Name: Stunde: ______ Datum: Flacher Stanley Wir machen ein

Name: ___________________________________________
Stunde: _______ Datum: ____________________________
Flacher Stanley
Wir machen ein Projekt für flachen Stanley. Er hatte ein gutes Wochenende, und er will sagen, was er gemacht hat!
We are making a project for flat Stanley. He had a good weekend, and he wants to say what he did!
Du kannst…
ein Buch machen!
Create a book about Flat
Stanley’s weekend. Print out
or draw pictures of what he
did. Bring your book to class
on the due date! Frau Novak
can give you paper to create
your book.
eine Zeitung machen!
Use Googledocs or Microsoft
Word to create a newspaper
article about Flat Stanley’s
weekend. Print out the article
and bring it on the due date,
or upload the document to
Googledrive and share it with
Frau Novak.
eine Präsentation machen!
Use Powerpoint or
Googleslides to create a
presentation about his
weekend. Upload pictures
from a camera of what he did.
Upload the presentation to
Googledrive and share with
Frau Novak.
ein Video machen!
Use video-editing software to
create a video of Flat
Stanley’s weekend activities.
You must have the sentences
displayed during the video.
Upload the video to
Googledrive and share with
Frau Novak.
1 – An introduction explanation of where Flat Stanley was over the weekend using “Er war in…” (auf Deutsch).
2 – In the introduction, 3 sentences explaining how the weather was over the weekend (auf Deutsch).
3 – 10 pictures (or scenes for the video) of Flat Stanley doing different activities.
4 – 10 sentences written explaining what Flat Stanley did (auf Deutsch).
Die Rubrik ist auf der Rückseite.
Du bekommst Punkte für die folgenden Kategorien:
 (see requirements on previous page)
All words are spelled correctly.
Nominative (der, die, das, die)
Accusatuve (den, die, das, die)
Dative (dem, der, dem, den)
articles are used correctly.
Helping verbs are conjugated
Sentences are in correct order
Nicht ok!
All requirements have
been met.
20 points
Spelling is perfect!
With maybe 1 error.
10 points
Not an option. It is not
good to not turn in a
completed project.
Maybe I have 3-4
spelling errors.
8 points
I am missing 1
15 points
I have 5 or more
spelling errors.
6 points
Grammar is perfect!
With maybe 1 error.
10 points
Maybe I have 2
grammar errors.
8 points
I have more than 3
grammar errors.
6 points
My project is perfect!
Everything is colored,
neat, and beautiful! I
have used 10 different
past tense phrases!
10 points
Maybe I forgot to color my
project, because I couldn’t
find my colored pencils,
crayons, or markers, or my
color printer wasn’t working,
and I didn’t have a chance to
color my printed pictures.
My project is a mess.
I am missing more than
1 requirement.
10 points
(Subject, helping verb, other stuff, past tense
(Weil/dass, subject, other stuff, past tense word,
helping verb)
My project looks and is awesome.
I have used 10 different past tense
phrases (don’t repeat gespielt, or
My project is done and turned in on
the due date!
My project is not done on the due date, but I e-mailed
or spoke to Frau Novak to explain my dire circumstance
(sudden bed-ridden illness, death of immediate family
member or pet,… nope, no other reason would exclude
you from the due date.
My project is done and
in Frau Novak’s
possession on the due
10 points
8 points
Not an option. It is not
good to turn in your
project late.
5 points
Not an option. It is not
even just not ok to not
turn in your project on
My project is late.
5 points