Paediatric Subspecialty Training Grid 2016 Reference Request Dear Referee, Please complete the following reference to the best of your knowledge to provide a professional assessment of his/her achievements and track record. When you have completed the reference, please return the form to the applicant in a sealed envelope. All applicants must bring their references with them on the day of their interview in sealed envelopes. The grid matching process seeks clearly to identify the characteristics required for sub-specialty training, with an understanding that many of these individuals will become tertiary level NHS paediatric consultants in the future. This is reflected in the person specification at the end of this document which describes in detail the essential and desirable criteria being assessed and the point in the matching process when evaluation takes place (AF = application form; i/v = interview; ref = reference), which may help to inform your comments. References will be reviewed at interview, although will not contribute to scoring, therefore we would appreciate if a copy of your reference is with us by the interview date wherever possible. This reference form has been designed to ask you for specific information about the candidate which can only be obtained by asking your views. Some of the characteristics are difficult to assess, but if you do have any concerns about the candidate’s abilities, we would be grateful if you would describe these. We would also appreciate your professional view of the suitability of the candidate for the sub-specialty programme. Please note that completed reference forms should be made available to all candidates on request. Thank you very much for participating in this process. Yours sincerely, Alison Williams Sub-specialty Recruitment Coordinator Email: Telephone: 020 7092 6139 Structured Reference form for Grid Training post candidates Please state the dates the candidate worked with you: Candidate Name: Date started: Date finished: Position held: Location: Educational supervisor Other (specify below) Your relationship to candidate: Clinical supervisor / employer Recommendation of candidate for this post: Strongly without reservation Could recommend as competent Would have some reservations Could not recommend for this post This reference is based upon: General Impression Close observation Collective opinion of consultants Employers views Would you be happy to work with this doctor again? YES NO Are there any issues with the applicant’s attendance/timekeeping? YES NO If Yes, please give details Are you aware of any health issues which may affect the candidates’ ability to undertake this post? YES NO If Yes, please give details: Was the applicant subject to any disciplinary procedure, formal or otherwise, during their time with you? YES NO If Yes, please give details: This post is exempt from the provision of section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exceptions order 1975). Under this order are you aware of any criminal convictions or cautions which may affect the applicant’s suitability for the post?* YES NO If Yes, please give details: *It is contrary to the Act for referees not to reveal any information they may have, concerning convictions which may otherwise be considered “spent” in relation to this application which you consider relevant to the applicant’s suitability for employment Please give your opinion regarding the candidate’s present knowledge, skills and personal attributes (taking account of the level that would be expected for grid training) by ticking the appropriate boxes below. Statements are provided to give examples of behaviours that would constitute different levels of performance, though this is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Please use the space provided to give examples of the candidate’s behaviour that support the rating you have given them in each area; this is essential if you have given a rating of 1 or 2. Clinical knowledge & expertise: Capacity to apply sound clinical knowledge and awareness to full investigation of problems. Makes clear, sound and proactive decisions, reflecting good clinical judgement. 1 Cause for concern 2 Weak 3 Satisfactory 4 Good to excellent Comments / evidence: Communication skills: Capacity to adjust behaviour and language (written / spoken) as appropriate to needs of differing situations. Actively and clearly engages patient (and colleagues) in equal/open dialogue. 1 2 Uses technical language that patients do not understand, ignores what they have to say Can be lacking in clarity and coherence when speaking to patients 3 Often uses lay language to help patients understand 4 Always speaks clearly, give patients time and checks that they understand Comments / evidence: Empathy and sensitivity: Capacity and motivation to take in patient / colleague perspective, and sense associated feelings. Generates safe / understanding atmosphere. The understanding approach. 1 Is not sensitive to the feelings of patients and treats them in an impersonal manner 2 Shows some interest in the individual and occasionally reassures patients 3 Usually demonstrates empathy towards patients 4 Always shows empathy and sensitivity, gives reassurance to the patient Comments / evidence: Professional integrity: Capacity and motivation to take responsibility for own actions (and thus mistakes). Respects/defends contribution and needs of all. (Respect for “position, patients and protocol”). 