ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHODS AND TECHNIQUES CLA 2110 A Professor: Office: Telephone: E-mail: Classes: Office Hours: Jitse Dijkstra ARTS, room 012 (ground floor) 562-5800 (ext. 1325) Tuesday, 10:00 – 11:20 a.m. HGN 302 Thursday, 8:30 – 9:50 a.m. HGN 302 Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Thursday, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. or by appointment Teaching Assistant: Sabrina Higgins E-mail: Office: ARTS, room 008 Office Hour: Thursday, 11:00 – 12:00 a.m. OBJECTIVES This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to the methods and techniques used in archaeological research, particularly of the Mediterranean. Students will become familiar with different methods of interpreting material evidence and understand the advantages of combining material and historical sources (e.g. inscriptions, literary texts and archaeological remains). Students will also learn about recent developments in the field of archaeology, such as new survey and dating methods. Finally, students will experience, through a series of workshops, some of the practical aspects of archaeology. The course specifically prepares students for taking part in field work campaigns or museum activities. TEXTBOOK C. Renfrew, P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice (London: Thames & Hudson, fifth edition, 2008), supported by the book’s website: 1 The text book is available at All Books bookstore, located on Rideau St. next to the Bytowne Cinema for $83. EVALUATION Participation: Assignments: Mid term test: Final examination: 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % PARTICIPATION This is a practical class and therefore participation is absolutely necessary, unless there are serious reasons not to (the student needs an official confirmation of this such as a doctor’s note!). At the start of every class, students must sign in. The participation rate is calculated by the number of times they attended divided by the number of classes. The participation rate is 10 % of the final mark. CLASS STRUCTURE The class structure is such that more theoretical material is covered in classes while more practical material will be explored through workshops. During the lectures the required reading from the text book will be elucidated and illustrated mainly with the professor’s own field work experience. During the first series of classes until the mid-term test, emphasis will be on attaining a basic knowledge of the field: the why? who? what? where? when? and how? questions. After having acquainted ourselves with the basics of archaeology, after the mid-term test our attention will shift to more practical aspects of archaeology, the actual digs, illustrated by three case studies. The classes wrap-up with a lecture about Canadian archaeology. As regards the workshops, in these classes we acquire some basic hands-on experience of what it is like being an archaeologist in the field. Workshops include the analysis of bone and plant remains and artefacts, the application of GIS-methods, and the writing of an archaeological site description. ASSIGNMENTS The assignments consist of brief questionnaires and exercises pertaining to each workshop. They should be handed in at the end of class or at the next class. Students can work together in small groups. Assignments are not simply marked but rather approved or not approved. The total number of approved assignments is divided by the total number of assignments and this takes up 20 % of the final mark. MID-TERM TEST The mid-term test (30 %) is a written test on the theory of the first 4 chapters of the textbook (plus additional pages from other chapters as indicated), as well as on class notes. A revision of required knowledge will be provided prior to the mid-term test. There will also be a pre-test, in which students can practice for the mid-term. 2 FINAL EXAMINATION The last class will act as a forum for review for the final exam. The emphasis of the final examination will not so much be on factual knowledge, though that is the basis, but on insight into the different cases of archaeological research that we came across during the course. STUDENT SUPPORT ON THE WEB The professor will put the course outline on his website at (choose ‘courses’ and then ‘Archaeological Methods and Techniques’) during the entire semester. In order to support the learning of the text book, some questions will be uploaded to this website after every class. By trying to answer these questions, students can check the comprehensiveness of their notes. If students are unable to answer the questions they may have missed something and can then complete their notes using the textbook website and textbook, asking a question about it to the professor or his teaching assistant by e-mail, during office hours or at the start of class. The list of questions can also be used in preparation for the midterm test and final exam. The text book does not have to be read in its entirety, for example many of the box features are less relevant. The instructor will include relevant page numbers with the question lists. Other relevant documents will also be listed on the website. SCHEDULE Readings are taken from the Renfrew and Bahn textbook Date Thursday Sept. 8 Tuesday Sept. 13 Thursday Sept. 15 Tuesday Sept. 20 Thursday Sept. 22 Rotating Topic Introduction to the course. What is archaeology? Archaeology and Ancient History Readings Introduction Required reading: Introduction Who’s Who? The History of Archaeology or The Discovery of the Past Ch. 1 Required reading: Ch. 1: The Searchers: The History of Archaeology Material Evidence and Its Preservation Ch. 2 Required reading: Ch. 2: What is Left? The Variety of the Evidence. Where Do You Find It? Surveys and Excavations in Practice. A first Ch. 3 look on site: the Wroxeter Hinterland Project, the Groningen University surveys at Halos, Greece, and the excavations of the Oxford Archaeological Unit at White Horse Hill, Great Britain Required reading: Ch. 3: Where? Survey and Excavation of Sites and Features. 