Chapter 8 RAINFALL-RUNOFF MODELING 8.1 Introduction A model can be defined according to Clarke (1972) as “ a simplified representation of a complex system”. A mathematical model is thus defined as “a set of mathematical expressions and logical statements combined in order to simulate the behavior of a given system”. Rainfall-runoff models use mathematical expressions and logical statements to simulate the conversion of rainfall into runoff. Rainfall-Runoff models can be applied to a vast field of water resources problems. Some as the most common applications are Simulation of natural discharge. Operational forecasting. Prediction of effects of future physical changes in a catchment. Simulation of natural discharge means that the model is used to simulate runoff from meteorological input data available in the catchment or in its neighborhood. The performance of the model is generally verified against a recorded runoff series. The model can be used to extend runoff records by means of long records of meteorological observations. It can also be used to tell artificial from natural variations in a catchment where human influence or other changes in the hydrological regime are suspected. Attempting, but rather difficult, application is the estimation of runoff in un-gauged catchments. To do this with any certainty requires long experience with the model so that its components can be related to the physiographic characteristics of the catchment. 8-1 In operational forecasting, the model is first fitted and tested in order to verify its capability of runoff simulation from meteorological data. Then meteorological forecasts or recorded climatic series can be used to forecast discharge in rivers. The most difficult point is to predict the effects of future physical changes in a catchment, as it requires not only an accurate runoff model, but also that its components with certainty can be related to the characteristics of the catchments, such as degree of urbanization or percentage of clear cuttings in a forest. If so, the model can be used to study the possible effect on the hydrological regime of a proposed activity in the catchment. 8.2 Types of rainfall-runoff models It is a known fact that hydrological processes which describe the hydrological cycle are extremely complex, and difficult both to measure and understand in full detail. Rainfallrunoff models attempt to model the hydrological processes involved in the catchment by representing the know processes by a series of simplified mathematical functions. Figure 8.1 presents the overview of the hydrological processes in the hydrological cycle. Rainfall-runoff models fall into two broad categories namely, empirical “black box” models and conceptual physically-based models. 8.2.1 Empirical “black box” model Empirical” black box” models or sometimes referred to as system type of models simply attempt to relate rainfall as input (It) to runoff as output (Qt), with little or no attempt to simulate the individual hydrological processes involved. Central to the model is the transformation operator by the catchment. Figure 8.2 presents a schematic representation of a hydrologic “black box model”. A “black box” model consists of an algebraic equation (or equations) containing one or more parameters to be determined by data analysis or other empirical means. The applicability of a black box model is restricted to the range of data used in the determination of the parameter values. 8-2 Examples of the black box models include the unit hydrograph method, the simple linear reservoir model, linear difference equation models (Box and Jenkins, 1976) , the Constrained Linear Systems Model (Natale and Todin, 1976) and the Linear Perturbation Model (Nash and Basrsi, 1983). Figure 8.1 Overview of the hydrological processes in the hydrological cycle 8-3 Figure 8.2 Schematic representation of the “Black Box” or system type of model 8.2.2 Conceptual “physically based” model Conceptual “physically-based models” , on the other hand , attempt to simulate to a greater or lesser extent, the most important hydrological components of the catchment response, e.g. interception, infiltration, groundwater flow, evapotranspiration, surface water flow, etc. Conceptual models are simplified representations of the physical processes, usually relying on mathematical descriptions (either in algebraic form or by 8-4 ordinary differential equations), which simulate complex processes in the mean by relying on a few key conceptual parameters. Figure 8.3 presents a schematic representation of the simplified hydrological processes in a catchment. The extensive use of conceptual models in engineering hydrology reflects the inherent complexity of the phenomena and the practical inability to account for deterministic components in all instances. The earliest examples of the conceptual physically-based process models were the Stanford Watershed Model and Sacramento Model, (USA) and the Sugawara Tank Model (Japan). Other conceptual models are the NAM (Denmark), Pitman (South Africa) and the Xinanjiang Model (China). Conceptual models are more favorable to simulate hydrological processes than black box models in that they have the potential for predicting the effects of, for example, landuse changes or for application to ungauged catchments. Further more conceptual models are able to account for volumetric losses from rainfall through a soil moisture budgeting and also are intended to represent the non-linear effects of the catchment process better than the “black box” counterparts. 