NOTE: We do thank Ms. Harvey and Ms. Densmore for their permission to include this article among our guest articles here. Since our local Set Apart Ministries community is so near Green Bay, WI we are very near to the newly acclaimed American “Marian Apparition Site” which is north east of us. We include this information in the hope and prayer that those who have fallen into this practice of seeking Mary’s aid, rather than looking to Messiah Yeshua alone, will have their eyes and ears opened to the deception involved. May He also keep His Hand of protection over those who speak out in Truth on the matter. For those who are not aware, know that there are efforts afoot to “unite the world” through the worship of “Mary,Queen of Heaven.” The ABCPrime Time Nightline program link listed in the article is worth viewing to understand even more how strong the “hold” on people has become. It includes one portion on the site near us. It appears to be another matter for which the watchmen are to sound the alarm! Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd Set Apart Ministries The Queen of Heaven By Bonnie Harvey Included here with her permission. Courtesy of Laura Densmore, Editor/Writer Of Hebrew Nation Newsletter December, 2011 Every once in a while you meet an issue you just never expected to encounter. One such issue involves the Queen of Heaven. She is mentioned four times by Jeremiah as being offensive to YHVH. We read about ancient Judah making cakes and pouring drink offerings in her honor: Page We might think, “Well, this word of caution against ‘the queen’ is a no brainer.” I offer that reality isfar from a no brainer. The Queen of Heaven is making a strong come back and will take the world by storm in the next year or so. She comes armed with human nature’s kryptonite – signs and wonders. 1 “The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and [they] pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger. "Do they provoke Me to anger?" says Yahweh. "Do they not provoke themselves, to the shame of their own faces? Jeremiah 7: 18-19 Historically, there is a long history of “Mary” sightings, with approximately 100 per century, or, one per year. In the 20th century, there were 400. The first decade of the 21st century has witnessed an uptick even from the 400 number. There has now been recorded a Marian apparition in just about every country, yes, Asian and African countries included. The apparitions are not going unnoticed. 15-20 million people visit the Guadalupe, Mexico, apparition site; 30 million to the Bosnia site since the 1981 apparition; 100,000 people per DAY to the farm of Marian seer Nancy Fowler, who goes into a trance to receive a word “from Mary.” The beautiful apparition talks in a creamy voice, breathes, and moves with her clothing wafting in the breeze. She turns silver rosaries to gold and heals (though there are also reports of injuries being inflicted, e.g., blindness). Page 2 It’s not just individuals who have noticed the apparitions, but also, the media. Mary has been on the cover of Time magazine multiple times. In addition, news shows have made special reports on the Mary apparitions. The following link will take you to a 43-minute well done special on the Mary sightings on ABC’s Primetime Nightline. With John’s admonition to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1) being ignored, millions look at the apparition with wonder, awe, amazement, reverence, and excitement. Page 3 Viewers of a Marian apparition are caught up in the emotion of the moment. Specifically, John goes on to lay out the test, saying that “every spirit which acknowledges that Yeshua the Messiah came as a human being is from God.” (1 John 4:2-3) Yeshua Himself gave further details, “(No sign) will be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonah...three days and three nights in the depths of the earth.” Matt. 12:38-41 Initially, the apparitions words were general, e.g., pray, read the Bible, trust in Jesus. In 1984, following the instructions at Fatima, Pope John Paul II dedicated the entire world to Mary. (1) John Paul went further to say regarding the establishment of a universal church, “On this universal level, if victory comes, it will be brought by Mary…” (2) John Paul II and Benedict XVI share an enthusiasm for expanding the honor to be given to Mary. The apparition has appeared frequently in Medjugorje, Kosovo, since 1981. The town has become famous for the apparitions. The apparition there has stated, “I am mediatrix between you and God,” and “Have confidence in the intercession and mediation of your Heavenly Mother.” (3) Page 4 Cloud above Medjugorje Page 5 Photo of image from Medjugorje. People report the image to be indescribably beautiful and the experience of seeing the apparition as so wonderful that words fail. Indeed, people seem to almost be in a trance when viewing the breathing, moving, speaking apparition. Medjugorje