Concept Mapping Bibliography

Concept Mapping
Adcock, A. (2000). Effects of cognitive load on processing performance. Retrieved December 5,
2003, from University of Memphis Instructional Media Lab Website:
Brookband, D., Grover, S., Kulberg, K., & Strawser, C. (1999). Improving student achievement
through organization of student learning. Chicago: Master’s Action Research Project,
Saint Xavier University and IRI/Skylight. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
Cooper, G., (1998). Research into cognitive load theory and instructional design at UNSW.
Retreived December 12, 2003 from University of New South Wales Website
Daley, B.J., (1999) Concept maps: a strategy to teach and evaluate critical thinking. Journal of
Nursing Education, 38(1) 42-7.
DeWispelaere, C., & Kossack, J. (1996). Improving student higher order thinking skills through
the use of graphic organizers. Elk Grove Villiage, IL, Master’s Thesis, Saint Xavier
University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED427313>
Dorough, D., & Rye, J., (1997). Mapping for understanding: using concept maps as windows
to students’ minds. The Science Teacher, January 1997 37-41.
Dye, G.A. (2000). Graphic organizers to the rescue! Helping students link and remember
information. Teaching Exceptional Children, 32(3), 72-76.
Eib, B.J. Better Brainstorming. Principal Leadership (Middle School Ed.), 3(2) 61-3, 65.
Fesmire, M., (2003) Concept Maps: A practical solution for completing functional behavior
assessments. Education and Treatment of Children , 26(1) 89-103
Goetz, E. T, & Armbruster, B. B. (1980). Psychological correlates of text structure. In R. J.
Spiro, B. C. Bruce & W. F. Brewer (Eds.), Theoretical issues in reading comprehension:
Perspectives from cognitive psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, and education.
Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum.
Griffin, C., Malone, L, & Kameenui, E. (1995). Effects of graphic organizer instruction on fifthgrade students. Jounral of Educational Research, 89(2), 98-107.
Horton, P. B., McConney, A. A. Gallo, M., Woods, A. L., Senn, G. J. & Hamelin, D. (1993). An
Investigation of the effectiveness of concept mapping as an instructional tool. Science
Education, 77 (1), 95-111.
Jonassen, D.H. (2003) Using cognitive tools to represent problems. Journal of Research on
Technology in Education, 35(3) 362-81.
King, M., (2002) Teaching and evaluating critical thinking with concept maps. Nurse Educator
27(5) 214-6.
Lederman, N. G. & Latz, M. S. (1995). Knowledge structures in the preservice teacher:
Sources, development, interactions, and relationships to teaching. Journal of
Science Teacher Education, 6(1), 1-19.
Luckner, J., (2001) Visual teaching strategies. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(3) 38-44.
Madrazo, L., (2002) Collaborative concept mapping in a web-based learning environment: a
pedagogic experience in architectural education. Journal of Educational Multimedia and
Hypermedia, 11(4) 345-62.
McClure, J., Sonak, B., and Suen, H. (1997). Concept map assessment of classroom learning:
reliability, validity, and logistical practicality. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, 36(4) 475-492.
McGinn, M., & Roth, W. (1998). Assessing students’ understanding about levers: netter used
instruments are not enough. International Journal of Science Education, 20(7) 813-832.
Merkley, D., (2001) Guidelines for implementing a graphic organizer. The Reading Teacher, 54
(4) 350-7.
Miller, P. (1995). CourseWorks: an extended concept mapping tool. Active Learning, 1995(3),
Nicoll, G. (2001). A three-tier system for assessing concept map links: A methodological study.
International Journal of Science Education, 23(8) 863-875.
Park, S. (1995). Implications of learning strategy research for designing computerassisted instruction. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 25(4), 435-456.
Radford, D., Ramsey, L.,& Deese, W. (1995). Demonstration Assessment. The Science Teacher,
October 1995 52-55.
Robinson, D. H. (1998). Graphic organizers as aides to text learning. Reading Research and
Instruction, 37(2), 85-105.
Ruiz-Primo, M. A., Schultz, S. E. and Shavelson, R. J. (1999). On the cognitive validity of
interpretations of scores from alternative concept mapping techniques. Los Angeles, CA,
Center for the Study of Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing.
