Minutes - Regular Meeting 6-7-11 MAP

JUNE 7, 2011
5:30 P.M.
The Board of Commissioners of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District held their
Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. at their Marathon Headquarters.
PRESENT WERE: Bill Shaw, Chairman; Jack Bridges, Vice-Chairman; Steve Smith,
Secretary-Treasurer; Joan Lord-Papy, Commissioner; Phil Goodman, Commissioner;
Andrea Leal, Acting Director; Dirk Smits and Scott Black, Attorneys.
EMPLOYEES PRESENT: Bill Southcott, Comptroller; Mikki Coss, Domestic
Supervisor; James Zdan, Director of Aircraft Maintenance; Gary Schwartz,
Entomological Inspector; Jody Davis, Receptionist; Brad Merkey, Entomological
Inspector; John Davis, Domestic Inspector; Ralph DePalma, IT; Josh Clement, IT; Denise
Rohrer, Auditor; Ryan McCarthy, KeyNoter and a Key West Citizen Reporter.
GUESTS PRESENT: Howard Hubbard and Michael Giardino.
BILL SOUTHCOTT led the Invocation.
CHAIRMAN SHAW called the Meeting to Order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
ON ROLL CALL: All Commissioners were present.
CHAIRMAN SHAW then introduced the new Commissioner Phil Goodman.
A MOTION WAS MADE BY Commissioner Bridges and seconded by Commissioner
Smith to approve the Agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
A MOTION WAS MADE BY Commissioner Lord-Papy and seconded by
Commissioner Bridges to approve the Minutes of the Workshop and Regular Meeting
held April 18, 2011 and the Special Meeting held May 4, 2011. Following a roll call vote
the motion carried unanimously.
ATTORNEY SCOTT BLACK stated he was contacted this week by Attorney Margaret
Mevers who is representing the District in the Michael Spoto appeal case and she was
contacted by the State Attorney’s office where they were asking for the District’s input
on a negotiated plea offer that was being made, but before the State Attorney enters into
any negotiated plea they like to take into account the impact on victims and the victims
intents and get any recommendations which in this case it would be the board. Mr. Black
continued, what Attorney Mevers would like to do is address the board at the next
meeting and explain the terms of the plea, receive input from the board and then relay
that information to the State Attorney’s office so that they can move forward with the
criminal case. Mary Victores stated our next meeting is on the 20th. Commissioner Smith
asked if this would be a closed session. Scott Black responded it will be an open meeting.
Mary Victores stated the June 20th meeting is scheduled for Key West but since we held
the interviews in Marathon we are not scheduled to go to Key Largo again until August.
A short discussion was held concerning changing the location of the June 20th meeting to
Key Largo. Andrea Leal stated if we rotate from now on out, we will end up in Marathon
for the Christmas meeting. Everyone agreed.
ANDREA LEAL, ACTING DIRECTOR gave the operational report for May and
informed the board that our DACS Funding has been cut from $2.19 million down to
$1.29 million and our portion has gone from about $35,000.00 down to about $18,000.00.
She continued, we did hold our annual meeting with the US Fish and Wildlife Service
and we have our permit in place at least until the end of this month. She continued they
are working on a new permit for us to larvicide the new islands, and nothing else should
be changing. She further continued that she did attend the AMCA Washington Days
where they talked about the NPDES fix as well as the sterile male technique. Last, as far
as Dengue goes we have no confirmed or suspected cases at this time.
CHAIRMAN SHAW stated after speaking with Mr. Van Waddill a retired Entomologist
with the State of Florida about moving the PCR Machine he found out that they move
their machine all the time, but if we wanted to put it in a car and take it to Key West the
only way the warranty would stay intact is to have the machine recalibrated. He
continued Andrea is checking to see if we could use some available office space that we
already have before we build the lab so we can put this machine to use right now.
Andrea Leal addressed the board stating after consulting with our PCR Biologist, she
recommends that it does not be moved unless we recalibrate it. She continued there are a
number of other machines that would also require professional recalibration and in
addition we do need a 220 outlet installed and there may be some air conditioner issues
with all these machines running as well as the need to do some tile work and install a
sink. She further continued that the door to this room would always have to be closed and
no one would be allowed in except for the biologist due to contamination. Chairman
Shaw stated at least if we can do this we can start testing now, as if we have to wait until
the lab is built we will not be able to test mosquitoes until three quarters of the mosquito
season is over. Commissioner Lord-Papy stated she felt we need to move on this as this
has been put off for a long time. Commissioner Bridges stated he would love to have a
new lab, but this is unbudgeted money and we can do a little electric and plumbing work
in this break room and we can run the test in there until we do have better times and may
be able to install the lab. Andrea Leal stated she felt we are still looking at a substantial
cost to put the lab into a temporary setting, but it is definitely the pleasure of the board.
