,
and CO2 as its inorganic source of carbon.
Q. What is a photoautotroph?
A. Bacteria that break down organic material and have a
role in digesting sewage and oil
Q. What are decomposers
A. Decomposers that absorb their nutrients from dead
decaying matter.
Q. What are Saprobes
A. A class of mutants that require the presence of specific
organic nutrients for their growth
Q. What are auxotrophs.
A. Organisms that can grow on media that contain only a
single organic nutrient for example glucose from which they
synthesize all of their organic molecules
Q. What are prototrophs?
Summer 2008 Workshop in Biology and Multimedia for High School
Harvard University Life Sciences – HHMI Outreach Program
A. A protein found in the Archaea that can capture light to
generate a membrane potential.
Q. What is bacteriorhodopsin
Q. A term used to describe materials that are inert to
decomposition by microorganisms.
A. What is Non-biodegradable
A. The process is nitrogen returned to the atmosphere in
the form of N2
Q. What is denitrification?
A. The process by which is ammonia converted to either
nitrate or nitrate
Q. what is nitrification?
A. The process that takes nitrogen gas (N2) and assimilates
it into organic material?
Q. What is nitrogen fixation?
A. These are organisms that are poisoned by the presence of
atmospheric oxygen
Q. What is an obligate anaerobe?
A. These are organisms that will use oxygen but can use
fermentation in its absence
Q. What are facultative anaerobes?
A. These are organisms that can only grow in the presence
of oxygen
Q. What are obligate aerobes?
Summer 2008 Workshop in Biology and Multimedia for High School
Harvard University Life Sciences – HHMI Outreach Program
Summer 2008 Workshop in Biology and Multimedia for High School
Harvard University Life Sciences – HHMI Outreach Program