1 Does not take responsibility for their actions or show enthusiasm for job 2 Sometimes seeks to blame others for their actions 3 Often shows respect to patients and enthusiasm for their job 4 Puts patients needs before their own and takes full responsibility for their own actions Comments / evidence: Problem-solving & decision-making skills: Capacity to think/see beyond the obvious, analytical but flexible mind. Maximises information and time efficiently, and creatively. 1 2 3 Misses minimal cues and symptoms, lets Often relies on surface information and doesn’t Usually thinks beyond surface information, picks 4 Thinks beyond surface information and gets to the assumptions guide diagnosis probe deeper up on cues/minimal symptoms root cause Comments / evidence: Organisation and planning: Capacity to organise information in a structured and planned manner, think ahead, prioritise conflicting demands, and build contingencies. Delivers on time. 1 2 3 4 Is always late for meetings/deadlines and unable to prioritise tasks Is often late for meetings and deadlines and disorganised with paperwork etc Usually able to prioritise tasks and organise paperwork Excellent at managing time and prioritising tasks Comments / evidence: Learning and Development: Ability to identify own learning and development needs, commits time and resources to appropriate training and development activities. 1 Reacts badly to constructive criticism or feedback, not interested own development 2 3 Needs assistance in identifying own training needs/developing personal targets 4 Often learns from experience, generally reacts well to constructive criticism Actively seeks out and welcomes constructive criticism/feedback Comments / evidence: Managing others & Team involvement: Collaborative style, works with colleagues in partnership, able to compromise. Assumes role of leader when necessary, provides support and views self as part of larger organisation. 1 Sticks rigidly to their own agenda and doesn’t negotiate 2 3 Tends to take a ‘back seat’ rather than participating 4 Good at negotiating and usually able to compromise Is excellent at supporting and motivating others and at negotiating Comments / evidence: Ability to deal with pressure: Capacity to put difficulties into perspective, retaining control over events. Is aware of own strengths/limitations, able to “share the load”. 1 2 3 Loses temper easily and refuses to share workload Finds it difficult to share workload with others or to switch off after work 4 Often recognises when to share workload with others, usually remains calm under pressure Remains calm under pressure at all times, recognises when to share work load Comments / evidence: Commitment, enthusiasm and drive for the sub-specialty: Showing motivation to complete training in the subspecialty and has pursued opportunities related to the sub-specialty. 1 Shows no commitment or enthusiasm for the 2 Weak interest 3 Has a keen interest in the sub-specialty and is motivated to pursue 4 Has a high drive and commitment for the sub-specialty and has gone beyond what would normally be expected of a trainee to sub-specialty. the sub-specialty seek experiences associated with the subspecialty Comments / evidence: SIGNATURE (mandatory for hard copy responses) NAME (print in block capitals) POSITION HELD Name of Trust, deanery, training practice or employing organisation Full postal address CONTACT TELEPHONE NO DATE (dd/mm/yyyy) Your UK GMC number For authentication purposes. It is essential when returning the form by post the reference is stamped with an official deanery, hospital or organisation stamp. If no stamp is available, please attach a compliment slip or letter headed paper. Official stamp (Trust, deanery, training practice or employing organisations) Thank you for taking the time to complete this reference. When you have completed the reference, please return the form to the applicant in a sealed envelope. All applicants must bring their references with them on the day of their interview in sealed envelopes. 2016 Person Specification Application to enter Paediatric Sub-specialty (NTN Grid post) Qualifications Essential When Evaluated1 MBBS or equivalent medical qualification Application form Interview Reference MRCPCH via MRCPCH examination – no equivalent* The NTN grid is only open to UK trainees holding an NTN and those in an equivalent training programme within the EEA Eligible for full registration with the GMC at time of appointment and hold a current licence to practise Eligibility to work in the UK Eligibility Evidence of achievement of Level 1 competences as outlined in ‘Curriculum for Paediatric Training, General Paediatrics, Level 1, 2 and 3 Training’2 * Application form Interview Reference Applicants may make a maximum of two NTN Grid round applications unless they meet the eligibility criteria to submit a third round application** Fitness to Practise Is up to date and fit to practise safely Language Skills All applicants to have demonstrable skills in written and spoken English that are adequate to enable effective communication about medical topics with patients and colleagues which could be demonstrated by one of the following: a) that applicants have undertaken undergraduate medical training in English; or b) have evidence of adequate communication