Freshmen Seminar Program - Office of Academic Affairs

2006-07 Annual Budget Report
Office of: ASC Executive Dean--Freshman Seminar Program
Part 1A: Summary and Overview Spreadsheets
Current Balances, PBA Funding History, and Mandates and Service Improvements templates
and data are provided as the first four tabs on the accompanying Excel workbook. Part 2 of this
narrative section of the Annual Budget Report refers to the data provided in these spreadsheets.
Part 1B: Summary and Overview Narrative
Current Situation
Briefly, describe your unit's mission, goals, and objectives, and progress toward achieving them.
There should be a direct link between this section and your Performance Indicators.
The Office of the President requested that the Office of the Executive Dean of the Arts and
Sciences develop and implement the Freshman Seminar Program, which serves the entire
campus. The program’s goals are to provide an interdisciplinary, small-group discussion
seminar opportunity for Freshmen, as well as to connect them with faculty and
familiarizing them with their research, expose students to unfamiliar academic areas, and
to introduce students to frontier areas of scholarly pursuit, allowing a glimpse at current
topics of research and study. Roughly 50% of the students are non-ASC majors.
The pilot was conducted in FY04 and FY05 and resulted in the development of 24
seminars that served 228 students; that has grown to 60 seminars for FY06, enrolling 822
students. By FY08 we expect to enroll roughly 1/3 of incoming Freshmen.
Challenges for the Upcoming Year
Describe the programmatic and fiscal challenges, issues, and special problems your unit will face
during the upcoming year. Include any new services or activities your unit is required to
implement, but for which funding has not been provided.
For FY04, FY05 and FY06, the Office of the President covered the start-up program,
covering all costs of administration, development and instruction with a one-time cash
only commitment ($250,000 for the entire period.) Thus far, the credit hours have
generated $25,043 in FY05 and $21,564 for FY06. We do not expect that the enrollments
will ever generate more than this modest sum annually. Our annual instructional costs
total approximately $100,000.
This is a small program that serves students across the University. The income from
credit hours will never be more than is necessary to cover the costs of development and
instruction. As a result, we have no funding available to support the administration of the
program. We require a full-time Program Coordinator (at a salary of $45,000 plus benefits
of $14,490) and a 50% FTE clerical staff member (at a salary of $17,000 and benefits of
Innovations and Efficiencies
Describe innovative or alternative service delivery systems your unit has developed. Describe
any initiatives for which you have collaborated with another support unit to increase efficiency
and provide the best service. What plans are included in this budget report to improve or expand
service delivery systems? Describe additional actions that will increase efficiency and reduce
We have captured the imagination of faculty and students who have committed their
time and energies to the program for very modest remuneration ($1,000 to develop a new
course and $1,000 to teach a course.) The program is largely sustained by its academic
quality: both faculty and students are excited about it and find it meaningful. As a result,
we are able to operate the program on a very small budget.
However, it takes a great deal of time and effort to secure the services of faculty, plan for
the development of appropriate courses, schedule courses and make financial
arrangements. The minimal staffing of 1.5 FTE is essential to the program’s continuation.
Reductions and Internal Reallocations
Describe any reductions or internal reallocations you have taken in the past year. How has
this/have these affected your services? What has been your customer response?
Not applicable; this is a new program supported entirely by the Office of the
Business Process Changes
One of the principles set forth by the Support Units Committee is that “Support Units should
adapt to altered conditions without transferring costs to academic units through price increases or
by discontinuing or shifting services, whenever possible. Where price increases or service
reductions are necessary, they should have prior approval through the budget process.” In the
past year, major business process changes at OSU have included the self-service initiatives in
Human Resources, the OSURF Peoplesoft implementation and increased web-delivered services
for students. If your unit was involved in one of these or a process change of similar scope,
please describe how your unit adhered to the above principle during implementation.
Not applicable.
Part 2: Funding Report
1) Current Balances
Referring to Tab 1, Cash, of the accompanying Excel workbook, please provide an
explanation of plans for cash balances equal to or greater than 20% of your unit's PBA.
Thus far, there is no PBA and no cash balance associated with this program; one time cash
has been committed to cover all associated costs.