Commissioner Goodman asked how long it will take to get the additional equipment
ordered and received that need to be used along with this machine. Andrea Leal
responded she is not sure. Chairman Shaw stated he wants to see this machine being used
and felt we need to get an estimate on what is needed to make these rooms useable to be
able to set up this machine and begin testing. Commissioner Smith asked how much
room is needed for this. Andrea Leal stated she would not want to go any smaller than
what the plans for the upstairs calls for now as those plans were drawn for the machines
that still need to be ordered and they did not leave that much additional space.
Commissioner Goodman asked if the manufacturer of the test equipment offers any
service to come and look at the space and make recommendations for a lower cost option.
Andrea Leal stated she is not sure, but this is something that we can check into and she
knows that our PCR Biologist has been in contact with a number of PCR experts.
Commissioner Bridges stated if it would cost less that $15,000.00 we could use the space
that we already have without going out for bids. Commissioner Smith stated his is game
to check that out and Chairman Shaw stated he is to.
COMMISSIONER BRIDGES made a motion to table Bid No. 2011-05 until the next
meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Chairman Shaw stated we have put
this off for a long time and he would like to see this information brought back to the
board at the June 20th meeting. He also suggested that we contact the people that bid on
this to let them know a decision will not be made until the 20th. Following a roll call vote
the motion carried unanimously.
A SHORT DISCUSSION WAS HELD concerning the contracts for advertising in
Marathon and Upper Keys Weekly and on Konk AM with Commissioner Bridges stating
he heard that Konk AM is just internet now. Andrea Leal responded that they are on the
air. Commissioner Smith stated he heard that also. Andrea Leal stated she will check into
this. Chairman Shaw suggest approving the Marathon and Upper Keys Weekly tonight
and putting the Konk AM on the June 20th meeting agenda. A motion was then made by
Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Bridges to approve the contract
with the Marathon and Upper Keys Weekly and to put the contract for Konk AM on the
June 20th Agenda. Following a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
DOMESTIC SUPERVISOR, MIKKI COSS addressed the Board stating she has three
inspectors that were hired in 2008 and 2009 at a much lower rate than the eight domestic
inspectors hired in 2010, so she would like to bring them up in line with the other
inspectors. She continued all three of these inspectors are great inspectors and one was
started at $13.00 and the other two at $13.50, and of course they have had raises if they
passed their exams. She continued if her newest inspectors passed all of their exams and
done everything possible they can be making $17.00 plus their 3% merit raise, which
would total $17.49. She further continued that one of these is now making $15.11, one
making $16.44 and one making $17.37 and this person does an outstanding job and he
goes over and above what is required of him. Following a short discussion a motion was
made by Commissioner Smith to fix the salary issue. Bill Southcott asked how much.
Commissioner Smith suggested a .75 cent increase for ones making $15.11 and $16.44
and a .62 cent increase for the one making $17.37. Commissioner Bridges seconded the
motion. Following a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
CHAIRMAN SHAW stated that employers all over the country have promised
retirement benefits to their employees and did not fund them. He continued these figures
need to be placed in the budget, so in the past we began to set money aside for our
employees health benefits because we have promised them. He further continued that this
board had put away $2.8 million dollars for this and last year instead of cutting expenses
we put about $2 million dollars of this reserve money into our operating budget, so the
other $792,535.00 is still in our budget as a reserve. A motion was then made by
Commissioner Smith to begin funding our Retirees Health Insurance Trust with the
$792,535.00 we have set aside. Commissioner Bridges seconded the motion and asked
what that will leave us as far as reserves. Bill Southcott responded that $792.535.00 is not
listed as a reserve item, it is an expenditure item. He continued what needs to be in the
motion is to vote to spend that $792,535.00 to fund the Health Insurance Trust.
Commissioner Smith amended his motion to spend $792,535.00 to fund the District
Health Insurance Trust and Commissioner Bridges amended his second. Commissioner
Goodman asked if this will be a recurring item each year. Bill Southcott stated that is
correct, it will be amortized over each year. He continued we did our actuary study two
years ago and at that time our liability was $1.8 million and during the budget process
things were moved around and cut. He further continued that the board can chose not
fund it in a future year if things are tough or they can chose to fund it again.