skills, including outcomes of any IELTS sittings Health Career Progression Application Completion Meets professional health requirements (in line with GMC standards / Good Medical Practise) For Type 1 Trainees (SpRs): minimum of 24 months General Professional Training and satisfactory completion of core SpR training. Evidence of competitive entry to Type 1 training programme (UK or EU). For Run Through trainees (ST): completion or expected completion of Level 2 Training by the time of entry to the Grid Programme* Satisfactory completion of 24 months core paediatric specialist/specialty registrar training by Grid entry date for SpR/StR trainees (those who may have switched) * For those in post core (SpR) or post Level 2 (ST) training; must be able to complete sub-specialty training by anticipated CCT date and if needed have the relevant CSAC approval for any completed subspecialty posts ALL sections of application form completed FULLY according to written guidelines 1 ‘when evaluated’ is indicative, but may be carried out at any time throughout the selection process 2 Curriculum for Paediatric Training, General Paediatrics, Level 1, 2 and 3 Training, RCPCH, September 2010. Application Form Reference Application Form Interview / Selection Centre Application Form Pre-employment health screening Application form Interview Reference Application form Interview * Anaesthetic trainees who wish to apply for Paediatric Intensive Care are not required to have MRPCH or the paediatric competences listed above. You must have FRCA and have completed ST4 by the time of entry into the Grid. ** For guidance on third round application eligibility, please refer to the NTN Grid webpages – Career Progression Essential Desirable When Evaluated3 As above Experience of paediatric sub-specialty applied to at any level Application form Interview Reference Has the clinical knowledge, skills and attributes to complete training in the sub-specialty and function as a tertiary consultant in the future Shows commitment to the specialty Clinical Knowledge & Expertise: Patient/family centred approach Able to manage acute paediatric and neonatal emergencies appropriate to level of experience* Experience and competence in common practical procedures Clinical Skills Application form Satisfactory assessments from supervisors Interview Reference supports quality of skills Reference Shows evidence of reflection on personal skill development Personal Attributes: Shows aptitude for practical skills, e.g. hand-eye co-ordination, dexterity Demonstrates the value of multidisciplinary working Awareness of cross specialty issues such as child protection Experience of administrative duties, e.g. duty rotas, committees Able to prioritise own workload Management Skills Basic understanding of clinical risk management in relation to NHS and personal activities Application form Evidence of leadership skills Reference Demonstrates understanding of non clinical issues and the bearing on clinical performance Audit Skills 3 Contribution to clinical audit on a regular basis Evidence that understands the role of audit in changing clinical practice Shows understanding of the principles and value of audit Interview Evidence of completed audit projects Evidence of own role in change through audit process Demonstrates enthusiasm for audit projects ‘when evaluated’ is indicative, but may be carried out at any time throughout the selection process * Anaesthetic trainees applying for Paediatric Intensive Care are not required to have these competences to be eligible to apply. Application form Interview Reference Teaching Skills Demonstrates a commitment to education and training at undergraduate and postgraduate level Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching and education Academic Achievements Understanding of how research influences clinical practice Research/ Publications Transferable Skills Understanding of ethical and consent issues Ability to use Internet to find relevant information Experience of organising / communication skills/ leadership positions Demonstrates an awareness of importance of working in a team and other team members needs Motivated Disciplined Resilient Shows understanding of the different approaches to learning Undertaking/ completed teaching qualification Prizes Academic distinctions Demonstrates relevance of academic achievements to post applied for Research project completed Involved in significant way with research project Presentations/publications Evidence of training in critical appraisal skills Evidence of understanding of research methods Evidence of quality of research/ reflection on quality of research Evidence of magazines edited, conferences organised, etc Healthy balance between work and outside activities Evidence from reference for holistic approach to life Application form Interview Reference Application form Interview Reference Application form Interview Reference Application form Interview Reference Those qualities defined in GMC Duties of a Doctor Polite and considerate Interpersonal and communication skills Recognition of limits of professional competence Respect for other points of view and for patient involvement Honest and trustworthy Ability to work with colleagues in ways that best serve patients interests Flexible approach Empathy Openness Genuineness Awareness of non-verbal and verbal communications skills Interview Reference