Ruiz-Primo, M. A., Schultz, S. E., Li, M. and Shavelson, R. J. (2001). Comparison of the
reliability and validity scores from two concept-mapping techniques. Journal of Research
in Science Teaching 38(2) 260-278.
Ruiz-Primo, M. A., Schultz, S. E., Li, M. and Shavelson, R. J. (1998). Comparison of the
reliability and validity of scores from two concept mapping techniques. Los Angeles, CA,
Center for the Study of Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing.
Rye, J.A. (2002) Scoring concept maps: an expert map-based scheme weighted for relationships.
School Science and Mathematics, 102(1) 33-44.
Scalon, D., Deshler, D.D., &Schumaker, J. B. (1996). Can a strategy be taught and learned in a
secondary inclusive classrooms? Learning Disablities Research & Practice 11(1), 41-57.
Smith, K. M., & Dwyer, F. M. (1995). The effect of concept mapping strategies in facilitating
student achievement. International Journal of Instructional Media, 22(1), 25-31.
Van Neste-Kenny, J., (1998) Using concept maps and visual representations for collaborative
curriculum development. Nurse Educator, 23(6) 21-5.
Wilson, B., & Cole, P. (1996). Cognitive teaching models. In D.H. Jonassen (Ed.) Handbook of
research for educational communications and technology (pp. 601-621). New York:
Simon and Schuster Macmillan.
Use of Technology in Concept Mapping
Anderson-Inman, L., & Horney, M. (1997). Computer-based concept mapping: enhancing
literacy with tools for visual thinking. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 40(4),
Anderson-Inman, L., & Tenny, J. (1989). Electronic studying: Information organizers to help
students study "better" not "harder" - Part I. _The Computer Teacher, 16(8), 33-36.
Anderson-Inman, L., & Zeitz, L. (1993). Computer-Based Concept Mapping: Active Studying
for active learners. The Computer Teacher.(August/September).
Chang, K (2002) Use of hierarchical hyper concept map in web-based courses. Journal of
Educational Computing Research, 27(4) 335-53.
Coffey J., & Cañas A. (2003). LEO: A Learning Environment Organizer to Support ComputerMediated Instruction, Journal for Educational Technology Systems 31(3).
Ferry, B. (1996) Probing Understanding: The Use of a Computer-based Tool to Help
Preservice Teachers to Map Subject Matter Knowledge. Research in Science
Education, 26(2) 205-219.
Fisher, K. M., Faletti, J., Patterson, H., Thornton, R., Lipson, J., & Spring, C. (1990).
Computer-based concept mapping-SemNet software: a tool for describing knowledge
networks. Journal of College Science and Technology, 19, 347-352.
Herl, H.E., O’Neil, H.F. Jr., Chung, G.K.W.K. & Schacter, J. (1999). Reliability and validity of
computer-based knowledge mapping system to measure content understanding.
Computers in Human Behavior, 15(3-4), 315-333.
Jonassen, D. H., & Reeves, T. C. (1996). Learning with technology: Using computers as
cognitive tools. In D. H. Jonnassen (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Educational
Technology. New York: Scholastic Press in collaboration with the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology.
Tenny, J. (1992). Computer-supported study strategies for purple people. Reading and Writing
Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 8, 359-377.
Concept Mapping for Students with Learning Disabilities
Anderson-Inman,L., Knowx-Quinn, C., & Horney, M.A. (1996). Computer-based study
strategies for students with learning disabilities: Individual differences associated with
adoption level. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(5), 461-484.
Bakken, J.P., Mastropieri, M.A., & Scruggs, T.E. (1997). Reading comprehension of
expository science material and students with learning disabilities: A comparison of
strategies. The Journal of Special Education, 31(3), 300-324.
Boyle, J.R., & Weishaar, M. (1997(. The effects of expert-generated versus studentgenerated cognitive organizers on the reading comprehension of students with
learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 12(4), 228-235.
Gardill, M.C. & Jitendra, A.K. (1999). Advanced story map instruction: Effects on the reading
comprehension of students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Special Education,
33(1), 2-17.
Mrin, V.A., & Miller, S.P., (1998). Teaching multiplication to middle school students with
mental retardation. Educaiton and Treatment of Children, 21(1), 22-36.