8.2.3 Lumped Models A lumped model refers to a model in which the parameters do not vary spatially within the catchment. Therefore, catchment response is evaluated only at the outlet, without explicit accounting of the response of individual subcatchments. Typical examples of lumped parameter models are the unit hydrograph, HEC-1 and Tank model. 8.2.4 Distributed models A distributed model refer to a model in which the parameters are allowed to vary spatially within the catchment. This enables the calculation not only to consider the 8-5 overall catchment's response but also of the response of individual subcatchments. An example of the distributed model is the SHE model. Evapotranspiration Rainfall from atmosphere Interception by vegetation Evaporation Surface detention Direct runoff Infiltration Infiltration excess Saturated runoff Deep percolation (Groundwater recharge) Figure 8.3 Base-flow Simplified hydrological process in a catchment 8-6 The increased detail with which simulations can be made with a distributed model renders it more computationally intensive than a lumped model. This permits the modeling of special features such as spatially varying rainfall and spatially varying hydrologic abstractions. However, for the results of distributed modeling to remain meaningful, the quality and quantity of available data must be commensurate with the increased level of detail. 8.2.5 Deterministic models A deterministic model is a model where two equal sets of inputs will always yield the same output, if run through the model under identical conditions. The model has no components controlled by chance. A vast majority of the models are deterministic. 8.2.6 Stochastic models A stochastic model has some components of random character. Identical inputs may result in unequal outputs, if run through the model under identical conditions. Virtually no model if fully stochastic. 8.3 Model components and model construction The basic catchment model components are Precipitation, Hydrologic losses, and Runoff. Usually, precipitation is the modeling input, hydrologic losses are determined by the catchment's properties and runoff is the modeling output. 8-7 8.3.1 Precipitation Precipitation, either in the form of rainfall or snowfall, is the process driving the catchment model. Surface runoff is a direct consequence of excess rainfall and/or snowmelt. Rainfall can be described in terms intensity, duration, depth, frequency, temporal distribution, spatial distribution and areal correction. 8.3.2 Hydrologic Abstractions Hydrologic abstractions are the physical processes acting to reduce total precipitation into effective precipitation. Eventually, effective precipitation goes on to constitute surface runoff. There are many processes by which precipitation is abstracted by the catchment. Among them, those of interest to engineering hydrology are the interception, infiltration, surface storage, evaporation and evapotranspiration The modeling objectives determine to a large extent which hydrologic losses are important in a certain application. For event models, the emphasis is on infiltration. For instance, the SCS runoff curve number method, which is widely used in event models, takes explicit account of infiltration. All other hydrologic abstractions are lumped into an initial abstraction parameter, defined as a fraction of the potential maximum retention. 8.3.3 Runoff Two distinct modes of runoff are recognized for modeling purposes: (1) catchment runoff and (2) stream channel runoff. Catchment runoff has three-dimensional features, but eventually this type of runoff concentrates at the catchment outlet. After it leaves the catchment, runoff enters the channel network, where it becomes stream channel flow. Unlike catchment runoff, the 8-8 marked longitudinal orientation of stream channel flow generally justifies the assumption of one-dimensionality. 8.4 Model construction and application The construction of a catchment model begins with the selection of model components. Once these are chosen, they are assembled as parts of the overall model, following a logical sequence that resembles that of the natural processes. Rainfall and snowfall are considered first, followed by hydrologic abstractions, subcatchment hydrograph generation, reservoir and stream channel routing, and hydrograph combination at stream network confluences. The issue of model resolution must be addressed at the outset of model construction and application. Resolution refers to the ability of the model to depict accurately certain scales of problems. Resolution is related to catchment scale and modeling objective. Modeling runoff from small catchments requires fine resolution, with typical time steps on the order of minutes and correspondingly small subcatchments and short channel reaches. On the other hand, modeling runoff from midsize catchments requires an average resolution to match the sub-catchment size and channel reach length. The modeling objective can have an influence on the choice of model resolution. Event models are short-term by definition and, therefore, are subject to relatively fast changes in model variables. A fine resolution, usually with time steps ranging from several minutes to a few hours, depending on catchment size, is usually required by event models. Continuous-process models are designed to account for long-term processes, with correspondingly lesser fluctuation in model variables. Therefore, a coarse model resolution is possible in continuous-process models. 