Greece Packet- Chapters 26, 29, 31 Class time will be given to work on this packet. Students may need additional time outside of class to complete it. Part 1: Editorial Writing Democracy is a form of government that could be considered good or bad. Pick a side. Organize and write an editorial as discussed in class. Then write a grade defense. The end result should be a 3-page document. The editorial must include information from each of these topics that was covered in our class work on democracy: The needs and cares of people How it works How it is currently What democracy will be in the future Steps: 1. Make and complete a chart (.5 page) that follows the model below. You only have to do one row that matches your position. This is graded on completionthat you did it and it is full of quality information. Needs/Cares You are For itStance: Taco Bell satisfies people’s hunger in an efficient way that is very successful today. OR You are Against itStance: Taco Bell is an unhealthy food source that has destroyed the way Americans eat together and has ruined the way our communities look. How it works Currently 2. Paste the chart (.5 page) above into a document. Then, underneath it, write a convincing editorial as discussed in class (2 pages minimum- double spaced, 12pt, Arial) below it. See the rubric for the expectations. Write your responses to the grade defense prompts under your editorial. Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Purpose The opinion in the editorial is unclear, uninformative, or unconvincing The opinion in the editorial is somewhat clear and informative The opinion or argument in the editorial is clear, informative, and logical The opinion or argument in the editorial is informative, logical, and persuasive Revision Minimal feedback was used Used some feedback to identify elements in writing that need improvement Used feedback to identify elements in writing that need improvement Successfully used feedback to identify elements in writing that need improvement Content The controlling idea is unclear and undeveloped; little support is given to the key points and opinion The controlling idea is clear and somewhat developed; some examples and information support the key points and opinion The controlling idea is clear, thoughtful, and developed; examples and information support the key points and build the argument The controlling idea is clear, insightful, and well developed; details substantiate the key points and build a persuasive argument Organization The editorial is a The editorial is series of organized random points clearly and logically The editorial is organized logically and coherently The editorial is organized logically and coherently, and is unified Language and style The editorial uses language and style appropriate to the intended audience The editorial effectively uses language and style appropriate to the intended audience The editorial uses language and style inappropriate to the intended audience The editorial inconsistently uses language and style appropriate to the intended audience Language conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation) Conventions are occasionally used correctly; several major and minor errors are evident, and often interfere with the reader’s understanding Conventions are frequently used correctly; a few major and minor errors are evident, and occasionally interfere with the reader’s understanding Conventions are frequently used correctly; some minor errors are evident, but do not interfere with the reader’s understanding Conventions are most often used correctly; a few minor errors may be evident, but they do not interfere with the reader’s understanding 3. Grade Defense (.5 page, double spaced, Arial, 12 pt.): Graded on completion- full and thoughtful responses Talk about how you used revision to do quality work: Did you learn more about writing persuasively? If yes, explain how: Part 2: Past and Present Pick a subtopic from Chapter 29. Use Glogster to create a collage of pictures from the past and from current times. Choose pictures that show how they are the same or different. This assignment is graded on completion- you spending time on it and creating something cool. Have Fun! Part 3: Outfitting the Gods Step 1- Create a god or a goddess You will need to invent their: ________Name ________Powers/Responsibilities ________Symbol(s) ________Family relationships ________Myth about how he/she was born Step 2- Create their myth. Take this information and write it at the top of a document. Then write a myth that proclaims the mythology of your god/goddess. The whole document should be 2 pages minimum- double spaced, 12pt, Arial)- graded on the rubric below. 4 My god/dess had specific powers and/or responsibilities There were clear family relationships to other gods/desses AND a symbol(s) to represent the god I wrote a creative, organized myth about the birth of my god/dess 3 My god/dess had a power or responsibility There were relationships given AND a symbol 2 My god/dess didn’t have a clear power or responsibility There were relationships given OR a symbol 1 I did not provide any powers or responsibilities for my god/dess I did not provide a relationship OR a symbol I wrote a myth that explained the birth of my god but did not give detail I wrote a myth but it did not relate to the birth OR was not complete I did not write a complete myth describing the birth of my god Step 3: Make them famous. Make a poster that displays ONLY* their: Name, Clothing, Symbols Keywords that describe them *No faces/bodies This assignment is graded on completion- you spending time on it and creating something cool. Have Fun! Part 4: Then and Now Make a table like the one below. Pick a “contribution” that Greeks made in chapter 31. Write at least 3 bullets of their contributions THEN. Afterwards, write at least three bullets of how things are around the subject NOW. Graded on completion- the quantity, quality of information, and surprising insights. Contribution: THEN NOW Grading Checklist Editorial Table Editorial Editorial grade defense Glogster Collage Myth Poster Then/Now Table .5 page 2 pages .5 page See online examples 2 pages See class examples Total: 6 bullets minimum Completion Rubric Completion Completion Rubric Completion Completion