Changes Generated by Community Training First Phase (u.v.a.s and Blacksmiths) Orlando Ochoa Is a good collaborator and has an excellent ability to learn. Before After Did not consider his horse’s Considers his horse’s diet without exceeding the dietary requirements. necessary amounts and applying what he has learned (To chop the carrots, eliminate leftovers from the previous day etc.) Was a collaborator. Increased his spirit for collaboration in brigades and other foundation activities. Was a person who did not like to Changed the way he expresses himself reaching speak in public. the community and other people such as students and private individuals more. Carried out cleansing of wounds Knows that wounds should be treated differently with gasoline and burned oil. and shares his knowledge with other cart horse owners, showing better results. In the second phase he had the opportunity to give Likes to teach children, but did support in an activity with children, giving voluntary not have the opportunity to do support (Halloween), where they put costumes on so in the first phase. some of the community horses and carried out recreation and motivation for children. In the second phase he transmitted his knowledge He liked to learn and pay attention to trainings. with excellence making himself understood by his partners. Attended several trainings acquiring new knowledge and gave support to his Partners on various occasions, clearing some doubts. Marlen Cadena Is a woman leader by nature, she has some knowledge about shoeing but only did so once in a while. Likes to have her animals in good conditions, in terms of cleanliness and diet. Before After Did not take into account Balances her horse and every time she shoes a balancing before shoeing, horse she checks it and balances it, telling the due to a lack of knowledge. owner what she takes into account to improve the balance for each horse. Did not chop the carrots for Chops the carrots to care for her horse’s teeth, her horse and provided more has moderated its diet and has supplemented it than the necessary amount with bran and on some occasions with of food for her horses. molasses. Changed the way she expresses herself Did not like to communicate towards the community, San Martin Foundation with the community. students and the foundation’s work group at the animal shelter. The treatment she gives to Caramelo now is The treatment she gave to much better, she takes into account the her horse (Caramelo) was ethological part which she learned in the basic training, in order to correct it and know why she can react inappropriately when confronted by some situations, offering her the confidence to overcome these experiences. Now she is not only proud about her horse’s good physical condition but also because she She felt proud of her horse’s has it clear that it is an animal that can be physical appearance. managed easily and is a good worker, and now she feels a stronger bond because it is clear that it is not only important in her life but also for each of the members of the foundation, where she has known Caramelo’s ability to be an animal used for training children and people since it is docile. Now she knows it is important to think in the She was a person who was city and give an example to others, starting with not interested in being a good citizen not throwing trash on the street. Now she is aware that everything that is built in the world can begin with just a grain of sand that starts on its own and not to wait for others to start. Now she not only shoes her horse, on many Shoed her horse only when strictly necessary occasions she offers her shoeing services in the Fixed Unit, where several cart owners go. San Martin University Foundation students and Homeopathy G. Paez Institute Agreements were made with these educational entities to promote learning and investigation in Veterinary medicine students and professionals Before After Had the ideology that Learned another point of view on the social problem the horse cart driver lived in the horse cart driver guild, learned about the community has in bond between driver and horse and the place given common and in many to the horse in the family. cases were on guard Manifested prejudice Learned about the treatment given to cart horses, and judgment against generated awareness about horse housing, the treatment and cleanliness and diet, were able to analyze that these maintenance of cart are not the best but that they cover their needs. hoses. Furthermore on some occasions they were able to see these same conditions in reference to owners and their families, where they acknowledged that they are practically similar to those provided to their horse. Thought that the horse Learned about the interest owners have in their cart driver was not horses, since most students believed animals were interested in their subjected to treatment and consultation not by the animal’s welfare owner’s initiative but by legal imposition or the seizure of their animals. Not only offered medical knowledge, students also learned about handling horses, interaction with They only had interest owners (population), (terminology used by horse cart in medical training drivers and various home remedies). Attended some training courses on basic cart horse care, where they reinforced some knowledge and learned other useful skills for their personal and professional life. Many students showed interest in receiving blacksmith lectures from horse cart drivers, acquiring new knowledge which generated practical feedback. Generated contributions creativity in and horse a cart informative posters made by them. need drivers to leave through Training for adults and children. Before After Spaces for training were We count on spaces specifically destined to this very limited and on some activity, generating a sense of ownership and occasions were interrupted integration, since not only knowledge and or students distractions. were recreational activities are shared, but also celebrations on special dates and workgroup meetings. Extra Integration Activities. Before There were After no new New activities were implemented such as the activities, only traditional Halloween parade, which forged integration and activities such as the pride for possessing animals worthy Virgen del Carmen (Patron admiration and in excellent conditions. Saint of Transporters). of