Introduction to Programming - Concepts and Tools Students names and number: Marina Dunning, 251261 Jørgen Tetsche, 080867 Jonas T. Petersen, 090276 Assignment Assignment no. 3, due on the 24 FEB 2005 LINK Question 1 (a) /** * Return true if the argument is a (positive) primes all primes number * Returns false otherwise * Author: Marina, Jørgen og Jonas * Date: 19 February 2005 */ import tio.*; public class isPrime { public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.print("Please enter an integer number: "); int n =; boolean result = isPrime (n); System.out.println (result); } static boolean isPrime (int n) { boolean isPrime = true; int d=2; while(d<=Math.sqrt(n)) { if( n%d==0) isPrime = false; d++; } return isPrime; } } (b) /** * Prints all primes below 50 * Author: Marina, Jørgen og Jonas * Date: 19 February 2005 */ import tio.*; public class primesBelow50{ public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.println("Primes below 50: "); for (int i=2; i<=50; i++) { boolean result = isPrime (i); if (result) System.out.print(i+ ", " ); } System.out.println(); } static boolean isPrime (int n) { boolean isPrime = true; int d=2; while(d<=Math.sqrt(n)) { if( n%d==0) isPrime = false; d++; } return isPrime; } } (c) /** * Asks the user for the bounding value of prime numbers (s)he * wants to have calculated. * Author: Marina, Jørgen og Jonas * Date: 19 February 2005 */ import tio.*; public class primesBelowX{ public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.print("Please enter an integer number: "); int x =; System.out.println("Primes below " + x + ": "); for (int i=2; i<=x; i++) { boolean result = isPrime (i); if (result) System.out.print(i+ " " ); } System.out.println(); } static boolean isPrime (int n) { boolean isPrime = true; int d=2; while(d<=Math.sqrt(n)) { if( n%d==0) isPrime = false; d++; } return isPrime; } } Question 2 (a) public static int fibRec(int n){ if (n<=0) return 0; else if ((n==1) || (n==2)) return 1; else return (fibRec(n-1) + fibRec(n-2)); } (b) import tio.*; public class fibonacci{ public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.print("Please enter an integer number: "); int i =; System.out.println("Fibonacci number of " + i + " is: " + fibRec(i)); } public static int fibRec(int n){ if (n<=0) return 0; else if ((n==1) || (n==2)) return 1; else return (fibRec(n-1) + fibRec(n-2)); } } (c) To calculate f(1) is used one method call and fibRec(1) returns the value 1 To calculate f(2) is used one method call and fibRec(2) returns the value 1 To calculate f(3) is used 3method calls and fibRec(3) returns the value 2 To calculate f(4) is used 4 method calls and fibRec(4) returns the value 3 To calculate f(5) is used 9 method calls and fibRec(5) returns the value 5 Main calls fibRec(5) which calls fibRec(4) which calls fibRec(3) which calls fibRec(2) fibRec(2) fibRec(3) which calls fibRec(2) fibRec(1) fibRec(1) (d) The formula, mc(n) = 1 + mc(n-1) + mc(n-2), show that every time mc(n) is activated it adds 1 and makes two methods calls to mc(n-1) and mc(n-2). Thanks to the information that mc(1) = 1 and mc(2) = 1 we know that the last method calls, mc(1) and mc(2), will return the value 1. As a result each method call will only add the value 1 to the aggregated result. Hence for input n the result f(n) = mc(n) will demand mc(n) method calls. How to test the program We will test the first if-statement by inserting a negative number and 0 as n. We will test the second if-statement by inserting 1 and 2 as n. We will test the recursive statement by inserting values equal to or above 3. We will furthermore try to insert illegal values such a letters (a, b, c, …) and signs (+, % etc.) Sample output The sample output from the two methods, f(n) and mc(n). N f(n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1.597 2.584 4.181 6.765 10.946 17.711 28.657 46.368 75.025 121.393 196.418 317.811 514.229 832.040 1.346.269 2.178.309 3.524.578 5.702.887 9.227.465 14.930.352 24.157.817 39.088.169 63.245.986 102.334.155 165.580.141 267.914.296 n mc(n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 1 3 5 9 15 25 41 67 109 177 287 465 753 1.219 1.973 3.193 5.167 8.361 13.529 21.891 35.421 57.313 92.735 150.049 242.785 392.835 635.621 1.028.457 1.664.079 2.692.537 4.356.617 7.049.155 11.405.773 18.454.929 29.860.703 48.315.633 78.176.337 126.491.971 204.668.309 331.160.281 535.828.591 Question 3 (a) A method to find Fibonacci by NOT using recursive calls public static fibIt(int n) { old=1 oldst=1 for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { resultat=old+oldst oldst=old old=resultat } } (b) The program to find the Fibonacci.: import tio.*; public class fibit { public static void main (String[] args){ int n; System.out.print("Please enter n in order to find the Fibonacci value "); n =; System.out.print (fibIt(n)); System.out.println(); } static int fibIt(int n) { int old=1; int oldst=1; int resultat=1; for(int i=3;i<=n;i++) { resultat=old+oldst; oldst=old; old=resultat; } return resultat; } } (c) Output of f(42) is 267.914.296 (d) Advantages and disadvantages of the recursive method (fibRec) The recursive method (fibRec) is simple to write and easy to understand (this makes the implementation stage - where you write the actual code – easier and might make it easier to understand the code afterwards during the maintenance period). It might also be possible to use the recursive in some situations where it is not possible or very difficult to use loops instead. The large number of method calls, which are necessary when you use the recursive method makes it very expensive/inefficient to run programs that make use of recursive methods. If many users e.g. activates a program that makes use of recursive method(s) at the same time, it will use lots of server capacity and might even cause a server break down (these problems might be revealed during the testing period as unacceptable slow performance of the program). Advantages and disadvantages of the loop (fibIt) It is much more efficient to run loops in a program, since you don’t need all the costly method calls. It might however be a bit more complicated to read and write (the implementation and maybe the testing period might be a bit more difficult). Question 4 Test program with loop – solution 1 import tio.*; import java.lang.*; public class lenghtOne { public static void main (String[] args){ int n; System.out.print("Please enter a word "); n =; System.out.print (lenght(n)); System.out.println(); } static int lenght (string l) { int counter=1; while(tail(l).equals(””)!=true) { l=tail(l); counter++; } return counter; } static String tail(String s){ return s.substring(1);} } Test program with loop – solution 2 We can make this program compile but not run, apparently due to an error related to java.lang. import tio.*; import java.lang.*; public class length{ public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.print("Please enter word: "); String s =; System.out.println("The word "+ s +" consist of "+ length(s) +" characters"); } static int length (String s){ int c = 0; while (tail(s)!="") { s = tail(s); c++; } return c; } static String tail(String s){ return s.substring(1); } } Test program with recursion We cannot make the program run, apparently due to errors in line 13 and 16 (at least). import tio.*; import java.lang.*; public class lengthRec{ public static void main (String[] args){ System.out.print("Please enter word: "); String s =; System.out.println("The word "+ s +" consist of "+ lengthRec(s) +" characters"); } static int lengthRec (String s){ if (String s = "") return; else lengthRec = tail(string s); return lengthRec; } static String tail(String s){ return s.substring(1); } }