has become famous in Mariology. Page 6 The apparition has stated that she alone, Mary, will save the world! (4) She states that she suffers for the world and atones for sins (5), which is why Catholic artists show her with daggers in her heart. Daggers in the heart of Mary as she “suffers and atones for sin.” There is hardly any attribute of Yeshua that the apparition does not claim for herself, including but not limited to, Savior, sinless, The New Eve, divine, bodily resurrected and taken to heaven, Queen of Peace, she who will crush Satan underfoot, The Morning Star, Door of Heaven, Mother of All Nations, and more. In the message from the apparition to St. Bridget of Sweden, the apparition states, “I am Mary, the Queen of Heaven…” (6) Yes, the female pseudo-god of Jeremiah and the apparition are the same spirit! Page Muslims refer to Mary, mother of “Issa” (Yeshua), as “Our Lady.” They write poems to Mary and have a chapter in the Koran named after her. Interestingly, a very well known apparition site is Fatima, Portugal, which, of course, is the name of Mohammed’s favorite daughter. Many Muslims visit this site. One author describes a recurring apparition in Cairo, Egypt: “Several nights each week, thousands of Moslems fell to their knees on prayer rugs spread wherever space permitted, and wept before the magnificent, wondrous, glorious form of Our Lady from Heaven.” (7) Since John Paul II declared “Allah” to be the “God of the Bible” in 1985 before an 7 Ordinarily, the Catholic and Messianic worlds would intersect at very few junctions. However, a surprising fact is that virtually every religion of the world has a female divine character that is adored. enthralled Muslim audience (8) and they share Mary adoration, unity for “world peace” would seem an easy next step. The apparitions are not picky about the message, the color of her skin, her race, or doctrine. Instead, she states that she is all things to all people, stressing peace through spiritual unity. I heartily recommend viewing the Messages from Heaven DVD which is available through Amazon. If you do not want to buy it, it is available on You Tube in 8 parts. It is highly informative, scriptural, and compelling all in a easy-to-watch format. Messages from Heaven exposes the Mary apparitions. On the subject of religious unity, the LA Times reported: “Our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance in non-Catholic services has scholars and others wondering whether the beloved apparitions that have united Mexicans for nearly five centuries can bring together Christian denominations.” (9) Page Mary also appeals to new agers and Wiccans. Mary’s Message to the World: As Sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus to Her Messenger, Annie Kirkwood, is sold in New Age bookstores. The attraction is easy to identify since it mirrors Helena Blavatsky’s “mankind will ascend to a higher plane of living only through spiritual unity” theme. Annie Kirkwood quotes the spirit speaking to her, “Each religion is worshipping…the same Creator! It is imperative that the world join together at this time to pray to God…I wish to encircle all people on Earth in a safety net which will save your souls…It is only as a whole unit that mankind can advance. Soon a giant leap forward will occur.” (11) 8 Hitting closer to home, a leading Baptist states, “The Time cover story is part of a larger phenomenon, with many mainline Protestants turning to a reconsideration of Mary and incorporating the veneration of Mary into personal devotions and corporate worship. Some are going so far as to acknowledge Mary as an intercessor, addressing prayer to her as well as to other saints. Surprisingly enough, some Protestants now argue that believers should pray to Mary and should request her intercession.” (10) Alleging messages directly from Mary, Kirkwood has hit a nerve among new agers. Mary also appeals to eastern religions. divine feminine. Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism – all have a This commonality of a divine feminine congealing into spiritual unity is furthered by another phenomenon of late, and that is the 13 month procession of the 13 crystal skulls through the United States (13: number of depravity and rebellion). I will quote from a website that is excited about the spiritual ramifications of this (12): On 11-11-11, another group of 13 elders (note: that number again, not coincidence) (another note: “elders” are shamans or “diviners and sorcerers,” as spoken against in Lev. 19:26), whose traditions have always been kept within their inner circle, have been instructed to perform all of their ceremonies in public from this point on…” “Instructed” by whom, I wonder. Satan himself? Page If you haven’t had a bellyful yet, I’ll continue: “All along the way we are going to invoke and implore the Great Cosmic Spirit to enlighten our pathway and the roads we are going to walk on carrying our sacred crystal skulls. This way, the skulls will enlighten and activate all the sites where the Great Cosmic Spirit is going to be present. Thus, the sacred sites we are going to visit, like Great Serpent Mound, OH; the temples of Cahokia, IL; Sedona, AZ; and many other sacred centers will be activated through this cosmic resonance. Tamuanchan (the original Mayan name for the USA) will once again be the sacred site that must enlighten the whole of mankind in this world.” 