ART289 Computer Photographic Imaging Fall 2014 section 21443 Phoenix College Dale Doubleday, Instructor Office: ART224 Phone: 602.285.7750 Office hours: M/W 2:45-3:15, T/Th 11:30-1:30 CALENDAR Location: ART201 Lab Mon. and Wed. 9:00 – 11:45pm From 8/25 through 12/15 Final Critique is on 12/15 Plan to attend and work during every class. THE COURSE Generation of electronic two-dimensional images and traditional methods of visual problem solving. Understanding of computer techniques and art presentation methods. Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART 100 or permission of instructor. Prerequisites: ART 100 or permission of the instructor. COURSE COMPETENCIES: 1. Have an overview of computer illustration, terminology, and definitions 2. Be able to explain the difference between shapeoriented (vector) graphics vs. pixel- based graphics 3. Use design and composition theories when creating original computer illustrations and critically evaluate the work of both the student and others in the class 4. Use various computer drawing and painting techniques in Adobe Illustrator 5. Edit graphics and format text 6. Use and demonstrate different characteristics of graphic input devices for use in each piece 7. Design camera-ready black and white (grayscale) illustrations 8. Design camera-ready illustrations that include scaling, halftones and multi-color separations 9. Prepare a professional presentation of artwork created during the course TEXT REQUIRED: Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book Adobe Press, 2012 COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Participate in all class activities. 2. Complete TUTORIALS. 3. Complete projects. 4. Prepare and present work in a professional manner SUPPLIES In addition to the required text, it is necessary for students to have the following items: 1. A thumb drive digital storage device MCCCD Official Course Outline: Computer Illustration I. Basic computer illustration techniques II. Electronic commercial illustration productions III. Procedures and compositional theories of illustration A. Downloading graphics B. Graphics manipulation 1. Tone graduations 2. Line 3. Brush 4. Stipple, splatter, airbrush techniques IV. Illustration renderings V. Graphic input devices VI. Camera-ready illustration A. Line B. Tone C. Graphics manipulation. Image manipulation E. Scaling F. Halftone G. Multi-color separations H. Hardcopy VII. Illustration evaluation A. Design concepts B. Composition concepts VIII. Portfolio A. Review/selection B. Format C. Assignments D. Resume LEARNING CENTER OPPORTUNITIES Location: Learning Center Building Phone: 285-7477 V/TDD Disability Support Services office coordinates services which will ensure students with disabilities equal access to college programs. Services include tutors, interpreters for the deaf/hearing impaired. Notetakers, readers, testing accommodations, elevator keys, and adaptive equipment. SPECIAL NOTES: 1. This instructor will automatically withdraw students who are not attending classes and/or after two unexcused absences. 2. This syllabus is subject to additions, deletions, and changes dependent upon student and course needs. 3. Students are responsible for the information in the Phoenix College Student Handbook, including the Code of Conduct. Week of 8/25 Introduction/Overview/Planning HW: Buy book, thumb drive Discussion: Graphic file formats, vector vs. raster (bitmap) Demonstration Illustrator tools and palettes In Class Exercises: Lesson 1 In Class Exercises Lessons 2&3 9/1 No Class Monday – Labor Day Wednesday: Lab #1: Simple Shapes 9/8 HW: Critiques, In Class Exercises: Lessons 4&5 Bring in a digital photo of a building 9/15 Lab #2: Architectural Rendering 9/22 Lab #2: Architectural Rendering 9/29 Lab #2: Architectural Rendering Critiques 10/6 In Class Exercise: Lessons 6, 7, 8 Portfolio The course portfolio will consist of all project digital files submitted to instructor. GRADING* Each student will be evaluated on the extent of: 1. Participation in all activities/presentations/ demonstrations/critiques 2. Completion of reading and writing assignments 3. Application of ideas presented in the course to activities in class and class original assignments. 4. Submission of assigned projects in a portfolio (projects will be graded on creativity and application of technical and artistic concepts) RECAP: Exercises/Assignments/Exams Points 10/13 Begin Lab #3: Poster with Type 10/20 Lab #3 due Critiques 10/27 Outside Assignment Presentations 11/3 HW In Class Exercises: Lessons 9,10,11 Bring in a digital image of a mechanical object 11/10 Lab #4 Mechanical Illustration 11/17 Lab #4 Mechanical Illustration due Critiques Final Project proposals due 11/24 Work on Final Project 12/1-12/8 Work on Final Project 12/15 Final Critique Exercises (20 pts. per Chapter) Skills Applications: Simple Shapes Architectural Rendering Poster Mechanical Illustration (B&W) Outside Assignment Final Project Participation/attend. 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 1000 Grades: 90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 65-69% = D, 64% and below = F. ART289 Fall 2011 ASSIGNMENTS 1. GEOMETRIC SHAPES Design 2 sets of 9- 2” squares. Each square contains a black and white pattern using primarily the pen and shape tools. One set of squares is of SYMMETRIC patterns. The other set is of ASYMMETIC pat-terns. 2. ARCHITECTURAL RENDERING Bring a photograph of a favorite building, house, church, etc. Use various shape tools and techniques to render a scanned picture of an architectural building 3. POSTER Create a poster, topic to be determined. Must contain text in an eye-catching manner, color and style. Use this poster to communicate and idea, cause or event. ***NOTE: A thumbnail sketch of your poster must be submitted as part of your assignment 4. BLACK AND WHITE MECHANICAL ILLUSTRATION Bring a photograph or a mechanical object. This can be a set of gears, a power tool, motor, etc. It must be metal in construction. Use gradients and shape tools to render the black and white (grayscale) mechanical object. 5. OUTSIDE ASSIGNMENT Seek out at least five (5) web sites offering tutorials and/or tips on using Adobe Illustrator. Submit a one or two page report showing the web site address, the apparent main focus of the site (or section of the site), the effectiveness/clarity of the tutorial and the skill level of the tutorial. Also indicate to what skill level the tutorial is targeted to. Present to class. 6. FINAL PROJECT 7. PORTFOLIO Portfolio must consist of ALL the semester’s work. If you have NOT previously submitted all assignments to your folder in the ART289 folder on the instructor station, please bring in any missing assignments on a storage device.