8:30 – 9:05 Groups 1,2,3: Tour through the Museum by Prof. Antonia Holden (assignment 1) 3 Class Location: Museum of Classical Antiquities, ARTS hall Groups 4,5,6: surveys and excavations (sequel) Location: Lecture Hall 9:15-9.50 Groups 1,2,3: surveys and excavations (sequel) Location: Lecture Hall Groups 4,5,6: Tour through the Museum by Prof. Antonia Holden, (assignment 1) Location: Museum of Classical Antiquities, ARTS hall Tuesday Sept. 27 When Is It Dated? Dating methods and Archaeology. New Perspectives Ch. 4 on the Chronology of Greek Colonization in Italy Required reading: Ch. 4: When? Dating Methods and Chronology Thursday Sept. 29 Split Class Groups 1,2,3: Practicum Artifacts (assignment 2) Instructed by Museum volunteers Location: Museum of Classical Antiquities, ARTS hall Groups 4,5,6: Dating methods (sequel) Location: Lecture Hall Tuesday Oct. 4 Split Class Groups 4,5,6: Practicum Artifacts (assignment 2) Instructed by Museum volunteers Location: Museum of Classical Antiquities, ARTS hall Groups 1,2,3: Dating methods (sequel) Location: Lecture Hall Thursday Oct. 6 Archaeobotany (and practicum plant remains) by Laila Sikking, Ch. 6: Archaeobotanist (assignment 3) pp. 245-253 Tuesday Oct. 11 Required reading: Ch.6: What Was the Environment (Environmental Archaeology), and Ch. 7: What Did They Eat? Subsistence and Diet. How Were Societies Organized? Social Archaeology. The Reconstruction of Settlement Patterns and Ranking from Burials Required reading: Ch. 5 – How Were Societies Organized? Archaeology. Thursday Oct. 13 Ch. 7: pp.275-289 Ch. 5 pp. 180 and 199-200 Social 4th Ed. pp. 179 and 199-200 Practicum Conservation by Judith Logan, Archaeological Conservator Ch. 8 (assignment 4) pp.341-356 and Ch. 13 536-544 4 Required reading: Ch. 8 – How Did They Make and Use Tools and Ch. 13 – Archaeology in Action. Tuesday Oct. 18 Thursday Oct. 20 Tuesday Oct. 25 & Thursday Oct. 27 Tuesday Nov. 1 4th Ed. pp. 341-356 and 538-545 preparation for mid-term test MID-TERM TEST NO CLASSES: READING WEEK! Comments mid-term test Case study 1: The excavations at Aswan, Egypt Thursday Nov. 3 Tuesday Nov. 8 Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology: introduction to Ch. 9 spatial data in archaeology, distribution, spatial analysis by Melanie pp. 374-390 Zahab (assignment 5) and Ch. 3 84Required reading: Ch. 9 – What Contact Did They Have? Trade and 95 revisited. Exchange. Groups 1,2,3: Practicum Underwater Archaeology by Brandy Lockhart, Underwater Archaeologist (assignment 6) Location: Lecture Hall Groups 4,5,6: Bones Practicum by Janet Young, Physical Anthropology Researcher, Museum of Civilization (assignment 7) Ch. 11 Location: Museum of Civilization, Gatineau Required reading: Ch. 11 – Who Were They? What Were They Like? The Bioarchaeology of People. Thursday Nov. 10 Split Class Tuesday Nov. 15 Split Class Thursday Nov. 17 Tuesday Nov. 22 Cognitive Archaeology. Case study 2: the Dutch excavations at Ch. 10 Francavilla Marittima, Italy Required reading: Ch. 10 – What Did They Think? Cognitive Archaeology, Art and Religion. Groups 4,5,6: Practicum Underwater Archaeology by Brandy Lockhart, Underwater Archaeologist (assignment 6) Location: Lecture Hall Groups 1,2,3: Bones Practicum by Janet Young, Physical Anthropology Researcher, Museum of Civilization (assignment 7) Ch. 11 Location: Museum of Civilization, Gatineau Required reading: Ch. 11 – Who Were They? What Were They Like? The Bioarchaeology of People. Whose Past? Archaeology and the Public Ch. 14 Required Reading: Ch. 14: Whose Past? Archaeology and the Public Case study 3: The Dutch excavations at Satricum, Italy; explanation 5 Thursday Nov. 24 Tuesday Nov. 29 Thursday Dec. 1 Tuesday Dec. 6 about site description (assignment 8) Canadian Archaeology by Jean-Luc Pilon, Ontario Archaeologist and Curator of the Museum of Civilization (assignment 9) How to apply for a dig in Europe? Experiences of students who went on field work. Hand in assignment 8 INDIANA JONES & THE LAST CRUSADE preparation for final examination Final Exam: Dec. 9-22 BONUS: LECTURES ON ARCHAEOLOGY THIS FALL Students can obtain a bonus of 0.1 (out of 10) on their mark on the final exam (which is worth 40% of the final mark!) for each lecture they attend in the lecture programme of the Ottawa Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America this term: Date Wednesday Sept. 21 (7.30 pm) Speaker and Title S. Rotroff (Washington University), ‘Beauty, Victory, Death, and Marriage in Archaic Athens: Phrasikleia and the Merenda Kouros’ Sunday Oct. 2 (2 pm) ‘From the Ground Up’: University of Ottawa students present about their fieldwork experiences in Europe this summer Tuesday Oct. 25 (7.30 pm) G. Schaus (Wilfrid Laurier University), ‘Recent Work at Miletos: The Spark That Ignited WesternThought’ Wednesday Nov. 16 (7.30 pm) J. Delgado (Maritime Heritage, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA), ‘Kamikaze: Discovering Kublai Khan’s Lost Fleet’ 6 Place Library and Archives Canada, Salon A DMS 1120 Library and Archives Canada, Auditorium Library and Archives Canada, Salon A