Concept Map Use in Mathematics
Baroody, A.J., (2000) Using concept maps to link mathematical ideas. Mathematics Teaching in
the Middle School, 5(9) 604-9.
Brown, David S. 2003: High School Biology: A Group Approach to Concept Mapping. The
American Biology Teacher, 65(3), 192–197.
Roberts, L. Using concept maps to measure statistical understanding. Institutional Journal of
Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 30(5) 707-717.
Concept Map Use in Reading and Writing
Center for the Improvement of Early reading Achievement. (2001). Put Reading First: The
research blocks for teaching children to read (kindergarten through grade 3). Retrieved
December 12, 2003 from The Partnership for Reading Website:
Chang, K., (2002) The effect of concept mapping to enhance text comprehension and
summarization. The Journal of Experimental Education, 71(1) 5-23.
Davis, Z. T. (1994) Effects of prereading sotry mapping elementary readers’ comprehension.
Journal of Educational Research 87(6), 353-360.
Gallick-Jackson, S.A. (1997). Improving narrative writing skills, composition skills, and related
attitudes among second grade students by integrating word processing, graphic
organizers, and art into a process approach to writing. Fort Lauderdale, FL: M.S.
Practicum Project, Nova Southeastern University (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED420062).
MacArthur, C. A., Graham, S., & Schwartz, S. S. (1993). Integrating word processing and
strategy instruction into a process approach to writing. School Psychology Review, 22(4),
Salinger, T. (2003) Helping Older, Struggling Readers. Preventing School Failure v. 47 no. 2 7985.
Troyer, S., (1994) The effects of three instructional conditions in text structure on upper
elementary students’ reading comprehension and writing performance. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Eduation Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED373315).
Concept Map Use in Science
Gahr, A.A.(2003) Cooperative Chemistry. Journal of College Science Teaching, 32(5) p. 311-5.
Guastello, E.F., Beasley, T.M., & Sinatra, R.C. (2000). Concept mapping effects on science
content comprehension of low-achieving inner-city seventh graders. Remedial and
Special Education, 21(6), 264-356.
Hackney, Marcella W., Ward, Robin E. 2002: How-to-learn biology via Roundhouse
diagrams. The American Biology Teacher, 64(7), 525–533.
Kinchin, I.M.(2000) Concept mapping in biology. Journal of Biological Education, 34(2) 61-8.
Lederman, N., Wade, P., & Bell, R. (1998). Assessing the nature of science: what is the nature of
our assessments?, Science andEducation, 7 595-615.
Ritchie, D. & Volkl, C. (2000). Effectiveness of two generative learning strategies in the science
classroom. School Science and Mathematics, 100(2), 82-89.
Roth, W., (1994). Science discourse through collaborative concept mapping: new perspectives
for the teacher. International Journal of Science Education, 16 437-55.
Ruiz-Primo, M. A. and Shavelson, R. J. (1996). Problems and issues in the use of concept maps
in science assessment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 33(6) 569-600.
Roth, W.M., & Roychoudhury, A. (1993). The concept map as a tool for the collaborative
construction of knowledge: A microanalysis of high school physics students. Journal of
Research in Science Teaching, 30(5), 503-534.
Rutledge, Michael L., Mitchell, Melissa A. 2002: High School Biology Teachers' Knowledge
Structure, Acceptance & Teaching of Evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 64(1)
Shavelson, R. (1993). On concept maps as potential "authentic" assessments in science.
Indirect approaches to knowledge representation in high school science. National Centre
for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Testing, Los Angeles, C.A. Washington, DC:
Office of Educational Research and Improvement. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED 367 691 TM 021 14).
Shavelson, R. J., & Towne, L. (2002). Scientific research in education. Washington DC:
National Academies Press.
Stensvold, M. S., & Wilson, J. T. (1990). The interaction of verbal ability with concept mapping
in learning from a chemistry laboratory activity. Science Education, 74, 473-489.
Stoddart, T., Abrams, R., Gasper, E., & Canaday, D. (2000). Concept maps as assessment in
science inquiry learning: a report of methodology. International Journal of Science
Education, 22(12) 1221-1246.
Tobin, K., Tippins, D. J., & Gallard, A. J. (1994). Research on instructional strategies for
teaching science. In D. Gabel (Ed.), Handbook of research on science teaching and
learning. NY: Macmillan.
