1. Site Description 1.1 The Maltings is a residential unit formed by the conversion of a former squash court with the complex of buildings at Carr Head Hall. Carr Head Hall itself stands immediately opposite ‘The Maltings’ and both properties are served by the same Carr Head Hall Estate access road. 1.2 To the north west of ‘The Maltings’ and within several metres of its rear elevation is a block of garages let into the hillside and the roof over the garage forms a terrace. Immediately to the rear of this terrace is an Ice House which is grade 2 listed as is Carr Head Hall itself. 2. Proposal 2.1 The proposal is to erect a two storey extension to the south west gable of the Maltings and to construct a garden room off the terraced area over the existing garages. The Garden room contains a significant amount of glazing against some stone built structures in the form of outbuildings and would have the appearance of a large Victorian Conservatory and ancillary buildings. 3. Planning History 3.1 5/22/292 – Conversion of squash court to form single dwelling – approval 1986. 3.2 5/22/292/A – Conversion of squash court to form single dwelling – approval 1986. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 Adopted Craven Local Plan Policies H20 – Extensions to existing dwellings. BE7 – The Setting of Listed Buildings. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Cowling Parish Council have commented as follows:- ‘A site visit is requested as the development is considered to be too elaborate for the site.’ 6. Consultations 6.1 None. 7. Representations 7.1 None – Site notice, neighbours notified. 8. Summary of principle planning issues 8.1 The main issues are whether or not:a) The extension to the dwelling accords with Local Plan Policy H20. b) The garden room would be harmful to the character of Carr Head Hall and the estate grounds. c) Either proposal would adversely affect the setting of Carr Head Hall which is grade 2 listed. 9. Analysis 9.1 The Extension The proposed extension to the Maltings has been designed to be in keeping with the existing dwelling in form and materials. Its mass is approximately 50% that of the existing dwelling and, being set back from the front elevation of the existing dwelling and having a hipped roof the extension would not appear disproportionate in scale. Its effect on the streetscene would be acceptable. There are no windows shown on the south west elevation and the proposed extension would not cause undue loss of light or privacy to any neighbouring property. 9.2 The Garden Room This proposal would be located in an area to the rear of The Maltings over a building currently used as garaging. The views of it from outside the site are somewhat restricted. Nevertheless it is well designed, in scale with The Maltings itself and other adjacent buildings and is a type of structure quite often founded in the walled garden areas of Country Houses which Carr Head Hall once was. Its location is such that it would not result in undue loss of privacy to neighbouring property. The framework for the glazed structure would be formed in timber and painted matt green. This was confirmed through discussions with the applicant’s agent. 9.3 Effect on Carr Head Hall Neither the extension to The Maltings nor the garden room would adversely affect the setting of Carr Head Hall as the design, location and materials would not result in visual conflict. 10 Recommendation 10.1 Approval is recommended. 11. Summary of Conditions 11.1 The development hereby approved shall not commence until such time as samples of the proposed external walling and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority. 11.2 The framework of the glazed garden room structure shall be fabricated in timber and painted matt green unless otherwise agreed in writing with the District Planning Authority. 11.3 No development shall take place in advance of the approval in writing of the District Planning Authority of details and sections of the timber framing and glazing bars for the roofing and walling areas of the glazed structure to a scale of not less than ¼ full size. 12. Reasons 12.1 To ensure that the proposed development is of good appearance in the interests of visual amenity. 12.2 The District Planning Authority considers that timber framework for the glazed structure would be the most appropriate material to achieve correctly proportioned sections to be in keeping with the historic character of Carr Head Hall.