Commissioner Smith asked if we are still offering these benefits to new hires. Chairman
Shaw responded no. Commissioner Goodman asked who will manage this trust. Bill
Southcott stated that is a totally separate issue for the board to decide and the board needs
to establish the trustees, the administrator and auditor. Commissioner Goodman stated
that the only alternative is to pay as you go. Bill Southcott responded that is correct.
Commissioner Bridges stated this is a liability that we have and by going ahead and
biting the bullet now it will hopefully prevent this debt from doubling in the next few
years. Following no further discussion the roll was called and the motion carried
CHAIRMAN SHAW stated he was impressed by the number of applications that we
received and the number with mosquito control experience. He continued that he was
looking for someone with good communication skills, business and management
experience and mosquito control experience with a degree in entomology. He also
commented that he felt tonight we should all chose who we would like and discuss a offer
we would like to make as far as salary, but we do not need to get into the entire contract
tonight. Following a short discussion on how other board members would like to see this
done, Chairman Shaw stated he liked Michael Doyle. Commissioner Goodman agreed
stating he was his number one choice also. Commissioner Bridges stated he was highly
impressed by Michael Doyle himself, but his first choice is Dr. Hu. Commissioner Smith
asked what Mr. Doyle’s salary is now. Chairman Shaw stated he thought Mr. Doyle’s
salary was in the low 50’s, but felt in order to get someone to come to this area we will
need to offer a salary of at least $120,000.00. Commissioner Bridges stated we do not
necessary have to offer that much in the beginning as we can give someone a contract and
have the contract renewable at another salary. Commissioner Smith stated he felt we
should offer a three year contract and he also liked Michael Doyle and second he would
have chosen Allan Inman. Chairman Shaw passed the gavel and made a motion that we
hire Michael Doyle as our new Director. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion.
Following a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Shaw stated we need to talk about salary and the length of the contract.
Commissioner Goodman stated he felt if we are going to give a three year contract with
some stipulations for the first part of it, we should lay out the salary now, so we would
not have to negotiate for a couple of years. Commissioner Smith stated he felt we could
set a range such as a hired salary and have something in the contract that says at the end
of each year there is a possible salary adjustment not to exceed X%. Commissioner
Bridges stated that sounds good to him. Chairman Shaw stated after speaking with Mr.
Doyle it sounds like it may take between $115,000.00 and $120,000.00 to get him here.
Commissioner Smith stated he felt that is a reasonable starting salary. Commissioner
Bridges suggested offering Mr. Doyle $110,000.00 for the first year, with a second year
increase of up to 8% ($118,100.00) and possibly another increase up to 8% ($127,548.00)
based on performance after that. Chairman Shaw stated he felt that is fair. Commissioner
Goodman agreed. Chairman Shaw stated he felt we have enough information that he
could call him after the meeting. Commissioner Bridges suggested calling Mr. Doyle
right now.
Chairman Shaw stated Mr. Doyle is very excited about the offer and he asked if we could
put together a benefit package for him to review and that he also wants to talk to his wife
about it. He continued Mr. Doyle will call him back after he speaks to his wife and
reviews he benefit package.
A MOTION WAS MADE BY Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner
Bridges to approve the following:
Budget Analysis through April 2011.
District Finances through the date of the meeting.
Cash Disbursements approved for payment, subject to the verification of the SecretaryTreasurer, as well as Commissioners’ expenses to the next board meeting.
Following a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Shaw stated at the request of Commissioner Goodman he would like to have a
visual financial report every month at our meeting that shows how we are coming along
in the budget. Commissioner Goodman stated the main thing he would like to see is what
we are spending out of the budget (the taxpayer’s money) versus the reserves.
Commissioner Bridges stated he was talking with someone the other day and was told
that when the building was built down in Key West the Mason’s laid a cornerstone and
the cornerstone was removed by the previous director. He continued after speaking with
someone that is a Mason he was told they would be honored to have the cornerstone put
back on. Chairman Shaw stated he felt we could have it put back on.
THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS to come before the Board, a motion was
made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Lord-Papy that the
meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Leal, Acting Director
Board of Commissioners
Florida Keys Mosquito Control District
William J. Shaw, Chairman
Stephen Smith, Secretary-Treasurer
For more specific information or detail of the meeting, please refer to the tape recording
of the meeting.