Concept Map Use in Various Content Areas
Herl, H.E., Baker, E.L., & Niemi, D. (1996). Construct validation of an approach to
modeling cognitive structure of U. S. history knowledge. The Journal of Educational
Research 89(4), 206-218.
Jacobs-Lawson, J.M., (2002) Concept maps as an assessment tool in psychology courses.
Teaching of Psychology, 29(1) 25-9
Pinto, A., & Zeitz, H. (1997). Concept Mapping: A strategy for promoting meaningful learning
in medical education. Medical Teachers, 19(2) 114-121.
Sirias, D. (2002) Using graphic organizers to improve the teaching of business statistics. Journal
of Education for Business, 78(1) 33-7.
Winn, W., & Snyder, D. (1996). Cognitive perspectives in physcology. In D.H. Jonassen (Ed.)
Handbook of research for educational communications and technology (pg. 115-122).
New York: Simon and Schuster Macmillan.
Experts in the Field of Concept Mapping
Joel J. Mintzes, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Mintzes, J.J. & Thompson, T.L. and (2002). Cognitive structure and the affective
domain: On knowing and feeling in biology. Int Journal of Science Education,
24 (6) 645-660.
Mintzes, J.J., Wandersee, J.H. and J.D. Novak (2001). Assessing understanding in
biology. Journal of Biological Education, 35 (3) 118-124.
Mintzes, J.J., Wandersee, J.H. and Novak, J.D. (2000). (Eds.), Assessing Science
Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego, CA: Academic
Mintzes, J.J., Wandersee, J.H. and Novak, J.D. (1998). (Eds.), Teaching Science for
Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Martin, B.L., Mintzes, J.J. and Clavijo, I. (2000). Restructuring knowledge in Biology:
Cognitive processes and metacognitive reflections. International Journal of
Science Education 22 (3): 303-323.
Mintzes, J.J., Pearsall, N.R., & Skipper, J.J. (1997). Knowledge restructuring in the life
sciences: A longitudinal study of conceptual change in biology Science Education
81, 193-215.
James H. Wandersee, Professor of Biological Education, Louisiana State University.
Wandersee, J. H. (1987). Drawing concept circles: A new way to teach and test students.
Science Activities, 24(4), 9-20.
Wandersee, J.H., Novak, J.D., & Mintzes, J.J. (2000). (Eds.), Assessing Science
Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego, CA: Academic
Wandersee, J. Novak, J., & Mintzes, J. (2001). Assessing Understanding in Biology.
Journal of Biological Education, 35(3) 118-124.
Wandersee, J.H. Novak, J.D., & Mintzes, J.J (1998). (Eds.), Teaching Science for
Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Michael Zeilik, Professor of Astronomy, University of New Mexico
Zeilik, M., Schau, C., Mattern, N., & Teague, K (1999) Select-and-Fill-in Concept Map
Scores as a Measure of Undergraduate Students' Connected Understanding of
Introductory Astronomy. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
Zeilik, M., Bisard, W., (1998) Conceptually Centered Astronomy with Actively Engaged
Students. Mercury, 27(4) 16-19.
Zeilik, M. & Bisard, W. (2000) Conceptual Change in Introductory-Level Astronomy
Courses. Journal of College Science Teaching, 29(4) 229-32.
Joseph D. Novak; Professor Emeritus of Science Education and Biological Sciences, Cornell
University <
Novak, J. D. (1977). A theory of education. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press.
Novak, J. (1979). Applying pscyhology and philosophy to the improvement of laboratory
teaching. American Biology Teacher 41(8) 466-470.
Novak, J. D. (1981). Applying Learning Psychology and Philosophy of Science to
iology Teaching. American Biology Teacher 43(1) 12-20.
Novak, J. D. and Symington, D. (1982). Concept mapping for curriculum development.
V.I.E.R. (The Victorian Institute of Educational Research) 48 3-11.
Novak, J. D., Gowin, D. B. and Johansen, G. (1983). The use of concept mapping and
knowledge Vee mapping with junior high school science students. Science
Education 67(5) 625-645.
Novak, J. D. and Gowin, D. B. (1984). Learning how to learn. New York, Cambridge
University Press.
Novak, J. (1986). The importance of emerging constructivist epistemology for
mathematics education. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 5(2) 181-184.