8-9 8.5 Model calibration and verification The essential ingredients of each model component are variables and parameters. Variables are the physical quantities themselves, i.e., discharge, stage, flow area flow depth, mean velocity, and so on. Parameters are the quantities that control the behavior of the variables. Each model component may have one or more variables and parameters. Model calibration is the process by which the values of model parameters are identified for use in a particular application. It consists of the use of rainfall-runoff data and a procedure to identify the model parameters that provide the best agreement between simulated and recorded flows. Parameter identification can be accomplished either manually, by trial and error, or automatically, by using mathematical optimization techniques. Calibration implies the existence of stream flow data; for un-gauged catchments, calibration is simply not possible. The overall importance of calibration varies with the type of model. For instance, a deterministic model is generally regarded as highly predictive; therefore, it should require little or no calibration. In practice, however, deterministic models are usually not entirely deterministic, and therefore, a certain amount of calibration is often necessary. In conceptual modeling, calibration is extremely important, since the parameters bear no direct relation to the physical processes. Therefore, calibration is required in order to determine appropriate values of these parameters. Practical estimates of conceptual model parameters, based on local experience, are sometimes used in lieu of calibration. However, such practice is risky and can lead to gross errors. Calibration also plays a major role in the determination of parameters of empirical models. The calibration needs of time-invariant and time-variant processes and models are quite different. To evaluate the predictive accuracy of a time-invariant model, it is customary to divide the calibration process into two distinct stages: 8-10 (1) calibration and (2) verification. For this purpose, two independent sets of rainfall-runoff data are assembled. The first set is used in the calibration per se, whereas the second set is used in model verification, i.e., a measure of the accuracy of the calibration. Once the model has been calibrated and the parameters verified it is ready to be used in the predictive stage of the modeling. With time-variant processes and models, the calibration is quite involved. Since the parameters vary in time (and with the model variables), a calibration and verification in the linear sense is only possible within a narrow variable range. A practical alternative is to select several variable ranges, e.g., low flow, average flow, and high flow, and to perform a calibration and verification for each flow level. In this way, a set of model parameters for each of several variable ranges can be identified. A typical example of multilevel (i.e., multistage) calibration is that of stream channel routing. 8.6 Model efficiency criteria The performance of a model must be judged on the extent to which it satisfies its practical objectives (accuracy), on the extent to which the achieved level of accuracy persists through different samples of data (consistency) and on the extent to which it can sustain the achieved level of accuracy when subjected to diverse applications and tests other than those used for calibrating the model (versatility). A considerable number of numerical and graphical criteria are available to check the versatility of a model (WMO, 1975), while model consistency is checked by split-sampling, i.e. by breaking the record into two distinct periods, in one of which the model is calibrated and in the other (the verification period) it is tested. Efficiency criteria, which express model accuracy, are generally linked with the objective function used in calibration for optimizing its parameters. A commonly used objective 8-11 function, even for the case of non-linear or conceptual models, is the sum of squares of differences F between the observed and the estimated discharges, with the summation taken over the whole of the calibration period, that is, F ^ ( y y) 2 (8.1) ^ y being the model output estimate of the measured output y. The quantity F is an index of residual error, which reflects the extent to which a model is successful in reproducing the observed discharges. It is, therefore, an appropriate criterion for expressing model accuracy. However, it is not a dimensionless quantity and, while it may be used to compare various alternative-forecasting models on the same catchment, it is not suitable for comparing the performance of a model on different catchments or with different lengths of records. Nash and Sutcliffe (1970) met this objection by defining the model 'efficiency' R2, analogously to the 'coefficient of determination' in linear regression, as the proportion of the initial variance accounted for by F. Defining the initial variance Fo as F0 ( y y) 2 (8.2) where 1 N yi is the mean of y in the calibration period and N is the number of data N i 1 y points, the efficiency criterion may then be expressed as R2 F0 F F0 (8.3) i.e. the proportionate reduction of the initial variance by means of the substantive inputoutput transformation model. 