9 The site continues: “Enroute from New York to Los Angeles, the Elders will stop at specific power points to fulfill a prophecy which states that the time has come to reawaken the Spirit of the North American Continent so that it can reclaim itself as the sacred ground in whose soil would be sown the seeds for the enlightenment of all mankind.” My summary: This once Christian nation that was a powerhouse in taking the name of Jesus to the world is being spiritually prepared to be a center for demonic power. There will be incredible entertainment on the sun calendar: On the spring and fall equinoxes and the summer solstice, Cirque de Soleil will do special performances with “themes that embody the wisdom of the ancients” with the goal of “opening the mind and the heart of humanity to the Ascension process, and to the prospect of a beautiful future in a whole new world.” This is new age bond-together-in-spiritualunity-so-mankind-as-a-whole-can-ascend-to-a-higher-plane-of-living. Under the ruse of mankind ascending only in unity will spiritual non-conformity become the worst hate-crime. Our daughter and family recently vacationed in the Yucatan (Mayan country). They wanted to swim in a cenote, much like the one pictured below. A cenote is like a sinkhole and is common in Central America. To get into the beautiful pool, they had to descend on a ladder through a small hole in the ground. But, before they could descend, a shaman had to “bless” them. Underground pool, or, cenote, in the Yucatan. Page 10 They submitted to the “blessing,” thinking it was part of the local color. What was in the blessing? The photo below shows the same thing near the same resort where my daughter and family stayed, Playa del Carmen. Note that they’re all reaching to touch something, an act of submission to what the shaman has requested. If I were the enemy, I would consider this an excellent opportunity to impart a demon to block discernment by all these North Americans regarding the “enlightenment” that they’re praying will overtake this country soon. P.S., yes, they’re coming over, ask our gracious Redeemer to remove any such imparting that might have taken place. Shaman, in center, “blessing” tourists before they can descend into the cenote in the Yucatan. (This is an internet photo, and not my family, offered for example only of what happens while on vacation to the Yucatan.) Well, back to the 13 months with the 13 skulls under the direction of 13 shamans. The culmination of the 13 months will occur at the winter solstice, 2012. A celebration extravaganza will be broadcast live from the Great Pyramid at Chichen Itza where, again, Cirque de Soleil will be performing. “At 11:11 p.m., at the exact moment when our sun and the earth go into alignment with the center of the galaxy, the Elders…will present a guided meditation that will unite over two billion viewers in their hearts and open the space for all of humanity to embrace the unconditionally loving light of the… …DIVINE FEMININE.” The world already has a workable nexus for religious unity – a goddess. Mary blends right in with the Hindu goddess, Tara, who’s almost indistinguishable from the Buddhist goddess, Guanyin. Deception isn’t picky. Now, that we’re alerted to the enemy’s plan for the mass revival of goddess worship, we can act accordingly. First of all, expect word of the 13 skull doings over the next year to be increasingly portrayed in the mass media, perhaps even televised coverage. Because we’re aware of the near-mesmerizing effect of watching demonic events, including the apparitions, we can avoid watching, listening, viewing in any manner. The winter solstice event of 2012 will be heavily advertised, I expect. By all means, avoid viewing and expose the dangers to our children, friends, and family. Page 11 We can see the plot and be was wise as serpents and harmless as doves. May we seek Father as never before. (1) Catholic Bible 101 (2) Crossing the Threshold of Hope, John Paul, p. 221. (3) Messages from Heaven, part 4 of 8 , (4) Messages from Heaven, Part 5 of 8, (5) Ibid., 6:51-7:43 (6) Messages from Heaven: Queen of Heaven, Part 6 of 8, 5:42, (7) Queen of Heaven, Jim Tetlow (I’d give the page, but, my book is out on loaner!) (8) Catholicism and Islam: Ties that Bind (9) Queen of Heaven, Jim Tetlow (10) Ibid., quoting Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. (11) Ibid. Page 12 (12) 13 Crystal Skulls: Legend and Prophecy