Novak, J. and Ridley, D. (1988). Assessing student learning in light of how students
learn. American Association for Higher Education Forum (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED299923).
Novak, J. D. and Gowin, D. B. (1988). Apriendiendo a Apreender (Spanish). Barcelona,
Martinez Roca.
Novak, J. D. and Ridley, D. R. (1988). Assessing Student Learning in Light of How
Students Learn. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED299923).
Novak, J. D. and Gowin, D. B. (1989). Imparando a Imparare (Italian). Torino,
Stabilimento Grafico.
Novak, J. and Gowin, D. B. (1989). Learning how to learn (in Thai). Bangkok, National
Research Council.
Novak, J. (1990). Concept maps and Vee diagrams: Two metacognitve tools to facilitate
meaningful learning. Instructional Science 19 29-52.
Novak, J. and Wandersee, J. (1990). Perspectives on concept mapping: Special Issue of
the Journal of Research on Science Teaching. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching 27(10) 921-1074.
Novak, J. D. (1991). Clarify with concept maps: A tool for students and teachers alike.
The Science Teacher 58 45-49.
Novak, J. D. and Musonda, D. (1991). A twelve-year longitudinal study of science
concept learning. American Educational Research Journal 28(1) 117-153.
Novak, J. D. and Wandersee, J. H., Eds. (1991). Special Issue on Concept Mapping.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Novak, J. (1991). “Ayudar a los alumnos a aprendar como aprendar: la opinion de un
profesor-investigador.” Ensenanza de Las Ciencias 9(3) 215-228.
Novak, J. D. (1992). Learning how to Learn (Japanese). Tokyo, Tokoyan Shuppansha.
Novak, J. (1993). Human constructivism: A unification of psychological and
epistemological phenomena in meaning making. International Journal of Personal
Construct Psychology 6 167-193.
Novak, J. (1993). How do we learn our lesson. The Science Teacher 60(3) 51-55.
Novak, J. (1994). “A view on the current status of Ausubel's assimilation theory of
learning or La teoria dell appendimento per assimilaziona di D.P. Ausubel. De
propsettive attuali.” CADMO (Giornale Italiono di Pedagogia sperimentale,
Didattica Docimologia, Tecnologia dell Instrusione) 2(4) 7-23.
Novak, J. D. (1995). Concept mapping: A strategy for organizing knowledge. Learning
science in the schools: Research reforming practice. S. M. Glynn and R. e. a.
Duit. Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, Mahwah, NJ, USA: 229245.
Novak, J. (1995). Concept mapping to facilitate teaching and learning. Prospects 25(1)
Novak, J. D. and Iuli, R. (1995). Meaningful learning as the foundation for constructivist
epistemology. Proceedings of the Third International History, Philosophy and
Science Teaching Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Novak, J. and Gowin, D. B. (1995). Learning how to Learn (Arabic). Riyadh, King Saud
University Press.
Novak, J. and Gowin, D. B. (1996). Learning how to learn (Finnish). Helsinki,
Gaudeamus Kirja.
Novak, J. D. and Gowin, D. B. (1996). Aprender a Aprender (Portuguese). Lisbon,
Plantano Edicionas Technicas.
Novak, J. D. (1998). Learning, creating, and using knowledge: Concept maps as
facilitative tools in schools and corporations. Mahweh, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum
Novak, J.D., Mintzes, J.J., & Wandersee, J.H. and (2000). (Eds.), Assessing Science
Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego, CA: Academic
Novak, J., Mintzes, J., & Wandersee, J. (2001). Assessing Understanding in Biology.
Journal of Biological Education, 35(3) 118-124.
Novak, J.D., Mintzes, J.J., & Wandersee, J.H. and (1998). (Eds.), Teaching Science for
Understanding: A Human Constructivist View. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Concept Mapping <>
Concept Maps: Enhancing Literature Review <
Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement <>
Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) <
Graphic Organizers <>
Kinds of Concept Maps <>
Meaningful Learning Research Group Articles <>
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) <>
National Reading Panel <>
National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum <>
Professor Joseph Novak <
Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read
Inspiration <>
IHMC Concept Map Software <>
Mind Tools <>
Smart Technologies Inc. <>
Smart Draw <>