9th Grade Physical Science Course Syllabus

10-12th Grade Genetics Course Syllabus
Unit #1: Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids
Know how DNA was identified as the molecule of heredity.
Know the chemical structure of DNA and RNA.
Model the replication of a DNA molecule.
Understand the process of protein synthesis.
Know the relationship between DNA, genes and chromosomes.
Know how to explain mutation in terms DNA and chromosome abnormalities.
State Standards:
3.2.12 Inquiry and Design
3.3.12 Biological Sciences
Shared Activities and Assessments:
Activities: Building a basic DNA molecule
Form the DNA into a double helix
Form the DNA into a flexible double helix
Replication of a DNA molecule
Form the daughter molecules into double helixes
Transcription of a DNA molecule
Available Equipment and Materials, Storage Location:
K’NEX education kits for DNA, Replication and Transcription in 813.
DNA models in 813.
Unit #2: Transmission Genetics
Know Mendelian Laws of inheritance.
Understand dominant and recessive modes of inheritance.
Diagram monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
Apply principles of probability to genetic crosses.
Understand exceptions and extensions to Mendel’s Laws.
Analyze transmission of genetic traits by using pedigree charts.
Know what mitochondrial inheritance is.
Understand how traits can be affected by sex.
State Standards:
3.2.12 Inquiry and Design
3.3.12 Biological Sciences
Shared Activities and Assessments:
Monohybrid Cross using Brassica rapa
Monohybrid Cross using Drosophila melanogaster
Dihybrid Cross using Drosophila melanogaster
Case Workbook in Human Genetics: Blue Diaper Syndrome p.21
Acrocephalosyndactyly p. 1
Available Equipment and Materials, Storage Location:
Cultural materials are stored in 813
Need to purchase: seeds, soil, fly cultures
Unit #3: Genetic Technologies
Know what genetic engineering is and its practical applications.
Understand gene therapy successes and setbacks.
Understand genetic screening procedures.
Know the role of genetic counselors.
Explain the differences between embryonic and adult stem cells.
Identify the differences between therapeutic and reproductive cloning.
Identify ethical issues that arise from new technologies.
State Standards:
3.2.12 Inquiry and Design
3.3.12 Biological Sciences
Shared Activities and Assessments:
Research a genetic technology; produce and present a poster to the
Research a genetic disease. Produce a pamphlet to explain the disease
cause, inheritance, symptoms, screening, treatment.
Available Equipment and Materials, Storage Location:
Resources: textbook, library, Internet.
Easel paper & markers must be ordered.