8-12 In application to the calibration period, these quantities are all obtained with reference to that period so that R2 is identical to the 'coefficient of determination' and varies between zero and one. When applied in the verification period, however, the initial variance Fo is still calculated as the sum of squares of deviations within that period from the mean of the calibration period, as the R2 criterion expresses a comparison of the sum of squares of model errors with the sum of squares of errors which would occur when, in the absence of any model (i.e. the 'no-model' situation), the only forecast which could be made for the verification period would be the mean value of the discharge in the calibration period. Hence, R2 may take negative values in the verification period, when the model under test produces output forecasts which are worse estimators than is the mean of the recorded output over the calibration period. For comparing the relative accuracies of different models (say models 1 and 2) using the same data, the R2 criterion provides a convenient index of comparison of the corresponding sums of squares of model residual errors. Similar criteria may also be used to express the proportion of the initial variance unaccounted for by model (1), which is subsequently accounted for by mode (2) or by the addition of a further component or indeed by an updating procedure. Such criteria may be expressed in the form r2 R22 R12 1 R12 (8.4) or simply r2 F1 F2 F1 (8.5) 8-13 8.7 Model-Output "Residual" Errors Model errors may be due to the following: (1) an incorrect or an inadequate representation in the model structure of the actual physical hydrological processes involved and of their interaction. (2) data errors, i.e. errors in either the input or the output data, or in both categories. (3) failure to optimise the model parameters properly or adequately, particularly if the surface of the objective function used to calibrate the model is very complex having many local optima. Data errors may be due to the following: (1) sampling errors in the recorded precipitation and evaporation data. (2) non-representativeness of lumped (areal weighted) precipitation series or of the pan-evaporation data and (3) errors in the observed flows (which may be either random in nature or systematic as when based on an inadequate rating curve). 8.9 Sensitivity analysis Uncertainties in catchment-modeling practice have led to increase reliance on sensitivity analysis, the process by which a model is tested to establish a measure of the relative change in results caused by a corresponding change in model parameters. This type of analysis is a necessary complement to the modeling exercise, especially since it provides information on the level of certainty (or uncertainty) to be placed on the results of the modeling. The issue of model sensitivity to parameter variations is particularly important in the case of deterministic models having some conceptual components. Because of the conceptual 8-14 components, calibrations are strictly valid only within narrow variable ranges; therefore, errors in parameter estimation need to be ascertained in a qualitative way. Sensitivity is usually analyzed by isolating the effect of a certain parameter. If a model is highly sensitive to a given parameter, small changes in the value of this parameter may cause correspondingly large changes in the model output. It is, therefore necessary to concentrate the modeling effort into obtaining good estimates of this parameter. On the other hand, insensitive parameters can be relegated to a secondary role. In catchment modeling, the choice of parameters for sensitivity analysis is largely a function of problem scale. For instance, in small catchments, the model's output is highly sensitive to the abstraction parameter(s), e.g., the runoff coefficient in the rational method. Therefore, it is imperative that the runoff coefficient be estimated in the best possible way In midsize catchment modeling, the model's sensitivity usually hinges on the temporal rainfall distribution, infiltration parameters, and unit hydrograph shape. The selection of rainfall distribution is crucial from the design standpoint. Catchment models are usually very sensitive to infiltration parameters, which need to be evaluated carefully, with particular attention to the physical processes. For instance, a high-intensity, short- duration storm may result in a high flow peak, due primarily to the high rainfall intensity. However, a low-intensity, long-duration storm may also result in a high flow peak, this time due to the long rainfall duration, which causes the hydrologic abstractions to be reduced to a minimum. In large-catchment modeling, the model's sensitivity focuses on the spatial distribution of the storm, although the temporal distribution and infiltration parameters continue to play a significant role. In any case, a careful evaluation of model sensitivity is needed for increased confidence in the modeling results. 8-15 Sensitivity analyses provide an effective means of coping with the inherent complexities of catchment modeling, including the associated parameter uncertainties. In this sense, distributed models, while being widely regarded as deterministic, can often show a distinct probabilistic flavor. References Clarke R. T., 1972: Areview of some mathematical models used in hydrology, with observation on their calibration and use. Journal of hydrology, No. 19. Box, G.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M., 1976: Time series analysis : Forecasting and acontrol, Holden-Day Inc., Oakland, CA. Natale, I., and Todini, E., 1976: A stable estimator for linear models II: Real world hydrologic applications. Water Resour. Res./ 12:672-676. Nash, J.E. and Barsi, B.I., 1983. A hybrid model for model for flow forecasting on large catchments. J. Hydrol., 65: 125-137. World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1975: Intercomparison of conceptual models used in operational hydrological forecasting. WMO, Geneval, Report No. 429. 8-16