2) Funding History
Referring to Tab 2, PBA, of the accompanying Excel workbook, what portion of the total
change from FY2005 to FY2006 is due to:
New Mandates
Service Additions
Guidelines (inflation)
Miscellaneous Adjustments
3) Status Reports on FY 2005 and FY 2006 New Funding
For each item listed in the Summary of Funding Received in FY 2005 or 2006 (see Excel
Workbook Tab 3, Mandates_Serv Impr), please complete the following.
Mandate or Service Improvement Title:
Explain how the funding was or is being used. Which customers benefit from the service, how do
they benefit, and how does that support the academic plan? If available, provide any customer
feedback regarding the service.
Not applicable
List other offices on campus that provide similar or related services. How is your department
collaborating with these offices to prevent duplication of effort?
Not applicable
4) Summary of Services Discontinued in FY 2005 and FY 2006
For each item listed in above Summary of Services Discontinued in FY 2005 or 2006 (see
Excel Workbook Tab 4, FY07 Request), please complete the following:
Discontinued Service Title:
Not applicable
To what were the resources previously committed to these services reallocated? What has been
the impact of this discontinuation? How have your customers responded?
Not applicable
5) Summary of Funding Requested for FY 2007 (list in order of priority)
For each mandate or service improvement for which funding is requested (to be
summarized in Excel Workbook Tab 4, FY07 Request), please complete the appropriate
following table.
FOR 2006-2007 BUDGET (March 2006 process)
Office of:
Proposal Title:
Total PBA cost: $
Cash cost: $
Priority #:
Describe the mandate. Is funding needed to provide a new service, or to maintain or expand an
existing service? What agency or other body is mandating this service?
No mandates requested
Explain how the resources requested will address the mandated service(s).
What internal resources has your department reallocated to address the issue?
List other offices on campus that provide similar or related services. How will your department
collaborate with these offices to prevent duplication of effort?
Total Cost of Mandate
*Benefits at X%
Admin.& Prof.
Grad Associate
Student Wages
*Composite rates are conservative estimates for planning purposes only; actual rates will be
available at a later date.
FOR 2006-2007 BUDGET (March 2006 process)
Office of: ASC Executive Dean—Freshman Seminar
Department: Office of
Proposal Title: Freshman Seminar Program
Interdisciplinary Programs
Total PBA cost: $ 83,222
Cash cost: $ 0
Priority #: 1
Describe the service improvement. Is funding needed to provide a new service, or to maintain or
expand an existing service? Which customers will benefit from the service, how will they benefit,
and how does that support the academic plan?
This is a “new” service, insofar as the Freshman Seminar program is a pilot study and has no
permanent funding.
Describe the impact of not implementing the service. List alternate ways to accomplish the goals
of this service and discuss the pros and cons of those alternatives.
The program is a well respected, dynamic effort that faculty and students alike value. It has been
a quality addition to the academic life of our students. Much time and effort has gone into its
development and momentum should not be lost for lack of modest administrative resources to
sustain the program.
What internal resources has your department reallocated to address the issue?
The program has benefited from the commitment of administrators and faculty beyond any
financial rewards that can be identified.
List other offices on campus that provide similar or related services. How will your department
collaborate with these offices to prevent duplication of effort?
Not applicable
Total Cost of Service Improvement Proposal
*Benefits at X%
32.2% 59,490
39.6% 23,732
Admin.& Prof. Program Coord 45,000
Office Assoc
Grad Associate
Student Wages
*Composite rates are conservative estimates for planning purposes only; actual rates will be
available at a later date.
6) Fees and Charges
FY 2007 Fees and Charges (Include new fees and planned increases to existing fees that affect
other departments or large numbers of students, faculty, and staff).
(Include group to be assessed the fee)
Example: Transcript Fees (students)
FY 2007
Amount Unit of
per Unit Measure
FY 2006
Amount per Unit of
Not applicable
Please explain any increases or planned increases in fees or charges for services. Include
any new fees or charges for services in this explanation. Discuss any feedback you may
have received from customers regarding the proposed changes in fees or charges.
Not applicable
Part 3: Performance Indicators
Please update your performance indicators. Your indicators table is provided as Tab 5 of the
accompanying Excel Workbook, titled Perf Inds.
Part 4: Long-Term Needs
Please describe in general terms your anticipated need for additional resources over the next five
years to meet new legal mandates and service needs. Please break this out by year with an
associated cost in a reasonable range. Only issues of $100,000 or more should be identified.
We don’t expect to request additional funding unless
The central administration should request an expansion
Of the program
Anticipated cost